*Coughs blood*
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So is Henry an amour mage or naw?
>Armor March mage
Woah shit
>Brianna Knickerbocker
What a stupid name.
>red flier tome Nowi with prf weapon, Hone Fliers, a new reverse spur A skill and a live for Honour B slot
I almost rolled for Hinoka.
>effective vs magic users
Jesus fucking christ. That's a broad spectrum.
>tfw fell for the hinoka bait banner
H-Haha, nowi needs hone fliers on an ally to buff her bladetome anyways, r-right?
Also Jakob and Henry both armored units?
Nowi a cute.
>worst Fates girl is a shitty dagger unit, locked in colorless hell and her fans'll roll Jacob instead
Cuckura got what she deserved
Wrong thread gay boys.
They both have armour exclusive skills so yes.
She looks like a prostitute
>Joker's face is a literal copy-pasted Male Robin
what th fuck with that lazy artist?
Nowi's art looks really familiar, but I can't quite place the artist.
>mfw I didn't roll a Takumi for Henry
I don't know who to roll for, I want all of them but only have 60 orbs.
hinokas voice is trash
>New player who's only played a bit of Awakening and none of Fates
Eh, I'll do my freebie and maybe 1-2 more for the cuties at least.
*coughs blood*
I had a principal once named Mrs. Bornabitch
that's why you use the JP dub
>worse than the ylissean summer banner
Fuck bros this sucks dickholes. I guess ahm a keepin me orrrrrbs.
Might be the only non trash unit on the banner.
>falling for bait banners
I was actually gonna roll for Hinoka if the Halloween banner was trash. Now Nowi gets 500 orbs splattered all over her face.
>Armored units right?
Do you guys not understand how powercreep and gimmick seasonal units work? Both will be infantry units with those skills since they didn't want to make a bunch of new skills.
Camilla's new VA is even worse.
Day 13 and I still havenĀ“t fucking rolled Sigurd even when I spent all my f2p orbs since the beginning. I'm seriously going to delete this game.
>Hinoka beating Cordelia
If you haven't rolled at all since the beginning, you likely haven't done much content, and likely don't play much.
I maybe worded this wrongly, but I've been playing every day since the beginning of the banner and have rolled every day as well.
The New York Knickerbockers
Dutch settlers or womens underpants.
Sakura has deceptively big Sakuras.
What did he mean by this??
I can live with it if it's just for like the first year and next year they start moving to other games for the limited banners.
I'm Dutch and no one here is named something that retarded.
>have to go into colorless hell for her, only to get JACOB'd
Nowi's also cute but her artwork doesn't really sell her to me
>tome flier exclusive to a limited banner yet again
>first two ranged armor unit are too
I want to get off this ride.
this costume better be avaiable in warriors DLC or I'll riot
>A Sup Forums poster actually meeting people
I don't find you credible, user. I'd rather believe amusing nonsense.
And that thread archived
*hydraulic presses shota*
Nowi looks like she's straight outta LWA
>inheritable skills that literally can't be put on non-armor units
>henry literally has a giant shield in his art
>not armor
Are you genuinely retarded.
Isnt the exclusive pool getting kinda large at this point? Is it really necessary to have a limited banner every other month?
Gotta milk the cash cow as long as it still hot goym
>putting a dagger user in every banner
What the hell are they doing?!
> shitty characters only
Now I don't have to have any regrets about using the rest of my orbs to get Dancer Inigo.
>armor mage
>armor bow
>another flying mage
>dagger effective against tomes
>have a chance to put nowi in a decent, cute outfit
>put her in another slut costume for LITERALLY no reason
i want pedos to die
It's what she's used to from her slave days.
It's great, isn't it?
Henry really had to be green huh, when the popular green armors are both already good and one of them ALREADY comes with Armor March
I don't really care about Nowi but I'll roll a little for her if her stats are decent since I missed Elincia.
>that feel when you spent about 60 f2p stones on Elincia and got a Chrom and Katarina
I can't imagine what it's like to be as much of a a gigantic faggot like you every day.
