>Dude the water temple is so hard!
Signs that someone is pretending to have played a videogame
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hot take: the real reason people say the water temple is hard it's because it's the only time in ocarina you are actualy required to think rather than "BOMB GOES INTO CRACKED WALL, ARROW GOES INTO EYE SWITCH"
Well ofc. If they could think they wouldn't be playing Nintendo games.
Yes, uncharted is truly the thinking mans game
>Dude Xenoblade Chronicles X's music fucking sucked!
No. It's because in the original switching between boots was a colossal pain in the ass
Sup Forums has always sucked, my offtopic shitpost isnt part of the problem
I started ocarina of time once but got bored around the time you enter the tree just absolutly nothing happened and i dont mind slow starting games at all but this was just a drag
I guess the only zelda game that i will ever have beaten will be phantom hourglass yes i loved it and i know people hate it but never understood why maybe its shit in terms of its not as good as the others and i just dont know what makes a good zelda game
>The Witcher 3's story was great!
The 3DS version makes it much more tolerable and easier.
>video is titled "10 secrets about YOUR FAVORITE GAME that you NEVER heard about"
>its the most basic and well known shit
Always all the time youtube gaming vids are just shit
Also i know this is completly unrelated but fuck caddicarus fuck him to hell i hate that fast talking fuck so much i will fucking buy each person on Sup Forums whatever fucking game they want if he drops fucking dead iam gonna visit his grave and spit on it
>Persona 3's AI is stupid
No one brought up unsharted nigger
>this is like dark souls
It's not that hard, it's just more difficult to explore because if you screw up at any point, you need to run around the whole thing to get the water level back to where you need it. Makes it very easy to lose where you are.
Plus, on the N64 version you kept having to go into the menu to change boots, which makes it feel a lot longer than it is. 3DS version massively improved with that change alone.
>Overwatch is a MOBA
Most challenge that came from persona 3 was just the shitty ai
Its why the psp version becomes a sleepfest because you can actually control your guys
>#1 is about Super Mario Brothers 2
Come back when you finish the game kiddo
Yeah it's annoying because of the boots but it isn't hard.
>Third Strike is the best SF game, maybe even the best fighting game in general
People who say this dumb fucking shit clearly didn't play it just before it killed fighting games for a whole decade. Third Strike is garbage.
Did you know that Super Mario Bros. 2 isn't actually Mario 2!!!!
They did it on purpose. I'd like to see you take off your boots and put new ones on in under 10 seconds'
>for a whole decade
GGXX saved the genre just three years later.
The Great Bay Temple and Stone Tower in Majoras Mask are the real pains in the ass.
But relative to the rest of the game it was pretty hard.
Majora's Mask's temples are all more complicated than the Water Temple.
Not an argument.
I don't mean this as an argument, but I genuinely don't remember any complex things in Majora's Mask's temples. I think the only complex thing was that you needed all the masks, and I didn't have them all by that point back when the internet didn't have guides out the ass.
Change the party tactics you god damn melon.
GGXX was cool and all but the fighting game scene was still underground and threadbare, didn't blow up again until surprise surprise, daddy Capcom started churning out the SFIV iterations which brought some other dormant fighters up out of the mud to compete in the revitalized market. But for the most part Third Strike was like a bullet that flatlined the genre for a long time.
>12 when oot came out
>played it and beat it
>let friend borrow it
>3 months later he gives it back
>ask him how he liked it
>he tells me he stopped playing because he got stuck at the water temple
>since it was a few months I ask what water temple
>he starts describing it
>tell him I got through that in like 10 minutes
>he rages
t. literal SFIV/SFV pissbabby that can't into real execution
>just a decade
It's still dead.
>replayed oot since i though id done wrong and it wasnt fixable
Ì was that kid
I knew about that but it was still a shitty system regardless how you fags try to sell it to me
I wanna control my fucking party
Also if its such a good system how come it was taken out in every game after and p3 is the only one where you cannot control them huh? Fucking niggers
*shows you my persona 3 completion certificate*
Happy now?
This is a great example of someone pretending to have played a game, thank you user!
my take:
It's really easy to get lost, especially your first time around plus there was one fucking key I missed under the block and I was stuck there for months.
