Samus Returns

Seeing this game get so much praise after playing through it is kind of... stunning.

Am I really that jaded, or are people just used to the shit standards the modern video game industry has adopted? This was a mediocre-poor metroidvania at best, and an absolutely disaster as an actual Metroid game. There's no atmosphere, no sense of immersion, you're just constantly bombarded my reminders that you're playing a video game; it at times even feels like a mobile game; from the cluttered screens to the uninspired 3D models and map design, to the incredibly lame aeon abilities, to fucking checkpoints, the game feels exactly like what it is: a third-party developer trying really hard to paint a generic modern game with Metroid coating. After playing something like Hollow Knight there's really no way I can call an AAA metroidvania this lazy 'good'.

I just watched the Dunkey review in which he states he never liked Metroid and couldn't even finish a single 2D game in the franchise, and praised this game for casualizing basically everything that made Metroid iconic, and I realize that we're never getting a proper Metroid game ever again: they've found a new target demo. And that's fine, but I wish fans of the classic games would realize this instead of pathetically clinging to this game like it's a retro godsend just because it has the Metroid name and happens to be in 2D.

Other urls found in this thread:

nah... the game is good.
If metroid 5 puts more enemy variety and new power ups will be even better

Accurate. AM2R is far closer to the design philosophy, gameplay, and aesthetic of Metroid than the new shit.

This should surprise no one, since Mercury Stream are the fuckers who gave us the awful 3DS Castlevania game. But people are lapping this one up.

My only complaint is the controls. 2D games are not made to be played with the circle pad, or an analog stick, and it always confounds me when Nintendo, pioneers of 2D platformers, continue to force me to do so.
But I can't really complain since I pirated it, and if this is what Metroid 5 will be, then I think I'll pass. This was some real monkey paw shit.

>no sense of immersion, you're just constantly bombarded my reminders that you're playing a video game

Good. Immersion fags can fuck off.

>2D games are not made to be played with the circle pad
I played Zero Mission, Fusion, and Super on my 3ds before playing SR, all were using circle pad, and I have no problem with it. I think it's the nostalgia talking on you.

>This should surprise no one, since Mercury Stream are the fuckers who gave us the awful 3DS Castlevania game.

I knew the game would turn out underwhelming when they first announced that, but everyone kept saying "nah they're just doing the visuals, Nintendo is heavily involved with the actual game design".

Well, either that's an outright lie, or Nintendo's design standards for a 2D metroid game have gone to shit.

You are jaded. You also need to realize that this game is nothing but the original core concept with some extra bells and whistles. It would be praised for all time if it were an n64 game, which is the way I visualize it. If you went in expecting the biggest and best new metroid title surpassing all others your expectations were too high. I'm just glad it brought the original game up around the design standards that Super started along with Zero mission. I'm not picky.

Shut up you whiny little cunt.

No, its the 3DS circle pad that's talking. Played countless 2D platformers on my 3DS and the d-pad was simply better in every way whenever I was able to use it. Even on the Switch. I'm glad the Kirby games let me use the d-pad.

im with you, ill love to see metroid rise again but not with this bullshit games, i hope prime 4 is better

I thought it was imersive, I thought it was really great in general, I have some minor nitpicks here and there, but the game is definetly not bad. From an objective stand point, the controls are responsive, the levels are design to complement samus's movement and fighting style, the environments are varied (as varied as the 3ds will allow it to be). the soundtrack is very ambient, there fore it helps the whole imersion asspect of it. To me it almost sounds like you didnt even play the game or yet alone finished it, just sounds like your trying to get people rieled up, but you know, thats just MY SUBJECTIVE OPINION DUDE

Shut up, fag. It was fine

I wasn't expecting the biggest and best metroid, I was expecting somethign that at least felt like a Metroid title.

Just compare the starting minutes of this game to basically any other 2D Metroid: instead of the slow-burning atmospheric exploration, we have just constant action and power-ups thrown in the player's way, along with fucking CUT-SCENES AND TUTORIALS. What the fuck?

The levels are just basic as hell. There were almost no clever map elements that made me go "damn, that was ingenious" like most well-designed metroidvanias do, and every single 2D Metroid game starting with Super does.

