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Video Games #3930
Video Games
Dude cuphead is SO HARD LMFAO
Why do people like this shitty scanning simulator
Has a game ever made you cry?
Giant Bomb thread
What went right?
How do you feel about female streamers, Sup Forums?
Is 2017 the new 1998?
Last thread was a laff
Dragonball Fighterz Thread
Filename thread?
Who was in the wrong here?
What's up with Capcom and butts?
Loot Boxes
This guy slaps your girls ass
3x3 thread
Rocksteady new game coming soon?
Have we witnessed perfection?
Nintendo can't make new IPs successful
Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online
Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree this is a great game
How do you sit while playing, Sup Forums?
Why do people act like cuphead has such a good artstyle? this shit looks ugly as fuck
Best tes game?
What's the /vr/dict?
Im glad we have finally came to our senses and can admit that the gamecube wasnt as good as we thought it was
A Hat In Time Thread
What games does Sup Forums play while stoned?
Deepest lore
How are you enjoying the new Ivalice raid and beast tribe quests? Do you hate it? Why aren't you unsubbed
Does the saturn have even one (1) good game...
Why did it fail?
This actually hurt to watch. Painfully JUST
Are you planning on killling Dracula this month Sup Forums?
Got a 10/10 from EDGE
What do you think about this new official Splatoon artwork?
Hello gentlemen. I have an idea that I want to implement...
Memorable uses of classical music in video games
Are you playing GOTY? what do you like about it?
Why do I miss Laras big tits?
Warhammer40k games worth buying?
Now that it's almost a year since Sun & Moon launch... Does it still hurt Sup Forums...
So Sup Forums, all your bills are paid through the end of the year and you have 5000USD to spend on whatever you wish
Grim dawn
Hideo Kojima
Oh joy! My packages have arrived! The 3 games I got are part of a theme. Which one do I open first?
Did anyone play the beta? Is it going to be a good game?
Where the fuck did it go so wrong bros?
When are Fallout 4 modders going to mod in sexy robots?
What's the Rick and Morty of vidya games Sup Forums?
2001 best year
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore...
A hat in time has mod support and it already has a freedom planet 2 world mod and a psychonauts mod
Start playing your backlog
What are our options to get lootboxes regulated in the United States of America?
There will never be a better Far Cry than Far Cry 2
What do Sup Forums
A Choice Sup Forums
Why is this so hard for Sonic Team to grasp?
Overwatch Thread
Now that the dust has settled, what REALLY went wrong with this game?
What are some games with pickles in them?
So did the slave crown turn her into a dumb bimbo airhead or was she like that all along?
Sup Forums literally thinks video games should be regulated by the government now
Which one was better?
Hilda did nothing wrong
Who else?
Shelob from Lord of the Rings is now a woman
Post a pic with more talent
Post your cuphead OCs
Lootboxes are gambling
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
How do we stop the lootbox issue?
What's your favourite puzzle game?
Name 1 (one) videogame that changed your life
Who is the most handsome video game man?
Who's your favorite cuphead boss?
Should I buy a Switch?
Anytime Starcraft 2 is brought up on Sup Forums everyone seems to hate it?
Why do westerners love playing as Germany in games, whether it be FPS, RTS, GS, etc.?
Underwater raymono
Jak vs. Ratchet vs. Sly
Just beat the Dice King, about to take on the Devil. How did you fare?
West can't design a good looking wo-
Sup Forums plays quiplash
Uuuuuuuuum..... g-guys??
Pick one, and only one
Go to
Filename Thread
Is the Steam controller good?
Fuck you, I liked it
Tfw Valve absolutely ruined de_dust2
AGDQ2018 Game list is out
Which Kingdom do you support Sup Forums?
Is getting a GBA (first model) + one of these worth it? How's the compatibility?
Mom: Gamers don't learn anything
Did it really deserve it though?
Riot is full of SJWs they said
Give me a fucking explanation for this. A logical one I dare you
Doki Doki Literature Club
Perfect score
What did he mean by this?
You ever waste $59.99 on a game you ended up hating? Name that game senpai
So what's so good about this game? Genuinely curious...
How do we put an end to the microtransaction cancer?
Vanilla or BC?
ITT: You rage you lose
Danganronpa V3
There's nothing wrong with playing "kiddy" games user...
Sup Forums will argue this game is worse than
Is it gay to play girl characters ?
Are Sakura and Ryu supposed to be the same age?
