What am I in for, Sup Forums?

What am I in for, Sup Forums?

Pure adventure

A romance system you didnt know existed until the end of the game

Deep pawn philosophy
Things that rot
Unexpectedly amusing parkour
Throwing stuff
A LOT of lolis

>TFW when my dwarf man made out with some random priest character I met at the beginning of the game.

frustration... Not knowing where shit is because of a terrible map. ohh and cool pawns

Offline MMO

You should have bought the PC version

A great game.

Well if I would have known that I would have gotten this shit immediately. They better be actual lolis and not ugly dwarven women

What if OP has a shit PC like me and can't run it very well?

You will not be disappointed.

Masterworks all you can't go wrong

Is the PS3 version fine?
I have a toaster and can't run it

no. it is literally one of the worst running games on consoles in recent history.

Any examples you can link or post?

It's fine don't listen to PC autists

But i've got no other option, user
Thank you

Unless you have a laptop that shipped with Windows XP you will have a better experience on the PC.

You're welcome, don't listen to this retardation it's not true. You absolutely need a good PC to run this game well with good visuals

shitty not-PC version

Selene, look her up on the wiki if you want

Also a lot of pawns for hire. You can even make your main and your pawn lolis. There is a cap that describes some of the things you can do with them.

the game looks like shit even maxed out. the point of the PC version is framerate. Console can't even hit stable 20 much less 30.

I played the 360 version to death and loved it. I've seen gameplay of the Xbone/PS4 version and it looks better but are the frame rate drops fixed? Also, is it 60 FPS now?

Play it and find out you spoon fed retard.

I have this version, it runs well and looks really good for that system.

Thanks dudes, i'm excited to get it
Also what's the difference between Dark Arisen and vanilla?
I'm aiming for DA

I don't know who to listen to any more. Is my pc good enough or not

Yes it's fine


it is good enough to play this game yes. go pirate it and check if you don't believe me.

Dark Arisen has another area, more monsters and gear. It is better
If you have a good PC that will run it better than the PS3/PS4 and with the same graphic quality go for it but if you don't the console versions are not bad at all, there's some slowdowns indeed and it sucks but it's not that bad

>playing the version without Berserk armor and swords
I seriously wish you guys wouldn't do that

>imblyign berserk goodies are worth sacrificing 60 fps and decent textures for

Also, is it true that the 8th gen console versions only run at 30fps?

So they have
Red classes: Strength
Yellow Classes: Agility
Blue Classes: Magic

What would be good 4th addition to the class trees if they made a sequel?

They are though, graphics and fps are overrated here.

Green Class = Luck

Technology-based vocations

the most accurate representation of flawed gem in gaming

All of the shit this game takes is from people who followed the development and knew how much was cut from it before release. If you never knew about it's cut content it would be much more enjoyable on its own. This is the case with a lot of games that are almost unanimously shit on here, just let the game come out and play it at face value, you're searching for unhappiness.

i tend to find those who shit on it are more the people who dont know. they always complain about it not feeling finished.
There is a lot of valid criticism but the fanbase knows that and knows that it deserves a sequel because of how much content was cut. they still love the game and are the reason why it still is being played. the people who followed the game are the ones who truely love it and tell people to play it they are just sad at all the lost potential in how great the game was. i do agree though. it would be more enjoyable if every time i played it i wasnt saddened for everything lost and checking itsunos twitter and google for any news about 2 or DDO in the west

Running it on my i5 4gigs ram integrated graphics laptop. Capped it at 30fps and it stays there. It looks like a ps2 game on lowest graphics and at 800x600

So it's still enjoyable on a toaster
Praise be to MT Frameworks

Amazing atmosphere and fun exploration albeit small world and nonsensical pacing.

I'd also like to say Bitterblack Isle was one of the most fun dungeons of any game I've ever played, and the boss fight was one of the most intense experiences in the entirety of my 25 year gaming history.

Oh, Fournival, my love...

The general rule of thumb is usually to defeat the Dragon and then decide if you want to keep playing.

If you're still unsure goto BBI and then decide.

Most people I know suffer the early game(one of the best parts) and drop it then. This is literally one of those games that is" it gets better x hours in" the real game doesn't start until the dragon dies.

