Senran Kagura Otome then

Senran Kagura Otome then

just release an h-game already, you fuck!

>he doesn’t completely understand what female fans want, so he wants to investigate that
Holy Klepkek
But you know what? Godspeed to this glorious faggot, may he succed.

Will it have hunky boys with large floppy bulges and a lot of yaoi teasing
I'd buy it.

H games sell like utter shit because fap addicts are all pirates

>yfw he makes kagura a real game
>getting to main barry

Tell him to not make exclusively bishoujo looking boys, some women like huskier looking men.

I'm just so tired of the bishoujo meme. pls Takaki, be the man that saves us from the bishoujo madness while helping men embrace their inner man.

I'd actually play this, I need to know what Menran Haruka and Daidouji would be like.

You're not escaping bishoujo looking boys. Blame fujoshis

Why does he act like he doesn't already know?

I have literally no idea what you people are on about but I'm assuming that whatever the fuck that is is the equivalent of a beta numale faggot, compared to beung alpha and swole (which is obviously what women really want)?

Lurk more buddy, it's not that, and he's wrong

Fuck all to do with my time on this site you nig nog, I fucking hate Jap shit though

>Japanese girls also like cute girls
>Both males AND females in the West just complain about them

It's not fair. Also:
>Humbled by non-target demographic liking his cute titty ninjas fan-service game
>Solution: Make another game with fanservicey pandering for the different demographic

Bless this man. It'll be a bizarre day when I start seeing SJW articles popping up about oversexualization of males. If not they'll highlight themselves as hypocrites which'll be fun as well.

quick, everyone keep pretending to be girls.

Keep that garbage in westernshit.

He wants to appeal to girls, not faggots.

wasn't there already a dude version of SK by them? Up something was the name I think

>Senran Kagura but with dudes with big floppy dick physics

>begins renaissance of female-pandering famservice vidya
>SJWs can no longer complain about fanservice without being laughed off as hypocrates
>men feel represented in vidya again
>gender equality achieved

And who said jiggle physics were worthless?

Power to him, I still can't believe he got kenran published in the west. Was even sweeter when the first game to release here did really well.

But there's plenty of women who loves big tits and asses, who cares if it's not a perfect 50/50 split between men and women.

Gee Mr. K, I can only imagaine what it musy be like for you as a man to be watching all these pretty young girls run around spraying and grabbing at each other. It must stir up a lot of feelings inside you I dont know how you deal with it. If I were in your position I would grab the nearest beautiful young co-hos- shinobi, rip her clothes off, and just start going to town on her. She probably wants it to and would do anything I commanded her to and I mean literally anything.

Naked Ninja Butler Harem: Hardbody Smash
starring Steamax and Friends

It helps that most women are bi though.