Is the greatest hack n slash of all time?
Is the greatest hack n slash of all time?
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imo yes, but many will disagree b/c >wii u exclusive
in my opinion but platinum needs to stop putting kids in all their games
no because bayo>bayo2
No, the fact that Witch Time and Umbran Climax are required to do anything makes it garbage. They managed to fuck up humanoid fights because the enemies will infinitely dodge everything you throw at them out of Witch Time.
Wonderful 101 is closer to Bayonetta 2 than Bayonetta 2 is.
>reposting someone else's opinion because you can't form your own
a telltale sign of a shitposter that hasn't played the game(s)
> bayo 2 is garbage
it is not
It is less polished than 1, but it is still dozens of heads and shoulders above any other action game not made by old Capcom or Platinum.
>Wonderful 101 is closer to Bayonetta 2
That's just plain stupid.
Wonderful 101 is indeed the superior action game on Wii U (and on any other consoles of this gen) but it's a vastly different game from 1.
It has more common with DMC1 than Bayonetta.
i have both games but i'm not going write out all that every time.
post pic
Ninja Gaiden Black was made by neither Capcom or Platinum is light years ahead of Bayonetta 2. The game actively restricts the player's choices in combat by balancing the game around Witch Time and Umbran Climax, you can do more with combo fodder in God of War 3 than you can in Bayonetta 2 without one of those two things. Enemy launch properties work completely different when you're in Witch Time which means that if you want to do any sort of combo you're going to need to do that which boils the basic combat loop down to Bait out attack -> Dodge Attack -> Combo, on top of this enemies can now arbitrarily break out from a launch state in Bayonetta 2 which is dumb and wasn't a problem in the first game.
The game has myriads of other problems with it too but at the end of the day it's a very mediocre action game that prioritizes style over substance. The flying battles are a great example of this since they remove an entire axis of movement from you and don't restrict your dodging so you can just spam dodge to trigger Witch Time and button mash.
A game vastly superior to that tasteless fanservice to virgins, coming through!
People say it is because it's exclusive, it's a inferior sequel, without Kamiya it shows
W101 was way better
1 was better
No, it's made by PG
And they make garbage musoutier hack'n'slashes
Hell, Sangoku Basara is better than PG
just like you make garbage tier buttshit posts fuckin kek lmao
I still disagree, bayonetta 2 has too many QoL changes that I feel it's the overall better game
Literally this, man
I'm glad there's people like you out there
Who's your favourite character?
>shitposting pg fan
Wow, who could've thought
Yeah and Mass Effect 3 is better than Mass Effect 1
Making combat a redundant and tedious affair isn't a qualify of life change.
2 is better than 1, though...
it's a step down in terms of skill ceiling, sure, but it's by no means redundant nor tedious imo.
Yeah and Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 2
The game forces you to use Witch Time to accomplish anything which means for the vast majority of the game you're baiting out attacks to trigger Witch Time. Play Bayonetta 2 on Infinite Climax and then play the first one on Infinite Climax, the difference is massive. Enemies become harder to stun and launch in a game that already restricts those two things so heavily and enemies just become damage sponges and you can't take them out efficiently because of how limited you are in your approach.
It's just not fun.
when are we getting a bayonetta turbo mode mod
duno what qol means but now that bayonetta is on pc. i can avoid some of things i don't like.
Quality of Life
>duno what qol means
quality of life, as in general improvements that don't change the core of the game but still polish certain areas. In Bayo 2's case they ditched the QTEs, vastly improved the vehicle-like sections, and tweaking things like jumping and beast within.
>It's just not fun.
I disagree, I don't know what else to really tell you. I find the bosses in bayo 2 far more fun to fight than most of those in bayo 1.
>which means for the vast majority of the game you're baiting out attacks to trigger Witch Time
While this definitely a mistake and a bad design decision, it doesn't make it A COMPLETE GARBAGE AND FUCKING PISSSHIT because this is the basis of many other lesser action games, including MGR and Bamham.
It still is a better game than say MGR because the foundation set by brilliant Bayonetta 1 is still there however marred by bad balancing of the later modes which only action autists (like me) will care about.
It doesn't take much to be better than MGR.
my heart will always belong too devil may cry 3 but bayoneta 2 is a super fucking good game.
ironically, its also the best star fox game.
I'm not saying it's complete garbage, it's just not as satisfying as other action games because the game doesn't let you play how it you want to play it. It forces these arbitrary restrictions on you at every corner which is just silly. Part of the appeal to these games is to be expressive in the combat system which is hard when the game is funneling you down a specific loop to take on enemies.
This video perfectly sums up Bayonetta 2 in less than twenty seconds.
>It doesn't take much to be better than MGR.
Not according to all western studios. They exist for 30 years plus and still weren't able to reach even a fraction of action expertise from halfbaked game made in 3 months by Platinum trainees.
its not.
That's because DMC3 is the best, unless we're counting God Hand.
muh niggra
No. It looks better than 1, but that's it.
>tfw you get to fully appreciate Bayo's perfect eyebrows
One of the best things about the pic that I didn't realise until I posted it.