The Evil Within 2
Games where you can stop time
Actually believing that playing video games were an underground/nerdy activity until the 2010s
It's happening! Super Mario RPG fans are rallying to make Super Mario RPG 2 a reality
How do I beat the Ottomans menace as a Byzantium?
Cuphead Reaction Images
Its a "fans create retarded theories to try to prove the ending isn't actually true" level
ITT: God-tier party members
Comfy games to play when it's cold outside?
Indicators for shit taste
Claims to use hand drawn 30s aesthetics
Now that Marvel vs Capcom was a success, what do you think Capcom should go against next?
There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor...
How do we fix RPGs?
Is the Nintendo bonus real?
He plays male characters in video games but still claims to be straight
Let's talk about bloodborne
Why is this game so fun ?
Where did it start going downhill?
Tfw born in time to get licked virtually by cute girls
Etrian Odyssey V
Which rorona is the best rorona?
What vidya related topics does this image remind you of?
Nintendo just registered a new trademark in Japan
We are going to get Fate PS4/PC game really soon
Are you still going to be playing videogames when you get old?
Why are people getting so upset by this game?
That music
Name a better set of DLC with the same quality and monetary value as New Vegas' DLC. Protip: YOU CANNOT...
ITT: oh yeah that happened
Witch Trainer
I listen to video game music
Super Mario Odyssey (GOTYAY)
Senran Kagura
First 10/10 for Odyssey from EDGE
Did you notice a shift in online gaming communities? The atmosphere in multiplayer games change so much
How can the FPS genre be fixed?
Just a daily reminder to everyone here that you shouldnt let Sup Forums meme you out of playing this masterpiece...
Final Fantasy XIV
What does this say about their current business tactics?
Wtf i love ign now
Is it pronounced eastus or ehs-stus?
The Evil Within 2
What game has the most comfy cooking system?
These games make me physically angry...
A hat in time bread
Precious smol child simulator
What's your favourite Nintendo game?
Doki Doki
ITT: games that would never get made in today's market
POKEMON Music Thread
ITT: games that weren't THAT bad
This game is great, how come no one on Sup Forums talks about it?
First ascension
Have a toaster PC, miraculously has 4gb ram
Tfw bought an used PS3 just for Demon’s Souls
Was Darth Nihlus a Dark Nihilist?
Hey user, I'm stuck on Skyrim on my xbox and people say you're pretty good at video games...
Why this piece of shit got so hyped?
In 6 days Total Biscuit is releasing a "a free 1v1 RTS that anyone can play without feeling overwhelmed" as a mod for...
Grim Dawn
Done with all the XIV 4.1 content in 8 hours
Which Dragon Quest is the best and why is it VI?
How is your country represented in vidya?
If Pokemon were real, do you think you'd be a good trainer?
Tekken 7 Sells over Two-million
Name ONE (1) good open-world game that isn't New Vegas
Media Create
Final boss is a woman
ITT: name one video game
What's the perfect videogame to play in the toilet?
Ah yes. I should soon be able to afford seeds
Sup Forums's thoughts on Danganronpa?
Kotaku is literally defending lootboxes
What's someone who says video games aren't art's response to this game?
Fallout 5/tes 6 discussion thread
Xenoblade 2
I enjoy them, and I've played quite a few, but I'd still say I'm just below average
Post your Virgin vs Chads here
I said sit down
Why is this allowed?
Free speech - not in these forums
Why do chinks love PUBG so much?
Star Ocean: The Last Hope 4K & Full HD Remaster announced for PS4, PC
Who asked for this?
South Park Fractured But Whole
Deadbeat dungeon
Le 1930s nostalgia!
Gothic 3 is coming out next week, are you excited?
What are some Cyberpunk vidya that I can play?
Hi, I'm here for the character design position. Mind if I give you my elevator pitch?
24 hours later
What is the secret of the Slav magic in vidya and why can't our studios make games as good as they can...
Why can't the west into elves?
What are some great cheaper gaming laptops?
Horrid class balance
Will they finally kill off Yumi, the cancer of the series in Senran Kagura 7?
How's your wrist holding out?
Name a bigger disappointment in gaming
Thoughts on Skyrim?
What is Sup Forums's favorite YGO monster?
It's already out in the wild
New faceapp thread
Does this rotate when you press up?
My Switch is dusty, which is all the more inexcusable in this case as the thing is supposed to be portable
Leon? Wanna go back to my place for some overtime?
Anyone else picking this up tomorrow evening?
[Science] Eden, kys yourself my man
Say hello to the new fnaf
There's nothing better than a foot massage after a long day of fighting B.O.Ws, am i right user?
Are we at rock bottom yet?
