>New research finds a strong link between the presence of such devices in youngsters' bedrooms and a number of unwanted outcomes. >It suggests kids who are allowed to close their doors and fixate on their screens are more likely to have both academic and emotional issues, in part because they sleep less, read less, or both. ."Bedroom media are surprisingly robust in their negative outcomes," a research team led by Iowa State University psychologist Douglas Gentile writes in the journal Developmental Psychology. It finds "broad and long-lasting" effects in children of different ages, as well as residing in different nations. >Effects last into adult-hood and researchers are studying the correlation between bedroom media and the growing amount of young men who do not attend university and are instead unemployed with no social network nor goals in life.
Reminder not to play vidya in the bedroom.
Matthew Taylor
no shit i think this is common sense by now
did anyone really need a study to tell them this, half us lived through it first hand
Elijah Hill
i think they should continue to allow kids to play in their rooms. if it messes them up, they deserve it for liking video games. the worst hobby
Camden Young
gamecube addiction is a serious problem
Alexander Richardson
This is true for adults too, it's a bad idea to use the same PC for shitposting and working and using your smartphone in bed fucks up your sleep schedule. >tfw I do both
Jose Powell
>as a kid I had a tv with cable, radio, and my PC in my bedroom >stopped hanging out with friends and just sat in my room all day
Thanks for fucking me up mom and dad
Sebastian Sullivan
this, but unironically
Leo Sullivan
These studies keep coming again and again and they'll always turn out to be bullshit and the people behind it are laughed at, afterwards.
Oliver Miller
That explains Sup Forums
Luis Morgan
>try to go to sleep >can't >let me check out some websites on my phone >see prime bait for Sup Forums >post it >shitshow ensues >get into huge shitposting match until 2AM >fuck >go to sleep >wake up at 6AM >tired as fuck >I swear I won't do that again >do it again the next night
send help
Gabriel Fisher
what are you even talking about? kids are incapable of real self control, if you allow them to indulge in something as addicting as the internet or video games it's no surprise it affects them negatively later on.
Levi Barnes
I don't give a shit. I'm an adult.
I just put playthroughs on in the background anyway.
Owen Phillips
haha yeah man obviously its bullshit that letting your kid sit in front of a screen for 6+ hours each day indulging themselves in brainless nu-entertainment has any sort of adverse effects on their young developing brains LMAO DUDE LMAO LMAO LMAO PRIVATE SOVEREIGN CITIZEN I CAN DO WHAT I WANT MY BODY MY CHOICE LMAOAOAOAOAO
Charles Johnson
I like to think that's what stopped me from going full gangsta nigger and/or dudebro like most of my childhood friends.
Nathan Diaz
>user, why don't you go out and hang with your friends
buy me a fucking car you cheap shits
Luke Sanchez
This happens to me but on Sup Forums
>1am >let's see what Sup Forums is talking about >lizard jews are brainwashing our kids and trying to turn them into tranny sex slaves >5am
It used to be /x/ before they turned into a bunch of retards who believe in magic. Sometimes I'll sit on the toilet long after I'm done shitting because Sup Forums distracts me.
Owen Nelson
>It suggests kids who are allowed to close their doors and fixate on their screens are more likely to have both academic and emotional issues >failing for the grade jew
>haveing emotions
Lucas Sullivan
>>Effects last into adult-hood and researchers are studying the correlation between bedroom media and the growing amount of young men who do not attend university and are instead unemployed with no social network nor goals in life. at least I have a job and girl friend!
Thomas Smith
What game is he playing though?
Hunter Garcia
We should just allow people to set their own work hours honestly. Imagine how great you would feel if you could wake up and go to work at noon instead of 9 or something.
Jason Clark
>enclose myself in my room in high school >play games all night until 4AM every day >wake up at 6:30AM every day >still do good academically >my emotional issues were unrelated to my sleep-deprived hysteria
Jordan Foster
Makes sense. I wasn't allowed a TV in my room until High School.
Landon Reyes
>>>>>>>>>nu-entertainment >this is the state of Sup Forums I had a TV in my room and I spent max 2 hours a day playing vidya, and I always had my friends over to play. Maybe if you weren't a sperg as a kid it wouldn't be a problem
Asher Wood
>hey timmy don't you want go outside and play with your friends? >REEEEE NO FUCK YOU MOM YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MEEE.
Beat your kid throw out those games and make them do stuff outside and it would fix this bullshit.
Ethan Adams
Mostly parents play a huge part in this, but noo we must blame video games.
Like you give your child a sega saturn then you dont introduce that child to better things than video games its your fucking fault your child is addicted to video games because thats all the young child ever know
Jonathan Wilson
times have changed bud
Charles Nguyen
>no link to study Excuse me, we have to analyze their methodology if we want to have a productive conversation about this. What's their sample size? What was the specific hypothesis they tested? Any sampling bias?
