Now, I've never played Ogrecrotch, but it's safe to say that any game that costs 40 fucking bones, is online only, and is a TF2 ripoff is a complete fucking waste of time.
Paladins is free, has fine asses, has more heroes, more variety, horses, different builds for each character, and is more fun.
I didn't post this to open any discussion. I just wanted to post the objective truth for Sup Forums to see.
Liam Russell
Isaiah Green
It also has utterly shit balance designed around blatant waifu pandering and ease of access, as well as a more moba-oreinted playerbase that makes anything outside of the upper tier ranked games feel like you're playing with 'Mid or feed' retards.
Luis Ross
still has better balance than OW though
Michael Lee
Somehow ponydins has even less satisfying gunplay than OW.
Jaxson Flores
>OW >Gunplay
Julian Barnes
all f2p games suck, not saying OW is better or even good but don't pretend this shit is worth playing
Austin Lewis
After playing both, no it doesn't. OW at least has it where you'll see even the 'low tier' heroes in games, and even nerfed heroes still see play. Meanwhile in Paladins, I have seen a Skye in literally every single game I've played, because why wouldn't you take a Sombra/Tracer Hybrid that deals more damage than both of those characters combined? The only support that ever seemed effective is Pip, if only because most every Pip said fuck healing and went ignored their team in favor of their slow. Healing may as well not exist because of Cauterize being available to everyone right out the gate. Viktor alone is a blatant showing of how retarded the balance is, because he's 76 but with even less skill required.
Henry Cooper
This is what I thought after playing for 2 hours, but none of that is true after 50 hours. Literally none of what you said holds up in higher tiers. That's the BR/RU pub tier you describe.
Kevin Rodriguez
>you have to be good to understand
So why can't they balance the game for majority of the playerbase?
Sebastian Baker
>Intend to play a game for 40+ hours >Paying 40 dollars is a deal breaker Get a job
Grayson Gomez
They already are, sadly, and the game gets more trash with each update
Ryder Mitchell
it's a fairly balanced game
pros >new balance patch every 2 weeks >no hero switching mid-match >counterplaying is done with items like in mobas >hero abilities are customizable with "talents" >devs aren't afraid of making thicc models >ultimates are not OP >almost every hero has a mobility skill >competitive system is good
neutral >last gen graphics >F2P
cons >"new balance patch" might make the game garbage for 2 weeks >very inconsistent headshot hitboxes >servers can shit themselves at the worst times >TTK is getting shorter all the time >no lore yet (Soon™) >too many currencies for buying skins and crafting >the devs meme waaaay too much
Jeremiah Baker
>>counterplaying is done with items like in mobas This is not a good thing.
Benjamin Myers
It is. Switching heroes mid-match is stupid. It generates an endless cycle of switching around. Items are permanent and buying the correct or incorrect item has huge ramifications.
Jeremiah Morgan
>is online only And Paladins isn't? I don't know so real question.
Charles Long
>my team is shit and picked like morons, too bad i am stuck with this char for the whole game which we will inevitably lose!
John King
>I have seen a Skye in literally every single game >The only support that ever seemed effective is Pip You didn't play it for a long time(not blaming you tought) since these 2 complains are exclusive to low level matches. Classes are well defined in paladins (Pip beign an exeption) so expect healers to heal, not go full retard like mercy pistol in OW. >Viktor alone is a blatant showing of how retarded the balance is, because he's 76 but with even less skill required Yeah, auto aim is more balanced than a "INCOMING" shout followed by huge circles on the ground
>That's the BR/RU pub tier you describe Fuck off
Ryan Bailey
Exactly. Especially with games like Paladins where items are expensive, buying the wrong thing can sometimes tank an entire game. It isn't aatter of skill, it's a matter of doing whatever the cookie cutter tells you. And God forbid you get stuck with some retard too stupid to buy items.
Isaiah James
I play both and paladins is better on everything overwatch only has nice graphics and porn the gameplay is boring as fuck
Grayson Cooper
>I don't learn from my mistakes. It's not my fault, I'm just dumb and I need an undo button.
