So, why even bother with the weapon triangle? I'm guessing regular mobs and officers will have a disproportionate ratio of lance and axes to sword to compensate.
Easton Thompson
Don't forget the sole lance infantry is NPC until DLC.
Hunter Smith
Also outside of special moves all sword users have exactly the same moveset,
Jose Morgan
William Richardson
Why are you counting NPCs in your roster?
Parker Ortiz
Well chrom and lucina are clones. Marth and Celica are clones. The twins are clones. Owain and Ryoma are clones. Lyn and Navarre are clones. So they don't all have one moveset but they all share a moveset with at least one other character. Still pretty shitty and it's the same case for all the bow users
Matthew Collins
Those are your dlc characters
Owen Diaz
Presumably they will be dlc characters added soon after like Hyrule Warrriors
Jack Williams
HW isn't a good indicator of "this is how they make musous", it's an outlier.
That is how it works in Fire Emblem too isn't it? Archeras have the same animations, myrmidons have the same animations etc.
Logan Ward
Do honestly think the villain characters and Oboro/Niles/Owain/Navarre just won't be playable ever? And they've said that this will be more like Hyrule Warriors, the season pass schedule is even the same.
Alexander Nguyen
I want to impregnate (((Annas)))
David Cox
>NO ROY Good.
Easton Brown
Trip back on.
Matthew Diaz
Remember in Hyrule Warriors how Ruto and Agitha showed up in the main story missions, but weren't obtainable and playable until the Adventure Mode?
Maybe it's the same in this game for History Mode? You unlock Navarre, Owain, Oboro, etc from there?
Brandon Ramirez
You got it backwards. Royfags use trips
Samuel Garcia
>Hilariously, if they slapped every Lord in the franchise in the game they would end with the exact same number of swords
>Marth: 1 >Alm: 2 >Celica: 3, but is more iconic as a spellcaster. >Sigurd: 4, but is on a mount and can wield lances as well. >Seliph: 5 >Leif: 6 >Roy: 7 >Lyn: 8 >Eliwood: 9 >Hector: Axe-user. >Ike: 10 >Micaiah: Spellcaster. >Chrom: 11 >Corrin: 12
Damn, that is pretty ironic. And then they make Celica a Marth clone. Pretty lame.
Adam Cooper
HW and and FEW are the only musou that developed by Team Ninja
Jaxon Morgan
>They said the roster wouldn't be all swords. Technically there are a few other types of weapons, I guess. Lyn and Celica were huge slaps in the face, imo. They could've added a couple of other popular non-sword using characters instead to add some variety to the roster.
Jacob Smith
You forgot Ephraim and Eirika.
Robert Peterson
Wait seriously? Doesn't her magic make her unique?
Jonathan Morgan
and still no armor knights
also heard Lyn and celica are not part of the story and are obtained with history mode or something like that
easily the best trailer based Anna
Caleb Young
If they make the NPCs as DLC they better at least fucking give them uncloned movesets. >pay to use these characters that already in the game using movesets that already in the game Gee, thanks.
Asher Williams
>Lissa's C4 >She does cartwheels with her axe I take back everything I said about this game, this one attack redeems it. I wasn't even trying for a Pantyshot, I was just trying to get a good picture of the attack
Gavin Harris
>>Hilariously, if they slapped every Lord in the franchise in the game they would end with the exact same number of swords Well yeah but it'd be a worse roster
Angel Sanders
This, add Dolph and Macellan!
Christopher Rivera
Can the ui be scaled down? it doesn't really need to be that big,
Henry Wright
>one (1) titty character in the game >the rest are all flatties Was this really made by KT? By TN?
Matthew Gomez
DLC is a misnomer. The characters that were in the base game that got added to Hyrule Warriors were free but part of an update.
It's not really that big, is it? I have no idea if it can be, I don't know nip and I don't want to go fucking around in the options menu until it's translated.
Jose Gonzalez
If it's like other musous, no. At least it's not like SW4 vanilla. Dialogue boxes were smack in the middle of the screen with full opacity.
Nathaniel Smith
Isn't Rindis a breasted lady?
