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Video Games #3917
Video Games
Post enemies that unnerve you
Remember, no Playstation
Senran Kagura Otome then
When did you realize Sup Forums was always wrong...
PUBG or Fornite?
*slams book on table*
Super Mario Odyssey
Ace Combat
What are good or comfy video games to play while stoned?
Kill skeleton
ITT: Scenes that made you cry
What went wrong?
Objective: survive
Can some nolife faggot recommend me a good dating game? i dont know much about the genre...
Sonic Forces isn't looking so good right now
Game theme music
Why did it take dropping on atom bomb on boston to turn everyone in to skin eating freaks
Dude turn on ur mic
Can we finally agree WRPGs > JRPGs?
Will you purchase 大神 絶景版 for you PS4?
So we all agree it was a good reboot right?
Only hobby is video games
I'm disgusted by this board lately, more than ever
This is a thread made for the express purpose of loving and praising the Literally Perfect Goddess...
Nintendo Switch
It's that time again
Redpill me on half life Sup Forums
The year is 2022, and every RPG now features a trans-female protagonist. Most NPCs are now SJW archetypes
See a thread on Sup Forums of people talking about their experiences befriending other Sup Forumsirgins
It's fucking garbage. I'm so fucking disappointed
Boss can pause the game
Who was in the wrong here?
Which game did the best in terms of introducing a God like being
My 1080 shot sparks, I have never in my life seen a gpu do that
Why is Asia so much better at elf characters?
Without mentioning the developer or the low player count what don't you like about this game?
VineSause Vidya Streams
The USA has created some of if not the most beautiful elves in fiction from a wide range of literature, movies...
Gonna leave in a couple hours to go line up outside of the walmart here in Toronto. They open at 7...
Only four dungeons, each can be completed in 20 minutes, they took me 35 minutes each
Give me a reason why i should get ps4
Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza Thread
Morning lads
What does everyone think of the new RDR trailer?
Just imagine how hot she would be without the cult of political correctness
Which MMOs are/were good? Are/were any of them? Never played one before...
You have seven hours to name a good turn based strategy game with an active enough community that I can just use the...
How do you think they're going to explain why he isn't mentioned or referred to in the first game?
Summer lesson thread
What's your dream game Sup Forums?
What are the smartest type of gamers?
Sup Forums tells you a game is shit
Should I play the first one before this...
Nintendo: home wrecker and cash suck
Pale skinned Shantae!
When was the last time you did something nice for a fellow gamer?
Why aren't there swastikas in COD WW2?
What type of mods would you like to see for Fallout 4 to improve the experience?
This was always a good game
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
7 hecking days
What would Wonder Woman: the Game be?
I picked one of these up off craigslist for about $30 a couple years ago. It came with a mario/duckhunt...
ITT: Games you replay annually/monthly
Do people in twitch make a lot of money?
Fuck it. I wanna Hun some Mons. Where should I start?
Talk shit
Have you ever felt betrayed by a game developer?
Is the greatest hack n slash of all time?
What the fuck? People went to get FIFA 18 at midnight? Aren't those games the same shit every year?
Another fucking warhammer total war yet no (proper) Deus vult
What's the video game equivalent of this? Age Of Empires II?
Sales so bad they have to sell off overstock
Atlus shut down a PC port of Persona 5, which led to a discussion about piracy
Why are video game movies almost always terrible?
What are some appropriate video games to play when my heater stopped working and I'm freezing my ass off?
Doctor Freeman I presume?
What's it gonna be, Sup Forums?
Want to play Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin: Game of the year edition because I never bought or played the DLC...
Total Warhammer 2
Boogie lost over 90 lbs in 8 weeks
What will the final boss be?
If you bought this you're on a list
Lawbreakers is literally FREE this weekend on Steam
Why do girls pretend to like video games?
ITT: Characters guaranteed to be in Smash 5
What are some good Finnish games?
Anyone have it yet?
What did she mean by this?
Is Driveclub still the best looking current gen racing game?
Hey Sup Forums what are you all gonna do with your SNES Classics?
I bought the game because it has cute girls in it
She is Varla Guns
Blindfag here
Games you think everyone should try
Programmer here. I hooked up with a small team to produce a JRPG for digital platforms...
