What does Sup Forums think about Rocket League? I never see it being discussed in here. Is it a reddit-tier game?

What does Sup Forums think about Rocket League? I never see it being discussed in here. Is it a reddit-tier game?
>tfw 300 hours in
>tfw platinum 1 on 3v3

Back in my day it was called CarBall and was a mod for UT2004.

The physics were shit, but it was the same concept.

It's fun and easy to play with friends since you only need 1 or 2 more.

Community is shit.

Is the experience better with a controller or kb+m?

I actually think its one of the greatest games ever made.

>tfw still gold scrub with 300+ hours

Well, all pros use controller, no exceptions. I personally use a keyboard because I'm very used to it, and I'm really shit with a controller (probably because I haven't really held a controller since I sold my ps3 at 2012).
If you're just starting the game make sure to use a controller.
>community is shit
As with any other slightly competitive team game out there in 2017. Sucks.

>What does Sup Forums think about Rocket League
I like it, still pretty shit at it, stuck in plat.
>I never see it being discussed in here
We have threads every once in a while, get a few games going

Most people play with controller. They're normally better for driving games and shit. A few pros use m+kb tho

I found it very hard to go into plat in 2v2. If you fuck up you're punished way harder than in 3v3. I soloq'd and carried myself into plat 1 in 3v3. You just need some game sense and general team play, and hope that you have at least 1 decent person in your team.

i play 2v2 with a bud who's better than me
i just can't aim with the ball

If anyone wants to play
US East server
name: vee
pass: rage

This game is a curse it's the only thing I can bring myself to play anymore

Also post em


It's the last great game made in the past couple of years

Tried playing octane again for a bit
Can't get flicks nearly as well in the mantis

Here's one I don't use, had to put the blue MDGA vinyl to use tho


i mainly use this


I'm so shit at the game. I know what I want to do and where I want my car to go but somehow fuck up and end up hating myself.

get in the server fags

Sorry I'm in EU

I genuinely think it's one of the best multiplayer games ever made. There's no RNG, no grinding, it's easy to pick up but extremely difficult to master. Matches don't linger for 40 minutes where only a third of it is good, instead the whole match is the good part.

>forever stuck in diamond no matter what i do or who i play with
end my eternal suffering

>forever stuck in gold 3
fixed that for you

>season ends in 3 hours
>1 division from next rank

y-you can do it user, with enough dedication you will become a diamond scrub like me!

i cri 2

i didn't even get the 12 games for the bronze thing
ah fuck me

what's the car part this time?

You get free crate depend of your rank :^)

What a save!

>I never see it being discussed in here.

How fucking new can you be?

you shit me right?
so you don't even get a unique item?

Just as how there's no advantage to a controller while playing shooters, there's no advantage to a keyboard+mouse while playing racing games.


gotta play with chat muted to be honest

>stuck in the top 5% of players

I think you're okay man

server is still up

name: vee
pass: rage

>implying I'm going to embarrass myself with my shittines

it's fine user, this is just for fun

not for me when I'm at the bottom with 40 points
like every single game in standard competitive

we usually get dudes ranging from bronze to champ
we really dont care as long as there are enough people

just play you fag, it'll b fun

i love being a sassy gay toy car

Oh come on, it's virtually never mentioned next to nu-Sup Forums games like PUBG.

It was all over Sup Forums when it launched, which is why he is calling you new because that was pretty recently.

That was in 2015. I'm pretty sure OP was referring the game not being discussed recently.

What is there to discuss?

rip /rklg/ ;_;7

I still don't get it, why do people say this like 2 seconds into a match

kids desperate for your white zombas
shit wheel btw

I suck shit at this however I have friends that play religiously and are very good. I'll probably be getting back into it when the Switch version comes out

It's a good game for €20
Bad physics and not much depth but everything else is good

Not even worth a (You).