What is the worst video game fanbase?

What is the worst video game fanbase?

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your favorite

sonic the hedgehog

Madokas are cancerous? Never noticed

hey fuck you I love that fanbase

What's to the far right in Sup Forums? HEALTH? Or some other band


Animal Collective

>sneedposters are so hated that one dedicated autist goes barneyfag when anything Sneed is posted
It might be just me, but what the actual fuck is so bad with Sneedposters? It's just as funny as bane, and newfags run bane into the ground to pretend they're old.

It's coincidence Smash community became worse after sanic was in the roster or was it that community simply became more visible after stable internet was widespread?

monogatari fags are really bad on Sup Forums

>Karol Marks fanbase

It's like little Sup Forums inside /lit/

>Not having a Thinkpad
>Using Windows
That's the real joke here.

They're not. Sup Forums just started to hate it because it got popular really fast.

Just like Undertale

Oh. Well I kind of agree then. They're pretty hit or miss with me

Madoka isn't even the worst fanbase on Sup Forums

Look at all the terrible JoJo, Love Live, Kemono Friends, Dragon Ball, threads. And that's not getting into all those FOTM shows.

>he doesn't enjoy stirnerposting

Melee fans are the fucking worst

Have you been in a Madoka thread before? Its posters were so notoriously bad they got the /ghost/ feature removed from desuarchive.

Sup Forums spends more time shitting on them than their fanbase does talking. I'd give it to certain parts of /metal/

That was because of that one shitposter ACK wasn't it?

Kek nice to see a pic I made is getting reposted and updated

this whole board

For Sup Forums, your image is actually pretty accurate, but I think the Undertale cancer has died down. I think you could easily replace it with pirates or Sup Forums falsefags though.

Yes, but he started in Madoka threads. His existence alone is worse than any other shitposter this site has ever had and just the fact that the environment of tripfaggery in Madoka threads facilitated his birth is enough to cement them as one of the most cancerous fanbases of all time.

GTA Online

Probably because it isn't funny at all.

>Sup Forums

Are they really that bad? I'm always skeptical that it's just butthurt newbois.


Pretty sure the Sup Forums DBS threads are worse

Fallout New Vegas. Self-important, pseudo-intellectuals who have Linda Blair-esque spasms and REEEEEEEE if you say something remotely good about Bethesda or something lacking in NV.

>rick and morty + sneeds
Ironic shitposting =/=fanbase.

I think pic related has the worst fanbase after normalizing for how much of the game actually exists.

>no sanic
>no sonygros

really man? also there's barely any undertale fans here

>someone disagreed with me in a Fallout: New Vegas thread


I don't get it.

Sneeds Feed and Seed?

>Sneed fanbase
Such a thing exists?


Replace sm4sh with melee (The FGC) but I agree and I love ninty.

Any Sup Forumsfags who want to explain why Thinkpads and that anime thing is bad?

Sonic maybe was for a time but I think sonic fags agree there are shit games and an infamous fan to learn not to become.

Melee isn't the FGC

>smash bros
No one talks about either of them here. Replace those 2 with New Vegas and Witcher 3.

Melee is but a facet of it. You think of the FGC and WOMBO COMBO THAT AINT FALCO shit is what a lot of people accociate with.

Fire Emblem fags should die in a fire.

There's barely anyone actually into Undertale on Sup Forums.

Change that to console faggots

It's just newfriends. Animeposting has been part of Sup Forums since its inception.

the problem is op restricted himself to a paltry 3

Then a lot of people are wrong/uninformed--not surprising. Melee isn't a part of the FGC.

Console faggots and PC police are both infufferable cunts but we can agree phone posters are the absolute worst.

battle royale

Melee was a fixture of Evo for 15 years before it was retired. I won't argue if fighting game is not a fighting game, but I will say it has been treated as such.

Sup Forums needs Dragon Ball Super, Jojo, and Umaru

Sup Forums needs Sonic the Hedgehog, Fire Emblem, and Overwatch... also no one hasn't gave a shit about Undertale in a year now

Sup Forums needs waifufag-type posts to be added in this list

Simpsons is good and people actually want to discuss it as opposed to TDKR which is literally only good because of the plane scene

t. Salty grandpa that's mad his shitty games are no longer relevant and his niche series on the brink of death is actually popular

undertale/overwatch kikes (same people)

>Freaking AOT
>Freaking Undertale

God, they're awful.

I like Madoka but the fanbase is such cancer that it's impossible to even acknowledge it.


friend of 10+ years banned me from his chat group for teasing skyward sword during e3 reveal. I was saying how the remote control beetle weapon looked retarded.

at the end of the day though I think they didnt like me anymore.

long story short simpson threads are now instant derailed by sneed posting

Madoka's fanbase is one of the best on Sup Forums!

But why now? That image has been around and posted for years.

>hating on winners of Superb Owl

>all three of Sup Forums are American Football
Why do we allow Europoors to post on this site?

What's that bear one?

>post yfw da Burrs win da superb owl

Please don't pair Tsukihime with Fateshit

Where the fuck is grimes for Sup Forums she is so trash but gets a general that always hits the limit

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Undertale. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical psychology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sans' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Undertale truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sans' existencial catchphrase "Your're going to have a bad time," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Toby Fox's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Undertale tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. ;)

>tfw dark souls is your favorite game

kpop threads are the best threads on Sup Forums tho

Not anymore, mods have been banning sneedposters which was mostly just some underage b& who was salty about golden age simpsons.

This desu. Kpop shouldn't even be on there because they don't really interact with the rest of Sup Forums, I'd say Sup Forums's should be Grimes, Kanye, and Death Grips.

>Sup Forums over Sup Forums
>When 2 of the 3 are cartoons

Forgot pic related


Monster hunter fans have been pretty damn annoying with that list in every monster hunter thread

The worst vidya fanbases I can think of, as in they're actually cancerous and invasive, not just full of annoying children:

>Dark Souls/Bloodborne
>Gears of War
>Five Nights at Freddy's

Special mentions to the little kid crew:

No. Kpop is degenerate and the fans are brain dead hype beasts, the threads are just fluffy "this is my wife say something nice about her" shit that every once in a while turns into a cat fight because one gook roach dick rider says another plastic blob woman is shit.

DBS threads are my favorite kind of autism. It's the best part of Sup Forums

Sup Forums should definitely have Kendrick but that's only because of the annoying detractors and shitposters that start spamming "KANGZ" bullshit anytime you post any of his albums.

>Kendrick is good
not after TPAB and Damn.


Rick and Morty doesn't even have a cancerous fanbase (on Sup Forums). Unless you're literally crossboarding from Reddit/Tumblr, I dunno why it'd be there.

Also, it probably should be under [s4s] because of Pickle Rick Posting.

Is Sup Forums autistic ? that's an obvious bait.

It gets old and stale after the billionth time.


What? Most of of Sup Forums seems to fucking hate Undertale, that shouldn't even be in that image unless you're counting tumblr.

>doesn't have the Harry Potter copypasta shitposter under it