56:05 - the moment where Ben Pack cements his place as the worst GB member of all time.
Giant Bomb thread
Daily reminder.
Reminder that you're a cancerous child?
Op is a manchild who cant link a video with a timestamp attached, attacks person who is constantly on internet.
>Worse than Patrick/Abby/Austin
>Still listening to GB
Your loss
>Even paying one iota of attention to the west
Leave Jeff in his self-made tomb of boring as fuck people and a literal troglodyte.
Where does Jeff's neck end and his face even begin?
This is the saddest group of 40 year old men I've ever seen
Ben is craving those brownie points and is offended by fantasy racism.
Nice one Ben.
>ben will probably die before me because of his giant disease
>recruiting orks in lord of the rings videogame is like slavery of black people
Is he suggesting black people are orcs?
the ork slavery upsets ben because they are his people
He's right, though. There's something morally wrong about stealing someone's free will. Tolkien himself said having an irredeemable race didn't sit easy with him.
I´m not clicking that link. sjwbomb doesn´t deserve my views.
what was so bad this time. it can´t be worse then all the other sjw shit they have done the last 4 years
video games are not real life
remember when giant bomb used to be about dudes fucking around having fun and dropping deep game industry knowledge?
now its just a liberal podcast where people who know fuck all about video games just talk about how NOT OK it is for pewdiepie to say nigger
>last year has great hitman videos
>jeff restricts it so they arent "just that hitman site"
>now they have 4 billion PUBG videos
>jeff just keeps pumping more of it out because he has no other ideas
Dan is the only thing keeping the site afloat whether you like him or not. If he wasn't there to orchestrate metal gear scanlon, mario party party, steal my sunshine, this is the run, etc etc all the fun game playing wouldve been dead.
but even then the tank is starting to run dry. xcom videos suck and mario sunshine is getting dull
>Ben the worst member
>when Abby and Patrick exist
Really makes you think
i hate ben so fucking much
I've noticed that East has quietly dropped the whole "player" thing and have gone back to using "gamer" like normal people.
Jeff just needs to go independent again.
Alex si the definition of a numale, just needs an unkempt beard and glasses.
Every minute of every video he is rooting for and supporting abby. Never any jokes or insults towards her, just constant "its ok" and "i think youre the best" comments.
Do liberals not have a shred of self-awareness?
The version of Jeff you are longing for is dead
I listened to this podcast earlier driving around and somehow knew someone here would bring that part up
I hate Ben but I kinda just tune out when he talks. Mostly pay attention to Jeff.
Abby hangs out with the waypoint faggots irl. She’s going to leave GB and join them like Patrick and Austin did. Just a matter of time. Also is this girl a trans next to abby? She has a twink mans face
i fucking hope so. abby is a stupid ugly cunt.
She’s ok looking when she has makeup on but that’s like never. Probably a feminist thing to not ware makeup or something
Danika? no, she's dating a trans-girl though.
All these people need to be gassed.
Imagine being so ugly that you have to become a lesbian and your whole gimmick is that you’re gay and nothing else.
i'm finally free. unsubbed from youtube channel and cancelled premium. ben is a massive sjw but the straw that broke the camels back was ultimately abby.
at least ben knows a somewhat decent amount about video games to go with his ridiculous values. abby is literally just an sjw with zero knowledge about video games and a shitty sense of humor. can't deal with it anymore. feels good to be done
i dropped giantbomb sometime after vinny left and I got tired of dan's shit, why does this ugly motherfucker talk like he has a mouth of gauze holy shit
Vinny and Dan chose their wives over Gerstmann and fucked everything up. They need to move back to LA.
Danny Nintendo is so fuckin' bad about injecting "As a queer woman" into everything.
>Dan is the only thing keeping the site afloat whether you like him or not
Like hell he is. His content is just as unwatchable as Ben's.
I have a dream every once in a while were Ryan Davis shows back up and says his death was a joke and he needed time away. I get sad every time I wake up and it’s not true.
Swap Jeff and Brad with Alex and Abby.
