Is there any "good" mobile games with anime woman? Any genre
Is there any "good" mobile games with anime woman? Any genre
Eh, I've heard that Fire Emblem Heroes is decent. I can't run it on my phone, but the characters all look very anime-like.
This is why you're a virgin
Kill yourself ironic weeb
I unironically want that "pls rember"
>wanting to play games with anime aesthetics makes you an ironic weeb now
I want reddit to go and stay go. You can't even discuss anything on Sup Forums relating to anime or Japan anymore without retards like you trying too hard to fit in by screaming "ironic weeb"
Um no. You are the Reddit invader.
No it's not. We're virgins because we know that 2d will always be superior to 3d to piggus. Enjoy stds, little bastards, and shitty relationships. Onahole is literally a gift from god. Combine it with VR and you've got yourself a good time.
Ive been playing girlsfrontline a lot recently.
>Mobile games
Pick one.
And when did you start browsing Sup Forums?
I started back in 07, sometimes you need to just not give a fuck and allow yourself to have fun sometimes.
This isn't some secret club and we're not the cancer that is Sup Forums.
This is an anime image board if you can't appreciate that you can go back to what ever hole you crawled out.
Cute things are cute.
No. It's all match 3 games or gatcha shit
haha yeah user cute and erp XDD! Is this your steam profile?
shadowverse is on mobile I think
Is that Neogaf?
I don't see a difference between the modern Touhou fanbase and the old Touhou fanbase.
Goddess kiss is pretty fun.
>le Sup Forums guardians defending from reddit
>strawmanning this hard
granblue fantasy
>Some Elf slut.jpg
How the fuck do you play Fire Emblem without starting with Awakening or earlier?
Epic argument Sup Forumsros ahah
>pls remember
Food for thought: the future Touhou fanbase will probably consist of women who grew up with it.
Different guy but I feel the same way.
Too many people take Sup Forums as serious business.
Been here since early 2006
>future Touhou fanbase
Will probably just be people circlejerking cute girls like like they were doing in 1997, 2007, and in 2017.
I don't even understand this reddit boogeyman thing. I'm pretty sure other than some fringe subreddits anime is not even allowed there, if they hate anime so much why don't these people stay there instead of coming to literally Sup Forums to complain.
Say no more f@m. Ignore that filthy gacha shit and get Witchspring.
>premium game
>no IAP
>no online requirement
>turn based RPG
>princess-maker raising where you train girl to raise stats
>limited number of days so you gotta plan a bit
>multiple endings
>dark elf loli with bunny ears
it's got all ya need boi
Fate/Grand Order
Phoenix Wright Trilogy
To what? Sup Forums was literally made because anime wasn't allowed on SA, then all of SA migrated to reddit and they still don't allow anime. While Sup Forums was made for weebs, is for weebs and will be for weebs. If people hate weebs they should stay on r/totalbiscuit or some other shitty SA community.
>time limit
Where's a good spot to get the latest apk for it mate? Is
Oh nevermind I somehow missed the version number on the qoo-app page, it is the latest, cheers anyway
It's basically like Persona 3/4/5 where you got 365 days to beat the game, it's pretty lenient. If you still don't like that, they removed the time limit in the sequel.
Can anyone explain to me what an ironic weeb is? I dont get why someone would pretend to like anime and jap stuff. Seems like a waste when they could enjoy things they actually like.
>"""ironic""" overuse of senpai or kouhai, may even use it for their online handle
>Don't understand the concept of waifu and call everything 2D a waifu
>stuttering and blushing anime girl pictures aka cuteposting
>Crunchyroll subscription
>usually only watches the latest "meme" anime like Maidragon
>will joke about lewding loli but find it disgusting if you fap to it
>has social media accounts that are flooded with the latest FotM meme game/anime jokes (BotW, P5, Maidragon and Kemono Friends are good and recent examples)
>loves games like Senran Kagura, Neptunia and/or Persona
>Have a 3DPD gf
>people who aren't virgin
>if seen in real life, will likely be wearing some article of clothing that say something along the lines of SENPAI or TOP NEP
>still plays Overwatch
>loves memebait characters like Astolfo, Kanna, Makoto, Kizuna Ai
>plays mobile games like Love Live, FEH, FGO and/or Granblue
>can be on either side of the political spectrum but if right leaning, expect anime girls with photoshopped MAGA hats
>primary means of communication are either Discord or Steam
>watch anime reviewers youtubers
Satania best girl, that guy has patrician taste.
