Name a more complex video game

Name a more complex video game.


That's about it.







I still haven't bothered learning the new mechanics like harvesting fruit yet. My dorfs kept climbing trees to fight birds and then dying of dehydration because they couldn't get down, so I just cut down every tree in sight now. I did setup a temple and a library so everyone would shut up though.

>Kerbal Space Program
>Distant Worlds
>Hearts of Iron 3

to harvest fruit you just designate a zone for plant/fruit gathering near trees, and have stepladders available. I think fruit only appears at specific parts of the year, though.


I can handle Dwarf Fortress but even I can't get into Aurora, I'm just not autistic enough

It's a game. There's no video acceleration involved.


Can't wait for the C# rework of aurora so I can actually finish the game.

Fuck you OP I thought the new version was realised.

>big red arrow thumbnail meme
fuck off

League of Legends

>dwarf goes to pick fruit
>get stuck on tree because of vulture
>cut tree
>dorf fall in pit and breaks his legs
>dig to get him out
>dorf get stuck on tree AGAIN because of vulture
>cut tree
>dorf fall in river
>get sweep up by waterfall
>land on baby and they both die

Name a more pseudo intellectual video game.

Nigger no one that plays it thinks it's intellectual, they just find increasingly complex ways to accomplish bizarre tasks.


>pseudo intellectual
Only complete morons use this phrase and they do so as a means of demeaning anything that seems vaguely intelligent that they don't like. People who constantly describe things as pretentious are also like this.


>omg it's not like all the others
>omg it's so niche that normalfags stay away from it
>omg i'm a real super unique guy and feel very special, like a snowflake
>I AM able to play this game
>I AM different
>I AM a huge fucking pretentious virgin

you can get the hang of the game after a few fails, and just because it literally has no graphics doesn't mean that it's super cool and complex.
fail a few times and it becomes a cakewalk after like a few hours.


if it's so easy why is it played in mlg and nfl?

>portal1 & 2



At least "UI" is better

it's not complex enough.

there used to be an image with a bunch of complex games. Wish I still had it.


Lol how

>Gnomoria is just a rip off of dfort with a real UI
>no engravings/mood screens/etc

What's the fucking point?

whys ur cursor so big dude

>trusting a jew

Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo GameCube.

what the fuck is this autism

>what the fuck, is this autism
