Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that RE7 mostly succeeded in rebooting the franchise?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that RE7 mostly succeeded in rebooting the franchise?

RE8 is potential masterpiece material if they can fix the issues with RE7.

How did it succeed? Most people have forgotten it and mostly people who never played the games enjoy it.

1. No zombies
2. No replay ability
3. Walking corridor simulator
4. Can't skip through shitty "epic" cutscenes

>2. No replay ability

No shit, you didn't like the game in the first place. I beat it 4 times and I still need to do stuff like beating it under 4 hours.

Get over it 6fag. Your opinion is trash.

I pirated it recently
Felt like i'm participating in some shitty hollywood horror movie

It's one of my favourite games from this year. Just started new playthrough. Exited about those two upcoming dlcs. I only wish we would have gotten couple more enemy types and I would have liked it more if the swamp and cave areas would have been slightly bigger. I really hope they are already working on RE8.

>Felt like i'm participating in some shitty hollywood horror movie

The game is made to feel like an old american horror movie. If you don't like that it's fine, personally I thought it fit Resident Evil great.

>The game is made to feel like an old american horror movie
more like B american movie
there nothing "old" or classical about the setting.

>more like B american movie
You're complaining that Resident Evil is like playing an American b movie.

I just want that to sink in.

The reason it feels that way is the game was meant to b played in VR, not just on a regular console
>lift a lid in the kitchen
>bug crawls on your arm as you shoo it off
>never actually see your character, just your hands
>enemies all come in close to attack none
>boss fights also involve getting in close to attack (Mia with the chainsaw)
Definitely not saying I'd go out and buy PSVR for it (personally I'd rather wait for the Occulus version) but its obvious they wanted to make a staple horror game for VR and since Silent Hill was in production when they started Resident Evil was the only other option


I hadn't even noticed there's a RE7 out lmao

all I want is that RE2 HD remake for the PS4, idgaf about anything after RE5

it's simply boring to play
if they wanted it to be unteractive, they should at least fucking let me smack goddamn boxes.
But they are undestructible

>they should at least fucking let me smack goddamn boxes.
>But they are undestructible
so then RE5 and 6 feels more immersive than RE7?

It really is sadly...the chromatic abberation is enough to make you ill and the game suffers from the same thing Call of C'thulu did
>start the game with no weapons
>running from crazed lunatics in a spooky environment
>actually pretty terrifying
>then you get a gun
>and tons of ammo
>and that leads to more guns
>and it just becomes another fps in a spooky environment

there were no immersion since the start
he don't give a fuck when he kills his fucking wife or shes attacking him with chainsaw
they should have done something like in first amnesia, but they didn't
that's why everything felt so cheap and fake

>>start the game with no weapons
>>running from crazed lunatics in a spooky environment
we already have Penumbra/Amnesia for that

can game devs stop copying each other already, I want oldrt franchises to remain distinct from each other and the more modern ones

I'm glad this game didn't try and emulate Amnesia, it'd be shit if it did. When I played the demo I thought the game would be a dull PT clone, when it ended up actually being a return to the classic RE games with better controls and a first person perspective I was much happier. This game saved the franchise after 6 turned it into bargain bin tier

>they should have done something like in first amnesia

No, fuck you. You don't understand Resident Evil or Survival Horror at all.

>Just make it like Amnesia, then it will be scary, guns arn't scary!
The bloody state of this board

he doesn't react to anything
in a fucking AAA horror movie-game
this is not how it works
and everything is just straight corridors, at least in the start
and it's not scary at all, just boring

I don't know if it succeeded at rebooting the franchise, I'm not sure if it sold well enough for that.

It's definitely a step in the right direction though, but the second half if the game sucked dick, sadly.

>he doesn't react to anything
>in a fucking AAA horror movie-game
Neither do any of the characters in the first REs they let out a grunt when they get bit and that's it.

>and everything is just straight corridors, at least in the start
Sounds like RE1 and 2 to me.
>and it's not scary at all, just boring
Oh and it would be scary if it was like Amnesia?

You know nothing about RE fuck off.

im not comparing any other games
i played re7 not any other part of the franchise
they decided to do the movie, but it had no good parts of it whatsoever, only bad ones
kys you fucking niggerfaggot

>I'm not sure if it sold well enough for that.
Capcom were happy with the sales despite underperforming for a while,
They even think RE7 will make 10 million in its life spam.

If you know nothing about RE why are talking about it? kys.

You're a cynical cunt who can't even into game design. Post proof. Show me your folder full of design docs. Prove that you can "idea guy" better than "hurr I wanna make a game with dinosaurs cus they're cool".

And then maybe I'll take your dumb cynicism seriously. All you wannabe game devs are so fucking annoying to read posts from. You have a child's idea of design.