Does it have any replay value?
Under Night In-birth
Name one element that immediately makes a game worse
Is this the only game where I can play as a real life murderer?
Anyone else picking up Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch? it really looks like a whole new experience for everyone :)
Will you buy American McGee's next Alice game?
Favorite assassins creed?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Who's the best side-kick in all of gaming?
This is the spokesperson for the french resistance. Notice anything?
What's the most popular free to play mmorpg these days?
Have too many games to choose from
That's it, I'm done. I can't play vidya anymore. This forced diversity has officially ruined games for me...
It looks fun
Be in public
What's the worst game you've ever played?
Weight loss
Come back with me
When was the last time you went to Gamestop? It has been a while, hasn't it?
So how will maniafags recover tomorrow when their derivative nostalgia bait is destroyed by an actual 2D platformer?
Game is bad!!
Be me
ITT: Video game villains who literally did nothing wrong. I'll start
This reward is not available in your registered country/region
Why is the J-Pop in Neptunia so good?
Play, Optional, Avoid
What games do you regret buying? Pic related
Sup Forums plays minecraft
Why are they putting SSJ2 Gohan in before any other version of Gohan? Nobody even likes SSJ2 Gohan anymore
Daily reminder that this is the superior Nozomi design
Have you shown love to your switch today? What are you playing?
Witcher 3 is about to get BTFO in spring 2018
Are you guys ready to add a Dancer(male) to your party?
Xenoblade Japan Time Soon
Square Enix announces survival action shooter Left Alive for PS4
Latest installment in primarily singleplayer franchise has a strong multiplayer focus
Post Videogame Secrets that most people dont know
Tell me your perfect game in two greentext lines or less
Shh Aniki is sleeping
BB/GG thread
Doki Doki Literature Club
Mercy is the only good thing to come out of Overwatch
What are your hopes and expectations for Shadow of the Tomb Raider?
E3 2018
Who is Pi master race here?
Tfw finally getting my game on in DL
*Steals your playerbase*
Sony president: "No market for handhelds"
Castlevania thread
Well, I just beat KH1 for the first time and it wasn’t all it was hyped up to be. Do the sequels get more fun...
Why is this one guy the only character so far that seems to recognize Mario is not from the same universe as him?
I'm just now noticing this after all these years...
How's that dungeon crawling coming along?
Samus Returns
Why do all the character models in this game look so bulky? They look like rescue heroes with guns
What CPU do you use for gaming?
Do you pronounce is "snezz" or "ess en ee ess"?
Is this any good?
Ciri is dead
Why does Sup Forums hate this game so much? Its not that bad
Will you be purchasing MGS Survive user?
What went wrong?
Why are you not expanding your oil empire right now Sup Forums?
Star Fox 2
This game is now 6 years old
ITT: Vidya misconceptions
Am I the only one who doesn't want the next GTA to be set in Vice City? I just think it's too similar to Los Santos
Leave Resident Evil 7 to me
*Assassinates remaining remaining Jedi*
LITERAL NAZI in A Hat in Time
ITT: Games normies will never understand
Are there any good cooking games out there?
Why is this man still working?
Is it too late to enjoy this game? How about Red Dead Revolver?
Is this unironically already GOTY 2018? What else could it really be?
Favourite weapon type in games? Can be anything: guns, swords, bombs
Like 20 years later
Is this worth it for $4?
Also general Metroid thread if you want
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Two week old mmo
This is it. The bottom of the barrel. I challenge you to find something worse
Rolled back to an old version and been enjoying playing beta 1.7.3. Anyone else playing old Minecraft?
Aside from the bonus stages, is this the best platformer ever made?
Want to replay a game
Anyone else enjoying Mario X-Com here...
September 28, 2017
ITT: Shit that would trigger only newfags
What do you want from Metroid V?
Real life facts you learned from video games
Why are these games hated so much? Is it simply because they aren't 8-bit?
Who is the best male videogame charachter?
So... what happened ?
Do you guys like Payday?
How to stretch 5 hours worth of content into fucking 50 hours of nonsense and dogshit
What's your opinion of this game...
This is still the most technically proficient 3D platformer
How do we convince gamers to stop going against their financial interests?