Nolan Miller
Agreed. I dont know why people dont want to blame shit parenting instead of everything else normal people can enjoy in moderation
Andrew Flores
Sup Forums believes in magic too.
Jason Hernandez
I'm a grown ass army officer I don't give a fuck I'll play vidya where I want to
Adrian Cooper
>1980's >kids hang out, socialize, go to college, get jobs, and start familys >1990's >consoles become popular in homes >kids sit at home playing vidya and browsing the internet >huge increase NEET's; men go trans by the boatload
video games were a mistake
Christopher Myers
>its not my FAULT that I'm a giant FAGGOT Its my pawents fault Errytime
Hudson Powell
Simpsons hit n run or road rage
Brandon Allen
Well no shit. They could've come up with conclusion after lurking on Sup Forums for 5 minutes.
Jack Ramirez
>browses Sup Forums You deserve worse to be honest
Carter Hill
Imperialist pigs should not be allowed to play video games. Hope you get shot xoxo
Angel Brown
I agree, I hope the state takes away these devilish devices. Frankly all parenting should be done by the state, how can incompetent broken generation like the current one be allowed to raise children?
Oliver Ramirez
Oh sure. Not at all because of the growing of the LGBT movement, "normalization" of transgenderism, and increasing shittitness of the job market
Jayden Rogers
>almost 30 >been a neet since high school ended maybe they're on to something
Jose Watson
I got migraines in middle school because I would go to bed at 3am and get up at 7 but that's about all, peace out
Ian Peterson
This is why I turn my phone off after 8
William Bailey
What game is the sprout playing, I was invested in the gamecube era but no way have I played all the games.
Henry Campbell
>increasing shittitness of the job market unemployment is at 4.3% you retard
Christopher Gray
I wonder how fucked up people will be once VR is mainstream, that shit can fuck up an adult for days after some hours of usage.
Josiah Cooper
>unemployment is at 4.3% you retard You must be 18 years or older to post here.
Liam Morales
If I ever have kids I will never let them play video games. Shit ruined my life
Owen Phillips
So when can we start talking about banning video games?
Robert Gutierrez
Now tell us the effective unemployment rate. Then include underemployment. And the minimum wage. The economy is trash.
Jackson Cook
Not where I live.
Fuck boomers, by the way. Reminds me of old people where I live. Fuck up shit and blame it on the younger generation.
Anthony Clark
Simpsons hit and run
Sebastian Long
nice meme
Logan Smith
>Reminder not to play vidya in the bedroom. But what if I only have one room?
Jeremiah Torres
Play vidya outside or sleep outside.
Levi Martinez
VR will not become mainstream because motion sickness affects a sizeable chunk of the population.
Jonathan Turner
So you say parents/your guardian has no influence in any kind to their kids, like how they raise them, environment around them, values they taught in family?
Kevin Sanders
Nolan Sullivan
Isn't this a chicken vs egg issue where kids who are naturally less social will gravitate toward videogames rather than sports or other more social activities? As in playing games is a result of less social individual and not the other way around?
Ryder Sanders
>he doesn't browse all the boards
Eli Sanders
>Douglas Gentile Fuck, Jews aren't behind this one.
Luke Cox
My parent's never let me have a tv or consoles in my room when i was a kid and i dont plan on letting my kids have that either.
i think it'd be more accurate to say: >1980's >kids hang out, socialize, go to college, get jobs, and start familys >1990's >consoles become popular in homes >more kids start staying home playing vidya and stop socializing >2000s >games like wow and cod bring great increases to the amount of kids that stay inside in front of a computer/console in almost all of their free time, choosing social interaction through these games instead of in real life >2010s >NEETs becoming extremely prevalent among the male population, at least a quarter, possibly more than a third of teenage and young adult males in the developed world spend most of their free time playing and socializing through video games >many become trans and change their internet identities to female because it garners them attention, gives them a community of fellow trans to feel a part of, and lets them write off the fact that they are soft, spineless, children with "i'm a girl, i'm supposed to be this way"
Nathaniel Sanders
This desu There are better distractions that you could give your kids that could potentially enrich them in some way. Giving your kids video games is like condemning them to a life of mediocrity, you might as well buy them a body pillow while you're at it
Michael Nguyen
>no social network Is this a real measure of someone, though?
Besides, this is clearly a case of causation v correlation. Having a screen in the room isn't causing these problems, they're co-symptoms of shitty parenting which is of course being blamed on everything BUT the parents responsible.
Samuel Turner
>bad parenting methods created this lazy generation! >this lazy generation has no one to blame but themselves and they should fix their own problems! So which is it?