You now remember this show
Breath of the Wild is a perfect ga
What's the worst vidya romance you've ever seen?
Is Space Station 13 fun?
If your game has dodge mechanic it's shit
Which vidya girl is purely meant for marriage?
Why is Wind Waker such a stupid fucking game? Every time I replay a classic Zelda, I think to myself, "man...
Come on Sup Forums
BeeXbee bread
I might have misunderstood something from the ending and I'd like to make sure I get it right
Aleria Windrunner is lovers with a human
Anyone else notice how Dr. Junkenstein looks like Rick from Rick and Morty? Lol
Butcher boss
Hey, Morty, could you hand me that BURP god on my workbench
Decide to go to a different gaming forum other than Sup Forums
Meanwhile, on USG Ishimimura
The Crossroads - Home
Name (ONE) game that doesn't have terrible voice acting
ITT: enemies that unnerve you
GT Sport
Thoughts on Skyrim?
I want to fuck Sebille!
ITT: we are CEO of EAUbisoftanother shitty publisher...
Still no smash switch
ITT: Game series that have at least three games and no bad games
What are some good puzzle games that aren't Professor Layton?
2B's butt is great, but let's not lose track of what's really important: high-cut
Where's my Fatal Frame 6, Nintendo?
Can I emulate any previous nintendo titles (including game boy) on the nintendo switch...
So Sup Forums what's the best game of 2017
What racing games have the best atmosphere?
Why is Splatoon is popular among young adults even though it is aimed for kids
You will never play ______ for the first time again
Things you can say about a video game but not your girlfriend
The constant ambushes by captains is getting a bit tiresome
A hat in time
This is the best controller
The absolute state of skyrim modding
Steam release confirmed
PUBG surpasses peak WoW with 15m players
This game unironically looks shit
So this is the power of the pee cee gayming
What happened?
What vidya girls would totally do anal?
Are these the definitive essentials Sup Forumsidya?
Giving away this pokemon, got it at Australia's EB-Games Expo
ITT: Overrated garbage games
1 month until your reckoning, Sony fucks
Do you still watch them?
Why aren't there any games based off of Australian Aboriginal mythology?
What made FFVII so special?
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Nintendo fans
Well, what's the verdict?
Why was Dark Souls 2 so much better than Dark Souls 3?
"it feels gross...
Hola, soy Pablo
Where are the reviews?
Are the neon color joycons too childish ?
What went wrong?
Honest question, do you play Street Fighter V competitively?
500k copies sold in one week
Little details or TECHNOLOGY in vidya
ITT: series that have never been good
Which game has the best soundtrack ever?
Oh Yeah baby
Can someone sell me on the appeal of Monster Hunter...
"Under hobbies you games. Care to explain yourself?"
Hey bro, wanna come over and play some dreamcast later?
In philosopy
Literally artificial difficulty. there is no defending an entire arena of necrofire
What would you do user
Why the fuck does she keep dying? All I do is buy her shit and give head pats
Super Mario Odyssey
Three-headed boss
The absolute state of Racing Games
Do it faggot
Each mage shitpost like a grain of sand, each night I inherit the VtM Bloodlines thread
Shadow of War does NOT require a hideous grind
Which Link do you like most?
God I hate video games
A Hat In Time Thread
Blue Reflection
How come japanese white women are so perfect? does anybody else love the white woman more then japan?
Kojima is in Brazil and I'm going to meet him tomorrow, what should I say to him?
God of War and The Witcher succeeded in large part because of nudity so let's talk about games that would be improved...
THICC vidya asses
Updating Steam
25+ only
What games does he play?
What do you expect from Monster Hunter World?
What are some games with easy to miss details on the first playthrough?
Wait, Sup Forums doesn’t actually donate to streamers right?
Super Smash Bros
What games actually let you teleport behind people?
Objectively correct
Is this one of the best 4x games?
Name a more perfect game than tetris
What the fuck was her problem?
Name one (1) instance of a mod actually improving the vanilla game
Star Fox Adventures was an okay game
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Play Terraria for the first time since 1.2.1
ITT: Games literally only you played
This comes out in 20 days and there is literally ZERO hype for it. what went wrong?
What beverages do you consume while chasing those objectives, gamers?
This is Sadayo Kawakami and her boyfriend (student). Say something nice about them!
What's next for Adam Sessler, Sup Forums?
Do any games have more mechanical depth than this?
Anyone know where I can download a pokemon black rom in russian?
What new Pokemon above 151 do you like, Sup Forums?
