Why are you not expanding your oil empire right now Sup Forums?
Why are you not expanding your oil empire right now Sup Forums?
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Because I prefer building comfy little bus stations and only use oil to supply goods for towns.
Coal is the way to expand cities.
But why not comfy little oil companies
Because eventually my trucks all start to break down and it becomes too much micro to replace them all.
Sup Forums multiplayer game when?
Is this TTD?
Open TTD, yes
>not lumber
There's a /ovg/ server up for this game, but I am playing a scenario
fuck, reinstalling now
holy shit it's still getting updates
sage for doubleposting
Oh shit is that some Open TTD?
Shit, that game never gets discussed here. I was surprised there was even a thread a couple weeks ago in /vr/. It's always RTC with you people.
the US is going to bomb me to hell
There is an option to auto-replace vehicles after they expire
but by the time it expires you don't necessarily want to replace it you want to get the newer model
Does anyone play Offworld Trading Company?
>try to play online for casual fun
>pack of Brazilian realestate dogs buy up all the fucking good land 10 seconds into the game
What do you mean "buy up the good land"? I thought you can build anywhere in this game as long as nobody's stuff is on it
Sure. But you can also build signs that effectively claim that land as yours.
Ok I saw someone do that while watching master hellish play. Annoying as fuck
Scrub here. Why does it seem like my cities are always shrinking? I know pop drops temporarily when they demolish old buildings to replace them, but it's like it never increases
I prefer to launch a bunch of airplanes and then delete all the airports
You can also autoreplace a group of things to a new model
I'm no expert but they want their passengers and mail to get moved and goods and shit to moved into it I think. I remember forcing a small town of
I did a few times, but I'm not good at predicting market usage. I have to fight the inclination to build a complete production chain for self-sufficiency because usually some retards will tank the market on something and then I won't be able to capitalize on that fact.
Holy shit this is fucking amazing.
How long has this been possible?
I think it's new in openTTD
ottd is one of the few software projects I've ever donated to. they really deserved it. game rules.
wish wesnoth wasn't ass/ and dead
is dat sum TTD?
For a very long time.
left is wrong, you try to prove it then it's likely to not be true once you can't prove it.
Attempting to disprove things is much harder than attempting to prove them. Kinda like how root functions are harder than exponential functions.
Well we had a comfy little thread while it lasted, go over to the /ovg/ server password is 4ch