This guy said he didn't understand the hype behind Undertale.
Fuck him.
This guy said he didn't understand the hype behind Undertale
Other urls found in this thread:
You have to go back
Gaffers go home.
>based Jared
Is that Bob Saget?
Sorry, I'm here to stay sweetie.
I've been studying your posts
jared is an ugly ostrich bitch
>Shitposters have to resort to random YouTube e-celebs with six-digit subscriber totals to knock this masterpiece
You'll be posting on Sup Forums soon enough, NeoFAG.
reminder that jared is an autist who almost broke a glass case of games in a store just to get to them first.
>8/10 is bad
He also gave BotW a 10/10.
Oddyssey is probably just reheated leftovers of other 3D Mario games, but ProJared is a pretentious faggot
plz no shill
go to 7:40
sorry this is for you
what the fuck I love Projared now
>le gimmie views man
His biggest complaint was some (most?) of the moons took little effort to acquire. Guess he wanted more quality, less quantity there. Is that enough to knock it down to an 8/10? Not really. Should've been an 8.5/10 at the least.
alpha as fuck
>gave Bioshock Infinite a 10/10
>matthewmatosis called out idiots who gave the game a 10/10 by saying that they have to justify their existence by pretending that games with pretentious stories are "art"
I fucking loved Matthew's Bio Infinite video. Still fun to watch him destroy that game.
Why should I care what ProJeria thinks?
I think you misspelled autistic as fuck
you shouldn't, she's an ugly bird
>10/10 Zelda
>"F-fuck Jared! He's a Ninten-drone!
>8/10 Mario
>"O-our boy! Y-yeah Jared! Sony! Woo!"
The state of this board.
being contrarian gets you more views, just as being contrarian gets you more (You)s
Poe's Law
I just unsubbed from projared
>that tactical cover vault
What a boss
Same sperg who gave Revengeance a 4/10.
His perception of fun is tainted and falsely acquainted.
stop shilling yourself, jirard
This guy has the opposite taste in games than me, desu. Guy gives Dark Souls a 8/10, Monster Hunter 11/10, and BotW a 10/10. He has pretty shitty taste, he just likes grindy/open world time wasters crap and doesn't care about good design.
he also looks like a bird. UGLY
Hey man Projared is a Professional TV Actor
How do I know you aren't Jared falseflagging in disguise?
because I like ff13
>>"O-our boy! Y-yeah Jared! Sony! Woo!"
Yeah, this board would be better off without drones.
>gave monster hunter 3 11/10
>user doesn't realize it a joke review when his real review is actually 8/10
>it's too simple
>says galaxy is netter, despite that game being simple as fuck
>gives 3d world a 9/10
>gave the last of us 10/10
>had incredibly high expectations for the game, upset that it only "met" those high expectations
I dare you to defend this
>There are people one this planet who like ff13
Only reason he didn't give it a 10/10 is because it's just the 3DS version ported with the same shit textures
>last of us
Is this game as sterile as 3D World?
Made two accounts just to sub twice
>lowest score from a respectable outlet
>FINALLY, an HONEST review! It’s about damn time, 8/10, I KNEW it was actually shit lol, nintenbros BTFO
>liking ff13
you dont get rights my dude
Not him but if you like FF13 because you only care about gameplay I can understand. If you don't give a fuck about story in video games it removes a ton of 13's flaws. The game still has good gameplay and great music.
I still fucking hate that game because the story is retarded and I don't personally like some of the systems, though.
I like Skyward Sword
jared gave me a stack of mtg cards :3
>giving importance to some egocentric faggot's opinion about the game
The gameplay is incredibly repetitive and non-interactive though wtf are you talking about?
8/10 states its not a perfect game and that destroys the nintend-nigger
Hey newfriend, you should look into using a trip so that you can be regognized in the crowd of anonymous. It also allows me to filter you, you fucking fag.
