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Video Games #3948
Video Games
“E3 was only half the story.”
Why aren't you playing fighting games RIGHT NOW?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bodbon?
Persona Thread: Best Girl Edition
Why does Sup Forums hate esports?
I've been told Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is a MUST for playing Oblivion, but the whole thing is fucking whack
This is the founder of nursing, Florence Nightingale. According to Japan
Vidya Tropes
Which Makes More Sense?
That MMO that died on you
Dr Disrespect just got exposed
What the FUCK were they thinking when they made this character?
Doing fine with every single boss in the game
Scott Cawthon used to make good games
ITT: strawpoll your top 5 favorite games, and other anons vote for the best game on it
Wolfenstein flopping hard in germany
This is the future you chose
"Rainbow" Mika Nanakawa is literal perfection
Terrible 100% reward
Unironic opinion of this game?
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Young boys now have to deal with this
Why is Ann such a promiscuous thot?
Xenoblade 2
Woke up from a deppresion nap when did this get leaked ?
Which is the best exploration-based platformer of 2017?
Who do you watch on twitch?
Does Sup Forums play competitive Pokemon?
Bravely Default
Killing Floor 2
Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing
Pirating indie games
What are some good PSP games?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Who would win this fight?
So the new Wolfenstein is fucked. Why do people keep supporting this company again?
Excuse me while I actually flinch from being shot
There are hundreds of video games that have you killing Nazis
*inhales weed*
Despite how randumb the new TF2 update is, is it time to return after all these poor decisions by Actiblizzard?
I bet none of you even played Sunshine. As someone who beat it, I assure you it was good, and STILL holds up
Which one was the best and why was it Ape Escape?
I get what they're trying to do. They're trying to recreate the Wiimote and Nunchuck...
Mario odyssey kino
Sup Forums thinks this is an inaccurate Hitler and it's completely wrong
Halloween is coming up
So where did Phoenix Wright the series go wrong in its storytelling?
This is Etna. Say something nice about her
What went wrong?
Visceral's now-defunct version of a Star Wars game would have a heist story with a focus on "scoundrels in space...
"Do I pull the trigger" : Haloween Sale Edition Thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
How's your gaming posture Sup Forums?
Bowser and Peach got married! Congratulate them!
Any Sup Forums Italiano's want to view in on this situation? Do you think Nintendo went too far?
Picked this up on 25% off sale last night and planning to start it pretty shortly. What am I in for?
What are some games where I can be a real fucking wizard...
Super Mario Odyessey? More like Super Mario Oughta See a better game!
Games a Child would Enjoy Playing
"I've been thinking about Sup Forums a lot lately, I mean like, I was posting there not just 24 hours ago...
ELEX - Black Holes suck edition
Games where even the act of movement or attacking is fun
What's the Ramiel of video games?
8 months ago I played Undertale and gave up after 15 minutes
I want to play Diablo - should I start with 1 or just skip it?
What went wrong?
That level where you have to kill everyone in the gay pride parade
Mario Odyssey is the best selling game of 2017
ITT Subtle vidya fashion
ITT: Stupid shit Sup Forumsedditors say
Wolfenstein II CE
Is Kripp the best gamer of all time?
Wolfenstein has always been about killing Nazis...
Nintendo eShop codes III
What was the last pokemon game that you enjoyed playing?
Game has tomboys in it
">WHOA!, hey there user be careful. You almost clicked on that link that contains a pirated version of New Vegas...
Steam chat now bans Sup Forums links from being sent in chat
Samus is not a bimbo she's a musclebimbo. Big difference
Uh fug nigga
/nig/ NeoGAF Implosion General
Is it possible to give Samus characterization without the fans screaming that it's another "Other M"?
Your opinion on Burnout Paradise
If you think f-zero was superior you have shit taste
User just got a ps4. user already has crash trilogy, bloodborne, battleborn and uncharted 4...
