Game theme music

Can any game even compete

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That shit's from the movie you fucking casual faggot

>inb4 I was just pretending to be retarded


Try again retard

No one has counter music? No one wants to post game themes they love?

no one listens to anyone elses shit so it's pointless

feel free to prove me wrong

The stop-start in the middle was cool but it felt try hard to be honest.

Felt like they were trting to make this again

I listened to it just because you said that
I didn't like it or hate it. Sounded like generic metal the whole way through.
Have some nice music. What really sold me on this one is the bagpipes or whatever that is kicking in at around 3:00, sounds so good

Goooooood game music. It will be stuck in your head forever.

Not sure if I can come up with better music. So I'll post Superior movie Sonya instead

She has such a fucking bitch face, why do I like it so much?

because you want her to degrade you and stomp on your balls

Quite the opposite my friend, I want to rape her.

Hard to say. Could be cuz she's really hot. Could just be you want her to step on your balls. The answer was inside you all along, bud.

I just want to rape her, I don't get that compulsion from a lot of women but she seriously needs me to rape her.

Well she's a good sport. She might get excited about the impending raep. Unless that ruins it for you. There's plenty more bitch face on Google.

Forgot rape excitement pic.

Are you ready to race?

You don't understand, I don't like having to rape her and she shouldn't like it either. but it has to be done. I have got so fat nd lazy I forgot I NEED to rape her. Her utter bitch face demands it.

more snes quality

Well I'm sorry to hear that on multiple levels. But I'll leave you with this to do as you must.

Why do you think I shouldn't rape her. Also I'm surprised at how many pics you have of that fucking bitch.

Batman Arkham City has the best menu theme of all time, no real debate

Do you REALLY think it is better than OP MK? REALLY? No, it might be good but it isn't MK.

When the fuck is MK11?

I'm getting sick of this Injustice meme.