Why does Paula Tiso get replaced in everything she does minus No More Heroes? She wasn't terrible as Fuuka but still got shafted. Also Camilla's new voice is Paul Dini's wife
>don't care too much about any of the Halloween characters
>Already have S Corrin for my flier mage
>already got an off banner Honkers months ago for Hone Fliers
My orbs are safe for another two weeks. Thank fucking god too because I've wasted a bunch of orbs lately trying for Minerva and Arya
Nowi and Henry look good but I'll be able to manage without them pretty easy.
Have you ever thought maybe you're the weird one for making such a big deal over it?
You should really only be spending orbs on characters you like rather than strong units anyway.
>still no Adult Nowi
Nowi is an adult.
As diamonds as the idea makes my dick, we probably won't get that until there's the inevitable Awakening sequel that takes place years and years later.
Skills with the attack portraits.
>Still no Best Girl (Birthright/Revelation)
But yeah, let's go ahead and make Armor Mages and Armor Bows. A Flier Bow is just too out there.
>tfw a lot of the characters I like are strong units too
I'm still patiently waiting for Tana to make a reappearance
>got her in 10 orbs when i realized I didn't have a 40% unit for the tt
> blow 70-80 on Neph and get all fodder
Just got sigurd's wife
Yeah i know it's meh, what A and C skills?
I only put draw back and iceberg for now
Reina will come whenever they return to Hoshido to add in the non retainer characters. With any luck ISIS will be nice and giver her away as a tempest reward.
>Armour archers and mages are now going to be a thing
>ant future armour mages/archers will probably seasonal units only
>ISIS refuses to release an non seasonal mage flier like Aversa or maybe Cynthia or Sumia
I'm starting to get worried here
It's fucking nothing. Well at least I can continue my Ayra rolling.
+Spd is the best IV on basically everyone
It's a pseudonym you dumbass. The actor is probably a strike scab who refused to give her real name.
Not on slow characters who aren't going to double even at + spd like Diedre
v said there wouldnt be a halloween banner, witchgirls are my weakness why did i ever listen to v
>Sakura is going to become a titty monster while Hinoka stays flat
what is this fetish called?
Well fuck me, good thing i didn't get baited by fliers.
I must be thinking of something else, then. I swear the VA for somebody in the cast was using a pseudonym. A popular character, in fact. Maybe Lyn?
Nevermind, it's not Lyn.
This is going to drive me crazy now.
It will prevent her from being doubled by some characters
If they're going to be doubled by someone that slow, they deserve to be doubled anyway. Better put + in something more useful like +Atk, +Def or +Res.
Maybe Xander?
Lucina's was using one for a while.
Okay so we didn't get a monthly roadmap because they had to flush out the leaker and permanently silence him, do you think we'll get one for November? y/n? Xander rerun never
Laura Bailey I think is her VA, but they didn't give her credit for Lucina in FEH. They ended up using Alexis Tipton for all other Lucinas in FEH and in FEW.
Nowi's armpits
She will double because her C skill destroys other unit's speed stat
>Arvis could have been the first armor mage
>Instead we get Henry
I want to get off IS's wild ride
>Lewding Nowi
This is heresy of the highest order
Even at - 5 speed the only people she can double are units with 31 and under speed
31 speed is fucking abysmal and is never going to double anyone besides extremely slow characters like Hector, who can probably OHKO her anyway.
Since most characters are in more than one game, it's safe to say that eventually there will be an Arvis Armor since the description specifically states which game a variation of a character comes from. IS probably wants to do the first games before doing the sequels.
>not liking based Henry
It's like you hate morbid joy.
Yeah, but Armor Arvis just appears later in Genealogy. I understand that they went with Sage Arvis because Belhalla memes and shit, and it's his most well known appearance, but it still makes me angry that, the next banner, we get the unit he should have been.
I guess I should just wait for a possible Reptor
Why are flying mages, rally atk/spd, armored mage and infantry pulse limited? Don't they realize those are essential additions to the game that should never be limited?
Aside from Nowi this banner doesn't look too great. I'll be saving for Christmas.
Pay up, Guy Jean.