Mario switch zelda nintendo
Dragon Ball FighterZ
In a video game do you play as a cute girl or a buff guy or a cute guy or a buff girl?
Do you like Second Life?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Comfy Super Mario Odyssey Thread
ITT: Weapon-fus
Which one ruined Sup Forums the most?
ITT: pointless dlc
NPCs you wanted as playable characters
Best looking game
When WW2 is clearly the more aesthetic era but developers still milk WW1 because nazis are bad
All shitposting aside, is this the biggest disappointment this year? All hype, no execution...
Is Steam cancer...
One copy of sen-*AH*uper mario odysee please
Use your vidya knowledge to rescue the girl, Sup Forums
Will Link and Zelda ever hook up in the BOTW DLC?
Game set in Ancient Egypt
Hey Sup Forums, lets talk about video games for a change
Explain to me why this isn't the best in the Souls/Borne series
Remind me why Deus Ex is held in higher regard than these 3 when it's gameplay is utter boring trash?
There are people who still think it's a scam
Name a better senran
I went to walmart around noon today to pick up my copy of odyssey
Since when is being against literal Nazis liberal propaganda?
The one thing I'm looking forward to in the remake is seeing Jessie and the original Avalanche crew...
How much longer until we get actual Toy Story Graphics? 10 years, 50 years, 100 years?
Do you harass cute girls that you find in game?
Odyssey screenshots thread
Is she the only case of a video game's creator's favorite character being considered the least favorite by fans?
Why do people in this game sound like Nigerians? I've met Coptic Egyptians...
The new DSJ endings
She’s white in the Japanese version, right?
Is he /ourdad/?
Dark Knight Easiest Class?
How did Nintendo do it? How did they make such a gorgeous game? This blows the shit out of Mario Galaxy...
What's the last RPG that let you JOIN the Ancient Evil, Mega Corporation, world ending threat...
Sup Forums btfo yet again
How do i rekindle my love for video games, Sup Forums?
That's it? FUCK!
Why aren't you playing Warframe right now?
Thoughts on nier automata ?
Star Citizen
Worst Nintendo console?
Tfw the horrible Nazi occupied America is nicer than the current one
Is Mario Odyssey going to have as much speedrunning potential as Mario 64?
Thorn boss
Sup Forums said Halloween for Fire Emblem Heroes was never going to come but here it is
ITT: Games that ruined their franchise
There's no such thing as a perfect expan-
Admit it Sup Forums, Game 3 was shit
Is this stupid horseshit worth the money?
Do you play as a boy or a girl user-kun?
New best looking game
Post games that women will never understand
Did burgers of Sup Forums know there is bootleg Half-Life 2/CS candy in europe?
Mr Metokur posts fake Jim Sterling 7/10 Mario shoop, Nintyfags fall for it, Sterling laughs at them
What angers me the most about Wolfenstein
Gamestop Announces Power Pass:
Why was this ever allowed?
God i wish that were me
RTS - Thread
Hopes and Expectations?
So Sup Forums, what did you think?
Are Evil Within 1, Alien Isolation, the Order 1886, or psychonauts worth it...
What is the state of the game now? i dropped it a week after release
I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame...
Name one game released this year that is better than this
Filename thrad
Dad, could you buy me a Nintendo Switch for Christmas?
4k@60hz or 1440p@144hz?
Another Mario game
What are some games that brings this pic to mind?
Join now!
Whats your state's favorite game?
What happened to AAA gaming...
Anyone excited for Crowfall?/
Why is it so... easy?
What’s up with the abundance of sexy girls in games this year?
A Sup Forumsery Sup Forumsermin Halloween
Spongebob MMO
This is what nu/v/ will unironically say only Sup Forums could have a problem with
Games summed up in one gif
Bust your ass off to save your beloved Princess like you have time and time again
Post 1 idea each to develop the perfect game
Is that a good game ?
Let's play a game. Share your opinion on the new Wolfenstein without bringing any politics up, left or right...
