This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Not just in vidya but in technology at all.
How does the game know how uniform the water height should be across different puddles and how deep in relation to the depression if Link could interact with it, freeze it, etc. Surely you'd think the water should maintain the same value of depth across every surface if it's all decided by a scripted timed event. I.e Link should cartoonishly sink into a tiny puddle or shallow until it's all evaporated.
Never noticed because it wont affect the gameplay, there no is importan zone that you can have advantage about this technology
Amazing btw
Jeremiah Miller
Juan Long
It's just a puddle, you add a fixed point on parts of he map and add perimeters depending on the water. It's not really technology, just siple script. Looks nice though
Juan Cook
I don't get it. Are you marveling because the puddle can get deeper depending on weather conditions?
Noah Brooks
>It's not technology, it's just *random code monkey talk*
Okay nigger, if it is so easy then why isn't anybody else bothering to add detail like this? Yes, it's technology as fuck, deal with it. Next time you criticize Nintendo, keep this in mind. Now move along.
Zachary Cox
Hunter Rogers
oh it's a water thread
Alexander White
Woah OP here. Chill out and breathe little Nintenbro. No need to be a rascist asshole.
Colton Carter
>instantly switches to damage control when someone corrects him wew lad delet this thread
Jason Martin
>some detail that doesnt affect the gameplay at all wow much innovation such blah blah dead meme
Dominic Price
>This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen Half-Life 1 did that in 1998! Nintendownies should all be holocausted and banned from posting on this board forever.
Luke White
Isaac Morgan
blue line is surface of water by the way
Evan Smith
Other games dont have this detail because it has no point. Its a 1 second wow factor that doesnt affect gameplay. Its the same reason why not every game ever made after mgs2 has melting ice cubes. They're easy as fuck to make but theres no purpose in doing so
Owen Jenkins
> doesnt affect the gameplay Actually you can use them to conduct electricity
Elijah Perez
just manually find every low point you want water in, set a minimum and maximum and base the global evaporation value around that
I don't think it would be very hard to implement, it's nice that they bothered though
Landon Cook
that specific puddle is useful against the guardians roaming that area, as you can lure them there and use cryosis on the puddle to make them fall down, stunning them and possibly killing them
Wyatt Price
Except the water level does effect gameplay lol
Jordan Hall
>Use cryosis on a puddle to knock down guardians
Wait fucking what
>Nobody else does this because >TONS of fucking games do this
Ian Jenkins
I think that's what I was getting at with that webm, I just don't see what's the incredibly impressive aspect of it
Asher Martinez
Like what? Sony movie "games"? Please, do tell.
Jonathan Lewis
wow wtf how u do that? do you work for Nintendo? this tech is amazing please share more game dev secrets from this amazing company
Carter Richardson
ITT: Only OP knows what TECHNOLOGY is
Kevin Hall
>There are literally hundreds of games doing this kind of thing. name em i'll wait your ban to lift, just name em
Ryder Morgan
I thought the OP meant that each depression had it's individual water height, like if it rains like 1 meter then each little dip should have water 1 meter deep instead of the lowest dip having 100 meter deep water and the higher having none, that would require a bit of work
Daniel Hill
Except he doesnt
Jaxon Sullivan
Is that the one near Akkala lab? I remember a Bokoblin treehouse near there where you had to use Cryonis from a rain puddle to get up onto their platform. Nice little use of the detail.
Joshua Collins
A lot of BOTW'S technology moments seem more impressive because the game's systems all intertwine with eachother, giving the idea that the water level was a purposeful gameplay and world design choice and not just for eye candy
Kayden Foster
I see, well just as you say, just place the puddles manually
Camden Campbell
sure this unified stuff is cool but the puddles don't seem complicated at all
Samuel Cooper
Makes my peepee tingle
Xavier Hughes
Except there is though. When the flood plains are high, you can use Cryosis to flip the guardians to get goodies.
Dominic Lopez
It seems more impressive to OP because it's not just eye candy and creates ideas for how he can use it in gameplay and something to watch for when it rains in the future, complicated or not
Jesus fuck I literally just posted that
Brody Lewis
Elijah Thompson
well OP is wondering how the fuck they did that, inferring that it's some sort of programming miracle, your interpretation is just your own take on botw
Chase Butler
TECHNOLOGY != Complicated GTA V having flip flop physics is not complicated, but it's still TECHNOLOGY
Jace Sanders
You don't understand TECHNOLOGY. TECHNOLOGY is not complicated. TECHNOLOGY is the cool little details that would be typically overlooked.
MGS2's ice cubes are the quintessential example. They're also very simple, but it's TECHNOLOGY because someone put in the work.
Jordan Myers
is this a falseflag thread?
Aaron Brown
inb4 newfag thinks technology = TECHNOLOGY
Mason Cooper
I don't know what you're trying to get out of this
Tyler Hall
No, it's a lurkmore you fucking newfag thread.
Aiden Lewis
OP is amazed because he didn't understand how it's achieved
Adrian Myers
>Next time you criticize Nintendo, keep this in mind. Now move along.
Awww, your bait was going so well until this point too sweetie.
Chase Baker
Then go back to wherever you wandered here from, or just lurk before you post.
