>see a thread on Sup Forums of people talking about their experiences befriending other Sup Forumsirgins >one user says he is lonely/wants a bf >tell him I'll add him >we have a decent conversation for two days and then he blocks me
Some of you people really are pathetic
Justin Price
I assure you, I only block people after the 3rd day and its when they haven't bought me video games.
So, befriend me.
Ian Wood
I just find it silly when people complain about loneliness and then have an autistic breakdown and abandon ship.
Evan Evans
Most people who are "lonely" are so because the very people themselves care very little when it comes to socializing. They also have this romanticized idea where if they don't fall madly in love with X person instantly then they lose all interest in speaking with said person.
Never take serious of these faggots begging for bf's or companionship or anything, they isolate themselves on purpose.
Justin Murphy
>adding someone to become their bf >have conversation instead >surprised when blocked after false advertising sounds like ur a dumb nerd op lol
James Roberts
>befriending other Sup Forumsirgins
Chase Clark
Camden Lopez
don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread
Isaac Morris
Jack Kelly
>Worked on a game with the dude >Gave up for no reason >Met up with him >Literal stuttering perma/v/irgin
He's legitimately probably an-hero'd by now.
Aaron Cooper
The only correct post here t b h
Elijah Green
OP is literally a faggot.
Josiah Wood
Hey pal, you just roll in from Reddit Town?
Adam Walker
don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread
Julian Brooks
It's almost like they do it solely for attention purposes and are the types to wallow in their own misery and constantly wish people to feel sorry for them so they can pretend that people actually care about them.
Jordan Evans
only make friends with people who have had sex
Nathan Young
Cameron Bennett
Don't even bother Sup Forumsirgins in steam threads are literally sissy anime-posting homosexuals. >/wants a bf Case in point, yet you ignored this glaring sign right here. Friendship isn't magic user.
Ethan Adams
Basically this.
And this. As far as trying to treat others on Sup Forums like rational healthy adults. This board is literally worse than /trash/ and Sup Forums combined. Autistic vitriol is its life blood
Carter Reed
Carter Carter
Dominic Powell
Jack Mitchell
Most people on Sup Forums don't make for good friends. I've met two people here that got on my Steam friends list, both of which removed me. #1 was an extremely spineless and passive person who can't stand any level of aggression or conflict. Even strong opinions made him feel uncomfortable. #2 was a eurofag who tried to argue facts in a language they had only a basic understanding of. This person was simply an idiot who couldn't accept they were very wrong about many things they frequently talked about.
Don't make friends with people from Sup Forums.
Asher Cox
>not talking things out to see if there's a connection at all >literally suggesting hopping into a relationship with a complete and utter stranger
Yeah OP is the retard here, obviously not you lmoa
Christopher Gonzalez
I've got a few okay friends I've made from Sup Forums, although we don't talk super often.
dont ever fuckin reply to me again unless &c
Jaxson Ward
A lot of them are passive. Really, really fucking passive they don't talk or do anything. Like if you're going to be friends you have to actually do shit and have some kind of personality, not just sit there watching anime all damn day.
Nicholas Diaz
You sound worse than either of them, honestly.
Nicholas Watson
You ain't gonna do shit, dork. Give me your lunch money and maybe I'll let that comment slide...this time.
Wyatt Gutierrez
what are you gonna do w/$0.99 big boy, u cant even shop the family dollar like that
dont fuk w/me bich i aint got a dollar to lose
Lucas Harris
>want to make friends >tfw I'm introverted even online and probably won't initiate conversation and I'm probably boring to talk to
Sebastian Bell
Shit, son. I didn't know you was havin' ta hustle day-by-day. My bad. Take this an' treat yoself. We crew.
Colton Sanchez
The experience left a bad taste in my mouth. I wouldn't trust anyone anymore.
You sound like the 1st guy. I'm a jerk because I tell it like it is and I don't humor people who try to tell me a lie isn't a lie.
Leo Ramirez
So what you're saying is...you're as insufferable as the people being discussed in this thread and you'll block whoever actively tries to befriend you?
Justin Parker
Can people really become bfs straight out of the gate? I think you'd need some time to bond with eachother first. But what do I know, really.
Tyler Martin
>Most people who are "lonely" are so because the very people themselves care very little when it comes to socializing.
Namefag speaks the truth. I hate this type of person so much and unfortunately there are a fair number of them online. They bitch and cry about their loneliness, yet make literally zero effort to do anything as a friend. Adult in body but not in mind, they haven't grown up enough to realize that a good friendship is a two-way street.
Julian Gutierrez
No, they really can't. You have the right idea.
Lucas Lopez
just talk to people imo, the worst that will happen online is they'll think you're boring
you are probably the person who cares the most if we're being honest
thanks homie, u alright. u havin any trouble in a thread u let me know, i'll get ur back
It is what it is, man. Just offerin' my experience to the contrary.
Listen, pal. I'm an expert. The truth of the matter is, yno.
Michael Johnson
>nested spoilers don't work or i fucked something up somehow kill me
Camden Morales
>Just offerin' my experience to the contrary. Which may be an unfair perspective. It's easier to pay attention to an innocent and very upset victim, than a person who appears happy on the surface, but is very destructive below.
Joseph Bennett
Y'lost me, pal-o.
Joseph Murphy
I'm just very upset about the people who have wronged me, and then tried to justify it as if they are the innocent ones.