Let's have a Persona thread
Why aren't you playing on CEMU? The new version is out and got a 3-7% FPS increase. BOTW is fully playable now...
Became the best console this decade
Ayo white bois where is my crack for Assassin's Creed Origins
What went wrong?
Was casually watching Yu Gi Oh. What is the best YGO game?
Post 10/10 vidya soundtrack
What is Sup Forums's essential comfy-core?
In-game onee-san is warm, invaluable,loving, protective and caring towards me
Vidya reaction images
Best Super Mario Odyssey Pictures
Itt: Games you've been playing multiple times. What games and why do you play it so much
Killing Nazis is Good
American level
ITT: best boys from their respective games
Have you ever been attracted to a non-human character from a video game?
Maybe i should tell 9S what happened before he goes mad and destroy the world
There is no political bias in games journalism
Why doesn't Sup Forums blow a gasket at when "muh LGBT crap" is included in jap games ?
Is this the only gay character ever done right in video games?
Loot boxes and microtransactions are the future of video games
Redpill me on this game
So Sup Forums. What was the
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Wolfenstein is anti-Nazi
If you want to make game with the aim of making it as comfy as possible, what should you think of...
Play fantasy game
It's still easily the best Zelda
Ed, Edd, n Eddy MMO
Game lets you change your sex at any given time
What's your main reason for liking Mario: Odyssey?
The Evil Within 2 thoroughly roasted
Filename Thread
What if Zelda was a girl?
How hard are sonybros gonna chimp out at nintendo when this game comes out?
This is Uzume Tennouboshi
Why the fuck is this shit on Top sellers on steam?
The first real Switch game
Xenoblade 2
Sonic Forces Street Date Broke
What are some underrated mods for this?
The protagonist of the last game you played has to fight grand padre.... how does he fair
Watching other people play video games
Communism will win
Key drop thread
What went right?
Favorite drink while video gaming Sup Forums?
ITT: Things only brainlets say
New patch is live
This is unironically one of the best games ever made
Holy shit we aren't even done with the first year and this track record is fucking incredible...
Alright, so i picked this up because it's on sale
Daddy I want a nintendo switch for christmas!
Neo-Neogaf is already at it. This shitshow is going to be amazing
Quickly user, you need to reload
So I was looking up the Egyptian gods on Wikipedia because of Assassin's Creed Origins and accidentally misclicked:
I'm giving you 20 (TWENTY) seconds (s) to post why you don't have a nintendo Switch and Super Mario Odyssey
Post progress boys. I'm sitting at 74 moons. How goes your adventures?
Will you purchase you games at FUCKING GAMESTOP now?
Oh yeah there's a steam sale going on
Are you excited for the best Yakuza game /v?
Should every game have a halloween update?
Gamespot Wolfenstein II review
Fake journalists create new narrative
Should I tell my female penpal that I play illusion games, or girls don't like games like that?
AC: Origins is SHIT
Why can't we all get along?
How would Nier: Autismata be different if it were made by a western studio?
"Come Nerevar, Friend Or Traitor, Come, Come And Look Upon The Morrowind Thread"
Is winning a Battle Royale the best feeling in gaming history?
Let's predict the Metacritic score
This is a game
/Nig/ NeoGAF Implosion General
Just picked this up on the halloween sale. what am i in for? what are some essential mods?
Let us commence with a Persona 3 thread!
Should i buy it?
Why is the worst game in a series always the 3rd one?
Is it worth playing through this game or should I just skip to 2? The shitty controls are killing it for me a bit...
As a huge fan of Baldur's Gate, PS:T, Icewind Dale etc...
What´s wrong with him?
What's next for Lara?
PC Gaming Without Steam
Let's discuss Paul Serene from Quantum Break
Which one should Princess Peach choose Sup Forums?
What older games have you bought recently rather than spending $60 on the new Mario/AC/Wolfenstein/Mordor?