Projared is a tall, lanky lizard wearing a convincing human suit, but he's right
I was about to report and sage this thread for e-celeb shit but you changed my mind, thanks user
>gives lower score
>wait for more views
sure thing
It's funny Nintendorks are going to start shitting on him now when just a few months ago they were sucking his dick for giving BotW a 10/10
Revengence was pretty shit.
It was 4 hours long with only 3 cool boss fights in it.
>Jewtuber that has fallen into irrelevance is resorting to clickbaiting.
And not surprising.
Jared's wife.
Didn’t know I liked projared until now
But he doesn't have a score review system, just points out flaws and good things with wacky scores that make no sense to avoid being tied down to accountability.
no he's a dumbass
Holy hell, I have to watch this. sourcem
Shit- a Nintendo fan giving an honest review!!! What ad hominem can we use against him to discredit him?!? This won't be easy easy as Jim Sterling!! No way! I can't believe this! Auuugh! He's not gonna get away with this!!
last of us
no fucking way
literally just subbed because of this comment
revengence is rad as fuck and the above score was even based on blatantly wrong info like "no dodging"
wow a clickbait review, that's fresh
I mean if we put aside the console wars shitposting, the game is honestly about an 7.5-8ish. He makes a great point about most of the moons being haphazardly thrown about the level without any real challenge or fulfillment with collecting them. I would have prefered the usual 120 stars that each has its own mission specifically catered to it as opposed to hundreds and hundreds of them scattered everywhere. Sunshinefags will love it since the moons are about on the same level as blue coins. Definitely the one of the more underwhelming mainline Mario games. Better than 3D world/land but sunshine/galaxy/64 are leaps and bounds better in my opinion.
>Mariofags this devastated
Bing bing yourself off a cliff faggot, this is OOT and Mario 64 all over again and you can't stop it.
so were sectioning off the Nintendo fan boys into groups now?
you've played it?
Ever since Smash, yes.
>the review that meets me opinions is the most honest review out there because my opinion is the only one that should exists
Is 0.5 REALLY that important to you?
Why the fuck are people caring so much about subjective reviews.
My friend thinks it is the best shit ever and had to claw at his adamant surface for almost a week to even get him to admit one flaw. Personally I think he's just really pedo for Ellie but I'd never tell him I think that.
Hey he's gotta fix his house somehow.
0.5 is important to me.
0.5A presses, that is.
thanks for confirming his accuracy
Maybe he's not as dumb as I thought.
Platinum has never made a good game and MSG is a shit franchise.
He must be a good reviewer. Subscribed.
>That nose
Kike detected.
The one who gives every Monster Hunter a perfect score? And the one who only puts out reviews for the most popular games and asks for donations, since that's the only thing he cares about? The one who let's plays games until the point he sees there's less views and stops in the middle of the game on multiple titles because "it wasn't popular enough"? The one who streams Pokemon nuzlocke just to advertise his Switch giveaway and with subscriber only chat for more money and stops right after giving away the console?
Yeah, I'll believe that guy, he shows how he's not in it just for the money and you reposting his review everywhere, giving him more views.
Do I want to fucking know what this is?
>>gives 3d world a 9/10
nothing wrong with this you subhuman kike.
You're retarded, he reviews much more games that were released before you were born than modern games and has been doing nuzlocke for years now. I think he even dedicated a whole channel to it.
use critical thinking user. What do you THINK it is? Come on dude, that's spooge. Are you REALLY that surprised?
Actually, I think oyu're the retard here, if you only "think so". He has a LP channel, where he dropped a few games already due to less views, even if people really wanted to see some of these finished. But I guess views and money just wasn;t there, it's not like he plays games for fun and not money, right?
And actually, no, most of the games he plays weren't released before I was born. It's not a big deal to see him play a simple game like Final Fantasy. Only LP where I can tell he was into it was the Magic The Gathering one. His drinking Mario Go Fish is staged as fuck, because muh views on YT.
Just admit it, user - Jared does this shit for money and views, and not to share his personal opinions. Somecallmejohnny is a guy I'd believe faster than Jared, since maybe he's not entertaining, but at least he's always honest and never does any bullshit for views.