Hunter Morales
the fact that there are no panties is even more disturbing.
Brandon Taylor
I'll admit I forgot she was in the game. 2 is still an strangely low number.
Asher Reed
Roll call. How many people in here have the game or have at least played it? And if you have it, how far are you? I'm around stage 20 in story mode and taking a break.
Colton Morris
No, really. I cannot emphasize how much I love this stupid attack.
I have it but I'm mostly dicking around in History mode to try and get that master seal from Validar. pls no spoilies.
Jackson Perez
cant read nip so i'm just waiting for us version
John Ortiz
I'm playing this on the 3DS and after HW one introduced so many stage especific objectives, powers and bosses right from the get go, this feels fucking bland.
Benjamin Murphy
>No Danved >No Devdan
This game is pure POOOOOOOP.
Gabriel Johnson
Oh shit, there are master seals in history mode? I was wondering how to get more. I just dropped one on Tiki.
Grayson Perez
Yeah, it's great not having to fuck around with the most tedious objectives imaginable, isn't it?
Parker Myers
Wait, is there a demo or something?
Liam Roberts
>lissa is the infantry axe user and hector isn't in the game at all until dlc what the fuck were they thinking
Cameron Edwards
If I had to guess, the boss of each map will probably have one.
Me either, but judging by the fact that the name in the system is translated, the nip version will be translated when they release the US/European version.
Leo Williams
For those that are playing now and also played Hyrule Warriors: How does it hold up in comparison?
Aren't the 3 DLC packs Awakening, Fates, and Shadow Dragon themed? If so it's doubtful we'll see even Ike or Roy, much less Hector
Henry Allen
>FIre Emblem Warriors >The two most recent (besides the remake) games have the most representation >Previous series barely have any characters (No Roy, Ike, Ephraim, Eliwood, or Hector)
I get that Fates and Awakening are such big cash cows but even the fucking mobile game doesn't shill them this hard.
Jaxon Roberts
Don't you mean until the sequel? I have no hope for him in the dlc.
Mason Anderson
Charles Roberts
>3 DLC Packs Oh naive little user.
Cooper Adams
>Hotaru More like Hotakasu.
Samuel Lee
it's eh kay it was okay while doing the awakening part but when you get to fates and it starts giving out clones it's pretty meh like no reason to use one over the other it's pretty disappointing
Levi Hill
Wait, game is out?
Landon Rivera
fates is but they are already talking about ' mostly' SD and awakening stuff
guess they are quickly making changes in their plans but fates pack came too early
Luis Peterson
fix it for you user
Juan Collins
More like we'll get Fates in every pack. Please understand.
Cameron Martin
>2nd most popular character of her own game >3rd most popular girl in the entire series >not in warriors L O L O L
Christian Perez
post promoted tiki pls
>For those that are playing now and also played Hyrule Warriors: How does it hold up in comparison? I prefer it to Hyrule Warriors. I liked Hyrule Warriors, but I'm not a Zelda fan so I didn't give much of a fuck about it. I'm a huge FE fan (less so of Fates/Awakening, but I do like the characters they chose from Awakening) and the way they adapted FE elements into the game works a lot better than the Zelda elements implemented into Hyrule Warriors.
I wouldn't doubt it, considering they basically counted Conquest and Birthright as two separate games.
Cooper Reed
Many 3DS games show other language titles when forced to load on a foreign system or StreetPassed, including some that don't include foreign scripts like Animal Crossing New Leaf, ones that never were released outside of Japan like the many Medabots games on 3DS, and some that even changed named when finally localized like Etrian Odyssey V. Probably similar on Switch.
Kevin Cook
even mobile had a big focus on them. most special costumes are awakening and fates too
Justin Perez
Tiki fights mostly in her dragon form right? I saw her trailer and it it seems like she only turns into a dragon when she activates her super mode or something and that'd be dumb as shit. Fighting like a kawaii magical girl is stupid for a manakete when we already have that shit with Elise.
Jayden Gomez
Not all games do that, I have Puyo Tetris and it shows the Japanese title even though a localized version was announced before the JP release.