Warhammer Mortal Empires Thread
"I'm glad I spent the majority of my life playing video games"
The 5 best RPGs ever made
Is it true there are still people out there that unironically play games at less than 60 fps? How and why do they do it...
Fallout 4
Okay, I'm sick of all the shitposting. What are you guys looking forward to within the next year? For me it's:
Meanwhile, normies are playing generic shooters
The “How to make GOTY” starter kit: 2017 edition
Anyone else gonna play Odyssey while high? Mario games are pretty fun while high
What spooky games are you goin' to play?
It's too soon to buy the switch since it got no gam-
What are the best JRPG games, Sup Forums?
Game of the Year - 2017
Walmart was out of copies
Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch home console?
Game length
We did it
This kills the Italian plumber
Mario Odyssey 100% Completion Award
Are you buying senu's game?
Won't buy you a 1st party controller because the madcatz one was $15 cheaper
What's the third part of the Switch holy trinity going to be?
Horror vidya thread? What are you guys playing?
Help me out
Nintendo Fans Triggered by Non-Existent 7/10 Jim Sterling Odyssey Review That He Didn't Even Make
Rpg has lizard race
Why is Quake so good?
2017...I am forgotten
Literally no games
You can now get emotes from chests, which lowers the chances of getting a skin shard
What are some games for intelligent people?
So there's actually a chance we'll get a good game and not just a weaboo bait?
Which are you more excited about?
What's the most shameless bullshot in the history of video games?
I've deleted all my German friends from my phone
Why aren't you part of the prestigious GOTG race?
Why is the character action genre dead?
Why is the "everything was better in the 90s, it's all shit now" sentiment so common on Sup Forums...
Xenoblade gotta lotta grills
A Hat in Time
So is it good?
What made it kino?
This is the least likeable character I've ever seen in a videogame
Danganronpa V3
Friday General: Afternoon edition
Nothing wrong
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Can't perform all cappy moves unless you are playing with joycons (and the spinning move is super clunky on the pro...
Wow so this is the power of a 5000 grand pc
Dating Sims
What does Sup Forums think of Twin Snakes?
What is this gay-ass weeb shit doing on MY Steam?
Can i run cemu on a gtx 660????
Why are you browsing polygon in the first place?
Halloween Sale
Scoring higher than Bloodborne
Filename thread keep it vidya
PC game of the year
What are your favorite games to play while high?
Remember when power armor wasn't too common and even if it was you had to have training to be able to wear it?
I saw so many spoilers by now i dont need to buy the game anymore
Why isn't your dick big Sup Forums?
Wake up sheeple
Borderlands 3
AVGN is kino again
Mario is a casual game that only kids enjoy
You DID have enough coins to get the best costume, right?
What game has the best Magic?
So which is it?
Can someone explain me the plot? i just completed it for the first time and i dont have a clue whats going on...
Sup Forumserdict on Nier Automata?
If you cannot name all the games these sprites are inspired by you are a massive pleb
Jumps on you
Am I the only one with unpopular opinions?
Persona 5
This shit just arrived
So you like to spend your time playing video games, huh?
Buckley actually writes an on-point comic
How safe is G2A? Do any of you ever buy from them?
Super Mario: Oddessey? More like There's Better Things you Ought to See!
Megami Tensei thread, le Shin Megami V edición
Remember to sit up straight
Buy 2 Get 1 free coming
Western games
Wolfenstein is anti-Nazi
Everyone on Sup Forums should watch this
When will Sup Forums admit that DS2 was a good game?
How did Blizzard get away with selling a game with no single player?
If you got transported to the Pokemon or digimon would could you trust yourself to not do something horribly...
Why does The Jew Colossus have a much higher score from (((critics))) than from audience?
His Melty is a slut
Non-biased review
Vidya reaction images
Jet Set Radio reboot when?
Oh look Sup Forums a parcel arrived! I wonder what it could be
I'm already regretting buying this piece of shit
Serious question :
Have you ever played as a girl in a video game?
