Post a movie, get vidya recommendations

post a movie, get vidya recommendations

Conker's BFD.



this war of mine? thats tough
alpha protocol, no one lives forever, maybe evil genius


EYE? Kind of?


deus ex human revolution


Splatoon 2 lets you use an umbrella as a shotgun and shield.

Alternative girls





Closest answer I can give is Deus Ex 1/3/4.
But this is pretty untapped potential.

As far as the feelings of thinking you're special but you're not, MGSV.



I'd say Double Action: Boogaloo


Postal 2

funny, I was going to use the stalker movie but realized I would just get stalker the game replies
but here we are anyway

>inb4 L.A. Noire
Already have it


its my dream to make a wakaliwood videgame
I would say in terms of action sleeping dogs might actually be the closest weve got in the way it mixes gunplay and hand to hand combat. Shame there's noone yelling COMMANDO! every few seconds tho

there is a point and click blade runner game, you know. Other than that I would say closest you can get is technobabylon
Cataclysm, Dark Days Ahead


>jay and silent bob still look the same