He gets his hand cut off and reacts to that, and I'm sure he was too high on adrenaline to care that he just murdered his wife out of self preservation after she stabbed him and cut his hand off. What the fuck did you want? A melodramatic scene of you kneeling down in first person and Ethan going "I'M SO SORRY MIA! WHAT HAVE I DONE?"

>If you know nothing about RE
because i played the game
even for a bit
it was shit
>You're a cynical cunt who can't even into game design
why do i need to understand game design?
what the fuck is this even argument?

Capcom has said mainline RE Will continue being Survival Horror focused and they recently bragged about shipping 4 million copies; and it broke even at just 2.5 million.

RE7 sold much less than RE6 but it also had way less of a bloated budget. RE6 was considered a failure at 4.5 million.

Cause MAYBE you just don't like it and it isn't to your taste and that's where the whole thing ends. Don't give us shit about how the character is supposed to react like you're some sort of authority. And you're wrong about that to begin with, Ethan has the most reactive dialogue in the whole series.

did i hurt your feelings or something

All of Sup Forums is full of these half-thought-out ideas about how a game should be, and it's fucking annoying to read it. Like put some thought into the shit you post dude.

Goty 2017. With psvr, of course.

you didn't provide any arguments
why are you keep replying if you have nothing to say

tfw I liked the Wii railgun Chronicles RE more than this and RE6

>he doesn't react to anything in a fucking AAA horror movie-game

Characters who constantly OH MY GAWD constantly are annoying as fuck in horror games. They choose the lesser evil.

Oh look this thread agaiin.

How dare people talk about vidya.

beats the million pissing and moaning about wolfenstein threads

I want to play it in VR but PSVR seems so shitty.

That's because he and the story are heavily influenced by Ash from Evil. The game is funnier when you look at it this way.

it's a horror, not a comedy
Atmosphere feels completely bland because he doesn't react

Fuck no.
I got it for like 20 bucks, hearing it was like a perfect return to the roots... and what do I get? A cringey Outlast with guns! With paid DLC working as ""replay value"" to boot.

I love how he gets his hand sawn off an just deals with it.

>t. never played the game

What was cringey about it though?

Is this worth it if I just want a horror game to play in time for Halloween?
I haven't played the other games.

>wanting Resident Evil to not have guns

>Resident Evil game
>it's a horror, not a comedy
Resident evil was always about the comedy. It looks like a horror game but it was never scary

You either haven't played outlast or haven't played REVII. Make up your goddamn mind.

>Resident evil was always about the comedy

Depends on how much you can get it

You can also just pirate it

t. some dumb kid who watches games on twitch

>it's a horror, not a comedy

And horror comedy is the greatest genre, it has spooks while being self-aware about its own absurdness. Like that user said RE7 was very clearly influenced by Evil Dead, devs even admitted this.

Resident Evil has never been completely serious and it's not supposed to be.

>t. haven't played any RE
Resident evil never takes itself seriously. Every RE game except 5 and 6 are B-horror movie parodies

you apologists shitters are worse than plebbitors

And you are an underage idiot who went in thinking RE7 would be like your epic slenderman games and then got disappointed when you realized a Resident Evil game was a Resident Evil game.

>underage idiot
oh no, my feelings hurt!
lmao can you just go back you stupid cuck

nice counter argument faggot

kill yourself underage retard

oh god, fucking cringe lmao
kill yourself unironically, kid.

I still haven't played it, but is sure will.
Whats the terrible second part everybody is talking about?

First half is 10/10, second half is 8/10 and linear. It's not terrible but it's bad compared to first half

fuck off American cunt

>they decided to do the movie, but it had no good parts of it whatsoever, only bad ones
What does this even mean?

>How did it succeed?
by being a great game?

>1. No zombies

>2. No replay ability
DLC/Madhouse/NG+ items

>3. Walking corridor simulator
It's a SP FPS...

>4. Can't skip through shitty "epic" cutscenes
The cutscenes and acting in this game are fantastic


>Thinks his opinion matters when he has only played RE7 and unironically thinks it should be like Amnesia.
>When called out can't stop spouting cuck nigger faggot plebbit etc etc

Congratulations, you're the most annoying underage retard I've seen here in months.

Reminder that one of the games true flaws(lack of content)will be corrected in the Gold edition

I really hope Its gonna be like RE1 to RE2 situation with a good idea being greatly improved in the net gane

If you have a Pro it makes the visuals a bit smoother. Other than that, VR is the best way to play. Aiming is so much better.

I don't even have a Pro or VR and would literally never buy one, but I played it at a buddies place that way and can't imagine playing it on a regular controller in 2D.

Holy fuck just Shut up

>horror-movie game
stopped reading

go play Mario though that game has at least 9000 of the same things to collect, GOTY! GOTY!

Personally love RE7 because it went back to the game's horror roots with FPS on the side, the FP made it a little bit more immersive and they did put some work into this like explaining some parts without really explaining it.