East dream team of Jeff, Vinny, Dan, and Brad while the west rots in its rotting wells of ben, abby, alex, and all the other nobodies
>and I got tired of dan's shit
How dare you get tired of Dan's shit? He gives the site life, duder. He's fucking HILARIOUS.
Her posing as some big threat because she took an MMA class always cracks me up. It may make you the toughest among soyboys and dykes but that shit is useless if you're a woman fighting a man who has ever been in a fight before
>Jeff ever leaving his white paradise
it'll never happen its just the only thing that could make (half of) giant bomb good again
>A huge chunk of his white paradise just burned down around him
Dumb photoshop
The most obvious solution and a guaranteed home run...but he's too stubborn to push for anything good. Content to wallow in below average everything.
Shits sad, upf numbers down, west features down, podcast starting to become even with easts, sales all the time and all best of Giantbomb are 90 east content.
as much as i love dan and vinny, alex and abby are just so awful i cant ignore them anymore. theyre too obnoxious, unfunny, and downright annoying to stomach even my favorite two gb members
>best of giant bomb videos
I'm compelled to start making Worst of Giant Bomb videos, with all the dumb shit said/done by Ben, Abby, and Alex along with downright boring moments
Stopped watching around the time Ben and Abby got hired. Just didn't find their personalities enjoyable at all. But that wasn't the main reason I stopped going to the site.
Alex ruins every video he is in and I basically got tired of seeing him.
hi Patrick
People actually listen to these podcasts? Holy shit these guys have less charisma and personality than a brick wall.
God damn that podcast is depressing. They all talk in their lowest voice possible, mumbling about shit and moving on to the next thing... No joy
Didn't these guys use to talk about game design? Now they just reiterate whatever popular opinion is in trend about a said game. This shit is so dry, when is Jeff going to wise u and realize they had the most views and subscriber rates when Vinny and Dan were back at west?
I've definitely completely dropped GB west. But as you say Alex ruins everything. Been able to stomach it when he was outnumbered by Dan and Vinny trying to have fun, but now with Abby there they both have turned the whole thing to shit.
I'm probably done after Steal my Sunshine finishes
Are the numbers actually dropping significantly or is this Sup Forums BS?
Can't wait for when the hire ups force a closing of the East because West is dragging them down. It's staggering how they even got two studios approved, even moreso when they fuckin know for a fact a merge to the east coast would not only boost everything it would cut down on cost exponentially. No need to hire on Ben or another producer. Jason and Brad could finally be let go, the fucking charisma black holes they are, and Jeff would actually have a team to work well with, no sping board situations (besides the inevitable Abby dip) and hire Drew back after his patreon collapse. All along with a staggering operating cost reduction because SF is a really fucking retarded place to put a business.
Do it.
Also, anyone notice how Vinny has become the worst GB member. He and Dan did a QL of some Metroidvania game and Vinny went on a 15-minute tangent accusing the devs of being misogynistic. Actual quote, "This feels like the devs were mad Samus was a girl and made their own male-fantasy of it." He was so cringey Dan had to be the voice of reason.
orc lives matter
Patrick and Alex are the kind of guys who even if their girlfriend/wife took them to bed got undressed and ask them for sex they'd hesitate and open up a questionaire to see if it's ok and acceptable, asking their firneds on Twitter if it's oppressive and respectful to women, and then triple checking with their spouse ifs really truly OK for them to put their small white dick in.
Then they'd back out.
or jeff can move out of fucking faglandia
>Jeff: That's a valid perspective
>GBE Playdate: Star Trek – Borg (10/06/17)
how is it?
That's why Dan is the best guy anymore. Yes he plays up the "i'm an idiot" role a bit, but there's truth in it because all he's done his whole life is do what he enjoys and have fun. He never watched the news or cared to eat super healthy and he gives no fucks about politics.
If you watch him on the Game Informer Super Replays, especially with Tim Turi, he was always berating and trolling the other members.
