What's the most popular free to play mmorpg these days?
What's the most popular free to play mmorpg these days?
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Just fucking suicide already, people won't care after 3 days at most
Can I fuck this thing?
Who is this qt catboi?
what awful sliders
you could not be any more of a pasty, overly shiny, cross-eyed, drug addict if you actually tried
This is my future husband.
It's actually a girl.
That it looks like a girl and wears skirts doesn't make them a girl.
>It's actually a girl.
changes nothing I said
a girl (male) maybe
That's an ugly ass girl. Kinda looks like those tranny video game journalists
that's my character
that's mean
>Not gay
How about posting attractive BnS characters instead?
It would be cuter if she was a catboi
I have a cat boy too
Show me!
ok, here, so I don't have to post anymore
what the fuck
Attention whore.
>It's actually a girl.
I think it's inspiring that even things as ugly as this can find the bravery and courage to continue posting. You go, my guy!
Here is one of mine
What MMORPGs are different and notable? Just about every damn one I've ever played has generic fetch, escort, and collect quests and the only reason retards play it is because they deck out their waifu character with shit they bought from the in game store. I want one with some substance. While it may not be a prime example of a perfect MMORPG, Path of Exile is about the only thing that comes to mind.
My other one.
What you seek doesn't exist, unfortunately
This is what I mean. Is there any other reason to play these type of games if I don't care about customizing a character? I can get that out of Honey Select, AA2, CM3D2, and even the Sims.
I do play tho. I really like the combat in BnS, I also really want to make my charecter look good as well.
Read both my posts. I didn't say that you didn't play.
blade and soul has some top quality combat and strays from the typical trinity formula so it isn't stale as fuck
Can you elaborate? What type of quests can I expect? How does the combat differ from other games?
it is fetch questy for the leveling experience but it only takes about a few days to hit level cap, it's tab target disguised as action combat with it focused around no gcds so it's much faster
Which one would you recommend, Tera, Black Desert or Wildstar?
Probably WoW or FFXIV since those games are f2p for like half the game or something.
Honestly, none of them.
If you have to pick one, go with TERA. Black Desert has a phenomenal character creator, but I've heard horror stories about their cheat protection being a rootkit or some shit. Wildstar is garbage.
Tera. I found the combat fun enough to make a few classes. The endgame is still the usual Korean MMO garbage though.
Never tried Black Desert and I dropped Wildstar early on.
Neither, all three of those are awful decisions.
The community aspect. It's fun to play with like minded people but sadly themeparks kinda ruin that experience. We really need to go back to days when the game didn't start at max level.
wildstar > tera > shit > black desert
tera is the best option there but they're all pretty bad, whatever you do though, don't even consider bothering with wildstar
>wildstar is a genuinely fun mmo
>get told not to try it
play secret world legends
ehhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm into xfiles shit so I enjoyed it just for the stories, but man the combat is bad.
your taste is literal shit, kill yourself only in death will you find peace.
Game is ok to play but the environment is really ugly and the "towns" all look awful.
no u
The graphical style isn't for everybody, Personally I enjoy it because it reminds me of 3D platformers. Most towns are shit though.
It's been simplified and changed a lot since the original. I'd say it's worth trying again.
Although I loved the original game so I'm biased. Still, at least it's free now.
fuck western mmos
No hips.
yo man idgaf what all thes fags say
I'd bury my dick so far into your character's ass u don't even know
ok but the character of mine that you replied to is a boy
BNS/ArcheAge mostly.
But they both haver WAY TOO HUGE time&paywalls. I cannot afford spending 200$ on a game just to progress EACH FUCKING WEEK.
Moved to FFXIV after a few years of play with each. Bit slower, but big fights have a lot more mechanics. Miss the quick combat and pvp though (even though both has bots and cheaters in pvp).
motherfucker did I say pussy?
ass, man!
everyone's got one of those
that's gay though
Free MMOs are pretty much a dead genre
Oh and I forgot. The best part of free MMOs is that they run with 30 FPS barely on a 7700K. So enjoy your cinematic experience. Fucking sucked that no OC oculd ever achieve a decent framerate in B&S/AA/TERA ever.
yeah, says who?
u the gay master or something?
Who cares anymore, the best MMO objectively was Imagine. You had character creation, story, choices, morality system, demons, trading, a combat system that wasn't ass, pretty much everything you could want and now that's fucking dead. Only thing worth playing would be Dragon's Dogma Online but of course that's not in the West and you have to fuck with VPNs and shit to play, with lag too. Fuck this gay earth.
Attractive BnS characters don't exist. They're all just different flavours of grotesque.
no, I'm not gay
Is Tree Of Savior any good?
No it's not. Don't bother. It's 100% boring.
So this is what autism looks like
The face looked shit, what's with that derpy eyes?
Shouldn't you be posting in the dead general to keep it alive?
it's really hard to make anything even vaguely human-like in the character creator
Even if i enjoy grinding?
WoW basically is f2p if you spend any amount of time playing per month these days. Probably Black Desert Online? Too bad it's practically impossible to stay competitive in that game without being a rich NEET.
It's sad how quickly that shit died, I remember it being really hyped up here and was excited to try it after it left beta.
It's grind is bad because you have to move around too much early on. You will get bored. It's a promise.
it's no different than how RO was designed, most retards just pretended they played RO retail, and were sadly brought to a cold realization when they realized private 100/100/100x servers were not the same as korean grind
Runescape is literally the best f2p mmo out right now.
prove me wrong
osrs or rs3?
I didn't make the thread
I like the dopey look
>I didn't make the thread
please do not reply to me unless you have something to contribute to the thread, thank you
I'm contributing by bumping
I wouldn't tell you so I don't have to watch you shit up another general with your depressed homo shit.
There's a difference between having a dopey look and being a cross-eyed retard.
the cross eyes are just because they're focused on something off camera
The tip of their nose certainly looks like it's on camera.
>creates a catboy character
>im not gay
w e w l a d
catboys are cute that doesn't make me gay
there's a boss off screen
>catboys are cute that doesn't make me gay
What MMOs have good combat?
eyes crossed means the eyes are focused to something close, not something far
Everyone laugh at user he's gay!
you're small time
dumb satania poster
So is BnS a shittier version of TERA, or is there something more going on here beyond loliposts
don't baka me you fucking baka
I'm not gay, retard
don't call me a baka you fucking aho