Post your weaponfu. Doesn't matter what game it is
Post your weaponfu. Doesn't matter what game it is
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Fuck it, it looks awesome.
Literally any game.
and if it's not good so help me. I'll mod it to be better if I can
*does 99% of damage*
That's my favorite D2 gun but D2 has pretty lame guns in general. I'm going with the vendor Hung Jury from Year 2.
ohhhhh, that sweet sweet scaling!
>that sexy whine on reloads
This gun prevents me from replaying new vegas cause ill default back to using it instead of making a new build
I've had these babies since like MR2 and I haven't stopped using them
my gunfu is beautiful
All things aside, it's all I really need.
How long until someone posts one of those from the madman earlier today.
Wielded by my waifu used to kill other waifu.
tfw ded gam
It's dead already? I figured the expansions would save it but I guess DICE never gave a fuck about improving the game after launch anyway.
always and forever
It is on PC and in Australia desu so thats pretty fuckin ded in my eyes.
There's a pretty ridiculous number of ways you could kill someone with a portal gun.
looks sorta like Deckard's gun
Remember when this wasn't a giant spatula?
That's because it is.
Ultra greatswords never felt right in any of the Dark Souls sequels. The fact that they fucked up the way that one looked was just salt on the wound.
Yeah but that giant spatula also golf swing'd so thats the better version
I've been cheating with AK-12 lately though.
You could kill someone with a dead chicken. The portal gun isn't really a weapon any more than some power tool is
>Places one portal above enemy's head, and another beneath a boulder
>places one portal on side of skyscraper, another beneath enemy's feet.
>places portals directly above and below an enemy, waits until they hit Terminal Velocity, then removes lower portal.
...and on and on...
Great for freakishly creative kills as well as a quick getaway if things go sour.
So a chainsaw or a machete wouldn't count as a weapon to you? What about dynamite? Or a makeshift club from a large tree branch? Anything goes, really, depending on how you define 'weapon'.
Good taste.
I myself prefer the Wunderwaffe DG-2 though.
>shoot a person in the center of mass with a portal gun
>nothing happens
>Throwing a grenade at a person in center mass
>it bounces off
The wingstick from RAGE. The game wasn't that great, but goddamn those were so satisfying to use.
pretty gud, but i don't like that black cocks 3 version. doesn't feel as strong or just isn't as satisfying
Not if you throw hard enough
>Throws Portal Gun at enemy hard enough
>Skewers enemy on Zero Point Gravity Manipulator prongs on front
Am I doing it right?
It's as much a gun as a grease gun is
fucked scaling aside,
>literal fucking cannon
This is the best gun.
1's is too tiny, even the Zwei looks bigger.
When the Zwei is getting uppity you know you fucked up.
Was always my go to weapon after I had it completely decked out. The Compliance Regulator, Survivalist's Rifle, and Graham's pistol are close contenders though.
Hell, the All-American too. New Vegas had so many fun weapon choices.
Idk if you played after they patched it but it's ridiculously OP now. Aside from killing the 10 zombies as it usually does it also stuns all nearby zombies that didnt get killed.
I like this version better to be honest.
>slaps your mom with my dick
>gives birth to you nine months later
They are about the same size. Zwei's a little longer, greatswords thicker. Also dem leo ring counters god damn.
will always be my favorite weapon
mah nigga
i've never noticed it do that before, interesting.
Look at this babe.
>hand loader ammo
>cowboy perk
I got spurs.
when the shit hits the fan, it gets you through
Either this means that I'M a weapon, or you've run out of arguments.
Anyhow, combine with the ASHPD's Zero Point Gravity Manipulators to give it both guns' abilities, and you've got the real best gun. And again, anything can count as a weapon in the right hands. Even a glorified power tool like the Portal Gun of Gravity Gun.
How is the flak cannon not everyone's top gun?
>primary fire shoots out heated chunks of metal like a shotgun
>carries 50 fucking rounds
>no reloading required
>good rate of fire
>pretty much instant death if close range
>can bounce shards around corners and off the ground
>secondary fire is a flak grenade launcher
>grenade launcher doesn't take up any extra ammo, takes from the same 50 as primary fire
>ammo is always plentiful
>can easily alternate from spraying a cloud of super heated metal chunks to launching grenades
Seriously, this gun is a fucking death machine.