I don't know what you're trying to prove.
Perhaps it is you who is new and trying hard to fit in.
So its a run of the mill shitposter with an anime aesthetic? Thats dissapointing, i dont mind some of the the things on that list but they all have a time and place.
Also who the fuck watches anime reviews? Just watch the first three episodes and if its shit drop it, theres no scientific process for this.
These all sound exactly like the unironic Japanophiles I had the misfortune to be acquainted with 10+ years ago
>I dont get why someone would pretend to like anime and jap stuff. Seems like a waste when they could enjoy things they actually like.
It's mostly gay people and women.
I went to a anime club because a friend invited me and they were watching Konosuba. A gay guy said he didn't like all the fan service because he thought it was sexiest.
I flat out told him that it's not sexist, it's sexy, and that's the appeal and that you don't watch porn and proceed to complain about the nudity.
People especially nowadays tend to define themselves by their hobbies. And anime is a hobby that's easily acquired with gaming but they aren't dedicated enough to become actual otaku so they just become low effort fashion fags.
Every subculture that grows past it's intended mass gets these people who just join because they want to be part of something. Kinda like the "hardcore gamers" who played 2 hours of call of duty and otherwise are just average people but say they're really hard into gaming.
That image gave me a good chuckle.
that said you should try them all anyway, you might find one you like
i really like fgo even if it's pure garbage
That's a very specific description
Not the guy who you replied to but I'm gonna ask you to evaluate me anyway as you seem an expert
>I use 'senpai' with my friends, but not online generally, and not often
>I understand the concept of waifus and I like it, but joke about it with friends
>I would not do this if you fuckin paid me goddamn
>Nope I download my anime exclusively
>I watch "meme" anime but also anything else from any time period that interests me, which is a lot
>I tell my loli-obsessed friend he is going to jail all the time, but I have fapped to lolis that happen to be in hentai before, however I am a fan of cowtits
>Nah got a Facebook though, my youtube is filled with Police show vids and Siege Pro League
>Senran Kagura is boring, anime and game. Neptunia was okay but nothing special, haven't played Persona
>Nope wish I did though
>Not a virgin
>Just like cuteposting, won't catch me dead wearin that shit
>Haven't played Overwatch in a bit, didn't mind it for a bit of fun though
>No idea who three of those are, and I like vids of Kizuna Ai trying to speak English
>FEH was boring, trying out Granblue now to kill time, also play puzzle games and other stuff like Bards Tale on mob
>I am entirely neutral in the sense that I do not have an opinion on where I lean overall as I do not particularly care
>Facebook, Discord, Mobile Phone
>I watched Demo :(
So user, what do I fall under in your list of weebs? Am I a special snowflake?
>Also who the fuck watches anime reviews?
Westerner niwakas. They want to be part of the "anime crowd" but have no idea how to do it, so they just go on websites they know like youtube and look for anything that resembles a community or some senior who can teach them how to be "good anime fans".
A lot of reviewers just feed on these people because why wouldn't they, it's not hard to do. To the blind a man with one eye is a God.
i like fgo and use discord/steam a lot but i don't do these things ironically
steam is steam, discord is irc but with scrollback, voice, and a few other cool features, and fgo is shit but i like it anyway partially because of type moon and partially because for some reason the gameplay just clicks with me
i think being an ironic weeb doesn't really need to be defined any further, "ironic weeb" is explanation enough. if you're acting like a weeb but only doing it "ironically," then you're an ironic weeb.
Puzzle fighter is soft launched, I'm trying to unlock morrigan :D
Different user but you sound like a fag, stop trying to get approval from strangers on the internet.
Thats retarded. All you need to do is watch anime and if you like it your an anime fan, if you dont move on.
