WebM Thread

Last one about hit Bump Limit





hope this isn't lewd

I miss BC2


>nothing interesting happened
Why would you post that?


Which one, anons?
By the way, she's 14 in that game.

This looks awesome, what is it?
Oh, Nintendo...into the trash it goes I guess...


Didn't know what the webm was

who game this is?





Why is it that '''retro''' indie shit is always infinitely more shallow mechanically than actual retro shit

especially belt scrollers

It actually has more depth than 90% of beat em ups.


is this game still alive? I want to go back to fun mp games and bfbc2 was the go-to. PC btw



>m16 with grenade launcher and iconic barrel shroud
>fuck up the aesthetics with sight

special place in hell for these people.


Can you honestly say this furfag shit has more depth than SoR3 m8

Yeah. Have you played SoR3? This game has parries, air combos and animation canceling. Its actually really good as someone who almost exclusively plays retro games.


>5k nukes
>4.1m dead
You could have just dropped a half dozen on Tel Aviv/Jerusalem then sit back as the Palis and Judeans went full Old Testament on each other.

I wish i could pause this to read it

Twilight Spirits
