

not enough blur

Why do people even make these fake shits

it happens every year

There's less than normal too. Proof games dead.

game died with cataclysm and has been on life support since

i tried the game again recently and desu it's not that bad. they've made a lot of quality of life changes that you kinda missed in vanilla


still waiting for those that are tryhard memes that actually end up being funny


>WoW devs are putting out a bunch of fake leaks in a desperate attempt to hype Blizzcon announcement.

game died in TBC when they made badge gear

looks like cataclysm logo with purple shit

game died when they released it. it was way better in alpha

i like how every time they dumb the game down even more it just gets labeled as a quality of life change

I used to play retail all the time.. now I just play a bc server every now and then

desu has been senpai'd since last year iirc

i bet blizzcon announcement will be "sry guys we fucked up the game so bad there wont be an expansion. here, have legacy servers instead"


ah yes i miss the glory days of looking for a raid or dungeon group in trade chat for 2 hours before finding shit. that was a great feature vanilla best expac 2012

should have made your own then you lazy mong

Legacy servers would be the only way they'd ever get my money again

that doesn't change the amount of time it took to find people to play with you dingo

why do people even still care about wow

>it's not that bad

Its not as bad as WoD but its still pretty fucking bad.

doesn't FF14 have legacy servers of sort?

because by all accounts it used to be a pretty good mmo before it turned into complete instant gratification

at least there's always something to do in WoW now and it feels more accessible to more people. personally I've never been much of a raider so I really enjoy the addition of M+

sometimes it almost feels like there's TOO MUCH to do, especially when I have like 12 guys at max lvl

wish they'd make one for FF11

I guess you haven't tried Mage Tower. And fuck grinding Legendaries... you never get the right one and it could take a year before RNG blesses you with the one you wanted

Seems pretty far from instant mate

some of these look almost semi-professional so i wouldn't be surprised if that was the case lol

wow who would have guessed the one hook keeping anyone playing didnt get turned into pay to win? every old mmo has their end game setup like this. FFXI turned into a FF14 clone where u just sit in town and instantly teleport out to wherever you need to go. the best gear in the game is all rng bullshit where you can spend hundreds of millions and still not get the best stats on it.

The developers themselves have admitted that the current Legendary system was a mistake. It would've been better if they were utility only

But yeah I see what you're saying. The RNG grind isn't anything new to WoW though, as people have been trying to get specific raid trinkets (as an example) for a long time and getting cucked by RNG

as ww i got my mage tower weapon appearance on lunch break right after servers came back up. Not to say it isn't hard for normies though, also my challenge mode fight is pure competency/mechanic check

That's not saying much if you don't specify which class+spec...

Let me guess, Archmage Xylem DPS challenge? lol


MoP was very good desu

If they were utility only then no one would give a shit about them. Need to make them easier to obtain similar to how D3 does it now since they are most definitely turning WoW into some sort of hybrid of the 2 games.

This is literally a fanmade thing from a few years ago.

Why does it keep getting posted?

>a year
get good, do high mythic+, heroic raid clears, kill some mythic raid bosses, do invasions and you'll get at least one legendary a week.

what's up, fuccbois

sup great expansion

Seriously, if it's another one of those American tier dark edgy green purple black shit apocalypse let's fucking save the world for the 10000th time expansion, ill quit.

i know i want more epic drunken pandas and an expac where we can hold hands with the opposite faction

Don't worry the Asians already got their expansion.

No time when juggling 9 110s

How don't you get burned out

I'm slowly getting there. Right now doing my weekly +10 minimum on all characters is starting to feel like a chore. Only thing that's keeping me going atm is BlizzCon and Antorus hype


lol this fucking meme is so inaccurate though. look at the live reactions to the legion announcement and you'll see people were pretty hype.

only reason people might've been disappointed is cus they spent 90% of their time reading leaks and creating false expectations for what the expansion was going to be (e.g. south seas)

which is what everyone's doing now too

>actually being hype for Illidan, one of the worst written characters getting further butchered

to be fair, wasn't that announcement at Gamescom? Pretty sure a lot of people there were not really invested in WoW in the first place compared to the people that visit Blizzcon.

Still though, I have a love/hate thing with Legion. Still miles better than WoD.

Sadly no, but at least he lives on in a superior game

don't they usually register the name on the US patent's office or some shit like that
whatever happened to that

Ehh, I kind of like him to be honest but I can see why people would be mad.

who cares, whatever they show it's gonna be fake, like they promised new dances for WotLK and they never happened.

>they promised new dances
thank fuck they canceled that, you realize they have to put millions of resources into 1 dance right? I'd rather have actual content.

millions of resources in mocaping like a 3 second fucking loop?

dude, even by Blizz standards it's not more than $500 for one fucking dance.

game died when they made warcraft IIIV

Don't bother. Sup Forums refuses to admit MoP was good because they didn't play it themselves.

m8 they'd sell that shit as an actual feature instead of working on actual CONTENT

Fuck you sub-race niggers too, it doesn't add anything to the game except yet another skin.