Anthony Fisher
By your logic Bastion is OP then, you sound like you're playing very low tier games because Skye gets shut down easily if you listen for her audio ques, Pip is one of the worst healers in the game, most play him as a flank regardless, and Viktor is exactly 76 but instead of missile you have a grenade and ADS because his hip fire spread is awful. Just because you got shit on does not make the game unbalanced, also Illuminate counters Skye rly hard >everyone is bad like me so make the game easier Are you implying ow isn't full of retards?
Nathan Martinez
I actually fucking hated paladins, it was a mess design wise; but how the fuck has Overwatch made so much money and accomplished nothing in over a year? They’ve added, what, 4 new maps? 4 heroes? And yet the game is still unbalanced as fuck and has a strict meta that’s impossible to play against?
Jonathan Cook
>Yeah, auto aim is more balanced than a "INCOMING" shout followed by huge circles on the ground His ult isn't the issue, it's that the damage he does is retarded for how accurate he is. 76 is typically used for supporting pushes, damaging shields, and catching out-of-position defenders quickly. Occasionally his ult can be used to flank the enemy team if they have lots of squishies huddled near a chokepoint. His balance comes from the fact that his damage output (Outside his ult) is typically low, albeit accurate, which is perfect for pinging down big shields and harassing slower enemies to either kill them or force them back to heal. Since Paladins has an auto-heal mechanic, it makes that kind of focus much less effrctive, making it so that even being OOP doesn't mean jack shit so long as you have a bit of damage. Viktor capatlizes even more on this by being a 76 with MORE damage and MORE accuracy, coupled with a better explosive, an ult that has better flat damage and range, and a better way to disengage and heal.
Easton Torres
>76 damage is low nigger what? he's like that best damage dealer in the game
Jonathan Gonzalez
He has high potential damage if you have the accuracy, but his individual shots aren't as strong. A good 76 would likely out perform a good Viktor, but a bad Viktor could probably compare to an average 76.
Joseph Campbell
Marketing, the thing that makes modern videogames post corporate takeover of the industry.
Zachary Scott
What said. Also it's Blizzard, and their name still throws a lot of weight around.
Mason Flores
I just don't agree with you, every viktor takes the ADS legendary and maybe because of experience I know not to stand in his shooting gallery and rush him instead so he has to use his shit hip fire, 76 does not have this issue close range
Chase Sanders
comparing two characters from different games because they can run and use an assault rifle is dumb anyway.
Zachary Harris
Skye is dumpster tier if you're not playing complete scrubs.
She can't burst anyone down if your healer and tank are even slightly paying attention.
Grayson Sullivan
I see. Guess the issue is that most games I'm in typically don't have both a tank and a healer.
Brody Jones
For boobs: Paladins For butts: Overwatch This is my final verdict.
Thomas Campbell
>Now, I've never played Ogrecrotch Stopped reading right there. Garbage thread. OP is a faggot.
Jayden Bailey
Yes that tends to happen in low level matches and yes, skye is very good in those situations. Her burst is lethal on most non tank champions even if you miss some shots.
However once you add a healer or a shield, she blows her load and then she's got nothing. She has low HP, crap sustained damage and she needs to be up close to do her damage so she's either forced to fuck off or she just dies if she stays and fights.
She's really fun to play though. It's a shame she's shit in competitive games.
Dylan Anderson
Her job is to stay hidden (with the use of stealth), clean up retreating low hp targets and get out alive with her smoke bomb. She's shit because everyone plays her like a damage champion. She struggles to kill full health targets especially tanks, it's what makes her balanced.
Alexander Allen
See the thing is, you could play any number of champions that do the job of picking off low hp targets better while having better sustain damage and more range so you actually get to contribute in the rest of the fight.
However it is fun to be behind enemy lines and pick off all the squishy heroes when they respawn and are all alone. Won quite a few cart push maps that way.