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As a teen when that trailer came out, the Till I Collapse MW2 trailer was pretty memorable and gave considerable hype.
>That makeup
oh boy is this the thread where we pretend we never liked eminem because of his political stance?
who cares about his political stance?
What's his political stance? As an edgy white trash wigger I like Eminem and I wish he was in more movies because 8 Mile was great.
all actors cake themselves in makeup. The problem lies when a shot is so shit that it makes it obvious.
But ontopic, i'll take em over fuckin linkin park medal of honor shit
He hates Sup Forums's manchild god-emperor and did a diss track about him in the last day or so, so be prepared for Sup Forums to try to brainwash everyone into thinking they always hated Eminem and never liked him and he was always a SJW LIBKEK COMMIE
>hes almost 50
He lost it after Relapse, everything after has been trash.
Why the fuck does everyone hate Trump. Every time I see the news at work, it's CNN still crying that Trump won.
I just think he's a bit hypocritical to make songs all "fucking bitch faggot tranny I'll kill you don't ever fuck with me cause I'm crazy" and gets fans that have similar mindsets but then back out because "dude it's all an act Slim Shady is a joke btw I'm progressive"
But he's gotta stay relevant somehow so I don't really blame him. Everything after Relapse was dogshit and he has to pay bills somehow, can't be mad at him for jumping on whatever view pays the most.
>hes almost 50
>is 44
Meanwhile pic related is 54 in a month
>one is a movie star, literally famous for being handsome
>the other guy is a weirdo that writes well
Hey, Castle of Glass was great and the music video was great as well.
The problem is that it is tied into a shit game.
Media hates Trump and wants you to know they hate him 24/7 in the hopes that you will also hate him. 'cause that worked so well during the election, ya know?
So what if I like Trump and I like Eminem at the same time? Would I fit in on Sup Forums?
No. I always liked Eminem. I don't care how much of a suburban edgelord that makes me. It's disappointing to see him in his current state (I mean really, are we expected to believe the guy who made this much fun of women and gays is a liberal?), but I don't deny that The Marshall Mathers LP was my jam.
Rank his personalities
>His regular self
>Slim shady
>dude from solid-blue detroit hates trump
what are some video games that have completely unpredictable things in them?
his brain is fried and no one with any self respect liked his music after marshal mathers lp anyway.
Eminem is a renowned drug addict and alcoholic so yeah he's not going to be as handsome as a Brad Pitt so that don't impress me much.
That one where he's high as a kite talking about the hip hop witch.
>anons in itt that have forgotten about em's bush years
>His rhymes in the new video were trash outside of the decent Fantastic Four pun
>Any criticizing of it will get every fucking liberal faggot jumping down your throat about how you're just offended about it attacking Trump
The only position Eminem should take is that of le radical centrist. Shilling for Hill OR Drumpf makes him so lame.
Mosh was at least catchy and had some sort of message beyond just "lol fuck the president". His new shit feels weak, like someone gave him talking points and made him write something around them. If you're going to make a song with some stupid political message at least make it good.
>Actually defending Kapernigger
Hilarious considering he's already said he'll stop kneeling if he can play in the NFL again
>>His regular self
>>Slim shady
It's rumored that Eminem likes it both ways from men and is bi
He's very hypocritical
but centrists are fucking faggots
He's not even being a liberal, he just doesn't like Trump which is how all reasonable people should feel
electing trump was so colossally stupid that his supporters can't come to terms with it and would rather warp their own past around whatever new thing you're supposed to hate/support to pretend they've always hated/supported that thing
No, you wouldn't fit in anywhere. Eminem also said "fuck you" directly to anyone who is a fan of his who also supports trump.
You almost might be white trash, my friend, based on your preferences.
>so colossally stupid
>winning all day every day
>destroying every left wing foot hold in mere months
trump voters literally got more than they couldve imagined
what if trump supported video game discussion
Eminem just fucking said that you have to choose between supporting him or Trump
>winning all day every day
>can't even pass anything in the congress his own party controls
Isn't that why Sup Forums hates him in the first place?
is this what fucktards actually believe? he hasn't gotten shit done, he hasn't proven to be the master ruseman that you all hope he is and instead looks like a blubbering retard every chance he gets, and is all but eradicating this country's last vestige of rational conservatism. in two cycles, no one will be a republican.
partial majority, not full majority
and fuck you for even implying that system is acceptable
not him btw
>Dongus Grumph's master plan was to get everyone to vote for libruls
Truly the most masterful of rusemen
They have a majority, the word your looking for is supermajority
>hasnt gotten shit done
>literally did 90% of what he promised in the first month
>now going above and beyond it all with 7 years left
>He lost it after Recovery
Ftfy, wasn't good but his features and random one offs are fine.
The reporter who said that backtracked that statement since the topic wasn't discussed.
how's that locking hillary up thing going
>this denial
lib suicides are up, brown inflow is down, any many more feats. A great 7 years to come.
But I don't support him because I don't buy music.
I've been white trash my whole life so watching Joe Dirt, listening to Eminem, Kid Rock, and watching Dukes of Hazzard reruns on tv as a kid was interesting. At least I'm not completely retarded so there is a slight hope but the retardation is there already so it's not much of a victory I'll admit.
can yall stop posting in my thread please
At the end of the day it's just another "high profile" celebrity talking down to and telling you, the average person, why you should hate the same things as them. You're too stupid to have your own thoughts, listen to the rich people.
atleast you're not a juggalo
>hasn't stopped illegal immigration
>no wall
>no muslim ban
>didn't lock her up
>fired half of his cabinet already
>didn't stop obamacare, and actively failed at it three times already
i guess the only thing he did get done was the transgender ban in the military. was that even a campaign promise?
