filename thread
video game images ONLY edition
filename thread
video game images ONLY edition
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Fuck you and your rules nigger
what the FUCK make it stop
Why on Earth is he shaking so much?
This is the gayest thing i've seen today.
What is about this guy that just screams gay porn actor?
I'm like that, but it's only because I have the internal temperature of a fucking fridge.
Having a lower core temperature makes you feel heat, though
I get cold really easily, is what I'm trying to say.
Isn't this card fucking OP?
mirin hard
Nature is fucking lit
underage please leave
Its just not the same without sound
Holy shit football is gay as fuck.
It's from a set where all the cards and banned in tournament play
>comparing nostalgiafags to whiny crybabies
If you think being impressed by two monkeys riding a boar getting chased by a wildman is juvenile then frankly I want to stay in wonderland
I dab a tissue onto greasy shit a little like steak
It actually makes sense, there's nothing there but frying oil, not the juice of the meat.
What's the story behind this gif?
Never having seen the gif before and using nigger twitter phrases like "fucking lit" confirm you being underage though
What game?
apes enjoy fun too
>boar minding its own business
>looking for food and that just messing about
>gets attacked
>don't know by what
>legs it
>gets chased by some papa people who were knockin about
>somthing still clinging to the boars back
>turns out little monkey fellas
ape escape
Virgin fishing rod Chad seine
fishing lvl?
you're removing approximately 0.3% of the oil that way. It's hard to waste a napkin but you did it, good job
Lost it at the glove, I wonder if polygon was wearing oven mitts when they recorded that DOOM video.
Alternate title: something cheeky about pannenkoek
I don't even know what happened here but I could hear the "Really? This tortilla fucking sucks. Thanks Kojima."
Not very good.
Had a relatable experience on an RP server. Just went along for the ride.
This is probably exactly what is going on there too.
>rat experience huge amounts of claustraphobia
>huge amounts of sadness and depression
>because it had no control over its movements and was forced to act against it's own free will
>west isnt getting EDF5, its getting a spinoff westernized version called Iron Rain
Nothing good ever happens.
>west isnt getting EDF5
Hold on, fucking WHAT
>sever crash.webm
>no actual crash
i am disappoint
Holy shit is watch dogs becoming real
Facial/behaviour/object recognition tech has been around for a while m8. Even Facebook has been using it in videos and photo's for a while now.
No plans for western release, or if they do they have no mentioned it and have only been blowing it up for the Jap release. Heres the spinoff by the way
Please stop trying to pretend you're clever. The secondhand embarrassment is overwhelming.
you can remove like 50 calories per slice by degreasing a pizza. shit adds up if youre trying to lose weight
So stop eating Pizza?
That's more like Crash Bandicoot
>baby elephant turns into pig/warthog
pizza is delicious though. its fine to have one every once in a while
>Tomas Vermaelen
He probably wasn't there, he was injured.
not perma-bulking
Not if you're trying to lose weight, though
This makes me so mad
Just stop eating so much pizza and start actually counting your calories
>23 lb
>Converts to 21 kilos
>On top of all the other inedible toxic shit you Burgers shovel into your holes
Holy fucking shit. That's disgusting.
youre retarded. energy in / energy out. you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight as long as you count your calories.
is it healthier to eat a salad? sure. but a treat is nice every once in a while.
So why the fuck are you rubbing the grease off, then? Just eat the Pizza.
You're generally right but you gotta remember that this quote chain is arguing about dabbing pizza with a napkin. That ain't gonna do shit for you when you're already wtaching your calories and eat pizza once a month
Compleatly legal and balanced in the set it came in
WARNING: Connection problem
Auto-disconnect in 00:25
I don't know shit about Magic
Are there "meta" cards like this working outside the rules that are allowed in tournaments?
>a treat is nice once in a while
For Burgers once in a while is 5 times a week.
This is absolutely terrifying
because you are eating less calories, therefore its easier to stay within youre caloric limit for the day
dabbing pizza with a napkin allows me to fit at least one other snack into my diet for that day. is the process annoying and awkward as fuck? sure but it helps.