Why are you browsing polygon in the first place?

Why are you browsing polygon in the first place?

Woow it's almost like they made the game a huge shitheap on purpose just so they could say "Welp, we tried, but people don't even want non-lootbox games anymore"

i'll never pay any money for any bethesda game ever again. your shilling is useless

burn it all down

Good thing I pre-ordered.

>what audiences want is more DLC, more microtransactions, more lootboxes and more multiplayer

It's the top seller on steam. It's fine.

And if the game is a success, the message will be clear: audiences want more strong sassy ugly black women killing whitey

And if it does sell the message is simple, we want more 4 hour linear propaganda games with no replay value.

>when the two possible outcomes are always "the Jews win" versus "the Jews win"

What does the bottom right option mean?

Fuck Bethesda. They should burn.


I don't care about any of this shit but I just stopped by this thread to thank OP for archiving the link. Have a nice day.

>Ben kuchera

>"Welp, we tried, but people don't even want non-lootbox games anymore"

It's hilariously sad that the higher-ups are already thinking like this

and if it sells we gonna have 4 hour linear shooters with 2 hours of cutscenes and awful level design - bunkers, labs, sewers, ghettos etc etc

I'm never buying an id/machine games game again.
They fucked up wolfenstein beyond all recognition, same with Doom and they are currently in the process of ruining quake. What else do they even have left to dig up just to take a shit on, Keen? Catacomb 3D?

>One of the best games this year didn't sell well at all

Dishonored 2 was pretty bad but goddamn Prey was a great game.

Fuck off Beth

your mom.

Maybe they don't want to pay 60 dollarydoos for a single player only game with very little replay value.
I got TNO at full price and felt ripped off and it was longer than this games looking.
Putting past the fact the story and characters took a complete nosedive in Wolf 2 by the looks of it.
It's a Vidya adaption of The Interview

If you genuinely don't want the Jews to win, stop playing video and pursue something meaningful. The Jews always win but you can still claim a personal victory.

Don't let that distract you from the fact that In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team.

they just shouldve never used the prey IP for it, such a dumb fucking decision considering it seems like a really solid fps/rpg

>6 hours long for 60 dollars, with a $30 season pass

Wolfenstein is still AAA cancer, just a different form


>If Wolfenstein II fails, the message is clear: what audiences want is more DLC, more microtransactions, more lootboxes and more multiplayer only experiences
Why do game journalists always insist on pulling so much shit from their arse whenever they try to write an unbiased article?

> The game didn't sell because literaly nazis were shitposting online

I hope it does desu.

>yfw Skyrim 2 and Fallout 5 will have lootboxes

That's a brave new world we're stepping in lads

I have already reordered it for the Switch.
Eat shit nazis.

"moot" as in "moot point"
How do you not know that?

>If the audience doesn't want x, they must want y!

I thought Dishonored 2 was significantly better than 1. There were almost no duds in the level design, and the best of them in particular(Jindosh's mansion, the dust district) were really great. The expansion pack had some excellent levels, too. And I also liked how every mission also contained the surrounding streets. It's basically the closest thing you're ever gonna get to the original two Thief games.
I'll agree that Prey is better than both of the Dishonored games though.

>if you don't want Jews to win don't play
>they win anyways though LOL
Fuck off


probably something like its a moot point
hell i dont know english isnt my first language

if wolfenstein 2 fails, it means what audiences don't want is 4 hour long shooters without mods and multiplayer with pro-communist political messages on top of that

A who point?

>they could easily add them to skyrim and fallout 4 right now

Autism. Fuck of with your transparent shilling Polygon.

I am buying the game though, cause it looks fun.

I knew this would happen. Every time a stupid AAA comes out they must constantly shove in our face that its our fault we dont want their product and that they have families to feed

sorry, a "hiro" point

kill your dad comrade, I herd he's a queer-hating nazi lmao

This is a great newfag filter.

I love it when a plan comes together.



i want this women and nu-male filled industry to crash and burn

see you when the sequel to Doom comes out


y tho?

moot is a feminist cuck and most of this site rejoiced when he left after showing his true jew face during GG

I think I dislike the Dishonored games because of the level structure,

I rather have a hub world and return to the levels after for stuff I've missed, but as it stands you can't miss anything your first time around or you feel like shit for doing so.

But single player games died for (good) unrelated reasons long before loot boxes. Bethesda is desperately clinging to them because they don't know how to make something new.

Moot was a faggot, but it hasn't exactly been sunny days since Hiroshima took over.

yeah I'll be around to tell you I told you so.

clicks. It's the only thing that matters. That's why the headline is so provocative.

>tfw torrented almost entire NES-PS2 libraries

my future wife's son is set for life with vidya

>don't buy this
>but don't buy the lootbox games either


As a weeb I believe I'm fairly safe regardless, but why do people even listen to these sites anymore? Or even in the first place?

