Why is super mario so popular?

Why do normies like such a simple game with a generic plot that has essentially been reused since every mario game before?

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Because it's FUN


>muh story

Plot isn't important in a video game. If you want a story, read a book.

Ita funny how you focus on plot when games should be focused on gameplay.

I like mature games with mature plots like Assassin's Creed

>game came out a few hours ago

>He plays games instead of watching them.

Plot is expendable, mechanics are not

Its about the emotional experience and Mario games tend to make people feel happy and fills them with wonder. It does this all while making the whole thing a lot of fun.

Thank god for Nintendo to be honest. This world is packed full of bullshit right now and Nintendo circumvents it all by reminding us what games should be about.

what plot?
>grizzled war veteran take down an entire army by himself, the final boss is the impotant officer figure you kill in a QTE
>you are just 17, you wake up a morning, you gather a party of friends and with your sword and the power of friendship, you take down the final boss (who turned into god)
>you're a treasure hunter, the final treasure is actually evil and you destroy it along with the big bad guy, you also pick up the girl along the way
every plot has been used for generations

This, sonybabbies are fucking uncultured teens that have not read a single book or watched a good movie,
so they get easily impressed when they play something like the Last of Us, that they think they have the right to resort to >muh plot
reasoning when someone brings an argument.

Interesting plot makes the game better,

but it does have a story. why even bother rescuing peach? seems like too much story as is. why not just have mario run around collecting coins to get the high score. who cares, amirite?

pretty fucking accurate. Who the fuck plays games for the story and even if you do the replay value is garbage.


30 years of mainline games with consistent quality and content do that.

Even the NSMB series in its repetitive world choices (up til NSMBU that is) had solid platforming physics and great level design.


gameplay comes before story, story is there to add a little substance and to motivate you to the next area/level/phase. Some games dont even need much story because the reward for progression is gettin gud and sick ass upgrades ala metroid. Mario is about the journey and exploration so the motivation is not saving peach but seeing what you find next.

my motivation is recuing peach, using any means necessary.

God speed user, she is probably enjoying a good dicking by bowser and mario needs to go take her home for the night as she has royal duties tomorrow

is the user score getting spammed?

Mario has a better plot than every "interactive cinematic experience" schlock out there
Simple plot doesn't equal bad plot

Have you ever tried not being an insufferable internet neckbeard? Like, try being a normal person for once.

Are people going to review bomb this game too like they did with BotW?

You haven't played Odyssey if you think the word 'collectathon' applies to it.

The fact that you can't see why it's good speaks volumes.
>Playing mario for the story

Did that work for Mass Effect Andromeda?
That game was a fucking trainwreck the whole way through.

Who cares, the user reviews are always either 10s or 0s so it's completely unreliable anyways.

Of course they will. That's a given these days.

>800 moon coins

that's literally what a collectathon is, m8.

>he's not nostalgic for a few hours ago

Were you born yesterday

The gameplay is bad, though. There's no learning process and rewards are handed out at random for performing rote actions.

yo so how the fuck do i throw the cap in a circle

A children’s game shouldn’t have a learning curve

mole mania is miyamoto's best game. fuck mario.

Dubious, but at least we can agree that a game with no learning curve shouldn't be discussed on an 18+ imageboard.

gee I wonder. pic related

good thing that doesn't apply here.

>Mario is about the... exploration

But the worlds are fairly bare-bones. I mean it's not as if its a TES game.

>picture is mirrored
>hat isn't


for one play through then it kinda shit for other play through.

Because they cream their panties to the slight hint of a reference to older games.

That's all BOTW's merit. Otherwise it's terribly bland.

It's the jump button.
Only complete autists dislike jump buttons.

It's the gold standard of platformers.

That said platformers are, to me at least, an inherently inferior genre to games like RPGs.

I say this as a 29 year old accountant, when I play games these days I want to be taken to another world, experience it and its characters, lore, story etc. That to me is a more edifying experience to look back on than collecting coins or whatever.


"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."

