It's pretty good!
It's pretty good!
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck did you do user
Haha I got gun first I win :)
it's on ps4
>nVidia overlay
>on PS4
What overlay?
Not him, but that "recording has started" popup doesn't look like PS4 UI.
No it's not.
It's clearly PC why are you still arguing with this retard?
>posting a webm with your username clearly visible
u gon git b&
>banned from a f2p game
There's no reason not to play on ps4, no hackers ever and it supports kb+m without an adapter.
>being this desperate
Winfags are the worst
it's 60fps with some drops occasionally, not really an issue.
>g-guys i won another game!
>no hacks, i promise
The difference is that Fortnite has no anti cheat at all, and is f2p
Cheats have more of an impact in pubg than they do fortnite.
>I don't play games to win
>and it supports kb+m without an adapter.
Do you play vs other kb+m users? or do you wrek shit vs controll fags?
>tfw won a match simply by walking along the circle but never getting near the center
>had a rifle, sniper, shotgun, bandages, and medkit
>basically all you need to really win
The game's easy but that shit feels like RNG.
Meant for
>Do you play vs other kb+m users?
No, the downside is the aim assist is disabled.
>they ban you
>you have to pay 30$ more
>they ban you
>make another account with no mail confirmation
it's inferior to PC performance and visuals (although graphical fidelity doesn't make a major difference in this game tbqh)
You know if you're gonna cheat you might as well go all the way and use an aimbot.
>using just wallhack and not aimbot with autowalker and autoshooter
You can't even cheat right you poor fuck.
They can't even make their game work properly, how would they detect hackers?
So you can fuck kids up really fucking good with kb+m :O
I might download this just to be a tocix cunt.
Also, guess we can settle the "who would win between controller and kb+m"
Pretty sure Battle eye does it in waves, so they get to cheat for a monthish.
what is battle eye
what is steam report system
PC gaming was a mistake.
Fortnite and PUBG use the exact same cheat detection, right?
This game has terrible art direction.
But you didn't win, your hacks did all the work.
I know you're there bro
It's not cheating if it's just a little advantage seriously you are all acting like everyone has 350/0 k/D ratio STOP you are just whining like little babies
so where can i get this hack?
Only 2 left we can do it bois
OP is a massive faggot yet again
uh oh
>Cheating in an online video game
For what purpose? kys
smash kids and Sup Forums users who hates PUBG, the only players of this game
>Sup Forums users who hates PUBG
b-but i like pubg this is just alot more casual and fast
>700 hours of pubg
>no noticeable hackers in any game of mine ever
>first fortnite br
>some guy instakilling everyone on the map with a pistol
wow I love free games
Because I was bullied in high school, but now, through the power of internet anonymity, I am the bully hahaha. Take that Chad!
>Gets a Shotgun
>Two retards still charge in with nothing, even though both shotguns and auto rifles dick over melee
>Imsteas of running away to try and find their own guns
They have nothing to blame but their own stupidity. I say this as someone who made that mistake.
>tfw all the people Ive heard talking about pubg complain about hackers, lag, hit detection and afkers
anecdotal evidence
Four posts above you, m80. And Epic's gonna solve that shit way faster than Shithole.
Okay OP, you proved you're a gigantic faggot. Congrats.
>play on PS4
>no hackers
Looks like consoles win again.
where to download?
You realise you can make a basic esp hook for any game right? Whether it lasts is the important thing.
Why are no premium cheat vendors offering battleye support anymore? Artificialaiming etc?
In a paid game people will try not to be obvious since they'll have to buy the game again if they get banned.
what the fuck is that "music"?
He had armor and you missed your other shots.
Fucking hilarious how triggered people get by this. Just because you're not smart enough to install something like this that's your fucking issue not OP's.
lmao did you actually not win?
Um no sweetie. :3
Ummmm yes faggot.
What's the fun in removing any challenge and tension?
>brown people music
The pieces fit.
Your aim was fucking awful, get over it "sweetie"poster.
>Your aim was fucking awful, get over it "sweetie"poster.
>He's a sweetie poster and a furry
you literally can't make this shit up
watch your webm frame by frame and you'll see you very clearly missed your shots.
furfags gtfo
This. I let people kill me to make it look less obvious. Been hacking since a week after the game released and haven't been banned once. Then again, I make my own shit instead of using the public released stuff that gets noticed within a few days.
why are Sup Forumsermins so clueless when it comes to cheats and anti-cheats? you would think on 4chin all the ebin anonymous hagers would know a thing or two
amazes me every time what brainlets frequent this board
pro tip: there is no public PUBG cheat that was undetected for longer than 3 days. there's no limited slot / semi private cheat that was undetected for longer than 1 month (these cost 100$-500$ per month). It's virtually impossible to cheat in PUBG without getting banned in a few hours, unless you're actually a excellent coder yourself and very good at reverse engineering, or ready to spend over 3k$
you can call the game a buggy mess and all, but battleeye (the anti cheat) is absolutely recking everything and defeating all the public cheats and Sup Forumsermin could buy
Thanks for the (you)'s hun
I don't look up cheats because I don't want an unfair advantage, it ruins the game for yourself and everyone playing.
>I'm less retarded because they responded to me
you literally can't make this shit up
>Cheating doesn't happen on console
>$30 adapter to play with m/kb, undetectable
nice try
memer, cheater and furry. it's like he wants to be as much a waste of oxygen as he can possibly be
haha epic reaction image my friend
here's one for you
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Fortnite supports keyboard and mouse on. Even if you bought an adapter it's just emulating controller input so it's shit anyway.
>slow aim movement
>bad prefire despite having a wallhack
Well, he looks like he is playing on a console.
>I'm less retarded because they responded to me
Yes, a furfag image. think to yourself. "Mhmm, maybe hes baiting for a response by using a image that the subject of is highly disliked"
I'm still retarded, i know
on ps4*
why would you even have an image like that on your pc?
this is you
Are you a hackerman
>Need cheats on 3rd person mode
Because it seems to upset people alot, I have way to much spare time user
>it's a german cheating.
For some reason I noticed it's almost always germans who buy hacks and cheats.
Why is that?
you can have standards with your shitposting, just fyi
Don't know if blind or just retarded, but you just landed the first shot, every other shot missed, git gud faggot.
can this also be me?
Because we are the master race and you are an inferior non-German subhuman riddled with envy and jealousy of our superior genetics.
Germans are the master race.
you know cheating is going to ruin the game and people are going to stop playing? enjoy your death game and having no one to play with.
>you know cheating is going to ruin the game and people are going to stop playing?
But PUBG, CS:GO, RS Siege and all the other competitive FPS are full of hackers and are holding up great