is she the most well written female protagonist in videogames?
Is she the most well written female protagonist in videogames?
i'll take the bait but
>generic anime girl
>mfw I found the blog of a self proclaimed feminist and she loved Nanako
Most well written cumdump maybe.
That's not Mikami
In 6 about months, he's adding a shitton of CGs.
purity run is pretty fun, any similar games to this?
How do I make my pixel art look like this? It always comes out as an oekaki. Do you just draw tiny then magnify?
Yea, that's a game.
Raped Brave Woman
Link ?
I think you mean Nutrient Adventure
Serena was way better.
Isn't she a rpgmaker stock character though?
Reddit spoonfeed simulator 2017
Goddamn I probably nutted to her campaign more than anything in my life.
or at least, where do I find the most recent translated version
Last time I checked the game was still being developed and the one guy willing to translate as it updated quit because it was an endless job.
Damn that breaks my heart
You might want to take a look at the Katteban version which focuses entirely on serena and has new content for her.
but what about the latest version?
where is the safe download?
It will never be fully translated, and newer versions are often untranslated in parts of the main quest that were already translated before in earlier versions.
The original early access garbage game.
This was the guy's site. There's links but some are dead. Some links are still active and there's a group doing a translation of VH that was last updated this year but I couldn't find any patches. Think the page is mostly for people who can contribute to the translation.
>new CG Set
Oh shit son
>tried Katteban
>still no fucking idea what to do to get to the raunchy parts because of moon language.
Jesus, I need some pointers or a damn walkthrough for katteban really.
Katteban isnt an enjoyable experience. Hell not even the generic Goblin Rape lines are translated.
says it's only partly translated
>tfw couldn't get it to work on windows 8.1
>I missed playing this juicy game
i wish i could speak moon just for this game
REEEEEE why do I have to change my language to moon in order to install
>REEEEEE why do I have to change my language to moon in order to install
Just use applocale
This is some basic weeb shit
Don't tell me you never played saya no uta a decade ago
love you user.
No, haven't played i... Am I arrested?
>not having locale set to japanese permanently
I feel disgusted sharing this board with cretins like you.
Vitamin Quest
>Becomes a loli
>Instantly wears loli fetish wear for pedos.
If there's a thing as "too slutty" Mikami is.
If there's a thing as "too gay" you are.
Ah yes, I have expected you.
Please take a seat.
Holy shit this. Having the locale to Jap literally does nothing but change / for Y in some directories.
Come on dude. I love me some Biitaminu Kuesto but she's a super slut.
all you literally have to do, make sure you restart your computer afterwards
Most people feel disgusted sharing the same breathing space like you, so don't worry you dweeb
Some western games don't launch at all if my locale is set to something foreign. Switching back and forth is a pain. Because HF AppLocale doesn't work on Win10, I've been waiting for something like Locale Emulator.
Interesting, which games in particular?
DOES she have different story/events compared to nanako? or is it just skin swap
>not using ntlea64
>ctrl+f Estelle
>phrase not found
Stay retarded and with shit taste, Sup Forums.
Estelle isn't well written, she's just an idiot.
Pretty sure this is a VH thread now, user, but muh nigga readings are off the charts.
It's you, the Chosen Nigga!
She immediately came to my mind, but this looks more like a VH or H-game thread.
>Too slutty
You are asking this about a character whose sole motivation in life, her one, all encompassing passion, the one personality trait that fully represents her in her entirety, is "get fucked by everyone and anyone and pop out as many babies as physically possible"
The female MC of NTRPG. She loves the MC but isn't tied down and enjoys fucking numerous men before happily getting married to the man she loves in the end. If that's not well written, I dunno what is.
What do you mean "look like this"?
Me personally, I prefer the oekaki look.
>has a kid with a dog, names her Nana
>has a kid with her futanari husbando Rin, names her Nanarin
Dumb uncreative bumpkin.
man i miss this game. it's still not finished and translated, isn't it?
And no, the fact she's a freak only makes her better.
And no, i despise futa.
What does the dog's kid look like? Is it just a dog or a human, or something in between?
Estelle is best girl of all time.
>Favorite Fetish
>Favorite H game
try lowering the resolution
>violated heroine
there was so many good rpg porn games that came out during VH's development time and it will keep happening for next decade
Well being a breeding slave is pretty much fulfilling your purpose as a woman.
name 5
I love Vitamin Quest because of the whole baby-making aspect. Getting to play a slutty girl and pump out kids is too good.
>has a kid with her futanari husbando Rin, names her Nanarin
I would absolutely accept the game ending with Rin having a harem with the ice girl, Serena, and muscle lady.
Black floppy dog ears, tiny black dog tail and that's the extent of how visibly dog she is.
I'd prefer an ending where Serena becomes obsessed with the underground sex club and lives the rest of her life in hedonistic pleasure. Maybe even opening up her own underground sex club at her home country.
Doesn't make sense though since she can only birth half elves and not full elves.
neither of those things are ever going to happen
god damn nanako is making my dick itch
delicious brown...
this shit better not be it
>first build was from 2008
>2018 is right around the corner
>RogueTranslator and shindol were involved at one point ages ago
>here we are now
game needs more milf x shota
The sex slave path of the baby sitter quest needs to be fucking completed already.
>tried to get Mikami
>this is the result
It's truly hell liking this game. It'll never be finished, parts will never be translated, and nuts will not be had. Gets abit boring just running into to town and redoing the same scenes. God damn finding out the spa clerk had those scenes with every girl.
blue girl > nanako > muscle lady > the futa > the lolis
proof me wrong
hint: you can not
>almost all the scenes I might be interested in are incomplete
Feels bad. Nanako getting mind controlled by a little boy, Nanako enslaved, gang in the Capital, etc.
Counter argument :Lewd slut loli.
>Nanako getting mind controlled by a little boy
sounds pretty hot, but i prefer the scenes where nanako is a total cockwhore on her own
How do I make the loli have boobs like in that picture?
thank god for the built in cheat tool
Oh, neat. Looked through the pictures but didn't seem to find anything like it. Hopefully the version I picked up, which was 3.7 translated I think, has it.
>Few years ago I used my dad's laptop during a visit and he was using Japanese locale
Never had the balls to bring it up
to be honest im not sure how much larger her breasts get in pregnancy, but i thought that they did get larger
i could be wrong, i always preferred flat loli anyways
fully translated hd remake with japanese voice acting when
One step a time asshole. Just wish for it to be actually done.
i NEED this to have voice acting ~ara ara~
Isn't it an open-source project with continuous development from multiple contributors
Favorite fetishes
Favorite Hentai game
you forgot to say that the password for the archive is nanako wtf