You re-activated your PS+ subscription, right Sup Forums?
Who is your favorite character introduced in 2017?
Pocket Morty
Porn games can't be goo-
I hate 2B's butt. I legitimately, honestly hate this fucking ass. I know that sounds autistic and probably is...
Can we take a moment to talk about Dust: An Elysian Tale?
What game has the best graphics of this gen yet? Is it still The Witcher 3?
What defines a comfy game?
Ys 8
Thoughts on Skyrim?
I need fucking money
What are some video game tracks that incorporate flamenco guitar? That shit gets me hyped the fuck up
Did I fuck up by injecting myself with Typhon Neuromods?
What are some of the worst fandoms in gaming?
100% Orange Juice
Is "too hard" a valid criticism if someone can back it up with empirical facts and very few subjective comparisons or...
How long before graphics get so realistic they become difficult to tell from real photos?
I dont get it
Reminder we are running out of internet, so say goodbye to online gaming forever
If guys can have a preference for big breasts and thin waists...
Under Night In-birth
Why is this bitch taking a bath in the water source of the local kingdom? Gross gypsy woman
What are some games where you can build walls
Why do you hate this game, Sup Forums?
A Hat In Time Thread
Is Mega Man Star Force really as bad as they say? I enjoyed the Battle Network series a ton and want more
AGDQ 2018 Game List
Was it good?
Reminder that if you showed this image to anyone before 2015, you'd be laughed at...
Explain exactly what's wrong with this game, without calling it shit
First evil within started off decent but the sudden story changes later made it a clusterfuck
Where is the strangest place you've ever played a video game Sup Forums?
How big is your backlog, Sup Forums? When was the last time you've actually beaten a game?
How come there aren't any good biblical video games?
Post your first vidya fap
Why is every VR game so half assed
Do your like customize your weapons?
Marc Laidlaw killed Half Life
Series that you wish would come back but you know they are dead and gone
Vidya Reaction Images
All around me are familiar faces
Nintendo trademarked something that appears to be a Gameboy classic mini
Why didn't you buy a PS Vita? Why did you let it fall?
Would you play this?
A naked, crying baby and a couple of chinamen are already way ahead of this guy
Game jumps to 3D
DSP's views are plummeting...
Non issue goy, you hear me? Buy the fucking game. BUy the DLC because IT'S THE COMPLETE EXPERIENCE
Already dead and forgotten
Show me a better introduction to the bad guys than this
I'm trying to make a list of games to filter on Sup Forums. So far, i have Cuphead and A Hat In Time
Nvidia driver update comes out
Daily reminder that you are not allowed to be attracted to female characters
make an obscure indie ARPG
Is the 3DS dying? Where are all the good games?
Why are you not creating games Sup Forums?
Will this thing ever shut up? It's the loudest console I've ever owned with it's horrible design over airflow bullshit...
Is Tarkus the hardest boss in gaming history?
Soul Calibur 2 thread
2017's been a great fuckin' year for indie games
Best friend's big sister comes in to watch you two play
Doki Doki Literature Club
Which Resident Evil games are worth playing?
Things that happen every time on Sup Forums
How has no boss in the history of gaming literally never even come close to being as difficult as kingdom hearts 1...
How small of a team can make a good game?
Nintendo branded sd cards
How do you add loot boxes to chess?
Tfw too dumb to understand nu-yugioh
Why can't there be one controller that's good at everything? There's at least one thing I hate about each of them
Faceapp keep it vidya
What do you guys think is the perfect end game content?
Sony bronies btfo lol
What'd ya pull Sup Forums?
Are you going to buy Takuru's game Sup Forums?
Will Ultra Instinct Goku be in Dragonball Fighterz?
Sad Gaming Stories
As an ashkenazi, forcibly pushed from my own land, I find this character highly offensive
Why is what is essentially softcore pornography allowed on Twitch? The majority of viewers are not legally adults...
Ready for more geekshit bundles?
ITT: Anime/Cartoons/TV/Web/Manga/Comic/etc. series that need Video Games
ITT: 10/10 games
5 minutes in
Girl joins guild
The general consensus seems to be that "mainstream" games journalism fucking sucks...
Hi im literally a dinosaur
Classic Battlefront II
We arent even a year in and the switch is already better than the gamecube
What's the funniest game you've played?
Are there any games that do ammo correctly...
Implying porn is better than loving someone
A Hat in Time
At least post a good song
File name thread
Buyers remorse thread?
How can we make CS great again?
What did 2016 have?
