Doodle or die tread because the other one died and there are still chains to finish

Doodle or die tread because the other one died and there are still chains to finish.
Join the room "Sup Forums's Super Secret Clubhouse"
Moderators are hopefully active

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bumping for you OP

thanks buddy

I'm proud of this.

Last thread died kind of quick but I spent too much time on my stupid fucking Hitler ice cream drawing not to post it

Don't you die on me yet.

>getting to describe this as i see the image posted

Damn, I want sushi now

Oh shit, are we reviving this again? I missed these threads

Alive and kicking since yesterday.

Neat. I still have mod powers so I'll approve people

>explore room
>1 chain this week
I guess that just doesn't update properly

I told the mod faggets not to let people with no portfolio in but they didn't listen and the whole thing fell apart

As you should be.

Then nobody new will come in and we'll just be /vg/ tier

>needing a portfolio for being able to play some shitty browser game with people of an anonymous image board

Or they can doodle up 3-5 pictures to prove they are not just going to troll us With 5 sec mass doodles? That's literally what happened last time

Switch the filter from this week to today

If people start doing that we'll be stricter for a while but I'm not gonna turn down people until we have a reason to


Give me a moment im busy drawing sonic porn

Sonic porn and Hitler drawings I remember why the mods started deleting these threads

>I want clean and political correct fun the fun you like is bad and should be deleted

kek buddy, the threads got deleted because bitch bois like you cried all day long about any fucking thing

>tfw still no responses to any of my chains

You and me both, buddy.

Please don't die.

Everybody, post your current progress.

good timing op I just checked Sup Forums for the first time in forever

approving requests for the next bit until I need to do something productive with my life


Where's the Renamon tits and chocolate?

Sorry mate, I skipped that one.

Don't know shit about politics

>more colors mod
user pls

I wish I could draw enough to play.

>tfw super
>tfw endless skips

the shitty drawings are part of the fun, the game wouldn't be fun at all if all the drawings were masterpieces

Really doesn't help that it's asking me to start a new chain every other time I skip.

It does that sometimes after the room has been dead for a while, leading to a lot of new chains with 1 step that never get addressed. Might have something to do with the amount of people in the room yet the low amount of drawings

You got me bro the fact that this is a non vidya thread with none vidya drawings and discusion has nothing to do with it sick call brah

Get the fuck off my board you shit posting idiot

How in the hell do these people have the drawpads for this?

plenty of the drawings are vidya though if you try to make them vidya

richfags thirsty for (You)s
Pretty good and consistent chain

Just be at least somewhat funny and you'll do ok

Don't die for fucks sake.

>thread about to die
>smug as fuck
>some loser bumps the thread

fuck off?

I can't seem to get the Doodle or Die More Colors script thing to work. Greasemonkey just refuses to install it whenever I press the "install" button.

have you tried not cheating

Eat shit and die

b-but I want to be cool like the other artists

Drown yourself

just be funny and make vidya drawings


You seem to be that kind of person who says stream snipers are "cheaters"

I mean it just kind of takes it from "doodle on website" to "tryhard with severely limited tools"

Having more colours dosn't magically increase the quality of your pictures.

>Have to sign up now

That sucks, these threads were fun several years back with shark tits and shit.

dns cant be reached is the server down?

it makes it easier to ban people who just spammed the old room with "FAGGOT" repeatedly though

you can always play as a ghost to retain the true user experience

I'm Cucumber, I've sent an request to be part of the room.

>tfw only as artistically talented as a rotting cucumber

it hurts

sorry for being a Cucumber...

>accidentally hit ctrl-t instead of ctrl-z

>Play Doodle or Die
>Can't draw
>Know I'm just bringing down the whole chain by adding my shitty garbage stick figure drawing

>accidentaly hit submit