>Parries are execution
>Third Strike requires more execution than FADC extenders and 1f retardation
Good joke, your game's shit.
Not really. I'm enjoying SFV even though it lacks many execution barriers, the fundamental play is still there. Tekken 7 is a ton of fun and still pretty alive on Ps4 it seems, also we have DBFZ to look forward to. ArcSys fans generally also have GG on their plate too though it has trouble keeping a playerbase unfortunately.
Water Temple wasn't difficult, it was just a massive pain in the ass because of the boots.
I had more trouble in the Shadow Temple.
This is a great example of a low quality shitpost, thank you user!
>fightan isn't dead because I enjoy jive
No it's still dead, when the only two semi-alive fightans are Tekken and Injustice 2 the genre is dead.
Because, child, 4 was massively simplified and 5 was made to milk the fanbase that got used to 4's easy as fuck gameplay
Also, I'm not selling it to you. If you don't like it then thats fine. But you are factually wrong when you say you can't control your teammates
>"I don't remember this part being so difficult"
>OS parry
>real execution
Found the dickrider. At least play a real execution heavy game like VSav, Garou or AC, not this fucking SF trash.
It's your fault for clicking on videos with clickbait titles. Know better, user! Know better.
>99 of the "facts" are about Smash Bros. shit and not the game itself
>t. started playing at P3 and is such a microcephalic he doesn't realize P3 is massively casualized from Eternal Punishment
Thank you for proving my point, you are actually a moron.
Correction, fightans are dead in North America. Fightans are very much alive in other countries. I don't know why you listed Injustice 2, though. Tekken and BlazBlue are the most played fighting games worldwide right now.
I have nearly 1500 hours in AC+R, user.
>because I enjoy jive
Please enlighten my brainlet self of what you're implying here, because the other games I listed might be a matter of taste but they're not bad. What would you prefer?
>Ignores SFV and the upcoming DBFZ but lists Injustice as an option
NRS fighters are like the tutorials for other fighting games m8, they're nothing but premade combos and full-screen zoning with no risk. They have nice and flashy casual content but I wouldn't gravitate towards an NRS game as a competitive fighter.
My personal ones
>claims to have played Divinity Original Sin while playing 2 but doesn't know any of the character names or even Braccus Rex
>Talks about playing Fallout 1 & 2 but never specifies any towns/hubs only talks about builds
>Says that the new XCOMs have nothing to learn from the old
>that Tekken has no variety in the movesets and every characters except the wrestlers are pretty much the same
>says every DoW game except Dark Crusade sucks
>says DoW2 sucks because of no base building
>Mass Effect 2's gameplay sucked
>Borderlands 2 despite it's writing is better than 1
>Dead Rising was really boring and didn't have much variety like newer DRs
>Resident Evil Outbreak's online was terrible and it's characters were shit and forgettable
>Mount and Blade is easy t. Ctrl+X fag
>Dragon's dogma is boring and there's nothing to do in it.
>Symphony of the night had bad level design
>Aria of Sorrow doesn't hold a candle to SotN
>Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time
Acting like the death of Aerith is the biggest twist in FFVII.
>Thank you for proving my point, you are actually a moron.
Not an argument, please try again
Fuck no
Great bay temple is the hardest in the entire franchise though
No, I know
I just don't see it as a shitty system, it added more challenge to the game for me. But I agree that I like controlling my party more than the AI controlling them. I just don't think that the AI system is not as bad as people claim it to be. If you change the party tactics you won't get MARIN KARIN all over the place.
The zelda games are really good games and not for toddlers
I don't need to argue, you literally conceded the point I was making. You're a SFV babby, you play a much easier fighting game than predecessors and try to act smug, you openly said it, jesus.
