Is this unironically already GOTY 2018? What else could it really be?

Is this unironically already GOTY 2018? What else could it really be?

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Wasn't it delayed?

>not on PC

It doesn't even count.

Rockstar more like cock star LMAO

>not no more heroes 3
fuck off rockstar shill, go buy more shark cards


to 2018 yeah, which is what the OP mentioned

>female protagonist


Ni no Kuni 2?

How could it "ironically" be goty, you git

You alrwasy know they are going to fuck it up with Red Dead Online .

cautiously optimistic although the lack of ghibli involvement is concerning.

>pcbros just making shit up now

Unironically as in I'm not ironically saying it to anger PC or switch users

I can't really think of any upcoming 2018 games that are must play. If there aren't any amazing surprises I'm pretty sure rdr2 will take it

Your going to get shit for that, but it's still a valid point. There is literally no reason for games to console exsclusive anymore

pc is just waiting for consoles to beta test like gtav, they might even make it for PS5 and Scorpio

rockstar is smart, they save a shitload of money by not developing the same game twice for multiple platforms, they do it once, learn everything and then perfect it for the pc release. they save a fortune on QA that way.

WE GOT A ONE MINUTE TRAILER! GOTY! The state of Rockstar fanboys.

Nah, next year Nintendo will release Metroid Prime 4 and probably Smash 5.

There's no way they blew their load this year with just mainline Mario and Zelda in the works.

>shit graphics
>strong females because fuck MUH HISTORICAL ACCURACY
>SJW as fuck
>rockstar post gta-5 so enjoy your shit singleplayer and forced microtransactioned online mode

>more and more pc games are going to console
>there's still a plethora of games that will never go to pc
>"th-theres no need for console exclusivity anymore, haha"
The absolute state of PC

Well the first RDR was an instant classic, and goty, so it makes sense for the sequel to be just as good. Nevertheless, name ONE other game it could be.
Stop being a false flagging retard, you're not fooling anyone.

Actually, 2 trailers :3

disprove any of those points you fucking retard. trailer had it all

I'm not taking your bait. No one on Sup Forums is upset over this, and there was nothing like wolfenstein 2's interracial scene. You're just a little false flagging pathetic person. I actually pity you.

>being this delusional
keep it up shill

Should come out for PC.
No reason not too.

Why am I unimpressed with the graphics? I feel like Horizon looks tons better.



would you like to buy a vowel?

You're gay?

Probably because Rockstar has to use more disc space for an actual game with a lot to do, unlike horizon

Kingdom Hearts 3 isn't popular enough to be goty over rockstar. God of War 4 might win over some numales in Sony biased sites

consider metroid prime 4 probably won't come out in 2018 there's a strong possibility RDR2 is GotY

then again they may allocate too much shit into online after the shit in GTAV


Keep fighting the good fight, virgin-bro, strike those SJWs down.

God of War, Spiderman, Sucker Punch's new game, etc

Metroid Prime 4 maybe


not after that horrid QTE presentation at E3

SPOILER John Marston kills the guy from 2 cause he's not in the first one

I honestly can't tell if these people are false flagging or if there are actually people so paranoid about the sjw agenda that they see any female or nonwhite as part of it.
I'm leaning towards the former but if it's the latter than I'm sure it's retarded redditors.

There were plenty of women outlaws in the wild west
Pearl hart
Rose dunn
Belle starr
>muh sjws
Buzzwords, thats all your "argument" is
>shit graphics
Looked alright to me
Better than gta 5

I'll eat dick if MP4 comes out in 2018

what if the mc in 2 kills john marston

I'm normally a huge Rockstar shill but compare the graphics to Far Cry 5 and it isn't very impressive.

All sound like porn star names honestly

This sounds so stupid I can see Rockstar doing it. Rockstar has this massive erection for killing off protagonists.

Well she was real

It doesn't make any fucking sense as to why this isn't coming to PC. I refuse to ever stoop as low as to buy a console just to play the games I love. Fuck this.

They really don't look that great. Faces are especially ugly.

After GTAV I don't care about RDR2. It probably will have a lot of removed stuff because of Online.

The first RDR ended in tragedy so I doubt this will be different. Williamson, Escuela and Dutch are the only members of Dutch's Gang left alive other than Marston in RDR.

People are really bitching about the graphics? Wait for the PC port, which will happen. However I think it still looks great on console. Superb facial animations and a terrific lighting engine

>Releases GTAV on X360 and PS3
>Releases GTAV on PS4 and XBone
>Releases GTAV on PC
>Bans people periodically so they just buy shark cards after making new Steam account

It's not Rockstar that's smart. It's that the consumer audience is retarded and buys the same game multiple times. Same thing happens with Skyrim, it's why Todd sleeps at night.

t. assblasted pcbro


>Wait for the PC port

pckeks are still waiting for a port of the first one lmao

The absolute state of the Sony pony.

that Red Dead Redemption port will come out any day now

Yakuza 6 too

Feels good

sure does :3

I hope you're all ready to pay $39.99 for a stagecoach in rockstar funbux. GTAO demonstrated the future of the company's approach to games.

An aspect I can completely ignore?

PC Port won't even come out for like five years at best, same thing will go around like GTAV. Rockstar doesn't even both with RDRedemption because frankly why would they port an older game without a guarantee of profit. It'd be cool though to get a remaster of RDRevolver though. They released Bully on PC so I don't see why they wouldn't at least do PS2 era games.

I still can't fathom how other PC users can't afford a console anyways. If you're going to build a PC with something like 1070s, 1080s, Radeon's equivelents, you probably have enough cash to fork out for a PS4 to enjoy everything worthwhile not on PC since Xbox is migrating to Microsoft online store anyways for PCs.

Let me tell you which PC users act like cucks. The mother fucking poor fags. They have a laptop they got for schoolwork they play games on, but never think about just saving some money for a console.

If you're a legit poorfag, why the fuck are you wasting cash on video games instead of bettering yourself to make yourself less of a poorfag.

An O