Jackson Perez
I'm sorry that you consider people having shitty personalities and removing you as "wronging you," man, but that's got nothing to do with me. All I'm saying is that not everyone is shitty, not that the people who are shitty aren't shitty.
Anthony Williams
Don't add anyone mentioning anything up front about being lonely, having no friends, being a loser (especially "I'm boring" types), etc. These are the same people who will dump (or much more likely, ghost) you. Very few of these connections will ever be truly 'existent' in your life for even a short period of time. Should any of you have individuals like this clogging up your contacts list on any online services, I suggest you remove them now. Similarly, if that is how you advertise yourself in the present, consider avoiding such statements in the future. It is unattractive, and the only people who go for it are other ditchers and homosexual ditchers only after dick and ass pictures. This is the reality, and whether you choose to accept it or call me a normalfag (I am not) is up to you.
That isn't to suggest you should go out of your way to find people completely unlike yourself/normalfags, but attempt to find agreeable/like people through mutual games/interests. It may sound like a meme response, and in many cases it is ("just bee urself champ, just like, leave ur house lol"). Online games are a useful medium for this sometimes. Beyond that, I can't suggest much, because it's a shitshow all around, including in games. I don't think actively searching for friends is an effective method of actually acquiring good friends either, particularly through anything like friend/gf/bf threads.
I have no friends in real/'human' life myself. Despite this, some years back, I played with someone in a private Terraria server that was hosted for us once, and met my only (good and faithful) friend. Despite not having any mutual games to play, we both had an interest in music and the making of it, and we stayed in frequent contact til this day. I speak with him now and then, and as so many connections (perhaps all) are fleeting, it is a blessing to have this one good, true friend, even though I may never meet him in person.
Juan Bell
>tfw met some sissyboi on Sup Forums in person after talking on Discord for a while >give him a mad dicking >go home and block him on everything
The sword cuts both ways, attentionfags ;p
Ethan Nelson
anyone looking for a socially-fulfilled, cool, interesting guy? i've got 10,000 friends, so hit me up.
thx 4 advice
Luke Reed
I would like to know how you got socially fulfilled
Bentley Bailey
It's not that they removed me. It's the way they behaved, and it goes beyond how only those two behaved. It was a group of people who either didn't care or avoided conflict, or they sought to destroy something while claiming innocence.
I learned to avoid people who do not have strong morals.
Levi Barnes
He was probably satisfied with that outcome, user. They're degenerates afterall just like you
Luke Collins
I suggest lying on the internet about being sociall fulfilled until it happens. As they say, "fake it until you achieve what you are pretending to have."
yes, people with shitty personalities
Aaron Baker
You're welcome.
I don't blame you. Accepting destructive people into your life will only erode your own morals and reasoning, ending in self-destruction and suffering. I too, have suffered from a group like yours. In that view, you've learned well.
Andrew Peterson
The worst part about it is that you first feel like you could finally have a group of people that you could hang out with, but then reality sets in and you find out most of them are awful people who don't actually care about the good of the thing the group is centered around. If they can't even respect the basics, then they're nothing more than destructive posers who shouldn't be there.
Nicholas Gomez
In my case, it was an issue of neglect/private meeting and eventually ghosting/abandonment. I like to think I was a good companion in the group, but when 2/4 of the essential members go gay for each other, disregard the group and eventually leave for good without a word, and the co-founder is never around, stops all involvement, and ghosts instead of just saying goodbye, there is no group. I haven't said it all, but that's enough to give a blunt yet concise description.
Despite this dreadful experience, I do still wish I had a group of friends to belong in. Maybe it's just a reminder I'm still a human being.
Adrian Jenkins
>or much more likely, ghost Honestly pretty sad how I've seen this happen. I have this one guy on steam I like talking to about life shit or music that I met on a game A while back. Now it seems like he's too preoccupied with "being depressed" to talk to me though. I rarely message him anymore but when I do, he either doesn't respond or when he does, he makes absolutely no attempts to prolong the conversation. We've already known each other for a few years and have established we have a lot in common, so what's the deal? He even said there were two people who he talked to on a regular basis, one being a girl and the other clearly not being me so I can only guess he just suddenly finds me annoying now rather than him being that depressed.
Juan Torres
For your own good, don't linger on old connections when they treat you poorly. Just because you have a history or common interests doesn't mean you will gab about and be good friends. It doesn't even mean you can't be friends with a sad/depressed individual, but they should recognize and appreciate that they have you in their life (and vice-versa). Nobody wants to be 'Backup Buddy', and I don't suggest you ever accept that kind of terrible role, because you will feel just that--terrible.
When someone has cancer, they (typically) don't linger to the cancer saying "oh, but I've got history with this tumor, I've had it for ages!" They radiate/cut it away. Cut him off from your life for your own good. Any forms of contact or communication--drop them, and never speak to him again. Don't think of it as cruel, because it isn't. Cancer is cancer, and only one of you will win in the end.
Also, >tfw very few 3560x1440p wallpapers, and both wallpaper boards are terrible for finding nice mellow 1440p wallpapers.
Ayden Jones
>befriending other Sup Forumsirgins >befriending That's your mistake there
Liam Martin
I tried making friends with some of the people I used to play destiny with, they were insufferable autists who blurted out memes at the most inopportune times, like they had no sense of how a conversation works, and every disagreement or criticism of them or their situation was greeted with "I dong take advice from shitters".