Did Max ever have lewd thoughts about his sister?
It wasn't a bad console
So now that the Playstation Vita is officially dead what are your final thoughts on it?
Why are so many gamers these days corporate cocksuckers?
Gwyn was right
You will niemals again marathon Silent Hill 1-3 blindly for the first time ever
Are there any game series that get progressively better every entry?
Favorite game
Help me fill out this chart, Sup Forums
What the fuck was its problem?
So I just finished installing the Open Beta. I wanted to check it out and see if CoD was still fun...
What are some games where the villain ends up joining your party?
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Not owning an high-end console and an high-end PC
Post good vg music that isn't posted every thread
Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka!!
Is PSP the best handheld to play emulated games?
It's a "Sup Forums acts nostalgic over a game from less than 10 years ago" episode
Main character is redesigned in sequel and ruined
How do we fix the horror genre?
Orange Juice 100%
Sonic Mania Thread
Hey Sup Forums? How're you liking Pokken DX? Who're you maining?
This is the state of Sup Forums right now
Haha Yoshi's beta design is silly haha. What does Sup Forums think?
What's your opinion about ENBs?
What games have enemies that you don't want to kill?
Sup Forums is assmad about this game...
Games only you remember
What went wrong?
Turned 30
Fire Emblem Warriors
Is he a Sup Forumsirgin?
I have 60 dollars, should I get Skyrim or GTA 5?
Who is playing the GOTY?
How did the series fall so far?
Sega's putting bestiality in their Sonic games again
What games do you play while driving Sup Forums?
Studying Floating Point Errors in Oblivion
"It is a story under development of "Super Mario Maker", but when Yoshi of "Mario World" talks out...
Literally nobody cares about Gundam Versus coming out in a few hours
Why is Cuphead getting so much hate on Sup Forums? I don't get it, I feel like I'm missing out on something
You can't come up with a Zelda subtitle without making it sound cheap
Really, no thread?
Xbox Live Indie Games shuts down tomorrow
Shit boy, XB2 is coming along nicely. This looks beyond amazing artistically...
Literally who?
Having a really hard time getting into this game, since I played Jagged Alliance Back in Action before it...
So, I'm downloading this. Is it any fun? My brothers are bursting my balls over PUBG, but I'm pretty poorfag right now...
Is this thing really worth $70?
Why does everyone run in Monster Hunter like they've shit their pants?
ITT: Series that have NEVER had a good game
Why do people give money to streamers?
Which series is it, Sup Forums?
Why is she so perfect bros?
Why is this game so fucking fun?
So I've recently started this series and have played DR 1 and 2 but I cant figure out why this chick is so...
Gen 7 jrpgs
Hiya user!
So... uhhh... this happened
Did you pick up this hidden indie gem? 10/10 goty in my book. Hollow knight thread!
What does Sup Forums think of Fume Knight?
Screenshots thread. Post your shitty screenshots and pretend to care about anyone else's
Even Mario remakes have been affected by SJW pandering
Sup Forums prefers the GBA sprites to the 3DS
Final Thoughts on MGSV?
What went wrong?
ITT: Underappreciated and Misinterpreted Games
ITT: Shitty games that flopped so hard nobody even remembers them
I'm still learning c#, but Why doesn' t unity have c++?
Mfw I realize life is literally like an RPG
So just how bad is it?
Just bought a Switch and BOTW yesterday? Any tips for someone starting out?
Gorgeous vistas
Not gonna lie, former Cliffy supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Cliffy B crash and burn...
Dragonball Fighter Z
This game is fantastic
I already watched the original anime
Hey Sheldon, what are you doing?
New research finds a strong link between the presence of such devices in youngsters' bedrooms and a number of unwanted...
Thanks for ruining SMRPG for us with your stupid fear of colors, America
So after Sonic Forces bombs, what’s next for the series?
PYRE update
Games you liked more than you thought you would
Why did they make her so fucking ugly?
So uh, was this really BB or what?
Sup Forums BTFO!
He does have a point
I picked up KI after it released on steam yesterday, this is my first time playing a Killer Instinct game...
How does Sup Forums justify piracy?