That's a shit PC these days? I ran it perfectly on an i5 with 8GB RAM and an AMD 6800 (GTX 560 equivalent)


A game that is 90% about loot grind and 10% about skill.
Also you can instantly heal inside a pause menu.

Shadow of the Colossus with an actual rpg thrown in for good measure.
And punting wolves.

>Throwing stuff
>A LOT of lolis
Don't forget throwing lolis

good combat
boring ass empty world

Charisma based classes.

Bard, Tactician, Scholar.

This. Combat is amazing and entertaining. Your party is nothing but a party of slaves with stats, classes and abilities. There's very little character development and many quests are plain fetch quests.

I liked DD a lot but it's lacking in many aspects. Combat is something they should put in another series.

Good ol' silk lingerie lolicarrying.

Guys. I played this game on 360. I played this game on PC. Why do I want to get it again?

>Your party is nothing but a party of slaves with stats, classes and abilities





Too bad almost nobody made shotas, because /ss/ Dragon's Dogma sounds amazing.

Friendly reminder to new players that the general on /vg/ is up again and if you don't have a loli warrior pawn it's the best place to get hires

How is it wrong? You just have pawns. They don't mean anything. You can dress yours and make it cute but that doesn't mean it has a history or a motive. It's not different from Dragon Quest IX.

>Falls off a small cliff and takes insignificant fall damage
>"Tis a troubling foe!"

I actually made my pc a shota and main pawn a big breasted mommy gf sorcerer for my third NG+


because you want to vote with your dollars. you hope that someday they will make dragons dogma 2 with your bucks. but you know it will never happen.

With how crazy successful the PC and new console ports have been doing they'd be crazy not to make a real sequel imo. We'll see.

Monk or what the first 3 said.

It's Capcom. No chance of DD2 any time soon.


i was gonna reply with the same thing.
sales are going well but its fucking capcom.

I've played the PS3, 360 and PC versions of the game. DO NOT buy a console version, it hurts to look at, blurry as hell, feels like 540p, fps is around 20. Playing MGS 4 right afterward was like night and day.
On the other hand, the textures aren't Dark Souls 1 tier, so it doesn't look as good as it could on PC either. It's a decent port though and won't make your eyes bleed like the console versions.


>see Sup Forums always talk about Dragon's Dogma over the years and how they want a sequel
>"fuck off. I want my DMC5." I think to myself
>find out that DD got released to current consoles
>buy it to finally see what's up
>tfw week later I'm about to kill the Dragon and want more
Damn, I was missing out. Wish I supported this game sooner.

If Itsuno does either DD2 or DMC5, I'm happy.

>pawn randomly goes fishing in the fountain for coins



Making my pawn le Gutsu was a mistake.


Is there a difference between Dragon's Dogma for the PC and the PS4?

for the longest time I thought he was saying "A master works ore" and just chalked it up to wonky translation.

but yea it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't say that one single line literally every time you talk to him and wasn't the only easily accessible enhancer in the game.

The control scheme, assuming you don't have a controller for PC?

The only significant difference would probably be the effort required to take on the Online Ur-Dragon, and what particular generation it's on.


PC has mods.

You can have hotkeys for items on PC.

I have a PS4 controller for my PC. I assume I'll have to use DS4 or something like that.

A good time.

Just remember that THEY ILL LIKE FIRE!

No 60 fps which is retarded.

>want more
you're in luck.
the dragon isnt the final boss.

Keep in mind, you'll be better having them be a ranged or magical attack. Lolis have low carry capacity, so putting her in full-plate with a greatsword will slow her down a tonne, and lower her stamina too.

Does Warrior really suck that much? What's the worst vocation?

I want to do a Goblin Slayer run, is Assassin the most resourceful class? How good does the leather look?


everything is viable. Vocations don't matter only your playstyle does.

Warrior is pretty good if you can use it properly, but it's just much weaker than assassin or MA or strider so it doesn't stand out. Only mage is a shit vocation and pretty much just a much weaker sorcerer.
Warrior is pretty much a feelgood class and feels really satisfying to play with. Arc of obliteration is always orgasmic to land.

PS4 version has item hotkeys too

One hitting a boss over a cliff will never not be satisfying