Why would anyone shoot a girl before throwing her off a roof?
Detroit: Become Human
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Apparently she flies real good
>Misread that as "she feels real good"
Sup Forums is seriously taking a toll on me.
Time for some rest?
Why would you shoot a man after throwing him out of an airplane?
i mean if hes armed and you luckily have a parachute, do you really want to take the chance?
what if she has a parachute
What if you're a parachute
If I took it off would she die?
I love bane/cia memes
This trailer looked really good but everything after has looked worse and worse. Just give me my fucking Snatcher game where I can shoot the hostage because it's the only way to break the stalemate and they programmed me for cold hard game theory instead of compassion.
Just to make sure they are dead since letting fall to death is pretty damn inhumane in my eyes. So might as well end it quick and just throw them out for fear tactics purposes.
B-But I thought the androids were suppose to be good bois who dindu nuffin.
Seriously, Cage has been saying how the androids are suppose to be good and humans bad, yet the two game play videos they've shown have androids throwing molotovs at public property and holding a child at gunpoint. How the fuck am i suppose to be rooting for them?
>she reaches up to his brow
Damn, she's a big girl.
Similar to how we're supposed to feel bad for the dindus who riot and loot stores, they're oppressed.
>androids were suppose to be good bois
If they set that android free it will be the end of all of us! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
But that doesn't make sense, why put the responsibility of a life on you when the criminal will kill the hostage anyway if you act? Just act if you want to ignore the hostage, and there might be a chance that the criminal won't even shoot her. Unless you want some kind of surprise effect on a cornered person
You're thinking in terms of an isolated event. Game theory in this case says terminate the hostage because it sets a precedent that weakens the position of all future hostage takers, while also allowing you to get the jump on the hostage taker in this situation and take him alive where he can be called to answer for the death of the hostage.
I like your logic, but it wouldn't make sense for the hostage taker to answer for the death of said hostage, he didn't pull the trigger. Sure, it was him who kidnapped him in the first place, but even setting aside the moral issues with Killin an innocent, legally the responsible for one's death is on who pulled the trigger, and if it were otherwise it would be a law too easy to circumvent in your favour in a tribunal
Is it just me or does it look better graphically now than it did last year? Starts at about 2:40
why not shoot them after throwing them out?
The target is accelerating away at about 9.8m/s, faster if you're in a plane, and the pistol has a pretty short max effective range.
git gud fgt
Do you think that girl can die?
Yup. That's the whole point of the game.
Plot twist: The guy is a human and the girl is an android
he didn't shoot her
Its so if he gets shot she falls with him
>he didn't shoot her
Oh well then she's perfectly fine after that drop. My mistake.
He didn't fly so good
>They slaughtered us like animals.
>After we chimped out and destroyed public and police property and start throwing around petrol bombs.
>Let's kill this cop who was literally just doing his job!
Why did he need that gigantic gun in the first place anyway? Can he shoot protag?
You're turning me on.
Why would you dive like that, holy shit. All he did was make sure he wasn't gonna get close enough to grab her arm
On the topic of Quantic Dream games, is Heavy Rain worth it? Just finished Until Dawn and that was alright despite some severe flaws. I also enjoyed Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy forever ago before it went full on crazy on the story. Heavy Rain is $30 though, is it worth that much for the story? Is it closer to a telltale game where your choices change basically nothing?
my wife enjoyed it, only good for a single playthrough really though
where all the black people.
Is this an anti cop game?
Fucking this.
Even fucking Mass Effect handled it better with Quarians chimping out when Geth asked about having a soul. Here it seems like androids decided "fak u human bitches now we rul" and got their shit handed to them. Instead of choosing a peaceful way like humans did for centuries now, they go fucking crazy and get surprised. Fuck, revolution is not a way to change anything.
The premise for this game is so fucking bad. Why would anyone EVER create androids without implementing something akin to the three laws of robotics?
Heavy rain is the best out of all the David cage games, which isn't saying much desu.
cant wait till that loli model gets ripped and then used in all sorts of bestiality related animations..
Binary Domain got an anime?
The only way the story would even approach a semblance of good is if there is a twist at the end where you find out that you were a prototype bot that was kidnapped by delusional activists and at the end you not only find out that the androids and gynoids that you were freeing, were nothing more than glorified automatons and the real A.I. has been ruling from the shadows all along.
>start of the final cutscene
>"come, meet your brothers"
>mfw his brothers are all room encompassing towers
Might pick it up for PS4 then. Skipped the PS3 so now I'm picking up on what I missed. Doesn't seem to be much, but I've been having fun.
Tell me about Detroit, why are there no any humans?!