Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Old Thread >Post references and names
>Keep it vidya
>Try not to bump requests
>No shitposting
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Other urls found in this thread:

Anchor Post

Requesting a chimera with Haruka's legs and torso, Green Heart's upper body, Passionlip's arms and boob size, Misha's head, and Es' braid as a thick lizard tail

Your waifu loves you! Don't stop it now!

Requesting Bandanna Waddle Dee learning how to draw smut for attention.

requesting HER from Ruiner doing ddr

Requesting this thread making out with the other one

Yo can a man get a drawing of Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers?
Can be either SFW or NSFW

Fuck off and die you shitposting faggot

Requesting Patricia Wagon as a succubot with her hair long and flowing and sexy abs.

requesting something cute with cossack's daughter

Requesting Kohaku with wider hips and more fit and toned legs but otherwise same proportions

Yeah, I miss the adores one.

Requesting Veran and Cia raping Link. Have Veran sit on Link's face while Cia rides Link cock as he fruitlessly tries to resist/escape.

Requesting Poppi from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 flying through the air like Astro Boy in this pic, or just Poppi doing whatever in a Osamu Tezuka-esque art style

which hole

Requesting Dromarch from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 wearing a top hat and monocle. He's a very refined tiger you see.

Got deleted kek

dude she's a robot!



Requesting some lesbian sexytimes with Iro and Bonnibel from Crush Crush. It can be kissing or even something lewd

Requesting Super Saiyan 1 Tharja, May, and Airy and Super Saiyan Blue Aigis and Shantae making sentai poses

which hole

Get out

This with Pauline and peach please

Looks like mods approve our current thread rules.

Agreed. the adores poster was better than this YWLY poster Bring back that guy!

I knew you were a fucking phone poster.

Requesting Totori feet.

Yeah, the chief is great, ain't he?

Requesting morrigan,klonoa,megaman sitting inside a tavern crying profusely,& finally elle from harvest moon serving drinks as the world ends by the tripods destroying everything in their path out the window

anyone know the "right" way to hold chop-sticks?

what's wrong with it?

>/d/ based Aigis anchor

Yeah, its pretty clear who made this thread.

Here's to another thread of artists avoiding the anchor post because of the image sued.



Are you serious?
Just fuck off holy shit.

Neah, they really give a fuck. All they see is "one thread was made first and has more posts". They don't care if its made by a shitposter or not.

Its why we had threads that "won out" in the past even though they had Sup Forums pictures as the OP

lol, are you mental, she's a robot

requesting my trainer forcing herself on and molesting this shota to her right and muffling his moans/screams with a deep kiss

Requesting Sachi (the cyclops) and Mayumi, her aunt, from Love at First Sight, in their pajamas and lying in bed, doing something comfy like chatting before sleeping (alternatively they could be playing vidya in bed)

No lewds please: Mayumi is Sachi's aunt and this is meant to be a cute request

I'm new, pls explain, is it that misha thing?

huh I found that on the Sup Forums booru link'd in the very first post m8?

It's not smut of literal who anime sluts or anime sluts that ascended to pseudo-relevance like Blazblue/Neps/Senrans

>I'm new
Then fucking lurk moar you goddamn troglodyte.

Requesting Shulk using the Monado or his visions for extremely mundane things, like sidestepping to avoid being hit by incoming ball, or using the Monado as a lamp to read a book in bed, to give some examples.

Either that, or an extremely smug looking Shulk, with his friends looking alarmed.

Thank you in advance!

>I haven't played Persona 3 and I don't know shit

Also we pretty much had an entire thread where no one used that anchor.

What's yer deal, buddy, relax.

Im away from my computer

Yeah, trying to study a bit so I can do it effectively

Mad cause their thread got deleted

Funny cos you guys do the same thing when your threads get deleted

>not because shitposters like you ended the thread within few hours
Stop acting like Mariel, faggot, this isn't your personal thread,

Requesting Cream and Vanilla the rabbit in matching Hooters uniforms. As well as cheese the chao.


But we don't stop projecting before you make a fool of yourself, dumbass

Requesting Dark Dawn Issac riding on one of the shoulders of Judgment dropping a giant anchor


Requesting Aigis being cute

but she already is


Requesting some SFW art of Queen Reika from The BattleCats

>implying she isn't already

Then doing something cute

>white women were a mistake

>bringing up the spic when we weren't even talking about him.

Jesus. Just because you have a hard-on for him that you made the thread doesn't mean you have to suck his dick so hard.

Requesting Solid Snake haging out with other characters or doing trivial stuff. The other characters can be from any other franchies as long as it stays vidya related.

>Aigis, aigis that

Aigis is cute and has more then enough art from these threads as it Is.

You know who we we need more art of? Misha

Sound good. Can't wait to see how it turns out. If you ever need help with the dialogue or something, we'll be happy to pitch in as we did before.

Who did you get to clear the captcha for you?

Requesting Kay Faraday pointing this hacking gun/megaphone at Tateyuki Shigaraki in a threatening manner, or a solo drawing with the one on the right.


Some Jill as an sandwich would be great

Requesting this skit with Sojiro.

Requesting Arthas, on the right, dressed up like Kamen Rider Brave, on the left. Brave's Level 50 Taddle Fantasy outfit is best, but you can also go with normal Level 2 Kamen Rider Brave

Stop being an assmad faggot and accept things for what they are, lest you want these threads to not be allowed again. No matter if we keep the "unofficial" rule or not, people will still request their shitty OCs. When has that stopped literally anyone? Grow the fuck up.

Literally who?


requesting mikleo asleep in bed and edna under the covers sucking his cock while he's flushed and in a dream

>lest you want these threads to not be allowed again.
Do it.

Requesting Misha, from Ar Tonelico, in a variant of the original movie poster for The Thing (1982) depicted on the right. The title of the "movie" can be "THE MISHA"

Alternatively, requesting Misha, in a husky costume, sprinting through the arctic while being chased.

Thanks! I might also ask suggestions for the Rufus/Scarlet stuff then

There hasn't been any Aigis /d/ images and lots of nice art drawn in the threads lately, don't you jinx it by fighting and bring this stuff up.

But where will I request my dumb joke images then?

Just making an observation - check how many deliveries were tagged in this thread Plus there is a far more suitable and better Aigis anchor that can be used.

Go for it, always nice to help with dialogue stuff, as I have known some artists who have similar trouble with that stuff since they're more used to drawing than writing.

Wheres high jack user

Taking dumb joke image requests.

My filter must have broken.

Requesting a skirtless and frontal version of this Skullgirls frames.

Stop blog posting.

She's not blogposting, she's asking for suggestions

- THIS is blogposting. Nobody cares what you filter out

>When has that stopped literally anyone
Yeah that's why these threads are still swarmed with shitty requests for minus8 shygals

I don't actually have any dumb jokes right now so how about Axem Ranger Combing Mecha maybe?

>please fuck me mae fan!

Singaporefag reaches a new level of pathetic. Or have you always been this pathetic? Is Mishafag a girl and none of us but you know it, so you whiteknight her hoping she'll fuck you too?

Oh is tifafag a girl now?

>Meme request with boogeyman girl

Most people who make those requests are memers, not the actual boogeyman

So tired of faggots complaining anons and artists are having a good time, just because they don't like the content and act like they own the thread pissing and moaning nonstop like this cunt

That anchor is fine, it was made by a guy with good intentions, kinda miss him

Requesting your favorite character as a lego figure.