What is the worst video game fanbase?
What is the worst video game fanbase?
Elijah Murphy
Other urls found in this thread:
Joshua White
your favorite
David Reyes
sonic the hedgehog
Aiden Perez
Madokas are cancerous? Never noticed
Christian Rogers
hey fuck you I love that fanbase
Isaac Perez
What's to the far right in Sup Forums? HEALTH? Or some other band
Asher Morales
Jordan Lee
Animal Collective
Robert Brown
>sneedposters are so hated that one dedicated autist goes barneyfag when anything Sneed is posted
It might be just me, but what the actual fuck is so bad with Sneedposters? It's just as funny as bane, and newfags run bane into the ground to pretend they're old.
Jack Miller
It's coincidence Smash community became worse after sanic was in the roster or was it that community simply became more visible after stable internet was widespread?