Why does this shit series keep getting memed on this board? Kiryu is fucking walking plot armor and the ability to hoard healing items basically turns the game into a shitty VN.
Yakuza thread
Why does this shit series keep getting memed on this board? Kiryu is fucking walking plot armor and the ability to hoard healing items basically turns the game into a shitty VN.
Yakuza thread
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>walking plot armor
Why don't you let it go you faggot, you were fuckin ridiculed and laughed at the last thread where your shit opinion was present. Why repeat it?
Fuck off shitter
>he think hoarding items is enough to get through every fights
>I never played an Arpg before
Does Nishiki kill someone every day so he can slick his hair back with blood? Seems like the least efficient way to style your hair.
>walking plot armor
That's fine, typical vidya shit.
Your point about it being a glorified VN is accurate though. But you need the healing items to hide how bad the combat is.
I hate how Sup Forums suddenly started sucking Sega's dick. This series is not good, and it never was. It's fine as a weeb sim if you get your rocks off by feeling like you're in Japan, but if you want a real game it's a total waste of time.
It is though, that's how I beat 0, then realized I wasted my time on a game for normies who have never touched a controller before and need a button that shows a movie of their character fighting instead of actually playing the game.
>characters are enjoyable and likeable
>long storylines with lots of manly moments and themes of loyalty, brotherhood,
>visceral combat that is easy to pick up but has a lot of hidden depth to master (and to grind for)
>great cinematics and overal style
nice false flag, OP
haven't you noticed how every successful franchise is about some jesus mcsuperman, this goes for all media
Nishiki looks too weird in the remake, at the very least pre-jailtime kazuma
So you admit you play like a piece of shit retard. Fine by me
Is there a trouble finder in yakuza 2? and are t here missable substories?
I only played 1 and 2. Was there a period when Majima used to be cool and collected?
In Y1 and Y2 he was fairly cool and collected. Now he's just a "oh it's majima, he so crazy" clone.
>everyone I don't like is OP
News flash: these games suck and there are multiple people who think they suck.
>using the core game mechanics that the game encourages you to use constantly is playing the game wrong
If you need to ignore a huge chunk of how the combat works in order to make the combat not shitty, that's when you know the game is shit.
Yeah true I only play games where I push a button to input a rhythmic algorithm which gets calculated on screen so I know my button presses matter. who needs graphics when they're literally all just glorified movies amirite.
I'm playing Yakuza 2 and you definitely can't hoard healing items unless you're grinding a shit ton, which at that point obviously you're going to be overpowered as fuck. It seems they tightly restrict your money in this one compared to kiwami and zero.
Should I jump into Y2 right now or wait for Kiwami 2?
>characters are likeable
>hidden depth
>using the core game mechanics that the game encourages you to use constantly is playing the game wrong
>this nigger would actually use health items in Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry too
>restrict money
>gambling exists
user-kun, boku wa...
Like I said, you have to grind that shit out. Obviously you're going to be overpowered if you spend a ton of stuff doing side stuff.
What a shit thread this is. Jesus, is Sup Forums ruining another good thing? God help us if they reach Deus Ex 1 and STALKER.
Considering you're most likely a cunt like most new players who got into series with 0 and Kiwami I'd say wait.
Yeah, but that way he's the only one with that style. Uniqueness is important to the high ranking yakuza.
Why must you lie? He wasn't shown as calm for more than two minutes until Yakuza 3. He wasn't an actual character until 4 introduced Saejima. People who say Memjima is a recent thing never played the second game. He was already there in 1 after he let the girl go because she had a boyfriend.
Jump into Y2 right now. Playing the old Yakuza games at least once give you much better context of the series as a whole, starting as a Yakuza drama and turning into a orphanage melodrama.
That's nice, I play games with combat systems that aren't "press triangle to win" and "beat the easy QTE to defeat the boss".
>But you need the healing items to hide how bad the combat is.
Acquire proficiency.
>In Y1 and Y2 he was fairly cool and collected.
>This is the part where you're supposed to laugh!
>Laugh you stupid motherfucker!
>*beats man on ground with baseball bat*
Yeah, cool as a cucumber.
just by this post, you can tell this shitter is full of shit.
>That's nice, I play games with combat systems that aren't "press triangle to win" and "beat the easy QTE to defeat the boss".
>in Y1 and Y2
lmao, did we play the same games? or are you some bandwagoner?
I used maybe a couple health items in DMC in the early levels. Then I realized how expensive and usually worthless they were and stopped.