Who the fuck watches BET?
Eminem also was a huge drug addict and alcoholic
Politics? I though it was called common sense to hate Trump lol?
>>hasn't stopped illegal immigration
record lows and record deportations
>>no wall
already started construction
>>no muslim ban
currently in effect and upheld by supreme court
>>didn't lock her up
>>fired half of his cabinet already
not a promise
>>didn't stop obamacare, and actively failed at it three times already
executive orders coming
>ywn be this delusional
feels good
>electing trump was so colossally stupid
And here's your proof. Attach it every time you want to prove your point lel:
He had anti bush songs too did this really surprise anyone?
>people actually care about politics
you guys are the real fags. I'm only worried about the beef between Kim j and Trump because we're fucked if anything happens.
not an argument
>record lows and record deportations
obama set the record, and any deportations are because of policies enacted by him, and not cheeto benito. also,
[citation required]
>already started construction
[citation required]
>currently in effect and upheld by supreme court
it wasn't upheld. it was dismissed by the supreme court, fucktard, because they drafted a new one. get your facts straight.
>executive orders coming
get fucked kid. your boy is a lame duck only nine months in, and he'll be in jail by the end of his term.
>and he'll be in jail by the end of his term.
>record lows and record deportations
which was already a thing under Obama no matter how many mental gymnastics you Sup Forumsacks pull
>already started construction
a prototype that still needs funds to build the real thing. even the daily mail article on it acknlowledge that
the promise also included mexico paying for it which trump is still very vague about it
>currently in effect and upheld by supreme court
its neutered as fuck compared to when trump sign it in.
the last part is just b8
>obama set the record, and any deportations are because of policies enacted by him, and not cheeto benito. also,
Nigger literally just changed the definition of "Deportations" to include sending people back at the border
EM died the moment he killed slim shady.
Did Trump change the definition back then? Or are you this deep into your cognitive dissonance phase of your late teens/early twenites?
I watched BET when they had reruns of The Bernie "I hate black keys on a piano" Mac Show
Juggalos are literally retarded but Faygo is alright.
*teleports behind you*
Yep. He was better when he wasn't complaining about being a billionaire and not seeing his daughter as much as he wanted.
He changed a fuckload of Obama's policies and counters including that one and then goes on to enforce the law by having ICE actually deport Illegals like a President is supposed to
how's that wall going
>which was already a thing under Obama
lolno, obama just redefined it. fake news
Which policies did he change? Can you be specific? Which ones were he directly responsible for?
>I mean really, are we expected to believe the guy who made this much fun of women and gays is a liberal
His best friend is Elton John. He just grew up in a hypermasculine culture that hates fags and bitches.
That said, everyone hates Trump at this point because he's a shit president.
>Lets his biggest fan die
Why do we like him again?
O ho, almost every musician is leftist. More news at eleven.
I almost want to see Trump clap back at him, it would be so damn hilarious.
Everybody was dissing Bush though lol
atleast bush did things that was worthy of criticism and EM massage was beyoned just "fuck bush beacuse i dont like him"
funny how the media did not shit so much on bush as they do trump when bush got the blood of millions on his hand.
I don't hate him, I just dont think he's leadership, let alone presidential material. Any leader that has a twitter beef with an athlete doesn't deserve his seat.
This.everything after that was phoned in and trash. No edge = no eminem. He has no passion anymore, its not fun its a job. Now he's just pandering and going through the motions so the execs dont kill his family like they killed Proof.
>funny how the media did not shit so much on bush
Bruh, were you even alive 8 years ago?
better him than Hillary.
You must be too stupid or too young to remember. Bush was the laughing stock of the country and was relentlessly mocked in the media. There were just a couple of years where everyone was real touchy because of that whole 9/11 thing.
>who cares about politics
Usually old people, rich people, and people that have no fucking idea what people are talking about.
>worrying about people that banter at each other over social media
Are you retarded? They aren't doing shit and hell if a war is to break out it's going to be over some shithole country nobody gives a fuck about except for their resources.
>funny how the media did not shit so much on bush as they do trump when bush got the blood of millions on his hand.
It's pretty fucking obvious that the main reason a lot of media tycoons hate Trump is because they want him to start a war and he doesn't want to
Look back to how the missiles being fired on Syria was covered, none of the big Trump critics were screaming about how he was gonna start WW3, some of them actually praised the move
He's an idiot incapable of admitting he's wrong, lacks basic leadership skills, is completely unqualified for the job and shows no interest in learning what he has to do, and has done nothing but provoke every other country he's interacted with.
Plus, he spends all of his time focused on non-issues like the NFL (because he's still butthurt that he wasn't allowed to own a team).
I like that he calls out faggots. Fuck being "presidential" everyone knows thats just contrived, pretentious bullshit.
>yfw trumptards are the new furries/bronies
>because they want him to start a war and he doesn't want to
Nigga, he's all but flat out said he wants military action in North Korea, and everyone is pissed about it.
>lacks basic leadership skills
Meh. No. he just cant transition from business to bureaucrat mode. He wouldn't be a billionaire if he wasn't a leader. Regardless of what the media drives into your head he is respected in the business world.
of course nothing will happen. kim may be a degenerate dictator but his not stupid. he knows if he fucks with america his gonna get into a war and be either killed or replaced.
trump just likes to talk shit but his not dumb enough to go into a war just beacuse of a few insults.