Hopes? Fears? Expectations?
Hopes? Fears? Expectations?
That it is a worthy successor to Mario 64. More linear levels than we got in Mario Galaxy (i.e. you can stumble upon and get other stars than the one you loaded into the level for).
It is going to have almost no content. And the hat gimmick is going to offer less freedom of usage than we've been led to believe.
A game on par with Mario Galaxy, but not quite the game we thought we've been seeing for the past 6 months.
Goty 9/10. Literally no reason for it to be any other way.
You mean less linear?
I wish his hat didn't have googly eyes and wasn't a talking character. it just adds a cheap cartoon feeling.
Whoa, yeah. What the fuck was I on about? Sorry.
Agreed, very Dreamworks. I wish it had eyes like this.
15 kingdoms, playable Luigi with his own costumes, Yoshi, Wario, and other Mario characters are in the game as NPCs/bosses, more throwbacks to obscure/neglected Mario games/spinoffs
No difficulty curve and late-game levels are just as challenging as mid-game ones, Kingdom progression is linear/ordered, puzzles rely too much on cap possession
GOTY 2017
Nintendo marrying open-ended level design with the amazing level gimmicks from the platformers after Sunshine.
Nintendo taking a page from Sunshine for platforming challenge design instead of Super Mario 3D World or Galaxy 2.
Most of the levels being shown prior to release. If the mental map pieced together in people's heads from the pre-release footage is even half the size of the actual kingdoms I'm gonna be let down.
Nearly all of the moons being gated behind puzzle solving instead of platforming. This is by far my biggest fear. If it winds up like Sunshine where so many sprites were locked behind spraying shit with water I'll be let down.
The hat gimmick feeling sort of half-baked and the kingdoms to be a little too simple.
The moment to moment platforming to be much more enjoyable platforming than Sunshine.
New sailor outfit was revealed. We're at 27 now, counting Mario's default wear.
God this game is going to be the best Mario.
Sweet, I can play Wahoolion
Is there a hub world like 64?
I fear that that movement won't be as fluid as 64, it looks stiff, but other than that it looks like GOTY material.
I think the movement looks more precise than 64 honestly
>Is there a hub world like 64?
Expecting that you run and jump around akin to Mario 64 with bigger levels and lots of gimmicks in them here and there.
It's Mario, it does what it's expected to. These games were never really much fun.
I'm going to avoid Sup Forums like the plague the moment it arrives till a few weeks to avoid spoilers.
Can't wait to come back to idiots claiming that hype died instantly since they can't figure thats where everyone went.
As far as I can tell, New Donk City functions as the almost toothless world for fucking around in between expeditions to other kingdoms. Actually travelling to those kingdoms is done through the Odyssey and not by moving through New Donk City a la 64's paintings.
This. I'm atleast filtering odyssey, mario and nintendo
nop. you can chill in your ship and customise it tho
From seeing gameplay footage, it controls exactly like 64.
Did Marios speed in 64 increase when he went down slopes?
I'm happy to have my arms wide open over everything really, as long it's a enjoyable experience. I'm not too hard to please. I'm hoping for a game ending that'll blow my mind that doesn't just rely on the usual Mario game endings we've previously witnessed or has some sort of twist no one would have seen coming. People like the idea of Mario and Peach finally marrying, but that's not really what I'm thinking about. I just want a ending that makes me want to say "I'm glad I was finally alive to witness something as crazy as this and I'm glad I went through all this trouble" and feel like it's a fresh breath of air or that sets a new milestone regarding handling Mario plot in a whole new way without it being too cringy or dramatic.
Either having barely no content or having too much superficial collecting that'll risk a lot of the games' replayability. Fear of empty levels despite of them being large. Mario as a whole losing its identity too much in this game for the sake of innovation in this title. Super Mario Galaxy still felt like Mario for the most part, but this feels a little over the place for me.
Probably a game that'll live up to the hype, but will probably have some minor flaws fans might bicker with, keeping it from possibly matching up to Galaxy score wise or something.
It'll be too fun to handle.
nigga it's mario you already know how things turn out
What if it turns out Wario is playable or something? There are some things I wanna be surprised by.
I hope seeing more will make me want a Switch and I fear that just like many thing I enjoyed as a kid I might just be done with Mario games.
wait a minute
>I just want a ending that makes me want to say "I'm glad I was finally alive to witness something as crazy as this and I'm glad I went through all this trouble"
Are you asking for some Platinum-level crazy bullshit, or are you comfortable with something like the ending to Galaxy?
When the globetrotting motif was introduced I was really hoping Nintendo would use it as an opportunity to cameo some spinoff characters.
>Dr Mario and Mario Artist costumes
I absolutely love this game now
Sadly I won't have a Switch until next year so I think I will leave Sup Forums and any place related to games to avoid spoilers. This is how excited I am for the game
>Platinum-level crazy bullshit
I'm not sure if that's what won't be getting, but yeah, probably something between that and the ending to Galaxy.
I want just as much if not more freedom of movement and physics exploitation as Mario 64 had.
Part of what makes Mario 64 so great is that as a first time player you can go slow and step on every platform as intended, but once you master it you can skip large chunks by doing more reckless, skillful maneuvers.
Mind control isn't a gimmick and every mind controllable enemy/object is necessary to achieve certain platforming or puzzle
Every enemy controls well and is fun to play
Maps are condensed; every part of the map is enjoyable and feels absolutely neccesarry
Mind controllable enemies are a slog similar to shapshifting in Yooka-Laylee.
You'll only need to control an enemy once for a single collectible and never need them again.
Maps are overtly large and feel empty.
7/10 game. Better then 3D Land/World but not as good as Galaxy or 64.
Does anyone have that webm of Mario in the desert kingdom using the hat jump to skip a bunch of obstacles? I've been trying to find it for a while
>You'll only need to control an enemy once for a single collectible and never need them again
This is already proven false considering both the Cheep Cheep and Octopus guy in seaside kingdom are used more for traversal rather than solving an you particular puzzle.
Though of course some transformations are more situational than others, I can't imagine there will be many reasons for mind controlling a goomba other than goofing around.
Based on what I've seen, it looks to be an amazing blend of old and new with a fast and diverse moveset. I want to feel the joy of movement that no other series has offered quite like 3d mario had.
Having no hub world is a little scary. With how easy moons seem to be gained, it makes me think there will be a kind of dull graph of enjoyment that makes it a constant level of amusement yet lacking highs and lows without a hub world to dick around in.
It will most likely be an amazing game with huge amounts of well-deserved praise but despite every person agreeing that its better than everything else they've played, everyone and their mother will have a short list of the same grievances that seemed obvious in retrospect like with BOTW. I.e. A 10 minute rant about everything wrong with the game with few compliments and then a 10/10 at the end.
Fuck I just want to play it now
>Kingdom progression is linear/ordered
I'm pretty sure that is already confirmed
I thought it depends on how many moons you have?
Oh, yeah. It just won't unlock levels in tiers like 64 did.
How can people set themselves up for disappointment this bad?
I bet you'll be among the first to say the game is complete shit.
>inb4 SMG has multiplayer
>you can trade hats
>SMG becomes F2P a few years in