Gorgeous vistas

>Gorgeous vistas
>But then up close

Holy fuck that's bad. Like virtually no difference from GTA V

hmm it's almost as if they're using the same engine running on the same console or something.....

GTA V is a last gen game

Yes, but the trailer looks like the PS4 version of GTAV, not the PS3 version of GTAV

>That flat as fuck rock texture

What went wrong?

>open world game being extremely detailed

Also pretty sure it was confirmed that the footage was from the PS4 version.
But the problem with that shot is the choice of ground. If they wanted that shot they should've added more meshes, a different ground texture, more foliage or tesselation.
Either way it's a minor complaint.

that was the worst looking scene in the whole trailer. But honestly this is rockstar and they always deliver.


That's the PS4 version

The Xbox One X version will look better

I just came to say that Horizon looks leagues better in terms of visuals than what we have seen of RDR II and it's open world meme too. So they COULD have made it look better if they tried harder because the proof is in the pudding.
I guess that's the price of multiplat shit.

Horizon is tailor made for the PS4 and is using one of the best engines right now (in terms of visual fidelity).

That said all OP needs is some tesselation to make it look less flat.

Horizon is also heavily instanced and has very little world interactivity

And you think RDR II will be different in those regards?

Holy shit this. Its basically all HZD has going for it. Why would you want other devs take note from that.

RDR1 and GTAV were different in that regard. Why wouldn't the sequel follow the first and previous game's footsteps?

Who cares? Red Dead Redemption is shit and so is every other Rockstar game. Only good thing to come from Rockstar are the games they've published like Alan Wake, Max Payne, and L.A. Noire.

>Horizon is also heavily instanced and has very little world interactivity

Asking for interactable phsyics with the amount of meshes, foliage, effects and so on going on is downright delusional. It's running on PS4. Some things like tall grass, water and so on is enough.

I know some people get a hard-on for BotW, but frankly that game looks like ass.

I would have to disagree about RDR 1, it was rather blank in terms of game mechanics variety. Its interactivity was also only the most basic stuff - compared to San Andreas for example it was embarassingly lacking. Hopefully Rockstar will improve on those points.
The atmosphere of RDR 1 was 10/10 GOAT though.

Also my original post was just about the visuals (that's why this thread was made in the first place), not the gameplay mechanics and world interactivity.

Okay, here is how it's going down. This game will be released on PS4/Xbox One and later on PS5/Xbox 2 with enhanced graphics. I don't know about a PC port but it's modern rockstar, so everything might be possible.

Looks like ass, but plays like smooth butter

I'll never understand people who want to compromise a better GAME for shinier graphics.

>plays like smooth butter
let's not get ahead of ourselves, it's still only 30fps with drops

Nobody is asking for anything. The devs chose graphics over gameplay and thats how it is.

Its faggots in here who're asking RDR2 to look as sick as HZD when that would hurt interactivity just as bad.

You know thats not what he was talking about.

What is he talking about then? He said
>I'll never understand people who want to compromise a better GAME for shinier graphics.
but BOTW does that exact thing. Maybe it's not as bad as some games but it's still doing it.

>Its faggots in here who're asking RDR2 to look as sick as HZD when that would hurt interactivity just as bad.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

BOTW's graphics are as good as they are functional. It's not a high res texture wankfest for the sake of it.
Also fps=\= gameplay. It can affect it, but its not what the rules of any game orbit about.

I was just told in this thread that HZD's scripting and shallow world-character interaction is excused because all resources were destined towards making amazing graphics.

Why would you think that wouldnt be the case in RDR2?

Obviously I do, you literal brainlet, or I wouldn't have made the post. What the fuck is wrong with you?

wow it's almost like you aren't supposed to literally clip through something to look at the texture from point blank.

graphics whores have always been a cancer on gaming

No you don't. You're lying to yourself.

Yeah, it looked really good but then this scene hit me.

>The devs chose graphics over gameplay

The fuck has shit like grass physics to do with gameplay?

>I was just told in this thread that HZD's scripting and shallow world-character interaction is excused because all resources were destined towards making amazing graphics.

I'm assuming you're talking about my post, but if that's what you got out of it you're either massively illiterate or just full-on retarded.

>The fuck has shit like grass physics to do with gameplay?
When the grass is actively affected by fire, allowing you to use grass as a wind-trampoline to get to higher locations, or use grass to attack enemies

>When the grass is actively affected by fire, allowing you to use grass as a wind-trampoline to get to higher locations, or use grass to attack enemies

And you're saying that every single game on the planet needs this? Holy fuck you're stupid. Games are different and focus on different things. Should I complain about how dogshit BotW because it doesn't even hold a candle to Hotman (2016) in terms of a metric fuckton of interactions, level design, etc? No, because I'm not as retarded as you.

With Horizon the mechanical monsters and the combat was a far bigger focus. Fighting a robot was 100x more interesting and engaging than fighting anything in BotW. The combat is also sloppily designed in BotW with super lenient perfect dodge ranges and timing.

I'm sorry, but you need to unplug Link's dick from your ass.

>Hotman (2016) in terms of a metric fuckton of interactions, level design, etc
Hitman isn't an open world game, it's easy to create a fuckton of interactions in a single building.

>With Horizon the mechanical monsters and the combat was a far bigger focus.
Sure, but it's much easier due to the sheer excess arsenal they give you, and the game doesn't offer anything at all outside of it.

>Hitman isn't an open world game, it's easy to create a fuckton of interactions in a single building.

Hitman doesn't consist of one building and the point I made also flew right over your head, wooosh.

>Sure, but it's much easier due to the sheer excess arsenal they give you, and the game doesn't offer anything at all outside of it.

You've already proven there is little point in trying to seriously discuss something with you. Your heavy bias isn't helping when it's coupled with ignorance and illiteracy. Well, not my problem.

>Hitman doesn't consist of one building
It consists of multiple one building levels, and sometimes they even have a second building right next to the first one!
Please, if you're implying that Hitman is anywhere near the same scale as BotW, my only reaction is to laugh.