Should I tell my female penpal that I play illusion games, or girls don't like games like that?
Should I tell my female penpal that I play illusion games, or girls don't like games like that?
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why not turn that penpal into a penispal
What game is it? Why is it stealing assets to promote it?
made by the same guys. Its not even a game, its just a few animated loops of maybe sex
So I know the company behind these games but they make a lot. Which game are these from?
why won't i last?
Because the frog comes up behind you and kills you while you play
It's the dark souls of won't lasting.
russian hackers
is this the fresh new meme?
They're right, I fucking hate fighting games so I'd quit after 2 min
What is the source of this again?
like 24 seconds maybe if I compose myself
less than 5 minutes apparently
>OP posts stupid clickbait to make fun of it
>literal children start begging for source
>you won't last 0.5 nanoseconds playing this game
not much sempay
Yes I know that but wasn't it a flash game?
Come play master, we're waiting
>literal children are also newfags not knowing popular shit like this
What console is this for?
Wow, watch your language, mister. In fact, my mom would like to have a word with you.
you can't hold a load for 5 hours man, not with an ass like that
ooga booga nigga nigga
I'm black and I know you're full of shit senpai, that ass would suck out your lifeforce like a straw.
Are the two of you going to fuck my mom or not?
people can't ignore bait and sauce fags are at an all time high
I love games like that, AA2, and custom maid 3d but she would probably have no clue what you're talking about without being a degenerate herself.
As a rapefag I'm disappointed with Play Home.
Even doujin rape sims give you a better rape feeling.
calm down retard, it's just shitposting
You deserve a (You)
you think that now but its already to late
Same, but what really pissed me off is that Ritsuko ends up retarded because her sister is a bitch and her mother a skank. Messed up family.
how long until something interesting happens?_I have been raping them for hours and nothing changes. Do I need to fill those circles?[. They're always resistant
After they got 10 traits in total you will get event with mother becoming cock hungry slut, breaking younger daughter with you, and older sister going along with them
After you max all traits
Ritsuko rapes and mindbreak with all girls starting treating you as their sex slave
>how long until something interesting happens?_I have been raping them for hours
made me kek
>having a female pen pal
Thanks user!!__
I made my girlfriend in Honey Select and she thought it was cute.
I'm going to save up for a VR headset so I can play Honey Select during sex and have a threesome with my girlfriend and virtual recreation of my girlfriend.
What the fuck is a penpal, someone you write letters to or some shit? How the fuck do you get one of those?
I don't know, I just googled "Trance Doll 3D" and found it.. they got plenty of other shit like that
Try to leave your basement.
>guys makes the most fuckable model
>makes a super great 2 second animation loop
>does nothing else but give her different outfits
Wasted fucking potential. It's like da vinci writing the blue prints for the first helicopter and doing nothing else but drawing it in different colours
The fuck are you talking about? It has sex scenes.
Wait just a goddamn minute. What figure skating game is there?
the helicopters?? da vinci the madman
>You won't last 5 minutes playing this game
>The game kills you in 5 minutes
You know, there is some actually great suff out there which utterly destroys this hot garbage, you need to just open your eyes.
this one is 10x hotter than
So what website is this? Some sort of cat fishing site?
Not enough
>cell shade
>trying to copy 2d faces onto 3d model
No user. Doesn't hold a candle to a model that actualy has depth to their face.
Some dumb penpal site that's plastered all over Sup Forums. Third world women that want to learn how to speak English by conversing with gullible Western virgins.
That's a bold claim
Do I need to be over 25 to play though?
So what are the odds I'll be able to import a loving Japanese bride I met on this site.
Sauce please.
Zero, even if you attractive enough jap girls for some reason are popular as fuck there.
But you send photos of your dick to the thai girls
"i dont know, I just googled its literal name"
Gimme the name of the site my nigga.
anybody knows where this is from?
Anyone know what this game is?
I saw it, took screenshots, even made a thread on Sup Forums asking if its worth it but fucking forgot to bookmark the site, or even write down the name
Its some second life/Sims esque porn game, I'm only really interested in the character and house customization
Engine is unity if I remember correctly
Looks like another patreon scam like 100% of western porn """"""games""""""
its not, because from what I remember its an already established game, runs in browser or something, has a playerbase etc
I wish I could just remember the fucking name
Cum play, my lord.
you got my attention
>tfw no semen demon to bully me
>Clickbait porn ads
I never understood this shit.
90% of time they use sfm webms based on popular games, how the fuck would anyone think it's legit? Maybe if they would have those ads on some popular porn site but why on places like porn boards on 4chins? Literally everyone here recognizes it as a scam.
Plus, all those ads are practically the same so I'm pretty sure anyone who was clueless enough to click on them in the first place would learn that it's scam and never click on those ads again.
Also, aren't those ads illegal? They're using characters protected by copyrights owned by big companies, can't they get sued the very second said company wants to?
Well, they are making money somehow.
>you must be 25 years old to attempt this 5 minute challenge
you could have downloaded the completed save and skipped all the grind, me personally I'm waiting for the studio
The ads target people who click on ads at all. You don't get it because they're not for you. The people who are more likely to fall for them are people like your dad. He may not jack off to hentai, but he would probably jack off to Simpsons porn or the character from his son's video games. People like that are stupid and click on ads that install viruses or fall for scams. It probably costs them pennies to run these stupid ads, and if they hit one chump for thousands of dollars they make their money back easy.
they're just trying to troll children and normies into clicking them to download scripts to make them bitcoin farms or install ransomeware there's not much to get
>I'm waiting for the studio
Never ever
The dance parts of this were better than the sex parts.
I do yes
Princess on Ice
Why does this shit close instantly on the title screen when the camera movement finishes.
You can even change her costume repeatedly and keep the program open, not permanently though
Thank you but help I don't really understand IRC, command returns "
>SANIC_HEGEHOD< xdcc send 1016
* SANIC_HEGEHOD :No such nick/channel
Nevermind I'm retarded. Found the help button. this better not close on the main menu like the demo does
Looks like something by redapple2.
But are any of them good?
is it a hard game? Like darksouls ? or something?
3dxchat, I believe.
Thats it, thanks a bunch user.
Looking back my filename was a clue to it but I had to sperg out the rest of the title instead of typing it in full so google searching for "3dxd" or whatever turned up nothing, kek