Is it good? or more meh?
Is it good? or more meh?
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I haven't even played it and I can tell it's fucking shit. I have watched some videos of its gameplay though. Seriously it looks like fucking shit.
Ayo hol up nigga
Filename, it was already pointed out. asking for serious opinions here, its either this or the evil within 2
Why don't you just fucking play the game and form your opinion, holy fuck people. You already know Sup Forums is wrong 99% of the time on games, usually when they say something is garbage it ends up being good. Most of us haven't even played it yet because it just came out, give it a few days. Also don't listen to reviews, most of them are trash nowadays.
I still suggest just playing it and forming your own opinion, I mean you might like or you might hate it. Personally I love the AC series so I'm going to get it, even if it's shit I still enjoy AC in general.
>Game is shit
>Haven't played it
>Just watched some gameplay footage
Wanna know how I know your opinion doesn't matter in the least bit?
Do you guys think the crack will come out today?
Assassins Creed is a rare example of a series that is really popular but every single game is "meh"
but the real question is, does the beard grow?
>shilling this fucking hard
Holy shit, game is awful confirmed.
Kind of like Call of Duty, right?
When's the last time you've heard of Call of Duty being popular?
>Defending the game equals shilling
God I hate this board so much, like you can't say anything without someone claiming you're shilling the game. So I guess that means Super Mario is garbage as well, considering people won't shut up about it and we have 20 threads on it.
It's probably because no one else ever visits historical settings for some reason.
>Personally I love the AC series
Oh I don't know, probably every time they announce a new one and people cream/shit their pants over it. Do you live in a cave?
That's exactly what a shill would say.
Is it good enough for this user to follow up on what he said?
The only reactions I've seen to Call of Duty recently was when they announced CoD ww2 and even then the reactions were mostly "meh" and "we'll see"
That's exactly what a shill would say
We're all secretly shills.
Isn't this that ultra-liberal, extreme-leftist, white apologist, WE WUZ KANZ, Le Meme #Openworld xD, LGBTQ+ promoting SJW ""Game"" that has a IRL Currency shop even though it's a single player game, because the abrahmites can't get their filthy claws deep enough into your pockets?
That's exactly what a shill would say
user are you okay?
It'll probably come today or tomorrow. It's already out on Steam. I'm thinking CODEPUNKS will be the ones to crack it.
So.... it's good?
They completely fucked up the lore that was build on AC2
>0.15$ added to your account
I wish I got paid to shitpost
That's exactly what a shill would say
the scores are lower than 4, 2 and brotherhood so far and similar to 3. Considering how dogshite 3 was I'd say, no.
Also, don't buy this shitshow on PC unless you have a 1080/ti with an equally powerful CPU.
>I still suggest just playing it and forming your own opinion, I mean you might like or you might hate it.
By "playing it" you obviously mean pirating it, instead of buying it for your steam+uplay combo?
Ok so this is potentially a valid criticism.
How did they fuck up the law, is it bad writing? lazy writing? Contempt for the previous work? Trying to push an agenda?
It's the same shit with an Egypt skin.
I haven't played AC since 2, and all the shills + gameplay makes it look """""""new""""""" (as in, its copying the shitty bethesda design, but for AC this is technically new)
>Caesar is white
What da fuck did they mean by this?
Well, it got a 9/10 on IGN. Not sure if Sup Forums considers a 9 good or IGN a good reviewer though.
>don't buy this shitshow on PC
I don't intend to buy it lol. I'm just going to pirate it, but I really only want to see how big and detailed the world is.
Erry nigga know julius caesars wus blacc
Nice optimization, Ubisoft. You've even disappointed the day 1 crowd.
And it got a 7/10 on gamespot. I mean, why take a random review instead of averages? Jesus Christ you do kind of sound like a shill by cherrypicking my ''buy'' statement as well, I said do not buy this on PC because of bad optimization. IDGAF what you do with your money but if you get frequent FPS dips below 30 don't blame me.
It's more KANGZ user
>you do kind of sound like a shill
It wasn't my intention, but yeah, I see what you mean. I can't imagine Ubisoft games being optimized or bug free. I'm just wondering if the FPS dips are due to Uplay or Denuvo or whatever.
It's the Skyrim of Assasin's Creed.
I really really REALLY miss the minimap.
God, I have zero affection for this series, but can you please quit using your lack of experience as an argument for why something is bad? 'I dont even know what I'm talking about, and its bad!' Go fuck yourself.
Ubisoft has not published a good game in many years. You should really just assume anything with their logo is horrible.
>Trying to push an agenda?
In a way, Ceaser was originally killed by Longinus according to AC2 database instead he was killed by Amunet who assassinated Cleopatra, they obviously done this for YASSS KWEEN SLAYYY, Amunet's also Bayek's wife
I have a 1060 6gb and purposely didn't buy the game because of the early previews where even a 1080 didn't hold 60 FPS. I've been trawling through Reddit and Steam because nobody does port reports anymore for some reason, and it entirely confirmed my suspicions. People with a card of my power (970/1060) get frequent microstutters to the single digits FPS on medium/high settings.The day 1 patch that everyone was hoping for didn't do jazz, apparently.
The FPS dips are because it's a bad port, like almost every ubisoft game. If you have PS4 or XB1, play it on those systems instead.
*blocks your path*
Shit dressed up in a former legend's clothing.
I mean, look at this shit. If you're interested in this game, do yourself a favour and get it on a console. And I state that as someone who was initially interested in buying this.
Forgot to add they've probably retconned Brutus aswell since he was the mastermind behind the assassination, in the cutscene showed Bayek's wife done all the planning that how hard they've butchered the lore
Is it better with a 1080?