Jose Reyes
>Growing up >Play video games every day when I come home from school until I go to bed. >Do great in school, top 10% in class. >Get a girlfriend junior year. >Grades take a shit. >Social life with old friends becomes strained due to juggling between girl and friends. >Fuck off all throughout my senior year after breaking up because I don't give a shit anymore.
Studies link students with significant others are negatively impacted across the board, ban all relationships for those under 25.
Juan Sanders
Kayden Martinez
Probably a mixture of both
Carson Garcia
Yeah, you sure outwitted those crafty jews by toiling away at a skinner box in a dark room by yourself for no tangible benefit
Jeremiah Williams
You're right user, it's those gosh darn video games. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the intense hostility and increase in anger our society has.
Leo Ramirez
Bad parenting methods. Not a hard observation to make.
Human nature hasn't changed so it must be the nurture fucking our kids up. So the issue now is with unfit parents being allowed to have children they can't actually take care of.
Jack Harris
I would play games with my kids to show them that its a social thing (good ol couch coop) so they can enjoy games in a more social environment instead of just sheltering them from vidya
Michael Garcia
Video games are entertainment so that's a tangible benefit.
Daniel Fisher
You know what else is a bad idea? Putting the TV on the fucking floor.
Eli Diaz
>Not where I live.
Then move, retard. I moved to San Francisco after graduating and had a job within a week.
Jordan Collins
Mom, Sup Forums is doing that thing where they pretend to be right wing conservatives who are concerned of "muh violence in media" and "muh video games being as addictive as drugs"!
Noah Sanders
>They were also exposed to more media violence, "which increases the likelihood for aggressive behavior." The results suggest this is due, at least in part, to the fact that violent content inspires "the belief that aggression is normal." dropped
Mason Morgan
im 9 years older then my brother i didnt get my own tv/games in my room til late 90's when my bro also got them
i turned out wrong based on genetics my bro is normal by society standards and turned out fine since he had access to my nes, and eventually got n64, then gamecube
those studys are shit
Justin Green
This is how you can tell someone's a post-2000's babby. If you've never dealt with big, heavy ass CRTs just shut up.
Austin Hill
But people in this thread said my parents are blameless for anything that's wrong with me and any issues I have sprang fully-formed in my adult mind, how could that be possible then?
Evan Morgan
>Is this a real measure of someone, though?
Yes. Imagine that you come down with a really bad stomach virus and you literally can't take care of yourself. Who are you going to call to help you while you're sick?
Jace James
Yeah this has been disproven
Eli Turner
its almost like video games are to blame... instead of you know...shit society?
Lincoln Gray
Meme magic might be real, we've had several incidents of sending out thank you and get well cards to people only for things to end badly
Kayden Lopez
Video games are bad sweetie, now excuse me while I post mindless dribble on Facebook for 10 hours a day
Jason Perez
It's been proven over and over that video games do cause violent behavior. Fuck off.
Levi Powell
why is he playing minecraft on the gamecube with a 50s television
Parker Ortiz
>It's been proven over and over that video games do cause violent behavior. Fuck off. Post one (1) example
Carter Martin
It's a good thing nobody on this board plays video games, then
Elijah Campbell
Camden Bell
It's been proven stupid four year olds imitate behavior which is exactly the same thing as an adult man engaging in violence against actual people
Christopher Phillips
This. Normies are fucking retarded. >user STOP PLAYING THE VIDEO GAMES >they watch TV 12 hours a day
Benjamin Gray
>academic issues you mean the system literally designed from its inception to make useful robots of society?
Dominic Phillips
I also browse /lgbt/. I just like the controversial boards, they have the best discussions.
Nathaniel Jones
Apologise Sup Forums
Ian Barnes
It is just human history cycle, nothing more.
Matthew Sanchez
parents who do this shit are the same ones who never play with their kids, and treat them like birds on a cage
Joseph Wood
I mean I know this is sarcasm and whatnot but wouldn't they be saying that your issues are yours to deal with as an adult and blaming others doesn't actually solve your issue. So ultimately as long as you blame others you are just selfishly holding onto your issues instead of working slowly to get rid of them one by one.
I mean don't get me wrong. Ultimately other people are generally to blame for most issues the youth of today are having but they can't unfuck you, only you can unfuck yourself.
Ryan Torres
I have been playing and consuming fucked up violent and overly sexual videogames (and other media) for 21 years of my life. I am a pacifist, kind, gentle, and rational. I am either an amazing human being or it's bullshit and highly variable. I can imagine the parents being more to blame for their child's aggression then the vidya box
Jaxson Morales
I was never allowed to have a TV in my bedroom, and never had one there even in adulthood, and yet I do not and never have read as a hobby
Isaiah Fisher
>Being this mentally weak Looool
Brayden James
violence is good i thank video games every day for stopping me from being a complete fag