See how that works? The game incentivized me to not use them. In Yakuza, health items are cheap and there is no penalty for not using them.
was this you?
Majima has always been excentric, but in the first few games, he used his excentric behaviour to obtain his higher goals and whenever necessary he would be very calm and collected, sometimes even to the surprise of Kiryu, as shown in those videos you linked. Later on, he just became wacky because "maijima is wacky amirite".
Please tell me what higher goals Majima had in the first two Yakuza games.
The first one especially.
>needing to use health items in Yakuza
Who invited this pleb? All those abilities that activate when you are low on health are there for a reason, shitter. How the fuck can you be this bad at Yakuza that you need to hoard fuckin health items?
The combat is objectively bad, user.
I'll take your lack of argument as an admittance that I'm right, thank you.
you talk like a fedora.
The only incentive you need to not use healing items is not being a casual.
God Hand's a great game. Don't compare it with this schlock.
Never said I needed them. I said they're there because the game is intended for casual players.
Protecting his family from all the internal corruption and backstabbing in the Tojo clan. You would know this if you had even bothered to look up anything about Majima, let alone play the first two games.
Kek, who's the casual shitter shitting up this already shitty thread?
>press x to win
Can't believe you guys fell for his low quality shitposting bait, good job.
He wants to fight Kiryu because he's strong and he's le wacky meme man. Not like those later games which made him a meme shonen character who wants to fight Kiryu because he's strong.
>in b4 that absolute shitter has the gall to call the fights against him in Yakuza 1 "tense" because he's unpredictable, not because the combat in 1 is dogshit and his gang bumfucks you with baseball bats in the first one
I thought kiwami was going to continue kiryu and nishiki bro adventures amd karaoke.....
>tfw best girl dies
>game literally has "press triangle to win" as it's core mechanic
>doing so causes a cinematic movie to play
>you can stock up on a ton of items that refill your health completely for dirt-cheap, and use them instantly
>also items that allow you to instantly press triangle to win
>the devs focused the most on getting cinematics, expensive actors, and RNG minigames
>faggots actually think that this is not a series designed for casuals who have never held a controller before
>0 fag
>moe shit poster
Who could've thought...
>I don't know how beat'em'up genre works
Get the fuck out of here
It's still fun faggot :^)
>being this upset your favourite series has new fans
get a life
ah yes all those classic beat'em'ups with hours of expensive cutscenes, the ability to press a button to watch a movie of your character winning, and the ability to refill your health for free instantly
truly these are the defining features of beat'em'up games
>unironically telling someone to get a life
I'm seven hours in, Chapter 8
story is really good, controls are a bit clunky though, attacking is fine but dodging and blocking seems delayed
It's hard to find substories because the screen gets a little chaotic, plus the ones I've seen were extremely bare bones "beat up this guy and it's done" kind of thing so I don't really bother
That's fine if you think it's fun, just stop lying about what the game is. It's Japanese Uncharted: a fun easy cinematic adventure with QTEs and a braindead but still entertaining combat system.
Quit posting shill threads where faggots pretend the combat has depth just because it's from nipland.
Do the Japanese really do shitty American memes.
0 has both saved the Yakuza series in the West and killed its community.
I think it takes longer for more substories to pop up in 2. I'm on chapter 9 I think and they're finally starting show up more.
>Game has solid bosses and mooks aren't bad outside of them chasing you and triggering a cut scene before fights
>every nigga on the internet that has a video of the game on YouTube spams the same combos, can't block, can't dodge, and every fight takes 2 minutes
Y'all are just sorry at the game. I haven't played past 4, though, to be honest.
Can someone do one of thoose memes where it says: FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH NISHIKI NOW NAGUMO IS MY NEW KYOUDAI
Don't kid yourself, all Yakuza games are braindead easy.
>Why does this shit series keep getting memed on this board?
Because Sup Forums consists of hipsters and contrarians. If something isn't super popular it's good, if it's popular then it's shit. There are a few exceptions to this of course like Lawbreakers but generally this is the case.
>he hasn't played Yakuza 3
>no Ishin
>no jap copy of 5
still, pretty good
I need to import jap 5 myself
>forgetting about kenzan
I don't have that but I do have this
Lawbreakers is only popular because supporting it hurts another popular game.
Same reason everyone pretended that TF2 is still good when Overwatch came out.
Is Takeshi kitano in any of these, seems liek he'd be perfect.
If not shame on them.
If yes I got some new vidya to play.
