Hey Sup Forums what are you all gonna do with your SNES Classics?
This one is going straight to eBay as well as the 10 I have coming to me tomorrow in the mail.
Hey Sup Forums what are you all gonna do with your SNES Classics?
Nice I'm gonna keep mine that I got tonight, and sell the one I have from Amazon
Recover from the shitshow I had to go through to fucking get it.
Jealous you weren't smart enough to get on one of the easiest money making schemes of the year?
Don't look at me like that, I bought one. I just won't sell it unless there's another serious "supply cockup" like there was with the NES one and I know I can make good money.
Fuck the redditors who think reselling is bad.
In line for one now, got one on pre-order I'm picking up tomorrow too.
play the one i got tonight at walmart, sell the other 3 i got on the way. last year i made $700 on NES classics, all i had to do was set up notifications lol. why does everyone act like it's impossible to get them...
See what happens with the price. If the prices stays up it's going on ebay, if it gets close to retail I'm giving to my gf.
>people can just waltz into walmart and get them
Fucking NYC launch was a fucking mess.
Enjoy that free income, OP! I just avoided it because I have been able to emulate that in a superior environment for years now. Plus I just don't have the kind of time to keep up with that sort of rogueism.
Playing nine right now.
>as well as the 10 I have coming to me tomorrow in the mail.
I hope you fucking die.
But anyways, my pre-order from my county's Walmart equivalent just converted, and I'll be getting one on October 5th. Happy that I actually get one this time, unlike the NES Classic
My Walmart was refusing to sell them until 7 am
I got the Yuro Version, it should arrive on Wednesday.
I'm kind of excited guys
What is the cheapest way to buy an american SNES Mini if I'm living in Europe?
Don't be mad just feel pity for the losers who either troll or rely on scalping to make extra money. If their time is that worthless then they deserve what scraps they get.
My Walmart had 23 available. I walked in at 10:30 and I got number 19.
They didn't even require me to stay there. I just came back at midnight and bought it.
What games are on it?
Well, where I work, the store has 10 preorders. We have 100 in stock. I sure hope you sell your 10
Jesus. NYC had 150, but things were managed so poorly that there was almost a fucking riot followed by what could have very well turned into a brawl if the Nintendo store hadn't called the cops.
>almost 12 hours later and still no videos of the fucking riot
Thanks to the New York Police Department, things seemed to stop at "lots of people screaming at each other and ordered to disperse".
>If their time is that worthless then they deserve what scraps they get.
>he thinks preordering on the internet takes time
If you're so poor you can't afford to spend $800 you have problems.
My Walmart had 43, line maxed out at 8 PM. Ridiculous.
Had a small line at the third Walmart I visited. Everyone got their name and number written down by a department manager for preference tomorrow since they "weren't on this truck". Glad they met us halfway for showing up late according to their ads. I have some guy to thank for being one of those charismatic YouTube personality types since he knew the song and dance. He got burned by the NES minis after being told the same thing and knew exactly what to say to convince the department manager to talk to the store manager about taking down our names.
>people this desperate for this shit
Its like emulation never existed.
Ours maxed out at around 10
Midnight launches are fun.
Nothing, because I didn't buy one
going to toys r us tomorrow because that way i can sleep tonight desu
This is emulation for normies; no, shit, it's gonna sell fucking gangbusters.
There were loads in the UK overnight at Smyths and now Argos collection. Maybe Nintendo really are going to fuck over scalpers.
Are the controllers the same size as the snes ones?
best buy was a mistake
I hope mine shows up early tomorrow. I have the day off so I was planning on eating 30mg worth of edibles, getting some shopping done and spending the day on the couch enjoying my new 55" 4K TV.
black Sup Forums users r the best
Yes. Someone said they feell a bit "rougher" but that's probably because the controllers have that new feel.
You can buy a second hand SNES and most of the games for a fraction of the cost.
The only game really that makes this cost effective is Earthbound, other than that you're an idiot if you buy this.
Also, a ROM of Starfox 2 has been out for over a decade.
Even if you bought every game from VC for $8 it would still more than double the cost you no math skills having ding dong diddly dumbass
You can buy a Pi for $20 and slap RetroPie on it for free; people aren't buying this for that. It's nostalgia bait.
>You can buy a second hand SNES and most of the games for a fraction of the cost.
Go check current prices and come back. This isn't 1999
>You can buy a second hand SNES and most of the games for a fraction of the cost.
You have no idea just how fucked the retro video game market is right now, especially the SNES market.
looks like you're the real idiot
Hi OP, just so you know I'm going to buy one, say it's defective, and get all my money back, whilst you get a bag of sand in return.
ta ta!
back to facebook please
Why are people complaining about the price? Onw edition of FIFA 18 is nearly as much as the SNES mini. An Xbox One controller designed on Microsoft's site costs almost as much as this console with two controllers.