Not that guy but
>All Nintendo games are collectathons
No, sweetie~

10/10 means game is perfect and flawless. That includes: mechanics, level design,graphics,music and story.
It has the same gameplay mechanics as other mario games, slightly better level design, average graphics, mediocre music and bad story. It's not the perfect game, but nintendofags think it's the best game ever because it's fun
Game being fun is not a objective thing. Yes, games has to be fun. But just because a game is fun doesn't mean it's perfect. Liking a game and saying it's the best game ever are different things
>inb4 haha sony-gger thinks story is important


>I say this as a 29 year old accountant, when I play games these days I want to be taken to another world, experience it and its characters, lore, story etc. That to me is a more edifying experience to look back on than collecting coins or whatever.

Same m8. Early 30s but don't have the heart for competitive types of games anymore. Just feels like a giant sunk cost of time.

every game is fucking fun you moron, why would you play a game if it isn't fun.

>generic plot
Meanwhile it has the best gameplay not like anything other with fresh ideas that blow your mind. But I guess this doesn't matter

a hat in time has almost the same gameplay. Mario gameplay isn't uniquie, it's good,yes but almost every 3d platformer has same gameplay now

don't even get me started on tes, the best i'll give you is that there is probably 15 unique places in a TES game and everything else is copy pasted

you're a fucking retard

>wandering around giant open area with no enemies anywhere and no interesting scenery
>see a hill
>walk to the top
>You got a moon! "Climb the hill!"
epic, just epic. GOTYAY.

The praise for this game isn't an embarrassment to our medium at all.

>Why do normies like such a simple game
You answered your own question

great counter-argument

Nigger, are you seriously going to claim Mario offers more opportunities for exploration than TES?

Take it easy with the Nintendo fanboyism.

>Buying a Mario for the plot
>Buying a Telltale game for the gameplay
>Buying Minecraft for the graphics
>Buying a Barbie game for the difficulty
>Reading a book for the visuals

OP is a big boy

Because of how you just described it: It's easy to understand, campy and accessible.

HAHA you're right my friend, TES has great exploration. Mario is shit don't buy mario, Skyrim is the greatest game of all time please buy more skyrim. But don't forget to buy a switch for skyrim too, mario is shit but it's worth it

nintendo is perfect

>a mario game
>everyone says it's the perfect game
>everyone says it's the best game of all time
>it's not perfect in every aspect
I'm not saying it's a bad game because it has bad plot. I'm saying it's not the perfect game, because if it's perfect it has to be flawless in everyway, story is one of them

Then TLoU can't be 10/10 because it has shite platforms sections

Oh wait, 10/10 means it's a steep forward for it's genre, and in platforms no one cares about plot

It just werks.

TES does have great exploration.

>Mario is shit

That's not what I said memer. You're ascribing qualities to Mario that aren't even about the sort of game it is. Next you'll be claiming Mario has the best world-building of any game.

Take Mario for what it is, a fun, simple platformer game with a lot of polish.

That's a weird standard. A perfect game should be perfect at everything it tries to do. If a story is just the frame, and not the focus, why would the story need to be anything but servicable?

You're basically saying Rollercoaster Tycoon is not perfect because it does not have perfect multiplayer.

Are you trying to tell me that a game in which you can control over 50 different characters to solve various puzzles etc. is simpler than, say, games where you control a single character and shoot obvious targets in corridors?

Mario's plot is shit sure but I'll never understand how sonyfaggots like narrative games, their story is also crap, but the gameplay isn't there.

>10/10 means game is perfect and flawless
Nah, 10/10 means that it is very, very good. I would agree with you of the rating would be 100/100 or 1000/1000, but a 10 without decimals does not imply perfection. But if you think a game is perfect in every aspect but story - which is not the focus of the game - would you really round that down by such a degree that you couldn't write it as 10/10 anymore?

>Game that can be beaten by the guy who didn't know you could level up in Mass Effect, or Jump and Dash in Cuphead

mario games are for babies.

I would, jump from 9 to 10 is larger than from 8 to 9.

You are talking about difficulty not complexity.

A game can have complex mechanics and still be easy.

Mario games might have a super simple plot, but what makes it entertaining is the fact that Nintendo knows about the way the constantly repeating storylines are received and plays with that. Mario games have been meta about that for more than 10 years now.