Games as a service has "tripled the industry's value"
Banning people for words
Sugoi sugoi~
Is anyone going to get the dlc pass for Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite? Thoughts on the 6 dlc characters?
Is this the end of Nintendo?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Return to Arkham
What went so horribly wrong?
What happened?
So the first two DLC for Battlefield 1 are out. Are they any good in terms of maps, weapons and new operations...
This was supposed to be the replacement to Mega Man Legends 3
It hurts knowing that she'll never be real, Sup Forums. How do you cope with this sort of pain?
Why is this game so fucking good? Is Max Payne 2 as good as the first?
Was seventh heaven a milk bar?
Game has elemental system
So, how long until the fandom ruins it?
First person game
Did you buy Vert's game today?
Which one is the better game? why?
3x3 thread
Xenoblade 2
Here's our chance for a Persona 3 Thread!
Should I get the PlayStation VR? Is it worth it? What are the must have games for it...
Mmorpgs are dead
Looking at something, boke?
So is Kojima going to be an dick and not let David Hayter get a role in Death Stranding or what?
Okay, so I bought this game. Made a catgirl and want to eventually be a healer. What am I supposed to do...
Odyssey honestly looks terrible
You're making a new game and need to come up with some creative names for your difficulty levels...
Mario Mexicano
Odessey VS Forces
What would the old fellow think of Shadow of War if he were alive today?
Unpopular opinions that will trigger a lot of people
What was your reaction to the end of Chapter 1?
Sshhh cuphead is aslepp
I really want to play dark souls
Well Sup Forums?
Mid or feed
Overwatch Halloween Update
He doesn't pray to Atua
Lootboxes are harming games
Odyssey Musical Video
This is a restricted area
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Holy fuck what an annoying ass piece of shit boss "fight"
What video games let me play as a bomber plane?
How did she survive in Novigrad?
This is what twitch has turned into
Do you like her?
What's the best looking saiyan form and why is it 3? Shame it's such a shitty transformation
Meme graphics
This is your map for tonight
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a videogame?
Face it
What am I in for?
Can I run pubg?
How much of a hit would a Sonic Maker be?
Yeah I play hyperdimension neptunia. So what?
Don't mind Me, just "pirating" this bread and fish
I can't beat this fucking boss!
Does Memu currently work for grand order?
Is it ever explained as to why your son shaun in fallout 4 is black?
What is the video game equivalent of a porg?
Hey baby, need some company?
How old is too old for vidya?
In old-school shooters, you just run and gun. You never have to take cover
Well well... looks like we win again
Signs that someone is pretending to have played a videogame
Why do people keep on fapping over Mario 64 and Sunshine, yet completely forget about the Galaxy Games on the Wii...
Why is graffiti so common in horror games?
Why the fuck is difficulty so taboo now?
Have you ever refused to play a game just because you don't like the main character's appearance?
Can we talk about how disappointing Zelda hoping on the western open world trend is or do Nintendo fans still get...
Is Divinity 2 as good as the first game?
Why does Ubisoft think doing this is alright and keep doing it
Risk of Rain
FFX thread
I want to create the best computer game in the world, what would my game have to contain?
Can't we all agree that Xbox is the only trashy plataform?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Arkham Knight? A part of me feels ashamed for enjoying it...
Tf2 anniversary
Why do you hate it?
Dude cuphead is SO hard LMFAO
It's up
Why do guys find Bayonetta attractive?
be Lincoln Clay from Mafia III
Orange Juice 100%
Enemies can be happy
Gauranteed replies
Does anyone like Zell?
There are people who want a sequel to pic related
Why are so few games set in Ancient Egypt...
Mfw some one too young to enjoy videogames speaks next to me
ITT idiotic weapon design
I miss him lads :'(
You DID get your limited edition vinyls... right v?
Spooky games for Halloween? Been playing this in VR. Absolutely incredible
What do you think of Harvester Sup Forums?
Can we have a comfy vidya music thread?
Nintendo Switch has no games
If you play video games you're a manchild
Unsolved Mysteries:
Be Origin user
EOV is only a week away from release, are you excited?
Admit Bloodborne is the best game ever made right now, dweeb
Which one?
In this ITT: embarrassing times when Sup Forums got played
Bakana! Migatte no Gokui Goku is coming at you and your only defense is your last played game's main character...
How do you scratch the itch when it comes?
How did super mario breathe underwater before mario 64?
Daily reminder to BUY Ruiner. This and Cuphead are exactly what games should strive to be...
A Hat in Time Thread
Did it have any other games than pokemon and tetris??
What is the best Mega Man game?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...