ITT: Vidya misconceptions

ITT: Vidya misconceptions

>Always though Silver Rival (???) was a girl

If that's what she wants to be.

Me too

She is a girl.

The police officer calls him a boy when he asks you to name him.

>Entering ??? as his name when asked, because that's what it said earlier

I was not a smart child

I thought his name was ??? since that's what appeared during the first fight, so that's what I told the officer.

I thought Silver's name was ????? because he introduced himself as ????? and I was frustrated because I never learned his real name.

I still have a hard time believing you were all this fucking dumb as kids.

Not them, but I can believe it. Kids are so fucking stupid, user. Its possible.

i did this and i know several other people who did, i'm sure we were like 9 years old when gsc came out or something

Oh, I believe it. I guess baffling is the better word to use here.

I was like 12.

I was eight when Gold came out, and it wasn't as straight forward as asking to name him like in Red.

immediately @ me if you called his "Asshole"

Why? You're told he's male.

Here is something to further confuse you.

i always thought her hair was a big 'ol nose

C'mon man, that was the first game I played where you could name the characters

me and four other kids who had the game used to debate among each other on what his name actually was since we all called him ???

but what about her big 'ol cock

When I was like 7 I straight murdered Mewtwo with an overleveled Venusaur and wasted my Master Ball on a Psyduck to piss on his grave because he was evil in the movie. And that's with Venusaur being weak to Psychic, too, with me probably having spammed fucking Cut. Kids are dumb, man