The soundtrack was nice, but was basically just a nostalgia-fueled remix of classic themes, there's nothing that really stood out as an original piece to me.

Metroid fans just needed a decent game, that's all they wanted

i agree with all of this but the complete lack of enemies is for me a giant nono.

Having 4 enemies recolored 6 times was fine in the 90's but that shit is not ok anymore.

There's barely any cutscenes, and you get a minor explanation on what the new abilities do.

As for checkpoints I welcome them. Call me a casual, but I do not have the time I used to have, and not having to restep my last 5mins everytime I lose to a boss is a god send.

They should however come with an option to turn them off.

It's no more linear than Fusion, and it has the same atmosphere as Zero Mission or Fusion. Every 2D Metroid after Super ditched the gritty, darker atmosphere for bright comic book colors.

> all this writing and no reasonable, specific criticisms were stated.

> just abunch of vague descriptions and buzzwords that could apply to literally anything

Being bombardede with all the praise this game gets was making me feel like I was this hyper jaded insane pice of shit. good to see others aren't all that happy with it either.

Joysticks are shit for 2D games. it's why the 360's "D-pad" was universaly hated. you lose precision. I used to think FPS games were fine on a controler and that PC fags were just stiring shit saying keyboad and mouse was better. then i played with keyboard and mouse. all you see is what you know. and if all you know is shit...

>no sense of immersion, you're just constantly bombarded my reminders that you're playing a video game

What the fuck does this even mean? How do other Metroid games convince you that you aren't playing a game?

I'll go a step further and say the reuse of assets is what is holding this game back.

If they had spent a little more effort on enemy diversity this could have been an amazing game.

>no atmosphere, no sense of immersion

That's a lie

I remember finding Fusion amazing years ago back when I played it on a GBA SP but Samus Returns just doesn't have the same feel I remember Fusion having. I think it's the art direction mixed with the low quality 3D visuals and odd controls. Feels like a more budget version of Metroid to me, but I'm not too far in it. Maybe it will surprise me.

A lot of shills are really trying to hype up this game.
But you're right. It wasn't very good.

>you're playing a video game

is this a bad thing

have you ever heard of the expression, brevity is the soul of whit? Not everything has to be overly complicated to be "good" if anything, the only time a game dev will make something conveluted, is to hide how shallow the rest of the product actualy is.

I'm more surprised how I don't see the elephant in the room brought up: That this was clearly made right after the success of ASMR2, which is why it looks so rushed and they used a 3rd party to help produce it. Like I'm not the only one that sees that right?

Reminder both AM2R and SR are garbage and completely fail as remakes.


Super's Morph Ball Bomb acquisition notice alone takes longer than the Melee Counter tutorial. And if that's too much for you I have no idea how you'd be able to bear even sitting through Super's opening narration, which is much slower than SR's.

oh look, a peasent, here, have a (you)

I've been saying that since it was announced.
But the reply is always nah they've been doing it for years before AM2R was released.

It just constantly pushes modern vidya conventions in your face, like little cut-scenes for every relevant thing from seeing a boss to killing him, to finding a new item, and they happen every time, not just the first. The soundtrack never really sells me on what the level should be conveying, and the aeon power-ups are just incredibly lame generic game power-ups. The game feels like it's trying too hard; I was constantly reminded that someone was trying to make a Metroid game when developing this, instead of just making one.

I thought AM2R had been shut down because this game was in development, but after playing through it it's pretty obvious the game was rushed after the success of the fanmade game.

Gosh, I guess I'm not surprised. The fact that they all of they suddenly 'cared' about Metroid II after years and years of people wanting a remake, right after ASMR2, is just denial.

That's an opening narration sequence, not a pace-breaking cutscene during gameplay.

Dropping a truth bomb.

Literally ever Metroid game introduces a boss with a couple seconds of cutscenes.

Reddit memes are the truth, right on brother!

>pace-breaking cutscene during gameplay.

And Super is just as guilty of that with locking the game up for ten seconds to play the item jingle whenever you pick up any item expansion

Damn check out all those cut-scenes.

And not only are you absolutely wrong, this game has WAY more boss battles than any other metroid game, so it's even more jarring.

metroid prime had a bunch of cutscenes, these people are such a spoiled bunch they expect everything to be made to cather to all their specific needs

you're not the only one who saw this no. I won't believe for even a second that this was a game in heavy development for years. It's a very obvious rush job for damage control, because they're being outdone by their fans.