Elijah Nguyen
and someone responeded with >It's not really technology, just siple script.
Andrew Williams
yes, that's what it is
David Hughes
Sure, but its still TECHNOLOGY regardless of whether or not OP thinsk its the greatest marvel of computing ever.
That guys not OP, hes just some random anti nintendo baiter ignore him.
Carson Carter
sure it's technology but I have not once said otherwise, what does that have to do with anything? is this a variation of that mario is a bulletsponge meme?
Logan Smith
lurk more
Hunter James
Jackson Ward
>This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen you are literally retarded, holly shit
Kevin Thompson
>but theres no purpose in doing so Except there's literally an ability in BoTW that allows you to create ice pillars in a body of water and as others have mentioned it can be used to flip guardians.
In any other game, sure, there wouldn't be a use for it but in BoTW there most certainly is.
Grayson Taylor
>Have a technology thread >"Oh this is awesome I haven't seen one of these in a bit." >OP uses BotW example >the entire thread is people fighting about BotW
How has this game caused so much anus pain?
Xavier Reyes
It is a mystery.
Austin Peterson
You're on Sup Forums, a place where most users only have enough money to buy one system and they chose to get a PS4 which they regret.
Anthony Stewart
Adrian Thomas
Blake Rivera
where abouts on the map is this?
Lincoln Clark
Wow you should work for Nintendo. You could impress retards like OP. I really like that they added water levels but it's not impressive at all.
Colton Wilson
>weather condition 2 >water rises on fixed point >weater condition 1 >water decreases If anything GTA4 does this with actual technology because if you increase the water it actually affects everything every houses and shit and not just a point on the map
Bentley Ross
>I've never played GTA4: The post
Camden Evans
And to flip guardians over with cryosis.
James Wood
I always thought TECHNOLOGY is something dynamic that always works kinda differently or something. Isn't the puddle always the same thing for every player and it always looks the same
>why isn't anybody else bothering to add detail like this? Because it's useless for anything that isn't wanking about awesome technology? Yeah, you can wait 10-20 minutes till it rains full, then throw some metal shit in and wait for lightning or you could just kill the fucking guardians and move on instead. Looks like a solution in search of a problem.
Levi Robinson
>Mods >confirming you've never played GTA 4
Elijah Sanchez
>If anything GTA4 does this with actual technology because if you increase the water it actually affects everything every houses and shit and not just a point on the map That would be the opposite of "technology" because it's not specialized in one area, if you raise the water for one place you raise it EVERYWHERE.
Adam Hall
Or every large puddle like the one in your image has a predetermined water level depending on precipitation.
Jack Foster
desu I toppled a guardian with cryonis and it killed itself by drowning in a river
Ethan Ramirez
>have a technology thread >OP posts something useless >HURR DURR YOU'RE UPSET OVER BOTW How has this game created such a retarded fanbase??
Easton Turner
Sup Forums is shit now, it’s just constant tortanic nonsense where people just want everything to fail, it used to be very varied on opinions but technology threads never really had shitposters, just people finding cool shit in games
Aiden Robinson
>just siple script
YEAH NO SHIT videogames don't run on magic powder faggot
Mason Wood
>trust me I work at nintendo
Lucas Howard
its the new bloodborne but this time it's a good game, so the asspain multiplies
Landon Bell
>ITT: Assblasted nintendies
Logan Adams
>>have a technology thread >>OP posts something useless >corrected on how it's useful >HURR DURR BOTW IS STILL BAD ftfy I'm kind of glad this game makes people like you so mad.
Gavin Bailey
>Bloodborne >not Bayonetta 2
Jack Gomez
journey sand shader is cool
Jack Walker
>its the new bloodborne but this time it's a good game Amazing how years later BB still makes people mad
Ayden Cook
>This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. No its not. Thanks to that neat mechanic development time was lost on other important aspects, such as making actual dungeons, more interesting quests, or having more than a handful of common enemy types.
Everything has its price
Landon Thomas
Huh, neat. What's it on?
Hunter Butler
Christopher Baker
>HURR DURR BOTW IS STILL BAD except i didnt say that, funny how you say this game makes other mad when the only one with a inflated rump is you friend
Austin James
it's a PS3 and 4 walking simulator
Adrian Nelson
>walking simulator Eh, that kind of killed my interest.
Jordan Ortiz
yeah and it's also only 2 hours long or so
it just has cool sand
Julian Stewart
Carson Long
>TECHNOLOGY thread >only 3 posts are TECHNOLOGY what a shit thread
Lucas Martin
>£11.99 >for a two hour game Jesus that's a rip.
Wyatt Sanchez
Nintentards would be amazed by a malaria infested cock if it said Nintendo on it.
Jack Williams
yeah, I think the game won like gamespot goty or something when it was first released on PS3
it's pretty good but it's only 2 hours and contains no real challenges, it had this nice gimmick though where random players emerged in the distance and you could join them for multiplayer, at the end of the game you got to know their PS ID
Jacob Ross
Some enemy platforms collect water during a rainstorm, letting you use Cryosis to get up.
Wyatt Rodriguez
>play Journey >think I'm with one guy from level 3 to the end >beat the game >see two PSN IDs