Any really immersive games such as BioShock or classic Resident Evil to play while high?
WTF i love Sega now
Remember me?
So which one did you get?
What is the """appeal""" of visual novels?
Say something nice about him. I'll start:
Sup Forums how the fuck did they manage to make this game worse than TNO
Rockstar Games appreciation thread
Make RTS great again - news for once edition
Jungle Inferno Update Discussion
ITT: games with ZERO (0) bad levels
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
An actual interesting black videogame character?
Fake games flooding the market
Switch games
Your opinion on Mega64
Owners: 15,589 ± 6,509
Smug cunt
Are there any mmos where most players just erp in secret while pretending to play?
Is it too late to get into TF2 now?
Why wasn't Mexican Mario removed from Odyssey?
AC ORIGINS is a mess
Why is it only Japan that is able to design 10/10 women among all the euros and Americas?
Opus Magnum
I'm so glad I spent the majority of my life playing videogames alone in my room
I want to buy Wolfenstein II, but
What happened?
It's a big game
Pc """"gamers""""
Tfw no Macross game with Ace Combat controls for the plane sections and equally good mecha and in between controls
Video Game Fetish
Fix an Overwatch Character Thread
Thanks to user, I bought and hacked a New 3DS console
Pirating a game
Why is super mario so popular?
Does Sup Forums like Niko?
Scorn Thread
Unpopular opinions
The absolute state of this piece of shit
Resident Evil
C-can I join?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that RE7 mostly succeeded in rebooting the franchise?
Revolution against nazis is successful
Which one was GOTY?
What's his name again?
The Evil Within 2
Will Nintendo ever top him?
It's not fair, Sup Forums...
90% of the same retards who gave 10/10 are the same ones who praised Star Fox Zero
Now that Ninja Gaiden Black plays on Xbox One, how do we get Microsoft to port Ninja Gaiden 2 to Xbox One...
Let's play a game. Share your opinion on the new Wolfenstein without bringing any politics up, left or right...
Who is your favorite video game developer?
Typing "starcraft" using only your left hand feels pretty good
Play Mario Odyssey like this
Game at launch is one of the best things you've played
What's the best Dragon Ball game as of right now?
NO MORE NAZI'S!!!!!!!!
If Jet is a pre-war drug like Fallout 4 claims...
Uh oh, Ubisoft is finished
Is this the best shooter this generation?
What did you play today?
*Coughs blood*
Who has played Batttle Brothers? Is it any good?
This is Chihaya Kisaragi from the Idolm@ster video game series
Why are there so many fucking Xehanorts in Kingdom Hearts?!
I have exactly Three dollars, what's good and on sale during this sale right now?
What tank was the most fun to play?
Objectively the best Soulsborne Boss
Nintnedo is fighting with itself over GOTY honors
What's her name again, /v?
EA dun wanna people to play their old shit
Should companies that aren't Nintendo even bother making video games anymore...
Any of the ps1 final fantasys worth palying
Welp, My external hard drive that I've been using for my PS4 decided to die...
Did Odyssey just shit on people who like them together?
Esto es el fin, Sony
ITT: your current Sup Forums related wallpaper
Does this look real?
Can someone explain this to me?
He's a mama boy now
Reminder that LWA game comes in 2 weeks
What am I in for, Sup Forums?
Wolfenstein 2 is shit - my 2 cents
I'm a poorfag, which one do I buy?
Post your dream game ideas
What's the best Star Wars prequel game besides the pod racing one for the N64?
ITT: Games that are too hard for Sup Forums to even discuss them
Nintendo eShop codes part II
This is your wife for tonight, say something nice about her
Can somebody explain why Siegfried is so hated? I always liked him, but I don't know the lore
Whats their excuse for still not supporting a modern FOV?
ITT: Games that will never come out
Use your vidya knowledge to rescue the girl, Sup Forums
Is it good? or more meh?