I just dont understand man, when did weeb start to mean people who like anime instead of the "nippon strong japan best country ever" crowd. I never got pretending to like something to fit in either so maybe my mindset is wrong for this stuff.
probably about the time it went from "weeaboo" to "weeb" in popular use
it was bound to get diluted over time anyway just because people who aren't weebs aren't going to care about the distinction
Ranma 1/2 mobage when?
>All you need to do is watch anime and if you like it your an anime fan
That's the thing, they don't actually care about anime. They care about the community that's based on anime. These are still normalfags, they can't wrap their heads around actually being passionate about something, they just see anime as the acceptance requirement of that particular community. So they want to "learn it" so they can be part of it, that's all they really care about, this is why they're "ironic" about it.
This is great if you can overlook the horrible localization(grammar).
Crash Fever - (Bejeweled ripoff) it's easy to get started during events and hop in multiplayer to farm up decent units
Goddess Kiss - build a team of cute mecha pilots and try to setup good positioning to win as fast as possible. Anniversary and idol event is going on so lots of free shit
Terra Battle - fun game, TB2 was released recently which ups the waifus, supposedly. The art was done by Kimihiko Fujisaka, who does gorgeous work.
Those are the ones I'd actually recommend.
Soccer Spirits has a ton of sluts, but they censored the old ones and it's more whale than anyone should have to put up with.
God damn i didnt think secondaries existed for hobbies. I suppose youre right. i always thought it was better to find a group based off your interests than pretend to care so you can be a member but i can sort of understand why someone would do that.
>enjoy moe games and moe anime for years
>before 2017 always get called a weeaboo on Neptunia/Gust/anything-with-cute-anime-girls threads
>after 2017 gets called an "ironic weeb"
Eh, nothing really changed for me, have fun.
>better to find a group based off your interests
Hard to do that when you have no interests. The younger people of our time are probably among the most lost humans in history. They've been told by society that they're free and can do what they want. But then there they are, having no clue what to do in life. So of course they try to cling to one community or another. In a way it is pretty sad but they're still idiots.
what anime
i like you user, please keep posting good mobile games when you find them. (i got these witch games because of your previous comments about how theyre like atelier)
pleases men for money.
>anime fag
>mobile fag
bad taste breeds bad taste i guess
KiraKira Precure a la mode:
There is always F/GO
>your previous comments about how theyre like atelier
Wow, I didn't even make those comments but it's good to know other anons have good taste in mobile games!
The "ironic weeb" is just a regular run-of-the-mill irritating weeaboo. Some 2-3 years ago a bunch of them used the thin excuse of doing what they do merely "ironically" (as befitting the zeitgeist of the time). This, however, doesn't mean there's a sudden new internet demographic at play here. Just a thinly-veiled variation of the same embarrassing idiots who've been a plague on our society for 20 odd years now.
The vacuousness of the term really shines when you try to force its users to define what an "ironic weeb" is and how it differs from a regular weeaboo (see ). They inevitably end up listing traits that describe all weeaboo forms of posting, albeit more modern - it is 2017 after all, not 2007. On Sup Forums, the self-satisfying newfags like to contrast the "ironic weeb" with the "wise japanimation sage" stereotype they carefully cultivated over the last half decade, despite the fact the latter simply does not exist outside their deranged tryharding hivemind. It is an exercise in forced commonality as stupid and 'cringey' as the one they're allegedly protesting.
What I find most telling is the way "ironic weeb" only became popular as a general derogatory term a couple of years AFTER the phenomena it supposedly describes begun dying down. I can't prove it, but I suspect many who use "ironic weeb" have actually started out as "ironic weebs" themselves, but have since shed the disguise, embraced their hobbies like proper adults and are now trying to distance themselves from this embarrassing chapter in their lives.
>gatcha shit
That's why this whole "ironic weeb" shit makes me laugh. Weebs are just seeing the actions of modern weebs with less self respect and restraint and can see the results of being so public by the sheer amount of shunning from society as a whole. Scared that they now have a result to the cancerous faggotry they've kept secret, they want to distance themselves from the modern weebs despite being exactly the same, thus labeling them.
Modern weebs just handed them a mirror.