>Got the game today
>Not incredibly impressed
>The game is the weakest when compared to 64, SMS and SMG1/2
>Far too easy, platforming is boring and the Moons are quantity over quality
>People act like I'm insulting their self esteem when I give genuine feedback on the game

You're so fucking stupid it hurts. Holy shit, you have no concept of what a good or flawless means. you literally think a flawless game is something that would be liked by everyone and/or perfect in every way, even in things that aren't important to the particular genre.

Compared to Galaxy the game isn't as good in my opinion, Mario Galaxy genuinely deserved a mid 90s metacritic rating, but Odyssey just feels so... barren. Anyone else get this feeing?

10/10 does not imply perfection because rating scales are not objective, but are made relative to what else is on the field. For instance, the greatest games of all time may have some flaws, but they would still get 10's because they come as close to perfect as any other game has, in an ideal world. The 10/10 you are talking about would be based on an objective system, but the real world uses relative rating systems.

he may be autistic but i still enjoy his videos

>simple game
Not a bad thing.
>generic plot
Video games are a diverse medium and don't always require a prominent storytelling aspect to entertain.

>reused since every Mario game
The story in Mario is just there as in the bare minimum to facilitate the gameplay without intruding, hence why they keep reusing it.

It's unabashedly joyful and fun to play but I respect if it is not the sort of game that you are in to. As I said, video games are a diverse medium and I am glad that games also exist which you can enjoy.

I find it kinda weird that you would rate things on a logyrithmic scale, but okay. However you would need to agree that most people don't, unless you're really just quibbling about the word "perfect".

no, 10/10 means perfect. There's no difference between 10/10 and 100/100. They're both full scores. If a game is perfect in every aspect but story I would give it 9/10. And I don't think SMO is perfect in every aspect but story
I think story is important in a perfect game because without a story, game can't make you feel something. Yes, it's fun but that's all. Gameplay gets repetitive after a while, even if it's perfect. I can't say a game is perfect if it hasn't made me feel something.
a game can have good gameplay and good story at the same time. Bad story is a flaw. Yes, it's not a big flaw for a platformer but it's still a flaw

Yup. SMO is a solid 7/10 game while the Galaxy games are higher.

>Game has "hundreds of Moons"
>They're obtained in the most mundane and easy ways
>People think this is better than a level having 6-10 Stars in different scenarios that alter how you traverse the level

Exactly. I couldn't put Galaxy down.

I don't understand why it's scoring as high/if not higher than Galaxy. Nintendo bonus?

How is the story in Mario bad? It's simple, doesn't mean it's bad. I understand how a platform game that's heavy on the story might have problems with it, since it can get in the way of playing the game - like Jak & Daxter - but Odyssey has a simple story, just like Galaxy, and in no way does it change the core game.

>protagonist encounters a problem and proceeds to overcome it
every story ever
why do you care about story in video games when they will always be inferior to written word. If you are arguing that it should be treated as it own category of a visual story telling medium then you are just admitting its inferiority and that it can never be "perfect"


>reviewer who hates FPS reviews newest FPS

>Nintendo bonus?
Yup. I enjoyed BOTW, but that got a Nintendo bonus too when it didn't deserve it. It's sad that people won't be critical of the games they buy.

This. One of the most well written games was good because it was aware of this limitation. It was even named after it.

>There's no difference between 10/10 and 100/100.
I disagree. A video game rating is not the same as a grade in school.

Let's take an extreme example: let's imagine a journalist who only rates his games on a scale of 3. Would it annoy you if he gave a 3 to a game that is not perfect? Would you then argue that it should be a 2, because the gap between 2 and 3 should be larger than between 1 and 2?

>I think story is important in a perfect game because without a story, game can't make you feel something.
That's, in my opinion, a very weird way to look at video games. The primary and defining feature of a video game are its interactions: mechanics, gameplay systems, level design. And I would very much disagree with everyone who says that game mechanics cannot evoke feelings.

for some stories the medium vidya games is great. MGR would not have worked as well as a book for example.

but I disagree with story > gameplay.

It's a videogame plot doesn't matter.

>no, 10/10 means perfect
It might mean that to YOU, but for most people it doesn't. Go to ANY review site and look up how they define their scoring system. No one will state "10/10 = absolute Perfection", it'll be defined as "masterful" etc.

>on Sup Forums
>talking about 'normies'