3x3 mosaic
Sup Forums says a game is shit
Game development Thread
How do we go from this
Why is this considered the worst expansion again?
Cold Steel III
Well, Sup Forums?
How do we fix RPGs?
Stop having fun
What separates a "casual gamer" from a "hardcore gamer"?
Battle Royale Comparison Thread
So this is the evolution of the Mario characters
I'm the
How would you make a Homestar Runner game, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums BTFO
Is this the best Castlevania in the series?
Good for Nintendo, but I'm not sure how long it will last. PS4 is already sold EIGHTY million units
What the fuck happened?
The big debate
PS4 cracked and Denuvo is over
You will soon be able to purchase a survival mode dlc for skyrim
Has Twitch changed the industry?
Is he going to an hero?
ITT: developers who have literally never made a bad game
What can change the nature of a man?
Don't discuss game design until you understand and agree with this image
WebM Thread
Nintendo hates Pikmin 2
You have no excuse not to own a Switch
Ay give me some old school doom clones I beat blood recently and am fiending for more
Let's settle this once and for all, the best game in the original Mega Man series is _
This is Miyu and Fay, tomorrow they will be officially canon in Star Fox's Universe
You are tasked with making this jerboa relevant again. What do you do?
Ok so the ground always burning gets pretty annoying since it's in every battle
Star Fox thread
Who's ready for a decade of Battle Royale games?
Danganronpa v3
When they get to making Skullgirls 2 down the line, what changes would you like to see?
Samus Returns RUINED Metroid II
What is you favorite game and what type of narrative conflict is it?
Monkey's Paw Thread
What games let me play as the Grim Reaper?
Are there any cheat codes you remember by heart, Sup Forums?
What are some examples where companies had a game down right and...
What did the son of man say unto them?
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
!!WATCH OUT!! GOTY comin thru
ITT: Risk of rain
Why haven't you pre-ordered?
They're actually going to call this shit battlefront 2
Super Mario Run
Doki Doki Literature Club
What is the worst video game fanbase?
I make a thread about a game I genuinely love and want to discuss
Give me your list of essential pc vidya (2007-2017)
Why are PC gamers so fucking angry all the time? Can do they even enjoy games at all? Or is PC gaming really this shit?
This is the new "french" captain in COD WW2, say something nice about him
OpenXCOM Thread
Hopes? Fears? Expectations?
Real Actual Red Dead Thread: Redemption Edition
Dokkan battle thread
Call E is playable
Games that were totally ruined by fan feedback
Nope because most tele's already can do this but it decreases the refresh rate and can cause issues with scaling images...
You have been banned from the server
How would you design It: The Video Game?
So this comes out soon does anyone really give a shit? Looks like it's gonna be a huge flop
Dark Souls is so le hard!
If you:
Why is western animation so shit when compared to Japanese animation?
Is he /OurGuy/?
Meanwhile on Azeroth
What does Sup Forums do to earn money to support their vidya habit?
What do you like the most about boss battles Sup Forums
Any logical reason you didn't buy NEW GAME! THE CHALLENGE STAGE! for your PS4 or Vita?
I am most certainly in the mood today
I just 1cc'd touhou subterranean animism on lunatic
The day we went to war
Tfw playing my switch in bedroom
Quality vs Quantity
SNES Classic Thread
Wake up
What would happen if every person that's ever posted on Sup Forums was transported to the Pokemon world?
Why can I only sit down and play vidya when I'm drinking?
ITT: Characters you will never understand why people like
2017 is almost over
What's the maximum you're willing to pay for a video game?
Now that de_dust has settled which is the superior version of Counter Strike?
Would you go to a My Chemical Romance concert with Nyx?
$1,000 for a digital bandana
Isn't it just sad? Just unfair? How Morrigan is so much better than Yen but Dragon Age is so much worse than Witcher?
Times when vidya got you laid
I solely listen to video game music
James honey... did something happen to you? After we got separated in that long hallway...
You don't play video games in public right?
Name a more complex video game
How long before SJWS complain about RDR 2
When did you realize that mobile games are a mistake?
Cuphead predictions
Sorry bro these have been reserved for mr scalperino, we have just gotten fifa 18 though
Name a better RPG
Have you ever bought a game for one girl?