Sure, and every hardcore gamer who played every cult classic game on hard difficulty hates call of duty fags and camwhore gamergirls because they are actually camwhore gamergirls and just try to distance themselves.
Bottom line: you are fucking retarded.
Just play the Index game
doesn't even feel like a mobile game most of the time
Comparing apples to fucking coconuts.
The only thing hardcore about a weeaboo is their delusion to their offensiveness to real humans.
>waaah waaah I hate weebs
At least we know what you're true identity is redditard. You have no clue what you're talking about, yes there is a fuckload of difference between an actual otaku and some niwaka. Like not watching dubs or knowing who the fuck Anno is also having seen 200+ anime compared to the "I have seen almost 10 different series" type people.
>y-you can't compare hardcore fans and newfag posers in two communities t-thats different
Whatever you camwhore.
keep dropping those japanese words, it makes you look smarter and like you know what you're talking about
See I don't understand this overuse of "weeb"
Originally it meant "someone so obsessed with anime, manga, japanese video games, that they became infatuated with the country of japan itself to the point that they fantasized about becoming japanese and living in japan"
Now it means "someone who watches anime, reads manga, or plays japanese video games"
But the implication is somehow still there that those people are obsessive and crazy even though, in the modern internet, those things are incredibly accessible and even normies will watch shit like SAO or Attack on Titan because they hear about it so much
I legitimately don't understand the mindset of people who use "weeb" like this in 2017
I've been using this word for at least a decade and it's a common otaku word. You'd know that much if you weren't such a retarded newfag.
i'd probably pick it up if it got localized but it's not worth it for a jp-only version
It's colloqualism, yeah "originally" it just meant people who literally wanted to become Japanese but nowadays it's just western people who like japanese stuff on any level. I don't think there's any deep meaning behind it, it's just like gamers "owning up" the word "nerd" and stuff like that.
>looking for good anime games
>but also want them localized
here's a tip, the localized versions are always worse with fucked up rates and events
No, I don't think it is that. A word doesn't drastically change meaning by itself like that, and it didn't change gradually either.
It's only recently that people have been forcing that meaning super hard, so again I'm failing to understand the mindset behind it.
It's to bait retards like you. Shouting weeb is guaranteed to get replies.
Just fuck off for a few months and calm down.
Because of the same implementation for weebs back then as ironic is used now. Weebs wanted to feel like they weren't as cancerous and faggot as the other permavirgins (they were) for being the exact same whyfoo fag worshipping retards, just more socially visible to the public.
Just self hating weebs trying to ignore their faggotry and distance themselves from others exactly like them because they're deluded as fuck.
Betting on OP being a dumb spic.
I am calm, and I'm not baited. I'm just confused. It reminds me of back when boards would be raided by other boards, but a lot more unfocused and widespread.
See this sort of makes sense, an entirely new generation of cringelords forcing a word as hard as possible through hivemind.
Well if we really want to get into the semantics of it. I think it was mostly due to the fact that people who just hated anime called everything they saw a weeb because they thought that it's a good enough slur word. Then people came after them saw that the word was used meaning that something is related to japan and started to use it in that way instead of the derogatory way. And now the regular otaku just take up the word too because of the new meaning.
Like I said slurs are sometimes claimed by the people they are made about as those people gain more influence.
>reddit spacing
i'm fine with that, i'd rather have the story translated
Is there somewhere where I can see what games just released on the android store or what upcoming games there are ? Android store itself only allows me to see a game's latest update date and that's fucking stupid, I have no way to know how old the game is before trying it out
So then are you just ironically a gamer or are you a delusional permavirgin cancerous faggot in denial?
it's a literal a anime game, just read the LN or watch the anime if you want the story
>touho fans
Just as bad if not worse thenhomestuck fans which is ironic because once homestuck ended, most of the fans jumped ship to touho
i already do
People like that aren't even real fans, now a single official merchandise in sight
>which is ironic because once homestuck ended, most of the fans jumped ship to touho
They all jumped ship to Undertale, FNAF, and Steven Universe
Plus the small population that hasn't jumped ship and is still reading/playing Hiveswap