You are dumb as shit
Details please?
Why is it fucked?
>You can buy a second hand SNES and most of the games for a fraction of the cost.
Because people born in the mid to late 80's have disposable income.
Just to give you an example, a cart-only copy of Super Mario World will run you around $30.
Not much to tell, a bunch of scalpers were hanging around outside claiming to not be waiting on line, and their continued presence started a fight in the store. The store, realizing the fight was going on in conjunction with way more than 150 people on line, panicked and announced they were just giving away the armbands you needed to buy the thing then and there instead of waiting until 4. (It was 2:15.)
People panicked and charged the front of the line trying to cut, there was almost a brawl, the store called the cops, armband giveaway was cut short.
if they hold their resale value for 2 weeks on ebay, i'll join in with the selling
if the price drops, i'm not going to bother with the headache of buyers having all the leverage and just keep it for myself
How did people know they were scalpers? And why would they say they weren't on line if they wanted to get one? Wouldn't that be an invitation for people to cut in front of them?
Since the Wii the only people who buy Nintendo shit day 1 are scalpers.
They were loitering around the front of the line in a car. People kept telling them to go to the back of the line, but they insisted they were just there to film it.
Show your hands or gtfo
>nitpicking this hard
You should have chosen the one that is like 300 burgers if you wanted to make a bait.
Oh so the worry was that they'd make a mad dash to the front of the line? Doesn't necessarily prove they were scalpers, just assholes.
Really at this point stores need to just start giving exact numbers. Making dozens of people line up and wait for hours before a store clerk says "we only have 15" is how fights start. If you have 15 just say you have 15. The 16th person will just go home on their own and tempers won't flare.
That's what people were saying to Nintendo. They Tweeted that they had 150 and were giving the armbands out at 4, so you had a fuck ton of people standing there the whole day getting more and more pissed and then you Tweet a surprise announcement that you're just giving them out early. Horrific way of handling it.
But goy... Market tactics dictate that a potential consumer inside the store has higher chance of buying something else while waiting.
This post would be less painful to read if I wasn't sitting at my computer looking at my new Switch case I bought while waiting.
What game should I play first, other than Mario or Zelda or Earthbound?
Those all are a worse value, much worse. They won't play on a modern TV without a $200+ scaler.
Kirby's Dream Course 100%
Put it on the shelf.
Star Fox 2; tell us if it's shit.
Walmart apparently had no restrictions. Some people were buying two.
Yeah they're actually really lucky the cops defused the situation. Something like that and the crowd might have ransacked the store. If people want to camp out overnight then that's their business. But when the store is open if there's obviously a line of people they need to IMMEDIATELY start giving out wristbands or taking names to the exact number they have. What makes people freak is when they feel like they've been waiting for nothing. Those wristbands should have been handed out at the start. Then if you want to sell it early it won't matter. Then it'll just be a courtesy because you've already locked in your customers.
Scalping is for absolute poorfags
Get a job
hi jacob
Got mine and posted an ad on craigslist already :3
1st level of Star Fox to unlock 2.
this is my gf
thank u
Starfox 2 has been publicly available for like 10 years, bro.
no makeup and not even a good pic of her, shes a 10/10
Disney Princess/10
i love you
>Have 25 preordered
>Made a hefty profit flipping Switches ($7000) and the NES Classic ($2500)
There's going to be a lot of driving tomorrow, I'll end the day with some nice pizza and Earthbound. What are you guys starting your your bidding prices at? I'm thinking $200.
>Scalping for money.
Pathetic. Get a fucking job. If you have a job, get a better one.
Good going. Makes living the neet life more comfy when hard working wagecucks pay beyond the rrp for some machine they'll put on the shelf.
>pass up an opportunity to make a easy couple of g's
That's a nice couple weekends out for free
Maybe scalping is a better job?
>Pathetic. Get a fucking job. If you have a job, get a better one.
I have a great job though? I scalp to make even more. It's a free market. I'll be using the profit I make with SNES Classics to build an even better PC than originally intended.
I sincerely hope they make good on their promise to supply them properly so you bankrupt yourself and die in a ditch.
they are only selling for $170 atm
you're not going to get $200 for it, at least not right now
I'm glad nostalgia-babbies don't give a shit about N64 if they even bother to make one. And even if they do, that'll be the last.
I sell them pretty quickly, user.
Waiting for release, that way I get desperate people like usual.
If thy want the product but can't find it, they can take one of mine. For a mark up, of course. That's economics!
3 for storage and sell later.
1 for myself, alongside my actual SNES.
You do realize you can return unopened products to the retailer for a full refund?
well I think amazon fucked me still no fucking email from their fucking shitty asses and the damn things already out now
Just emulate like a normal person.