ITT: ludonarrative consistency

ITT: ludonarrative consistency

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>unironically using the (((ludo))) prefix
reddit please go


Where do you learn this shit? Fucking nerd.

I r8 dis bread kafkaesque out of kino.


i don't like people that scream reddit at everything but jesus christ dude you're a fucking faggot as always OP, fuck off.

Okay I think despite the stupid word this is actually a potential good discussion

It is true that there's so many games where you're supposedly a great hero that's the embodiment of good, yet you kill hundreds of people and monsters, many needlessly.

But you are the hero. Surely what is right is defined by your actions as hero, rather than your choices being a consequence of what is right.

It is simple peons.
The fade is slow, puke-ugly, foreign but familiar. You don't remember much of it which makes it the perfect ludo level - it's like a bad dream that instills dread when you remember it.

Fade was unironically the best part of the game
Deep roads were the worst

What am I looking at here?

Your mother ludos my consistency

What about Guitar Hero? you're just supossed to be a guy who plays the guitar real good

You'd know what ludo/ludens means if you'd bother to learn other languages besides English.

Shut the fuck up.

Wholeheartedly agree.

Yeah, saying "consistency between gameplay and story" makes it much less reddit.
Economy of language, faggot, have you ever heard of that?

best part of the game is almost always the follow up shit from your origin.
dwarf excluded

>uses "economy of language" while calling others reddit

>economy of language


Surprising as it might be to some, Persona 3 is actually a ludonarrative masterpiece.

What are some kafkaesque games?

Post mortem.

Xenoblade 1.
It was amazing that they actually made the seeing glimpses of the future ability part of the gameplay.

Not him but that's what your shitty language is built on.
English is all about talking fast and using acronyms for fuck' sake, it's one of the things I hate the most about it.

>So what would you like to study?
Just say sciences, or engineering, but NOOOOO, you have to abbreviate that shit.

"The end justifies the means" is not the first thing you think about when it comes to most RPG/ARPG/JRPG characters that refuse to kill in cutscenes and then kill a hundred guardsmen for quests.
Even GTA 4 did the same stupid shit.

>The Dead Space series is noted for having a consistent ludonarrative. Brett Makedonski of Destructoid states of the series "The gameplay aptly conveys the sense of sheer terror and loneliness that the narrative expertly strives to establish."
>Dead Space is ludonarrative consistent because in space, nobody can hear you scream etc.
How deep and artistic

>when you get a futuresight warning that you have literally no way to defend against

Sonoludokinographical consistency > ludonarrative consistency

>he hasn't beaten satan in a guitar solo battle

The problem with that kind of argument is that in the end is all subjective to who plays the game.
Dead Space was Evil Dead tier in ways of killing your enemies, in the end you could take on everything and everyone with upgraded weapons.

I never understood why people disliked the fade.

And know I see the same people disliking the word "ludonarrative", and I also don't understand it.

>And know I see the same people disliking the word "ludonarrative", and I also don't understand it.
On Sup Forums there's this almost niggerish attitude of "get real", like "get real dumb", if you try to talk about nuance and the finer aspects of games you get trashed because the average user is 16.

Ever wonder why you see so many e-celeb threads?

Thank you for explaining economy of language to me on a video game board.

Considering most of this crap is peddled by people who have never made a game, or made some mediocre shit that wouldn't give them any idea on how to make the games they're criticizing I'd say people have every right to be cynical
Not that some of it doesn't have merit, but I'd take any academic criticism of gaming with a massive grain of salt