Jacob Anderson
I agree. She's a garbage character and deserves to be in this garbage game.
James Fisher
>No Sacred Stones representation
Charles Wood
All the dragon boys only transform into their dragon form in the super.
Kevin Wright
yeah, and my copy of MHXX says Monster Hunter XX: Nintendo Switch Ver. it's not guaranteed
Zachary Sanchez
>even the fucking mobile game doesn't shill them this hard. >aside from Lyn, Caeda, and the CYL results Fates and Awakening are the only characters that get special units Good joke. We just had four more revealed today with disgusting power creep to boot.
Liam Wood
I'm just saying it isn't a good sign of anything in particular.
Leo Rivera
Except that's a game that hasn't been announced for worldwide distribution.
Carson Morales
this game is hardly garbage, it doesn't even have Tharja in it
Nathaniel Jones
She transform into her dragon form for a limited time like with characters in the berserk game.
For the most part she throws dragonstones at people.
Isaiah Allen
>I get that Fates and Awakening are such big cash cows but even the fucking mobile game doesn't shill them this hard.
We've had: >Easter >Summer >Bridal >Braves
All 4 special Hero editions had Awakening/Fates
Nicholas Turner
But that's gay
David Reed
Are you enjoying my game, boys? Don't forget to buy the season pass.
James Davis
Don't say mean things about my wife.
Carson Baker
The game is significantly better than HW in every way. I haven't had to escort any fucking bombchu, I haven't had to run all the way across the map to get some shitty item that'll let me stun the shitty boss, the game runs much better on 3DS.
Jace Flores
I probably will, since the game is quite good.
Jaxson Bailey
Yeah but they at least had other characters as well. even if it was like, 1/3 fateswakening 2/3s other, I'd be okay with it.
But this is 1/3 fates, 1/3 awakening, 1/3 other which is batshit EVEN for fans of awakening/fates
Gavin Foster
copy that
Colton Clark
Yeah, that's the point, she's extremely weak untransformed to where she has a weapon triangle disadvantage to everybody else on the field. Then after transforming, she rapes everyone in the ass. She has an attack that converts her musou gauge into transformation gauge, much like Young Link in HW.
Ethan Richardson
>Owain and Ryoma are clones. That explains why Owain can summon lightning.
Hudson Turner
>There are niggas who made Lissa a War Cleric instead of capitalizing on her 50% MAG growth and making her a Sage
Easton Hall
Just go play Cipher.
Oh wait. :^)
Oliver Parker
Cute/small girls wielding huge/brutish weapons is my thing. Also, she looks dumb in Emmeryn's dress.
Colton Torres
Is there a full album out for the new banners art?
Angel Fisher
Why not just use the Bolt Axe?
Parker Turner
Is this from the alolan version of the game?
Daniel Diaz
Not yet. They were mined like 5 minutes ago.
Wyatt Howard
I'd say Sword Emblem was a mistake, but this isn't even due to that.
Clearly this was made by a branch who prefer barren wastes to fertile pastures.
>3rd most popular girl in the entire series >gets completely BTFO in the gauntlet against the 4th placed girl in the poll What did they mean by this?
Nathan Martinez
But male dancers are great even one of them is shitty inigo
Nathan James
>we could have gotten a game with all these characters >instead we got Awakening and Fates + clones It isn't fair.
Jaxson Sanchez
God fucking dammit why does this game have to block jailbreak, holy shit.
Carter King
>making another spellcaster in Awakening Robin's default is one of the best casters in the game, and you have Miriel, Ricken, and Tharja. She benefits from her MAG growth enough by having her ranged staves cover the entire map by chapter 16.
Nathan Perez
Right. But the title is 100% in English anyway. So your title being in English doesn't mean anything
Jackson Hernandez
Joshua Butler
Do you have any other Japanese games with English titles that have international releases announced that DON'T play in English after the international release?
Nathaniel Nelson
>Maybe it's the same in this game for History Mode? You unlock Navarre, Owain, Oboro, etc from there? Nope, datamine revealed they're lacking things like victory animations and such