I think he might be in 6
>Nishiki chose Yumi over Reina
yes Kenzan too, but I guess it can be skipped, same as PSP games.
Skipping Ishin on the other hand is unforgivable.
Reminder that based Nishki did literally NOTHING wrong.
> raises his bull’s kid
> would probably hold the candle while Dojima was raping his oneitis
> didn’t have own family
> lucked into being a chairman
> made some literally who gook the chairman
> sucks Kazama cock even knowing he killed his parents
> closet gay, visits host clubs
> collaborates with cops
> le edgy hardcore dragon tattoo xD
> killed the guy who laid a finger on his waifu, didn’t give a fuck about him being the boss
> killed the man who cucked him
> punished Reina and Shinji for betraying him
> would kill Kazama too if he knew the truth
> had his own family
> degrades himself for his kin’s sake
> worked hard towards becoming the chairman
> cool fish tattoo
I have played Yakuza 2-5. I never once even had to think and was bored out of my mind. If it wasn't for the mildly interesting story and subquests I wouldn't even have finished them. The combat is ass.
Yep, he is in 6.
SO not only did the games bore you, you're also spending more of your free time to talk about a game that bores you.
And I just can't see how anyone can talk shit about Akiyama or Kiryu as far as gameplay goes. Kiryu has been butter since 2 and the former feels so good to play with in 4.
Why is Yakuza 5 so fucking boring?
It's all so unremarkable that Haruka's idol beef with T-set is literally the most thrilling and dramatic portion of the game, but then they just shoehorn Akiyama in for no reason.
how about you disprove just one point in the post
>cool fish tattoo
>literally a magikarp on his fucking back
What the fuck is that thing under Shangri-La in 6 supposed to be? Is that Mr. Libido all grown up?
>killed the man who cucked him
>Kiryu and Jingu cuck him again anyway
Said family also consisted of some fag with a sword who browsed Asian Granny porn and a fat retard who gave women forced massages. Those are his lieutenants. The only competent member of his family was betraying him the whole time.
>Usurp his dad for being a pussy
>Kill his competitor
>Punish subordinate for disobeying him
>Has his own family and loyal underling
>Cares about his sister and adoptive father
>Superior Korean genes
>Work hard towards becoming Japan's best
>Tattoos is a legend by itself
>Skipping Kenzan
>Missing out on
>The one samurai brother
>The fight in the wheat fields
>The revelations
>All of Gion before it got gutted in Ishin to the point that it's just half of the suburb street repurposed and doesn't even look like Gion or anything from Kenzan outside of the bridge which led into the suburbs and not Gion itself.
>The UFO-sama substory
>The gay sumo wrestler substory
>One of the best Amons in the series.
>The hardest Komaki.
Come on man, it's not perfect but it's definitely great fun, not something to write off.
>Fedoras can talk
Hook it up with that shit user, I want to see inanimate object talk too
Filtered tripfaggot
>PSP games can be skipped
>Skipping Kenzan
Get cancer.
>Get cancer.
Now careful there user.
>hardest Komaki
>fucker can't even parry or Tiger Drop you
>ultimate technique is just the regular sword disarm except he stabs the guy with it like he should have done in the first place
Strongest Komaki ever my ass, his great great great grandson parried so people hard he became bulletproof for eight seconds and gained superspeed.
Fuck! Ehh, i hope you stub your little toe. Don't skip Kenzan, though. And play the PSP games, they're all great.
I did play Kenzan and I will definitely play PSP games eventually maybe.
>fucker can't even parry or Tiger Drop you
Instead he shuffles as fast as lightning towards your ass and performs a full combo on you while constantly breaking your R1 targeting because he tends to get behind you and has nearly all his attacks throw you to the ground. You also don't have anything decent in hand-to-hand at all in Kenzan since it's such an awful form and you're expected to beat him in it dealing chip damage because you can only get a hit or two in at best.
1's is definitely hard no doubt, and 5's alone is not hard, he's only hard because his grandson pairs with him so you're on your ass getting Tiger Dropped every five seconds when you try to retaliate. The rest don't stand out to me as being hard.
Daily reminder memejima everywhere ruined kiwami
majimafags ruined kiwami, they wanted more and they got more.
I want to make children with Reina and then fuck her again in front of them.
>bought ishin at full price
>stopped after an hour
I'm upset, it's a game I really want to like but the language barrier is killing the fun for me, constantly having to switch screens to find out if you're doing to the right thing is annoying. I'll probably try it again since I have nothing to play while I wait for 6.