While I love the model, it felt weightless and floaty compared to the SPAS-12 in the original.
I got really lucky and got the Acid Shells mod as my first drop from Thaym. Feels so great to pull the trigger and watch an entire hallway of enemies just melt.
It's stupid and that's why I love it
The sound of this thing was the coolest shit when I was younger. No gun in vidya has come close to capturing its equal besides MAYBE, Doom 2016's BFG.
Shame Duke Nukem Zero Hour didn't get its time in the sun. It was honestly a pretty good Duke Nukem game once you figured out its wonky n64 controls and 3rd person view.
>Literally hold fire and run forward
>Nobody else can see a fucking thing
Please die. You play Ember too, don't you
>UT99 version
*Gets outclassed by the Sybaris Prime, and Sicuris Prime*
>Not posting the Paladin Toaster
I'm the one who ran out of arguments? You're the one who made the hurr throwing a portal gun and throwing a grenade is comparable "argument"
When the default weapon is the best weapon
This thing makes no sense
I think you meant the Industrial Hand, user.
boolet come out hole
boolet kill man
all is need to kno
>whoooo whoo whoo whoo whooooooooooo
Cause it kept gettjng nerfed in every new game. The game didnt want you to like it
Any idiot would know not to shoot an enemy directly with the Portal Gun because it isn't designed to work that way; likewise, a grenade isn't meant to be thrown directly at an enemy, but rather within close proximity to one. The point was that knowingly using a weapon the wrong way doesn't making it less of a weapon. It just makes you clueless.
forever and always
Dual Wielding in a Fallout game FUCKING WHEN!?!?!?
Older fallouts technically did when you were quad burst firing 2 p90s on a single turn
> Cybernetically enhances oneself with Mr. Gutsy arms.
> Can now wield all three Fists at once
On each iteration of Doom, this will always be my gunfu
It makes you gay since you still didin't make a argument
Airshitters please go
guess im the real shitter here for forgetting the pic
I wish you could still obtain a Mr. Gusty as a companion, like in 3. Was probably the only fucker I cared about besides Fawkes, and it wasn't even special in any way compared to the others.
I'm sure there's probably a NV and/or 4 mod for this, I should look it up.
It makes you an idiot. An argument WAS made. It went over your head. Either way, I'm not derailing this topic any further. The Portal Gun can still be used to kill someone, even if it is through an indirect means - but then, by that definition, even a normal gun does that - it's the bullets that do the killing. My point is that the Portal Gun is as valid a weapon as anything else posted in this thread, even if it is indeed more of a tool than a conventional 'gun'. That's all I'm going to say on this matter. Feel free to keep acting like a child over it, though.
Waste of certs
They buffed the fuck out of it the last few patches, 1-2 of them can take down just about anything in the air as long as you stay away from enemy armor. Had a streak earlier today where I killed 5 ESFs in about 2 minutes.
even if it's shit, it's fun as hell
I'd pay for a replica
There was this one solar cannon an user posted here a while back, but I can never find the video. That gun was amazing.
>Sybaris Prime
Nice sidegrade
they nerfed flak aside from the skyguard anyways, so ranger sundy isn't great anymore. haven't tried walkers though
I still can't wrap my head around how this piece of shit works.
I haven't gotten the chance to play the new skyguard yet since I got bored of the game earlier this year. I want to play it again but can't because my pc is shit and it needs an upgrade. Anyway I regret buying it because I realized that AA sundaes are just better in almost every way to skyguards
Technically, if you mod power armor arms in Fallout 4, it's like dual-wielding power fists.
'Nuff said.
I deleted the comment cus of bad grammar but walker sundies are godlike bcus of they're range. If you got 2 people sitting in a walker sundy they can very easily kill air craft upclose and from a distance if they're can aim. Only esf are tricky bcus they fast and you got no flak
most robust weapon of all time coming through
no, i use it on Inaros
I beg to differ. Behold the mightiest weapon of all time!