>Sup Forums says a game is shit
>It's actually pretty good
what's her name?
>Sup Forums says a game is shit
>It's actually pretty good
what's her name?
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Nice trips nigga. Also Skyrim would have been the first to come to my mind too. Also Witcher 3, although the hate toward that seems to have mellowed a lot lately. It was just contrarianism in the first place, I'm pretty sure.
Dark Souls III
Explain to me why Skyeim is good.
these games really are shit though
>He listened to/v/
I like Skyrim better than Oblivion, man. They're both good games and they're also both inferior to Morrowind, but I always think it's strange when someone praises Oblivion while shitting on Skyrim. They're fairly similar. At least, they have a lot more in common with one another than either of them has with the earlier games of the series.
wrong opinion
I'm very hesitant to listen to Sup Forums when they tell me a game sucks, because they say that about everything, but I USUALLY find this board pretty reliable when they all say a game is good.
Not an argument.
I'ts all very subjective, but this is mostly true.
The only game I was disappoint in was Dragon Dogma, but only because it's not really my type of game.
Pretty much anything you read on Sup Forums is wrong. Most of the posts here are meant to agitate the reader. The truth doesn't make people angry as much as lies, so the ideas that get reposted enough to become memetic are either false facts or ironic opinions. Get out now, if you want sincerity.
Witcher 3
Avoided it like the plague since Sup Forums said it was shit. A friend of mine kept nagging me and said it was so good etc. I just waved him off.
Eventually he just bought the game and gifted it to me, so I figured fuck it. Played it, sank like 200 hours in it. Last time I ever take game advice from Sup Forumseogaf
community mods that let you be the sluttiest argonian in all Tamriel
You realize OP is talking about dumb contrarians like you?
Prey 2017 and DOOM
I bought Dragon's Dogma on sale a couple months ago but I only played it once so far, and just for a couple hours. It looks promising to me but obviously that's not enough to really know. What did you not like about it?
BOTW was a pretty good time sink.
Not really a good game tho.
>gifted it to me
you sucked his dick a little bit at least right?
Wolfenstein (2009)
DOOM (2016)
Prey (2017)
Dragon Age: Origins
lol no, he spent literal months begging me to play, I played it and while I did enjoy it a lot, I'm sure the knowledge that I liked the game he fanboyed over is thanks enough
>I'm sure the knowledge that I liked the game he fanboyed over is thanks enough
it's not
suck his dick user
Where did the das2 is better than 3 meme come from?
Fucking Degenerate
user I'm not into him like that
There's a containment board for these memes. Please use it.
End your miserable fucking life you filth
Skyrim is Oblivion and Morrowind BUT BETTER IN EVERY WAY
>a literal trigger word
Nah not triggered, just weary of it. All day every day and on every board. Surely saying nigger and shitskin on the internet will lose its novelty eventually right?
Go back to the shithole you crawled back from if you can't handle a bit of a joke you sensitive little bitch
If they had dialled down the radar and trusted their world building it would have been great.
Objectively true. Just like MGSV is objectively the best MGS game
Like I said I'm not triggered, it's just old, man. I've been on 4skin since '07 when nigger was mostly ironic. The Sup Forumstards are the true newfags. We acted retarded for long enough that we attracted a bunch of actual retards.
It has already lost its novelty. People are using it casually.
But that's a good thing. People aren't supposed to be all up in arms about these words.
Alright mate.. but you're right about newfags Sup Forumstrads being everywhere but I honestly can't blame them being back stabbed by their own president and all
MGSV was the best Metal Gear Solid games since the first one on PS1.
Don't criticize those who you know nothing about. Calling stormtards poltards is not only disingenuous, but it is divisive. There are a million different groups of shills all vying to shift the identity of Sup Forums, which is funny considering it has no true identity.
Kind of a reverse but Dark Souls 2 is not some unappreciated gem and should not be defended.
It's unpolished, weak and unimaginative. I had an alright time playing it since it's a souls game but It's a weak 7 at best.
SOTFS is also a worse adaption.
I couldn't even get into it at all so you liked it more than I did. I don't think I ever even got to a boss fought. I couldn't get over how absolutely shit the character's response to the controller is. DS1 was a little clunky too but DS2 was unplayable for me.
I am sorry for you son
sorry that you have such shit taste
It is most certainly not.
I've still only played the original, which was one of my very top favorite games of its generation. I want to play the rest but I don't have a PS2 or PS3 and I don't want to fuck up the order. Any idea if they'll ever release 2, 3, and 4 on PC?