They had gazillion names registered throughout the years.

it's like you don't even ERP, different sub race would obviously feature different sized genitalia.

when they removed this it completely ruined the fun of leveling
>we want to remove cookie cutter builds
>so we're going to give you less choice and less variety

really activates my almonds desu

Yeah my dick in your mouth too

clever, I guess

>inb4 Blizzard adds sub-races
>not part of the expansion pack
>put it in the Blizzstore for people who want it for 15--25 dollar per race

I'd see this happen

Would be glorious to see RP fags getting BTFO

not really. the new system has way more choices and variety. old system was pure cookie cutter with maybe a few points changed for niche builds
t. played since vanilla

This one actually seems believable since I think they're going to continue to ape FFXIV's choice of one word expansion titles and it fits with the direction they've been going.

The Shadowlands would be a good setting for a WoW 2. Mix up the alliances, bring back old characters, start characters from scratch, etc.

funny thing was the talents really got fucked in cata. You were forced to go all the way with one tree before you could put into another one.

So basically blizzard lowered the amount of choice you could get out of the talent tree then claimed they scrapped the system because it didnt have enough choice.

Seems obvious to me now that most of blizzards reasons they give for making changes is jus t them putting a positive spin on a change they really made to make development easier.

Why couldn't they just keep some incremental bonuses to pick up while levelling then have big impactful talents you have to choose at certain tiers?
It'd fix the problem of most talents just being small stat boosts that the old one had and the problem that gaining a level is almost meaningless that the new one has

>Blizzard adds sub-races
>RP fags getting BTFO

15-25 dollars is nothing my guy

Both are correct. The old talent trees are cookie cutter but they made every level feel like a proper progression of power to work towards. Meanwhile, the new talents offer more choice (though this is very spec dependent) but neuter the progression of power felt during leveling due to how spread out they are and how uninteresting some tiers can be when you first get to them. (oh boy, CC options)

I liked WoD more than this fucking shit.

>Everyone loves Legion
>I don't like it at all
It's not that I think Legion is a bad expansion, but I found it boring for some reason.

Legion isn't really that loved. It's better regarded than WoD because it has things to do but people have a lot of problems with it.

they turned wow into diablo 3.

Big pussy?

Legion is good but the reason people say it's THE BEST is because WoD was such an atrocity that in contrast it seems so much better than it is

And also they have been putting out new content fairly regularly with this expansion so I respect them for that. Haven't felt any content droughts yet. Quite the opposite actually

that is wrong though. The old talent trees were only cookie cutter for raiding. and even then you still have builds that are competitive that are considered fringe by retards who heard from some website that build X is the only viable build so it must be true! but its not true.

getting to a dungeon isnt even worth it now. I had fun in dungeons in vanilla, now its busy work.

It's so silly that while levelling you go through two and a half whole expansions without getting a talent

that 1% extra crit at level 44 was so much fun

>Panda expansion
>Orc expansion
>Green expansion
>Purple expansion

I just want to be an adventurer again...
South Sea or nothing

>blue expansion

No. If they turned it into D3 it would be heavily flawed, but enjoyable. Legion is just tedious shit that looks like D3, tacked onto a laggy dated combat system.

>No fun Pirate expac after wotlk
quite the blunder desu

>mfw having fun with this game with plenty of other people despite all the claims that it's dead

This upcoming expansion will likely deal with Kul Tiras and Azshara, which means fun pirate adventures, dear anons!

Yes. Be sure to start the designated breadcrumb quest with a pointless 3 minute cinematic bowel movement so you can acquire the Horde/Alliance flagship and sail the High Seas. Upgrading your ship, sending your crewmen out on missions, collecting Flagship Resources, and seeking out repetitive tedious shit that we've rehased as the new and improved "Seaworld Quests".

Take the battle to Ashzara and her hold god masters! Yarrrrrrrrr!

Y-yeah hehe

to build hype.

I would not put it pass blizzard being the ones making a bunch of fake titles just to build interesting of "what could it be!??

It started over the immense desire for there to be an emerald dream expansion. There are still people who sit around wishing it would happen all because people found the Emerald Dream test zone.

>>one of the worst written characters
He's got okay writing. There's nothing wrong with how he was written besides a shit transition from WC3 to BC, and there far, FAR worse characters. I don't know where you're getting your information wrong.

I left with Cata too, it was a fucking disaster. But apparently pandaland was good expansion.

>Implying people give a shit about wow anymore

left in Cata, then came back to play Panda for about 3 months. Can confirm that Panda was pretty fun for a while, but unfortunately the entire expansion was based on repututation and daily quests, so i eventually quit Panda as well and never came back.


>South seas would have been a perfect expansion past Cata.
>Will never happen because total fucking retards and gold farmers hated Vash'jr.