Wolfenstein II is communist propagan-
Who's the dipshit that said the new Wolfenstein was only 4-6 hours long? I just finished it and it took a little over 14
What games did you play today, anons? What did you think about it?
This kills the career
Sup Forums ACTUALLY fucking BELIEVES this game is 4 hours long because some retard said so with no proof
Do you support swedish video game developers?
Why did they add a date?
Just bought D2
What is reggie thinking here
Zero Escape
What is the greatest video game trailer of all time?
Taste rate thread, insert your unpopular opinions here
Why are people such pussies these days?
Game developer is the final boss
Like, buy my game! *grin*
Is it still worth getting one?
The fact that so many gamers still name Mario and Zelda as “the greatest or most significant or most influential”...
Why is this the GOAT Madden?
NeoGaf thread
Wolfenstein The New Colossus? More like Waste of Time: I Just Forgot This!
So Sup Forums, how would you make the story better?
Everyone forgets Bomberman was a Switch Launch title
Hardest part of every game
What am I in for?
I turned myself into a plumber, Morty
Activision are a bunch of scumbags
Since Wolfenstein just came out I was interested in knowing what Sup Forums's top 5 favorite Nazi video games were and...
Are you preparing for the Boob wars, /vee/? A lot of SJW's will undoubtebly whine about needing to reduce Tifa's Tatas...
Dragon Ball nFighterZ Thread
Pocket Camp thread
Itt characters that deserve their own video game
Is this really fucking necessary?
Mario Oddysey and whether to get it
Who was in the wrong here
Is Rocksteady working on a Superman game?
Do you buy games anymore?
There seems to be a big divide between how a lot of people feel about The Witcher 3 versus how most of Sup Forums feels...
Has a game ever motivated you to get fit?
At what point does the amount of fan service in this game become embarrassing for you?
Where's the crack?
Get in kid, we're going Digimon hunting
ITT gaming moments that have stayed with you for your entire life
Why are the portraits so shitty in EOV?
You can not identify this game
Things youve fapped to in vidya
N64 has Ocarina of Time
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
ITT: Casual filters
Current Year - Evil White Scum: The Game (My Wife's Son Edition)
New york gets nuked
Under Night Thread
Arksys just announced they're making a JoJo fighting game just like Dragon Ball Fighterz...
Game lets you have a dog companion
ITT: Games Only You Played
Game tries to be funny
Post your weaponfu. Doesn't matter what game it is
Does a single game besides 1-2 Switch use this stupid sensor?
I can't deal with this shit anymore Sup Forums
Is SF5 worth it for 20$ do any of you guys have any regrets buying it? or is the hate that sf5 gets just a meme
So what's the verdict on Mario Odyssey?
Post a movie, get vidya recommendations
Name ONE fucking flaw
Neogaf Thread
There are wageslaves on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who are planning on going into work tomorrow
Can we all agree Skyward Sword was the worst 3D Zelda?
Was Sup Forums wrong again? 5th highest rated new release this year
Well Sup Forums?
What's the best version of this game?
Why are there no good games based off of the American Civil War? It's such an underrepresented era in games
Filename thread
Why do people suck Golden Eye's dick when Perfect Dark was a better game in every way?
Should I enable "deferred rendering" if I have a powerful card?
Western video game devs are now redoing 70s schlock as if it has political potency
Critics like Sonic Forces!
Well Sup Forums?
Post your fightfu
ITT: games you wish you could get into but couldn't
What games have good swordfighting?
I will post this everyday until E3
Winning this hard
A Hat in Time Thread
Nice game you got there consolefriend, mind if I... PLAY it?
This guy said he didn't understand the hype behind Undertale
Wolfenstein The New Colossus? More like Waste of Time: I Just Forgot This!
This is the final reward for 100%'ing the game
Did bethesda do any damage control after the creation club blunder?
Just started this game. Is she a good protagonist?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...