Forza 7
Sonic Forces
Yakuza garbage
Would you ever start streaming games on twitch?
Why are people so hyped for Peaches castle returning in Odyssey? It's already been done to death...
What would a mature Pokémon game be like?
Buyers regret thread?
Why isn't anyone talking about this game? It's really great and it just came out
Out of all the shrinking circular walls of death, gas, electric zappy field and whatever fortnite is supposed to be...
This is Emily Kaldwin
Buy my game
Hob thread
Golf Story thread
Is it really that bad?
How do you feel about this lawyer?
We are leaving!
You can't name a game with a better soundtrack
A single x-parasite got into the world of the last vidya you played. How fucked are they?
What a game this was, nowhere as tense as Silent Hill 1 or 3 but definitely the most touching one
Why the FUCK after all this time do these faggot niggers STILL not let you change your username??????...
Meanwhile, on Morrowind Sup Forums
Why is rumpfh so unpopular?
That game that leaves you feeling empty and depressed once you finish it
What are some games where the medic class is more combat focused then support focused...
I voted for Hillary
Things that you dislike in vidya
Someone on the board has an opinion they don't agree with
ITT: We admit we were wrong about Fortnite Battle Royale
Jon was right. Arin was a bitch
Fire Emblem crossovers was a bad idea
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Switch weaker than 7th gen
Steamcharts thread
What games does he play?
Whats your excuse to not being playing CODWW2 right now?
Is just a impression of mine or the writing in this game is shit? The dialogue feels really off and badly written...
Open it, go when ready
Are you ready Sup Forums
Finding 10/10 games in all the shit
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
Self-imposed challenges
ITT: We admit we were wrong about Horizon Zero Dawn
Be honest. This looks awful
This would have been nice
Why aren't jaguars more common in videogames?
ITT: Tropes that you hate
So, anyone heard anything else? Anyone as hyped as I am?I can only hope it's at least Age of Mythology quality...
Is he right about Nier: Automata?
Breath of the Wild is being modded on Cemu. You can currently play as Carl (follow the damn train) J, Woody, Waluigi...
SFV Underperforms
What can we do about (((them))) shitting up modern gaming with anti conservative propaganda...
Post your top five games and other anons try to guess something about you
He doesn't think jungle levels are objectively patrician taste
Atlus DMCA takedown RPCS3 and multiplat potential for P5
The perfect game doesn't exi-
What does Sup Forums think about Rocket League? I never see it being discussed in here. Is it a reddit-tier game?
Red Dead SJW 2
/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General
ITT: We admit we were wrong about the switch
Is she the most well written female protagonist in videogames?
It's up
Name a better minigame than Blitzball
Overrated shit or modern masterpiece?
Doodle or die tread because the other one died and there are still chains to finish
Gay people of Sup Forums, how did you feel during this part?
He didnt main Dark Donald
What class should I pick?
What went right?
bideo gems
Which is better?
Hi, I'm the best Castlevania game
Like It or Not, Cuphead is Not Coming to PS4/Nintendo Switch
Gravity Rush 2 Online Functions Shutting Down in January
Monster Hunter World Thread
Guild Wars 1
Will we ever get to go to Black Marsh?
Be honest, did you take him seriously the first time you watched him?
Back when I was alive I used to play this all the time over and over again. Now I rarely play games a second time...
Being Gamer and Having GF
Platinum should make a [anime] game!!!
The last two games you played have merged into one. Describe that game
Build that gaming pc yet Sup Forums?
Who is the best dog in video games?
I'LL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!
Do you think video games will ever be considered a serious art form?
Is this board good?
What casualized games
Red Red Redemption 2 PC confirmed
Reminder that sony is the best video game company
RDR2 confirmed
Why do casuals like movie games with quick time events so much?
Has there ever been a remake that was objectively better than the original?
You'll buy two, you'll buy two, you'll buy TWO, YOU'LL BUY TWO-
I just had an emotional breakdown and deleted all my steam friends
How do we fix Xseed?
Red Dead Redemption 2
It's here
How do I get gud at fighting games?
I agree
What the fuck is even the point of speedrunning?
