Opus Magnum

Post your shit solution and let Sup Forums optimize it for you

this game looks too smart for me

>the game looks too smart for me
>literally no lose condition
>you can use as many parts as you want

pretty sure you can remove that rightmost hand without losing any cycles
it's pretty easy to learn as far as zachtronics games go, but hard to gitgud at


indeed to both statements

I mean , it works right

>finally got a 4/8 cycle Very Dark Thread
Fuck me this took forever to get working.


you really dont need all 6 arms down the bottom
having 4 and the one not in use spending the full downtime moving would work just as well

I like this one

In theory yes. It would make programming the thing an absolute fucking nightmare though. Cycle rates are a nightmare. I suppose now that I've finished everything I could go through and more easily just smack one or two repeats onto everything though.

Is this Factorio for intellectuals?

I must have spent at least an hour finding a solution to airship fuel I was happy with

Disregard that I was thinking of this one

How'd I do? I had it at 14 Area with the same set up but this has less cycles

I don't know whats worth prioritizing more


Better than my hack-job of a solution.

Who /cheapass/ here?

Also put the whole assembly on an angle to cut out another arm that really wasn't necessary. I suppose it is cleaner now, but the six arms kinda looked better.

try making the 3 unused spokes on the reverse side into a double action

this game really needs an efficiency rating

if you're going cheap try to optimized for area as well, otherwise you just end up with the most boring solution

that being said area 29 is solid

>when you throw shit together randomly and it just comes out working and looking great

What is a double action?

>Heh, thats cute kid

in guns it's where a pull of the trigger both drops the hammer and re-cocks it
in a piston it's where both the press and the return move the working fluid

in this case it would be mirroring the top on the bottom so the 3 spokes on return perform the same job as they do on top

Critique and optimize
>Why does nobody use double arms?

this is not a double action (as there is no centrepiece providing jobs for two machines, it's just a mirrored setup) but gives the idea of what I meant

Balance of area and cycles a best.

Jesus, how much time did that take?

I saw that Jonathan Blow's been playing this eight hours a day on Twitch since it came out. Truly a game designer's game.

this on pc only ?

>50% more cost
>50% more area
>not even halved the cycles

You did not do good

Kinda awkward to do that around a single rotating piece with only one input and output.

Hair product took me fucking forever to get a decent solution

21 is not 50% more than 17, user.

Barely any, that's why I'm surprised. I just kinda got the vague idea, started placing shit and it all fell together.

>spend 40 mins tweaking and optimizing a solution
>someone else has it done more efficiently with entirely different mechanisms and glyphs
I can't tell if I dislike that or if I like what it says about the game

anyways I'm too brainlet to mess with sliders and wheel arms right now, here's the only presentable one I've got

>hair product taking forever to get a decent solution
Didn't think to just use a 6-way and extrude it out? Based on what I've seen in these threads some variation on this is extremely common.

This is the most versatile Zachtronics game, but also the easiest. Both of those are a result of the fact that there's almost no limitations.

Shit, thanks that is way better

Honestly I love it. It being super freeform makes the game vaguely neat on it's own, but the interactions here have really made the game for me. Getting to see completely different approaches that are totally unlike anything you've thought of really lifts it a step above other zachtronics games, honestly.

>that feeling of dread

I'm not sure how I can do that, it all rotates the same way so I can't parallelize anything there, and I only have one input.

>tfw mine is complicated as fuck

>that area for hair product

how do you make these fuckers loop properly without touching atoms and shit


My brain hurts just watching these.

Arms take at least 2 cycles to move an atom without causing an error. For putting salt you can do grab, rotate, reset for one arm, and then put the exact same instructions 2 cycles later for the other arm.

I've got two versions of this one, the other version trades 13 cycles for 10 gold and 2 area


Is there any reason that top assembly area is that far up? I mean it's minor but I'm pretty sure you could just move the whole section down (so it'd only have to move one space) and it'd be smaller.


I've not actually played the game, just assumed.

Still getting the hang of things, but for someone who couldn't get past the demo of Spacechem, it feels nice when something comes together.

What is this, fantasy SpaceChem?

Basically yes.

In practice is plays kinda different because you don't have the whole "programming on the track" thing, but it's that same vein of game and back to being spatial.

I haven't plated Opus Magnum but it looks way easier since you're not limited in space like Space Chem

>when you're addicted to optimizing cycles and can't bring yourself to care about the other two factors

>haven't even finished shenzhen yet


that's slick user. I tried a 1 arm solution last night for funsies and it's way clunkier.

pic related

the right most piston can start fully extended

>that hiccup on the left piston
for what purpose

>mine has unnecessary spining

I have absolutely no idea, now that you point it out. The design changed a lot and it's been a while since I did most of it, I'll have to fix it now.

my first solution looked similar to this one but whit a long ass arm for the final twist

>it's pretty easy to learn as far as zachtronics games go

how does it compare to Spacechem?

cause I was way too dumb for that one

Finished mine just in time for the rocket prop circle jerk. Last one for the day

>beat everybody in area AND cycles

Why is making an elegant solution so hard. Spent the last two hours on rocket propellant failing every design until i just gave up and did this.


I dont know my dude
Everything I make looks like it wouldn't work, but it does

Hey, posted a really unoptimized version of this last night, thought people might like to see how I tried to improve it.




damn ours are almost identical


>this game is $20
Holy shit.


I love the way the second salt swings around the other arm...

nvm just found a way to make it a little faster

newfags don't know about p,10,11;b,7,8;t,3,11;b,10,6;b,2,5;t,5,8;b,12,2;m,7,11,90,1,cluordcluordcluord;m,11,13,0,1,wwclorclorwclorwww;m,13,11,90,1,crolcrolcrolwwcrol;m,11,8,180,2,wwwwwwwwwcdr22oluw;m,8,11,270,1,orwwwwcluodrclorcl;m,11,9,180,2,cuodwwwwwwwwwwwwww;m,3,8,0,3,drcdluuollddcrruuo;m,1,10,90,2,wwcrrdourrwwwwwwww;m,3,13,180,1,crolwcwrolwwwwwwww;m,3,9,0,3,wwclorwwwwwwwwwwww;m,3,7,90,2,uwwwwwwwwcddllollu;m,0,5,0,1,wwwwww1owwwwwucdww;m,8,6,90,2,wwwwwwwwwwwwwwcdou;m,7,6,90,1,crrrulodllwwwwwwww;m,6,6,270,2,wwwwwwcdlruu1odwww;

what did he mean by this?

If it aint cheap as fuck and literally as small as possible you can get the fuck out of my face. Also slow.

... Should I buy this or/and Silicon Zeroes?

I want to kill myself

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing

Pretty good improvement, way better. Bonus points for sticking with the double arm, those things never get used.

Wait you can scroll the programming area left/right?

right click

am i the only one that goes for low cost, high cycle stuff?

Shit solutions, you say?

plz rate

Average at everything except area.
I think I hit the minimum on area

You have two arms that can be replaced by one, if you want to double your cycles. So no, you aren't at lowest area.

>tfw can't make this without excessive use of tracks

>try replacing the left arm
>now it's slow
I guess I should have said minimum without sacrificing speed.

>you will never be efficient