>Larry Reddit
>Curb Your Reddit
Ok faggot
Its really nice to know that even 20 years later and being the topic of discussion as GOTY for these two decades the real twist is still relatively kept under wraps
It's not even a twist it's just a character death
Plus it was only the end of Disc One
>lol dude check out this dungeon remember how fucking difficult and complicated it was lmao
>it's not even remotely difficult at all
>Much easier
Execution-wise yes, and? I'm sorry if this next statement hurts your feelings user but you might be shocked to know that a high execution ceiling does not make a good fighting game. I always grind out execution as fast I possibly can because it's the most boring aspect and is purely a technical skill, I'm more interested in the other aspects of fundamental play and SFV at least gives me that. Yes, I prefer it to Third Strike where once you got good at parries you could completely bypass the neutral and all of three characters were viable. It's a broken game my dude.
For some reason as a kid I got stuck at Jabu Jabu's belly for ages. For some reason it didn't occur to me that you could take Ruto to that platform that goes up. Given I was like 4 or 5 at the time. The only trouble I had with the water temple was that I never knew right away there was that room underneath the center room you could only access by bringing the water level back up.
It does suck, but it really grows on you overtime
Have you ever been to a FFVII thread? A fucking LOT of people fail to understand the story fully.
Its a twist bro especially since she is presented as THE KEY TO EVERYTHING for the whole disc.
>Symphony of the night had bad level design
The tacked on upside down castle is full of awful level design though.
I think more people are confused about the Jenova/lifeforce/ancient situation then the character identity one
>2cat LOL! I love Dwarf Fortress!
what big twists are you referring to?
I'm not saying any of them are bad some are bad but that fightan in general is dead. Dead as in few players and lackluster releases. SFV sold like utter shit and was basically the beginning of fighting games dying again. Saying fightan is dead isn't me saying the games suck, but that people aren't playing them and they aren't selling.
>Tekken and BlazBlue are the most played fighting games worldwide right now
Tekken aside BB has only a couple thousand people playing it, which just shows how bad of a state fighting games are in. Even T7 didn't sell that well and doesn't have the population it should given that every other fighting game is failing to deliver.
yeah man, ET is the worst game of all time xDDD
>Everything I dont like is reddit
The reason of Cloud's headaches.
One character not being who they say they are and I dont mean the robot
If you dont know what I mean with that you probably havent played FF7
Eridanus was easy
The problem is, that one fucking area with the teleporters and sleep tiles in the floor which isn't even in the pic that you posted
>talks about release date and facts that you can read on wikipedia
I refuse to believe this is anything other than bait. If you truly believe there are only 3 viable characters in Third Strike, you've hardly played the game and have based that off watching youtube videos and/or being a tierlist fag. News flash, if you play every fighting game and assume there are only a set few characters that are viable BASED ON TIER LISTS you're the reason fighting games are dead. Fuck off.
You can skip almost all the masks, actually.
okay cloud zach thing
Thought you meant something about sephiroth jenova when you said big twists. I thought I was chasing sephiroth when I played the game.
Clouds memories and backstory are not his.
>BB only has a couple thousand people playing it
user, are you using steam charts to make that assumption or something? BB is the second most played fighting game in Japan. Hundreds of thousands of people play it.
>plays Overwatch
One time, I talked to one of my normie friends about Jak and Daxter. I said the Water Temple (there really is one-I didn't even think about the meme) in the game was really hard and he just sorta ignored me. I repeated myself, and he just went "dank meme, user". I actually got pissed off enough to shout at him, and my buddies still say "dank meme, user" to annoy me.
No. On Steam ts only has like two hundred playing it.
>Hundreds of thousands of people play it.
I would like to know where you got this number as it's bullshit.
Grus is the real asshole dungeon.
>Blazblue is the most played fighting games in the world
Is your "world" Japanese arcades?
First time I played, I had no problems with any temples. Later on, I replayed and got stuck for hours in the Water Temple. Turns out I missed ONE little thing, and it was a needle in the haystack to find it. Water Temple is probably considered hard since it's complex, big, multi-storied, and it's easy as hell to miss one little thing which throws everything out of whack.
>Best oblivion city is anything other than Skingrad
Only people who never played Oblivion think this.
>this is just lotus juice
You can still set teammates to AI in 4 and 5 though but nobody rightfully does it
>Dude Chrono Cross isn't even a real sequel to Chrono Trigger!
Also how to tell somebody has only played the DS rerelease of Chrono Trigger
>The DS translation is way better than the SNES one