PC Gaming: what went wrong?
PC Gaming: what went wrong?
nothing. PC gaming has never been better
blatant lie
pc hasn't had decent exclusives in a decade
Neither has Sony or ms, your point?
thread is about the downfall of pc gaming, illiterate bro
IDK man I think you're full of shit.
Consoles are the ones that when and shit the bed.
Couch co-op has never been ded-er.
$99.99 pre-releases on a Nintendo console.
Wtf are you talking about we'd be here all day If I went through them all.
Plus why do "exclusives" matter so much to you on the PC when most everything is multi-plat and everything runs better on a PC.
Consoles need to step up their frame rates and have less frames dropped.
But PC is doing great.
Bannerlord is just around the river bend.
We can emulate Breath of the Wild.
We can finally emulate Demon Souls.
We have been emulating gamecube, ps1, ps2, gameboy, DS, 3DS.
We have RTS games, grand strategy, table top simulator WITH optional VR.
We have VRchat and sky is the limit avatar creation.
We're about to get Doom VR and Fallout 4 VR.
Valve is confirmed to be developing 3 full titles in VR.
If exclusives are a measure of success than console must be dead. PS4 has what? Knack and Bloodborne? Xbone has Halo?
Consoles are such a threat of PC gaming, I'm not sure how emulation/free online/better graphics/better performance/mods can even compete.
wtf I love sony now. I just bought 10 ps4s.
where are the native pc games that aren't ports or emulated? games developed for consoles is fucking pathetic
a decade ago people would literally shit on you entire chest for bringing up console games
PC gaming really needs to make a comeback but it's not happening anytime soon
Bannerlord is just around the river bend...
I wish
I love pc gaming but we are never, EVER getting a golden age again. It's fucking over
F2P garbage, console ports, early access and indie trash do not make for a good platform
>m-muh native
doesn't really matter long as the games aren't on ps4. Especially because people like you try to shill the ps4 yet cannot emulate or play games like botw on it. Also there's already games like PUBG which is going to xbone but it has sonybros made a fuck just because they're gonna have to wait a year+ and it serves only to increase the pc's popularity.
>where are the native pc games that aren't ports or emulated?
Are you fucking stupid?
Why does it matter if it's emulated?
If it's not multiplayer then who fucking cares?
>B-b-but I buy all my games!
Grow up.
Console games run better on PC.
Consoles are restrictive and there is no reason to buy one if you're patient.
Why spend money on a console when you can buy a beefy desktop that doubles as a work station?
You're still playing trash as fuck console games, my dude. You steam niggers are the cancer that consolized and killed PC gaming for good
>You're still playing trash as fuck console games.
so every console game is trash? i agree.
Nothing. Also there's games like civ and warhammer on it plus im looking forward to pillars of eternity 2 later so I never stop having my fun.
Pretty sure most pcbros play pubg, various mobas, cs:go and then multiplats, whereas consoles are overwhelmingly just multiplats.
>pc hasn't had decent exclusives in a decade
Why do you think we exclusively use Steam, we don't.
Steam is a relatively smaller pill to swallow than other forms of DRM in the past, and it has convenient features.
I don't think I would still be playing video games had it not been for the Steam community.
Steam discussion boards, guides, and workshops have kept my love for gaming thriving.
That doesn't mean I only use Steam, I still go to sites like Nexus mods or GOG if there's a deal.
Consoles are the ones pushing $99.99 AAA games being released, because you're lucky if you get more than a handful of games to pick from each season.
>F2P garbage
Then don't play F2P garbage and it'll eventually die out.
>console ports
That still run better than on consoles. You're getting games and still crying about it? Who the fuck cares? Mods, multiplayer, and more. How is this a detriment? Everything is released PS4/PC or XBONE/PC. Who won this generation? That's right PC did.
> indie trash
Okay, great. That's not the only thing on consoles to pick from.
Didn't you know user, if it's a genre console players don't have or have no interest in then it doesn't count, only lowest common denominator AAA trash counts.
see I already mentioned that. Learn how to read, my dude
All I'm saying is that PC gaming will never be great again. It's just higher tier console gaming at this point
Not a lot. If anything console gaming is dying since so many console owners switched to PC after last gen's release and people realized how they were getting fucked over.
PC gaming is growing faster than ever and ports are getting better and better making the PC version of most games the definitive version. Could use a bit more exclusives but consoles don't have any of those either.
>All I'm saying is that PC gaming will never be great again.
It's never been better and continues to get better. Take off the rose tinted lenses.
>F2P garbage, console ports, early access and indie trash do not make for a good platform
The platform is sound, it's the content is that is lacking.
Where as with consoles you're building on shaky ground.
On PC you can resurrect the oldest game and still play it, on console you have to re-buy it as a remastered or get the old console.
The only issue with PC is that we have so many options that our player base is spread out.
>What is Divinity 2 OS
We had one this month you goofball
How you get free (you)s
pc gaming has become a meme unto itself
as someone who grew up during the birth of god tier pc gaming and such, right now, pc gamers are cucked so hard by consoles theres no reason anyone will ever support PC again
only hope will be last bastions of pc gaming like star citizen which will probably flop under its demand and pressure
Sorry, sometimes I forget some people just want to suck corporate cock instead of actually playing video games.
>pc gamers are cucked so hard
By whom?
Over the last month I've played XCOM, XCOM 2, Hollow Knight, TW:W and Nier Automata, all on PC. I don't feel cucked.
My PS4 on the other hand only sees use because I've let half my friends borrow it to play BB, Nioh and Horizon.
>literally higher rated than any console exclusive right now
>noooo it doesn't count because reasons
Much easier, fun and diverse to play on PC.
That's all that matters when you play.
PC can do anything that consoles do and more. 0 reasons to play on a console unless you're extremely desperate to be part of the buzz and play the latest exclusive that everyone else play on release. (and forget those games exist a week later)
>pc gamers are cucked so hard
>pay for p2p multiplayer
>paying full price for inferior versions at sub 30 fps 900p
>most exclusives are qte's movies
>no bc
Exclusives titles are cancer.
But, at least what is Divinity 2?
>Still using this stupid nigger as a reaction image
Sup Forumseddit
Nice falseflag, sonybro.
You do realize this is gonna get ported to PS4 with extra content for cheaper than you bought it for right?
>isometric "rpgs"
Yeh because I want to wait a year to play actually good games, with a fucking controller.
top kek
>Persona 5
I got bad news, user.
>that exclusive you have
>the entire genre is bad hehe
You can do that with anything retard
You're gonna be mad as fuck when we're able to emulate those games and you're on your PS5 with no games and no backwards compatibility.
what bad news
in ten years maybe
will you still be too poor to afford games by that time?
There's a working PS3 emulator and Persona 5 is on both PS3 and 4.
Pic related: Me playing Demon Souls
Who can afford to buy every game that comes out?
I don't know about you but I want to have children and a house someday and that's going to happen if I buy every game at release or even at $20 a pop.
How does DeS run?
I'd like to replay it and being able to run it at my monitor's native resolution plus proper AF/AA is enticing.
Yo dude sauce for the newfags?