>company marketing openly giving the middle finger to 95% of the world population
>fucking sociopath self insert into industry thats fucking accomplished nothing

Fucking this, why do devs even try to make games that arent full on multiplayer experiences?

Dont threaten me kuchera, you cock mongeling cunt.

The age of the muted color millitary shooter ended years ago. Someone needs to let bethesda know.

I though bethesda was snubbing game jurnos. Why is he making propaganda pieces for them?

Is the siren call of sjw degeneracy too strong?

Who's better: Mr. T or Mistress T?

I honestly have no clue. my main news outlet are the chinz these days; I barely visit any websites apart from niche modding stuff, jewtube and various chins

you mean just stop buying shit games with parasitic business practices attached?!?!
what a radical idea!

This seems like hardcore shilling, a desperate attempt to get people to play games where you appeal to the SJW values Polygon would subscribe to.

Its funny, I liked TNO a lot, but Doom just did everything Wolfenstein could offer, but better.Much more polished game. Shows what a top tier developer could do.

Mario Odyssey don't have any of those as well, as did cuphead, sonic mania etc etc etc..

>games no longer have mods
>or server browsers in multiplayer
>wew matchmaking
>lots of poorly executed story shit I don't care about in most games
>bad gameplay in games designed so that gibbering retards can beat them
>try lootboxes faget

If you even purchase AAA games in 2011+6 then you are probably cancer,

>10000BC + 12017
>implying such games exist

>bing bing wahoo
>indie 2d

yeah great

>bethesda game
Publisher ≠ developer, retard.

GG was fucking retarded, user. There was a valid question of ethics being drowned out by people wanting to yell at niggers and womyn.

Also, nothing about my statement was political. It's just that moot has been gone long enough that nu-neo-newfags won't know who he is, and that will further reinforce their shittiness.

I don't give a shit. I lave a lot of PS2 and old games for PC to care.
Fuck this shit industry.

>All fast foods start selling hamburgers without the patty
>Patties have to be bought separately
>One last fast food chain is selling hamburgers with included patties
>However, the patty is literally made of human shit and not meat
>Nobody buys it


>people actually miss server browsers
This is why I can't take you contrarians seriously. Ruins the credibility of any good points you might have.

Plus, mods is a meme. Give it up.

These people parlayed getting genocided into running the world, imagine if the Ukrainians or the Armenians or the frigging Native Americans could have pulled off a stunt like that

>main characters are an afro puff black woman and a whiny Bolshevik
>entire marketing campaign has been "FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE"
>w-w-why aren't white men buying our game?
>they must be rayciss AND want loot boxes!

I'll just stick with bing bing wahoo for the foreseeable future

>not knowing not knowing moot is a meme
the true newfag

>Well, that's it guys. We must buy this game. Now. At full price.
Nah, I'm good. Vidya these days is utter shit and I don't want to contribute to AAA shit anymore.

>archive link
>outrage culture shit
please never post on this site again

In other words, it's a test game.

Sup Forums shouts at everyone regardless faggot

>yfw Todd forced them to put every single political cliche they could think of for this
True 4D chess.
Even when you try to fuck them over they are actually fucking YOU over in some way.

the kike game journalists are effectively threatening you by saying you better buy their 4 hour budget leftist propaganda game at full price or else theyre going to promote loot boxes and other garbage.

tired of marxists holding your games hostage yet?

What a load of shit. The real reason is that bigger, more popular franchises are launching the same day and cod is releasing in a week and not everybody is rich as fuck

The bing bing will still outsell wolf2, and probably the lootbox craps.

Of course, you're still right, as the game industry just plug their ears and keep yelling that "what nintendo does don't count because they do shit for kids that goes against their agenda of a more mature and serious industry".

What are you talking about?

>server browser
I pull up a list, I can filter by maps and modes, and then I can jump in and play the game as fast as my connection will allow
Sit on my ass for 2 minutes waiting for the game to find a bunch of TRUSKILLZtm level matched players because eSports faggotry and then get kicked out after the game and redo the whole process between every single match. It's trash.

>Mods is a meme
>is a meme

This doesn't even mean anything. It means " I want to argue with you a bloo bloo "

>The black woman and commie are main characters
>Not BJ

dumb newfags

Here's the better question. Why aren't those journos asking the same for Evil Within 2. A game with no season pass, no pre order bonus other than some meaningless items.

GG had no chance to be a legit thing, so they did bet a retarded race to the bottom with the game journos, and well.. only one of the sides had something to lose with it.

This has to be bait.

>implying the Doom single-player wasn't amazing
>implying it didn't justify the $60 price tag on its own

we shout at everyone for mundane reasons daily. grow thicker skin.

What's wrong with DLCs and microtransactions? More content is better, right?

What a shit thread

I'm not giving these doublenigs the benefit of the doubt, user.

>being this dense