Whats their excuse for still not supporting a modern FOV?
Whats their excuse for still not supporting a modern FOV?
That it's not a modern FPS
Because source would shit itself.
They lowered the FOV cap though, it's become worse.
It's fine just max everything and if you hate it so much minimize the models
Because high FOVs would look bad when people stream it. They also disabled dxlevel 8 for the same reason. They're retarded.
What's their excuse for ruining the optimization?
What do you call a modern FoV?
And the viewmodels are absolutely dogshit on account of nobody updating them so high FOV unveils the curtains.
My problem with this update is that you can no longer open the developer console.
What? Seriously? Are you sure it didn't just reset your advanced settings or something?
competitive mode
It's not fine. This doesn't cure motion sickness.
You absolutely still can.
The game supports up to 90 doesn't it?
Rebind the button and set it to open with -console everytime you ope the game
Works for me.
100-103, higher is appreciated but not necessary (not until ultra wide screens become a thing anyway.
Well i do get a little motion sick but i don't play the game for more than an hour a day so it isn't a big problem for me
90 is fine for 4:3 but not 16:9
Tfw this update got boring fast
I feel it immediately and can put up with it for 15-20 mins max. But it's unpleasant the entire time.
>2fort contract
>defend the intel 6 times
>in a map where it is in constant limbo and only counts from killing the person (rarely) holding the intel, not in its vicinity
TF2 already does that. The FoV value ingame is for 4:3 resolutions; if you're running 16:9 your actual field of view is higher. 90 fov_desired gives you ~107 actual FoV at 16:9, IIIRC.
That's a fat fucking dog holy shit.
Why do I still get motionsick? 100 FOV fixes it for other games.
Maybe he's one of those retards who runs the game at 4:3 and stretches it to a 16:9 monitor "so the head's are wider and heasier to headshoot(sic)"
Kinda comes down to personal preference honestly. Even when I have the option of 100+ FoV I still prefer around 90-95. Just as long as it's not console level shit like 50-70.
Is that Ghost in monkey form?
Its Mister fourchan cookie's pet
A bit random question but has anyone noticed an issue with bots?
I created a server on Nucleus, spawned a spy, it dies before getting to the door. Like 19 out of 20, he dies before getting out of spawn. When he does get out, he just stands there.
Other classes don't seem to have this problem, just spy, and it's only happened after the update.
Ghost from True Capitalist Radio is a hambone.
He's afraid of how many fucking pyros there are right now.
I'm not a hambone you idiot, shove it up your ass!
This is the current FOV
Here is the proposed FOV fix
Literally the same image
Exactly. So why not allow the change so people don't get motion sickness?
To you maybe, I got back into TF2 for the update and let me tell you the FOV really fucks me up when i try to get melee kills
>minimize models
>projectile line of fire gets fucked up
You should be using transparent viewmodels anyways. Also look what scream fortress fucking broke.
You simply have to bait it out. Let them in bit don't let them out, though it's preferable to have a friend. Of course, stupid spies on the enemy team are a great help.
I found killing people on the payload a much more difficult bonus. Even if I engage them the fight knocks them away from the payload and my chances of points. The same goes for killing people on capture points.