I've said this for years now, because it's too obvious. Nintendo since the success of the Wii and DS has completely lost sight of their original design philosophies and needs as a company to be gutted from within. Breath of the wild, the new Mario coming, and Samus returns are a indicator they're KIND OF going back, and that Kimishima is doing his job, but they're still a LONG way off from actually making Nintendo games again.

They need to STOP FUCKING OUTSOURCING THEIR OWN IP's and GROW SOME BALLS and make actual real Nintendo games as they're supposed to be again. Not these gutted, stripped down, mechanically shallow casual shitfests with a Nintendo skeleton that they've been making since the Wii and DS's success made them completely fuckoff into casual land.

Metroids have always been like this
>I just watched the Dunkey review


Except we're not talking about the Prime games, but the 2D games, which come with a very different set of expectations.

I ain't touching this shit after they announced Mercury Steam was making it. Nintenfags are so desperate for a new Metroid that they accept this. kek. There are plenty of Super Metroid hacks left for me to play

>A game from 2002 looks better than a game from 2017
2.5D was a mistake.

> very first boss in the video proves me right

Gosh you are retarded.

> have to watch the boss form and then make it's battlecry before you can move or shoot at it

> It's not a cut scene if it's not in 3D!

nice pasta

Accept it Samus returns is better than AM2R

You guys will never be happy.
Do you guys now understand why Nintendo has ignored Metroid for so long? Because it niche fanbase can never be pleased. Good lord, at least everyone who's been shitting on you can now link back to these threads as proof of why Nintendo has ignored Metroid for another decade.

The real problem with the game. I hate how there isn't a single 2D side scrolling Nintendo franchise that's getting new games still.
Are there any?

You don't, the player was just not moving, you absolute fucking mong.

Sorry to disappoint you but I typed that up just now son, but yes its similar points to previous things I've posted. Nice rebutal though, I can see your argumentative prowess is impressive and you sure debated the points given.

Yep, I agree on every account. I started playing the game yesterday and I really do not understand why so many people are singing its praises.
>enemy variety is horrible
>the soundtrack is a fucking joke
>counter mechanic is horribly balanced
>metroid fights are boring as sin (sans the Omega I GUESS)
>metroids that can run away, making the battle not harder or trickier, but longer and more tedious
>the level design is probably the worst in the entire fucking franchise (this is the reason why teleporters are so readily available cause without them the game would be a nightmare to play)

I am SO glad the metroidvania genre has become popular in the indie scene so I don't have to rely on Nintendo to give me my fix.

Nah its not that we cant be pleased, it's that the metroid fans unlike the rest of the fanbase have never lowered their standards like Nintendo and their damage controllers want them to.

see the latter half of 's post.

>Fans ask for Super Metroid again
>Get ZM Fusion and Samus Returns instead
>"Wow fuck Metroid fans"

>started playing yesterday
>has been playing it nonstop to the point where he reached Omega metroids
k, I'm sure you're hating it lmao

Yes man, I'm certain development of the game started right after Nintendo took notice of AM2R's success, you're a fucking clever boy.

>fans ask for traditional 2D game
>nintendo ignores them for over a decade
>fan makes a professional-level remake
>fans absolutely fucking love it
>announced immediately after they're making a 2D game of their own
>it's a lazy rushed outsourced piece of shit
>old fans are absolutely disgusted


> every boss has an invul period before the fight starts, just so they can show you it putting itself together cinematically

> not a cutscene!

You are the fucking retard.

Nintendo abandoned 2D pixel graphics years ago.

just not gettin that at all man
I agree it wasn't my favorite one but I had plenty of tense moments that I can't claim to have ever had in a previous game. the immersion and atmosphere is here. sorry, but if anything this game has more "atmosphere" and "sense of immersion" than fusion and ZM put together. if any game made you feel like you were in a video game, it was those two
stop looking so hard for reasons to dislike it

yeah, I'm glad we're never gonna get another Metroid game. Cant imagine having to share an ecosystem with you cunts lol

Some people actually put effort into finishing what they started, unlike your casual ass. No wonder you love this handholding sorry excuse of a remake.