All the guns and ammo around the house? Jack used to be in the navy/military as shown by some pictures and books in the house along with hunting as shown by some of the stuff in the main foyer of the madhouse.

For whatever reason, I found the shadow puzzles t be pretty entertaining. The one in the bedroom made me feel like an idiot because of how long it took me to work out the solutions.

I liked the puzzles as well, the shadow ones felt like they were bragging about their lighting tech which I thought was pretty funny. Still would have liked them to be harder and more frequent. Also-
>they locked one of the best RE puzzles ever behind fucking DLC.
More people need to play bedroom. I understand that the reason they could make it hard is because it's optional but fuck it sucks that it wasn't in the main game.

How is the banned footage content? Is it actually worth it?

I thought it was great. Basically shows you what happened to Clancy after the Pete and Andre die; not really important to the main plot. You also get to see how the Bakers got infected.

>cringey Outlast with guns

Sooo nothing like Outlast?
Much like people who compare Horizon to Zelda, you can tell who hasn't played RE7 when they compare it to Outlast and other non-combat jumpscare streamshit.

RE7 is just a slower RE4 in first person.

Are they just minigames? I'm reading some about them and I probably will only like the Bedroom tape and the Daughters tape

Also, the DLC coming out in December is free for anyone who owns the game? Or 'free' for anyone who owns the season pass?

So glad it flop
Bring back leon

Bedroom tape is the best one as it honest to god some of the best puzzles in an RE game not even joking that's why its sucks harder its not in the main game.

Daughters is good if your into the story and want to know more about the Bakers.

Basement is basically Mercenaries where you fight off a horde of molded and bosses as it gets harder ever round, its fun if a bit repetitive

And 21 is a surprisingly addicted mini game about cards. The main thing really comes down to is if you like Cars of course but if you do its surprisingly engaging and tense.

Season pass

But it didn't flop Capcom is happy with RE7s sales and said themselves they want to make more horror games.
Sorry but your out of luck.

Cards I meant no "cars"

They're basically minigames that fit in the canon. Nightmare is a Survival mode, 21 is BlackJack SAW style, Bedroom and Daughters are basically long puzzles ala Beginning Hour demo.

There's also non-canon Ethan Must Die and Jack's 55 birthday, which are just minigames for shits and giggles.

I think we all can agree with this

No far from it.
The game is so far removed from Resident Evil that it could pass for a new IP entirely and it was clearly rushed out to fill the demand that was left from the cancellation of PT.

Oh I forgot to mention Ethan must Die.
That shit is ball bustlingly hard but a lot of fun in the cuphead kind of sense of trying over and over till you win.

RE7 didn't flop, 4 million was the target goal and they recently reached it.

They'll keep making action stuff though, it's just not gonna be mainline anymore.

Lets be honest if RE7 wasn't called RE everyone would be calling it "The new RE."

It has so much in conmen with the classics that even if you remove the name you could still see how it is in fact an RE game.

This is frankly the best thing Capcom can do.
Keep both the action and horror fans happy by giving a nice steady stream of both horror and action RE titles.
It will make them the most money too.

Assuming they actually deliver on REmake2 they'll have that front covered too.

Resident Evil is in a great place right now and I seriously hope Capcom don't fuck it up.

>It has so much in conmen with the classics
It doesn't at all.

Well your blind then.

No, he's right. If RE7 wasn't Resident Evil people would just be asking Capcom why it wasn't called Resident Evil.

You may not like the first person or new characters, but the game objectively has lots of RE elements.

>but the game objectively has lots of RE elements.
Such as?
Because the way I saw it the game presented itself less like the resident evil games of old and more a generic house of horrors you would see in a carnival.

Not a Hero is already looking like a FEAR game moreso than a horror game.

They could've saved it but it's clear they still haven't gotten over making it more and more action oriented. If we're lucky we'll get 2:Make and it'll be good but after that expect FEAR: Chris Redfield/Leon Kennedy Edition over and over again.

no replayability
no costumes
no leon
no zombies
no big butt
no co-op
no mercenary
no sexy leon
no waifu
no fun

It a one time game not worth experiencing.
would be forgotten faster if it wast for the name alone.

>Lets be honest if RE7 wasn't called RE everyone would be calling it "The new RE."
They'd probably think it was Outlast(?) or something given the similarities between them.

>Such as?

Nigga do we really need to do this?

Mansion setting
Bioweapon monsters
Interweaved level design
Inventory management
Item Boxes
Save rooms
Boss fights

You listed the bare essentials that nearly every game in the action/horror genre has. The only thing that's somewhat RE related are herbs aside from that you could call something like Dead Space 3 an RE game because it has all of that.

>You listed the bare essentials that nearly every game in the action/horror genre has.

Name three.

Only thing that bothered me was 0 variation of monsters. I wanted to see some crazy stuff but everything was just the same molded