Oh yeah, sure. I haven't really look at it much because i personally don't have a 1080 but I'm sure you can get 50 to 60 fps @ 1080p on a GTX 1080 without any of annoying microstutters because GPU power does compensate here.
Alright. I've got a friend who has a gaming desktop, so I'll just pirate the game and try it out on his 1080. I guess Ubisoft won't be making any performance improvement patches.
Nah, I doubt we'll get much in the way of improvement patches. When the next series of GPUs drop people will suddenly be able to play the game a lot better even on a midrange GPU, and just like with Syndicate everyone forgets about the bad optimization so they can preorder next years AC. Only Unity deservedly got shit for that.
italians aren't white
It's amazing how Ubisoft didn't do another annual AC release so they could polish the game, but it still runs like garbage.
>every single game is "meh"
northerners are
2 years is still pretty fucking fast for a big game like AC, I mean it's like what? a 50-60 hrs game with a 30 hrs main quest? Pretty beefy. Supposedly it's a slight improvement over syndicate game-wise, but I guess they couldn't be bothered with a proper port despite all the marketing claims to the contrary.
I guess that's why people choose to pirate their games.
It'll be good in 1-2 patches, the AI has issues and combat is pretty whack.
>buy a prebuilt aliumware pc like a retard
>whine about games running like shit
I see retards with 1070's whining about how badly optimized Origins is, while I'm running it on my 980 on ultra with stable 60fps.
after playing with a 1080 maxed out at 1080p for around an hour, I hit a consistent 60fps outside of the one city I've seen and around 45fps in it
>980 gets 60+ FPS while 1080 gets dips to 45 FPS
$0.05 has been deposited into your account.
I hear you
Unity ran poorly on most people's setups on any settings, it's at least easy to hit 30/45FPS in ACO on the GPU side. People are probably getting bottlenecked by the game's ridiculous CPU usage in towns, which is why they're getting stutters; turning down options that hit the CPU can fix that. I'm playing on a 1060, i7-3770 without stuttering, with GPU-heavy options on high and CPU-heavy options mixed between medium and low.
On a side note, I wish graphics menus in general did a better job at explaining CPU and GPU usage.
The game also seems decently optimized on the lower end, where Unity was totally unplayable for everyone:
What's with huge black box for subs? Are devs retarded?
there's a setting for subtitle backgrounds, I assume that's what it does. otherwise no box.
>your opinion doesn't matter in the least bit
>I'll buy this shitty game no matter what even if it sucks because I enjoy the series
You're a retard.
I'm personally loving it so far. The combat is more fun this time around, but it's a little wonky. The controls get a bit frustrating at times too. It definitely feels like an asscreed game, but the beautiful setting makes it enjoyable. It's up there with black flag for me. If you're a pic fag, I'd recommend pirating the game.
Way better than you expect, but no one here buys games anyway
I think this is the first PC game where it shows FPS on the options menu. Pretty neat.
>STILL no torrent
Why does it take so long, does it use something better than denuvo?
Yeah, it's a hidden gem alright. Almost, but not quite, as good Assassin's Creed III. Which as we all know is considered the pinnacle of the series.
>No sort of story structure
>You're practically thrown in without learning anything about any characters or about what's going on
>Open world looks nice, but empty
crack when? day or two?
have some patience, the just came out
so..............................................................................................................................its skyrim?
it's okay, shill-kun
someone will buy your piece of shit game
I haven't played Skyrim but does this sound like it?
>Overloaded with countless side quests that aren't particularly interesting
>Huge map, but you'll probably only care for a small portion of it and never explore because it's pointless
>Story is not structured and feels last minute
Huh, I think the game is just really CPU heavy. It runs on the same engine as For Honor and that game looks gorgeous while doing fuckall to your GPU, I can't imagine AC:O being so much more GPU intensive.
It actually came out 16-18h or so. Uplay users in Japan, Australia and so on could already play it since yesterday. Either way I imagine it'll be cracked later today or tomorrow probably.
So if they can't be arsed to make a decent story anyway, why even bother with the whole modern day meme? They could've cut that whole section and saved themselves from having to make quite a few modern day assets.
>I can't imagine AC:O being so much more GPU intensive.
We ARE talking about Ubisoft here, user. Surely your imagination is deep enough for that.
It has the same minimum requirements as Syndicate, I believe. That game ran like shit on my PC. 30fps with dips on lowest settings. When better looking games and more demanding ones ran much better. Ubisoft can't optimize for shit.
>So if they can't be arsed to make a decent story anyway, why even bother with the whole modern day meme?
I agree.
>Modern day section
>You play as some middle eastern female college drop out
>She wants to "prove" herself to Abstergo
>For some reason Abstergo is letting someone who isn't even a part of their organization go through the memories of the first Assassin
>They could've cut that whole section and saved themselves from having to make quite a few modern day assets.
It takes place in a tomb so far and the only modern day assets are a car that you can't drive, some equipment, the Animus and a laptop
I could play Syndicate on 40fps with my 750ti.
Which was fine because 60 fps makes the horses bug the fuck out.
Side quests in Skyrim are fun.
I wouldn't know.
>For some reason Abstergo is letting someone who isn't even a part of their organization go through the memories of the first Assassin
Probably because she discovered the previously lost tomb of Bayek. They've got some new tech where they can just put something on a dead body and you get access to the memories.
Todd pls
Is this set during the height of Egypt or is it all ruins and shit i.e. lazy
Brotherhood is the only good Assassin's Creed game.
Which makes no sense. She's not a trusted member of the Templars. Letting someone like that handle that is incredibly stupid.
I love the detail of how the Animus hooks up with Bayek's mummified corpse though.
Some are pretty cool some are boring chores.
its just a reskin from previous games, its shit