Shelob is a sexy spider waifu now
Nobody gives a fuck what Tolkein thinks
How is he the worst? He's the only one which actualy finished Nier and P5. Everyone on Giantbomb else doesn't even finish games anymore
>that time jeffm almost hit him
>that time dan hit joe juba
>Ranked Witcher 3 as a top game of the year despite nobody on staff coming close to finishing it or really feeling strongly about it
>who cares if his personality is shit and he's unfunny he plays the same games as me!!!
I find him too obnoxious to enjoy; he's also never contributed anything meaningful to a conversation at his tenure at Giantbomb. The extent of his commentary is, "THIS IS GOOD." or "THIS IS BAD".
Rich Gallup shills his Star Trek mobile shit once again.
Well I care more about a persons opinion on video games, when I listen to a podcast about video games, faggot.
I'd watch it. You'd probably get flagged by all the cocksuckers, though.
>jeff almost hit him
When is that?
Dan royally pissed everyone at GI off all the time
Good, Rich was surprisingly shit though. Shilled like a motherfucker.
You could say that about pretty much anybody on the staff
>jeff: this game is garbage
>brad: so neogaf...
>ben: durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *le funny face at camera*
>alex: *autistic screeching*
>abby: i dont play games but i heard...
>rorie: you think it hurts getting knotted by a dog
Nah, he's too much of the exact opposite. He's obnoxious and a tool that likes having the attention. He's fake as shit, too.
Jeff is the perfect level to me. But he sucks when he has no one fun to bounce off of. I don't know what happened to Vinny, but I feel like he's too aware of SJW shit now. Maybe the Trump win broke him.
Hs role is not to provide encyclopedic knowledge (despite having it), he'd rather goof around and troll people which is fun. So he's better suited for game playing than podcast talking
I actually respect Rich because he doesn't care to be best buddies and appeal to GB's audience. He gets in there, does his job, laughs a bit, and is out.
>he didn't leave traditional media companies to make $250K+ a year while travelling the world
scarlet for ya desu
During the ninja gaiden playthrough when he got really fucking upset. They had to get dan out of the room because jeff was gonna throw down.
That's fair enough.
I never much enjoyed his actual game criticisms, but he's more entertaining to than most of the staff.
Flagged for copyright? I'm sure it'd fall under fair use.
Though I have reservations about sitting through a bunch of garbage to find particularly bad comments
What ninja gaiden playthough? Do you know the video and time?
Goofing around and trolling is fun if you're a 15-year-old twitch streamer. You say he has an encyclopedic knowledge of games, but I've never seen him display this. Care to provide a link? I'm genuinely curious. This is the same guy that doesn't understand the storyline of his "favorite franchise".
YOu cant just link one moment and say "se this is his knowledge." Watching long enough you'll hear him talking about a lot of games and companies, even obscure as shit ones. Demo derby is good series to see some of it, at least when he was on it.
>having fun is only for 15 year old twitch streamers
ok buddy you're real fun
the ninja gaiden super replay. it has to be in the first 3 episodes because they didnt let him come back for episode 4.
oh you mean jeff cork, i was thinking jeff gerstmann for some reason
If you think Dan is funny, you might be a teenager.
Vinny didn't change that much the times just did, if you don't virtue signal about how republicans are evil and trumps the devil you're probably getting blackballed. Vinny probaly always was a New York "I like unions and gays are ok as long as my kid isn't" kinda blue dog democrat he just didn't have to talk about it
no jeff marchiafava
Dan is funny if he has a foil to keep him in check and consistently call him out. Nobody at GB East does it nearly enough.
>Also, anyone notice how Vinny has become the worst GB member. He and Dan did a QL of some Metroidvania game and Vinny went on a 15-minute tangent accusing the devs of being misogynistic. Actual quote, "This feels like the devs were mad Samus was a girl and made their own male-fantasy of it." He was so cringey Dan had to be the voice of reason.
If you can't appreciate anything Dan has brought to GB chances are that you're a fedora.
I appreciated him in the Mario Party Parties and I appreciate the ideas for content he had (which would be significantly better if they didn't involve him appearing in videos)
He was probably trying to appease his SJW mistress.
because you cant do that in a hugbox