I'm a hardcore fan of the series and want to have an educated opinion on the latest entry so I can join the discussion. The game is only a couple of hours long, too, like any other Metroid, it's not some 30-hour journey.

*After it was already launched and easily accessible to everyone


what the fuck are you talking about? They're BOTH METROID GAMES , they literally both get the same expectations, on top of that, the cutscenes literally take less than 30 seconds, the whole game probably has at least 5 minutes of total cutscenes, stop fucking moving the goalposts for fuck sake

ZM is pretty much Super with infinitely better controls.

>they literally both get the same expectations
You're fucking retarded if you believe this.

I'm not moving the goalposts, my point is that cutscenes in a 2D metroid game look weird as fuck.

That's literally not a cutscene.

your fucking retarded is not a valid argument, please try again

Stop arguing with ACfag about what is or isn't a cutscene, retard thinks an opponent's turn in a turn-based game is a cutscene.

In fact, stop arguing with ACfag period. Faggot doesn't deserve any (You).

It is retard, you are just out of arguments so now it's time for denial and selective definitions of words.

You guys are just digging the hole deeper. This proves the fanbase is full of insatiable faggots.
Why should Nintendo bother? They should focus resources on other projects instead of ever trying to make Metroid happen again.

>points given
>a rant how they're cazualizing everything
> opinions = facts
your such a narcasist I'm ashamed I have to share the same planet as you

>AM2R is far closer to the design philosophy, gameplay, and aesthetic of Metroid than the new shit.

today I will remind them

If they're not going to bother to listen to the fans then I honestly hope they move on.

It's like all the metroid threads are absolute shit today.

As someone who's two favorite IPs are Metroid and Castlevania I can very confidently say this is an exponentially better game than any entry of the Lords of Shadow series.

Looking at the games credits a lot of familiar Metroid names come up. Yoshio Sakamoto, Takayasu Morisawa, Takehiko Hosokawa, Masa Miyazaki, Kenji Yamamoto, etc. The game had a hell of a lot more oversight, and it shows in its quality.

But the fanbase almost universally loved AM2R.
Its not the fanbase's fault Nintendo can't make a good game anymore.

Based Mark Brown and Dunkey called SR out for it is.

>That this was clearly made right after the success of ASMR2

The game has been in development since 2014 you goddamn retard.

They did, but you and the community you come from already made up your mind long before the game released. There was no way it would live up to your expectations.

I really enjoy the game, I wont lament its loss though, no skin off my back. Enjoy your fangames, bros.

>I didn't play metroid 2

I hope as you get older you'll reflect on all of the useless shitposting drivel you've wasted your life on and hopefully blow your brains out

this is literally the most intelligent post in this entire thread

>This proves the fanbase is full of insatiable faggots.

Except the overwhelming majority of fans liked most of the games. Other M was the first big dud in the franchise, the one that even hardcore fans just outright shunned.

AM2R was widely well-regarded by fans, and was basically all nintendo had to do all along to make the fans happy.

Instead they release a third-party casualized vidya for the modern audience, and the fandom is extremely divided about it.

If you're not going to listen to the fans when making a game, then why the fuck bother making a game in that franchise at all? It's not like normies give a fuck about Metroid.

this entire post just made you sound like an insatiable fag, you know that right?

i dont see how people can enjoy a2mr with that shitty soundtrack. It really is god awful.

>casualizing basically everything that made Metroid iconic
Like blindly firing at every tile in a room because old games had to artificially lengthen themselves?

>Enjoy your fangames, bros
Considering it was better than almost every official entry in the series, yes, I will.

fusion cutscenes were based, neck yourself my dude

>ITT: Falseflaggers and contrarians, with a side of AM2R dicksucking, now with 1% actual opinions

It is literally the most challenging 2D Metroid game since the original Metroid 2.

>The highest enemy damage output the franchise has ever seen, along with some of the largest boss movesets.

t. Dunkey

Nintendo has proved time and time again that the only input they got from fans was from the surveys they discontinued. I wouldn't be surprised if this was another Paper Mario case where someone read the survey results and went ahead with what they thought was what the fans wanted.

Threads like these are mostly just driven by a small handful of people that probably don't really give a shit about Metroid and either pirated it didn't play it.