The flood has invaded the world of the last video game you played
What are your 3 least favorite nationalities to play multiplayer games with?
WHO made YoRHa?
PC Gaming: what went wrong?
This is neo-minecraft, what is the Sup Forumseridict?
Is there any "good" mobile games with anime woman? Any genre
Games where i can be a kot?
Shenmue 3 Facial Animation Update
Make an interesting game
Imagine if it had Nintendo branding. Would they need to invent new scores?
Buying weeb game on gamestop
This game looks so fucking gay
What am i in for?
ITT: Describe a game you never played based on their threads on Sup Forums
Are there any games to feel close to Moomin?
Xbox, find me a job
Open beta starts tomorrow
Thinking about upgrading my PC
Why did Mafia 3 flop again?
What the fuck? you people told me this game was shit and i think it's really fucking good...
T-minus 45 minutes !!!!!
Cuphead comes out in less than 24 hours and no one cares
Metroid thread
Silent Hill bread
The 50 Best Games Ever (according to
Do you like him?
Real horror games don't have jumpscares!
This game looks so fucking incredible, holy shit. Literally pure adventure again just like the first Xenoblade
Games that were a let down compared to their previous entries
Want to play a beast race
Infinity Engine
Do you describe yourself as a "gamer?"
In this last 3 months, i cant finish any single video games
Quit job
This is the only good Danganronpa
2000s fps thread
Danganronpa v3
Reminder that nintendo is the best video game company
Paladins > Ogrecrotch
ITT: ludonarrative consistency
How were you supposed to figure out they're vulnerable to physics damage?
Hand it over, that thing, your Final Fantasy
This is the most laid back Persona 5 girl, Ann. Say something to make her blush!
What did she mean by this?
Hey does Sup Forums have any tier lists like the other literature focused boards?
Elder Scrolls 6
Volitin Firing Useless Employees
Who do you pick?
Perfect protagonists don't exi-
Hey Sup Forums
Good hearted soul
The good life by Swery65 reveals DOGS and CATS versions
When will total war warhammer 2 gets available on torrents?
Game has tomboys
We love GOTY
Grand Strategy
Switch thread
Why is vidya so expensive compared to other hobbies?
I'm a couple minutes into this garbage and the MC is already a lesbian, fantastic
Multiplayer team-based game
This is Sorceress...
Resonance of Fate
Please tell me this game is getting a PC release
How do you feel about the prevailing schools of thought in support of art censorship in the contemporary western...
I'm wet. Dry me off
Thank you Itsuno
Filename thread
Doki doki literature club
50% hit chance
Yfw she leaves in less than a year
Toobie is for _____
Which stalker do i play
Will there ever be another game like Shenmue?
ITT: Best girls of their games
I love dark souls! The combat is punishing yet rewarding! The bosses are unique and creative!
Where would you be without Sup Forums or Sup Forums? Who else would you shitpost about video games with?
What a fucking joke
Which one is the better game and why?
Will there ever be another PPG game?
Who do you pick?
This is Ayla
Why arent you playing as Goku in Breath of the Wild right now?
Is 21fps more cinematic, fellas?
Game locations that trigger dem good feels
Meredith did nothing wrong
SSJ2 Gohan is an awful character, but god damn, he looks sweet in Fighterz
What kind of stupid shit did you believe about video games as a kid?
Sonic is sav-
Soon. Post your expectations
How do you feel about Princess Styla from Tri Force Heroes?
It's pretty good!
FFXIV Patch notes soon
What did Blizzard mean by this?
I'll just leave this here
WebM Thread
1: excellent
How am I supposed to explore what the PS1 has to offer, when the average game is at minimum, a 100 hour investment?
USK ruined another box art
What games do people play in Zealandia?
Could Caesar's legion take over the commonwealth?
Just got this. What's the first thing I should so with it?
This is Kiwami Jingu
Why do you hate it?
What's the verdict on PBS?
Does anyone buy this for anything apart from multiplayer?
My 「Little Lies」 is the ultimate stand. You cannot possibly hope to escape my 「Creation Club」
How long will it take for you guys to wrap your head around watching video games...
How would you design Warcraft IIII? Come up with something original yet commercially viable
Shilled on the Twitch front page
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games